Chinese reboot Apartheid colonialism in Africa
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And the funny part is that they won't show any mercy or cuck out after the recolonization is all said and done.
Surprise! y'all are still just niggers. what did you expect? you got something they want and they convinced you to give ti to them for peanuts.
Those Kenyans are just evil racist bigots for not allowing the Chinese to work in their country. Concerns that the immigration authorities have been compromised? Must be bigots putting that idea in people's heads.
another ally in the future invasion of china by the rest of the world. if it is the middle kingdom it can be divided by the world?
MAGA (repurposed to Make Africa Great Again.)
China's such a piece of shit
They're just filling in the blanks between the old Trans-african railway project built by the British Empire, from Egypt to South Africa
And Europeans aren't going to save them either. Knowing Asians are going to crush the very reason for existing out of the third world in our absence is the only thing that gives me joy.
Maybe the niggers are the problem.
Niggers stink and have a high propensity for crimes.
how will the SJW respond to this shit?
They won't because the vocal ones are paid state actors
Like poetry.
Well at least they're giving it a crack.
Based gook tells intelligent black how it is and he knows it's the truth. Empire of Dust on youtube.
And so the invasion begins going into Africa instead of coming out of it. Shame it isn't Somalia getting raped, but you can't have everything you want immediately.
Nice karma! I hope the chinks demands the interracial breeding to be illegal.
The weak should fear the strong.
t. boomcucks
Good. Once the pandemic breaks out in Africa, it will go straight to China. I was worried Chine may be able to skip out on it. Looks like it will be front and center. Can't wait for the day to come.
It's going to be beautiful.
Go China!
Chinese unemployment issues aside, surely it must be more expensive to fly Chinese workers back and forth and to pay their higher wages than to hire local.
That tells you everything you need to know about how reliable and productive the “work force” in these countries is. Hint: not very.
They don't fly them back and forth constantly. Also some of the chinese look for african wives, since they don't have so many women back home. That makes the africans somewhat cucked, in a way. And as far as productivity goes, well the chinese aren't docile on them. There's no HR departments or whatever to complain to.
Are you disagreeing with me? Because even a single flight would increase the labour cost compared to somebody who already lives in the damn country you’re building the railroad in. And according to OP, they’re shuttling the workers without the proper visas every six months.
But that’s besides the point I was trying to make anyways, so let me spell it out: they’re not using locals because the locals are useless.
especially knowing we are not going to save negroes, right?
South Africa didnt have to either, what with advancing automation technology eliminating the need for cheap and nearly retarded labor.
All they needed were global range icbms. That was all they were missing.
So what if it costs some extra money, if the resources they get are worth it. That and getting their foot in the door instead of US or Europe.
Pressuring South Africa to end apartheid was such a huge mistake. It seemed so unfair at the time, but hindsight tells us that we didn't know just how savage those fucks really were.
Not significantly. You're getting people who have already been trained up to your standards, who know your language and customs. Over the course of several months, that's easily worth the cost of a plane ticket, completely disregarding reliability and productivity issues, at least where you need trained people. Ditch diggers are another matter, of course.
Kewl. Yellows and brown makes poop diareah and that's all Africa is and everyone needs to know that everything east of America is blonde turds and black shit from yao Ming and Michael Jordans sweaty air one gym shorts that have an inanimate man dunking an imaginary ball because they are schizophrenic and this needs known and China needs to just poop yellow shit on them from their shit yellow faces and then get the poop Feces from the faces into Africa the shithole to get all the fences placed byy Nelson "masta" mandella the inventor of slavery sent back to France those fucking stupid bagette faggot fuckers I bet they fuck baugettes because french are homo gays and suck gay cheese dicks and suck on big dick shaped building , I mean two words for the for fucks sake fuck France fuck Canada fuck their hairy whore buttholes
Of course.
The mentally ill honestly think that if whitey disappears one day they will achieve their socialist utopia of milk and honey, where all the nations will hold hands and sing kumbaya and not billion or so soulless insectoids that will wipe them out just because they feel like it.
You: dud, guess what , (race). And (info about race). And (comment about superiority of people with a sskin color. And red sock wearers are so good. They are are so much more betterer tthan the blue sock wearers. Everyone I'z jus jelius of me. Everyone just wants to be me. Nobody knows or cares who I am and I have never contributed one thing to the greater good, but if I post (rant about another which is just me projecting my insecurities about my inadaquecy , because he sucks therefore I don't suck is good math in fantasy laand)
Kill yourself you annoying redundant dunce
Assmad communist detected.
I may not be there to see it but i know the chinks will make you regret you were ever born.
You and professor Goldstein from intersectional gender studies will get what is coming to you.
I don't get it.
Because you're retarded
It's a joke about the Flex Tape infomercial guy, he destroys things and says "that's a lotta damage" and then fixes it with tape
not just that but doing everything to be an isolationist country then complain when china fills in the void left behind
I just stopped by to say anime is for faggots and niggers
That joke is old on reddit and facebook but not here. Content hits this place last now. This is wjere memes go to die, theu arent born here
The Africans might be cheaper but they don't work and do everything wrong.
Ok so its just a shit unfunny facebook meme, explains why it isn't posted on here.
Is it true that he's still out there somewhere waiting for his gravel?
if you actually read this whole thread then youd understand the context and see that it is a little bit funny, 4/10
Good for China.
I don’t want to take the bus with smelly niggers either, but I don’t have a choice.