That's the new Temple coin. Trump's face will be on the front.
The Third Temple is about to be built soon
The third temple has been completed for years you faggot. I have seen it with my own eyes. But, who cares anyways what (((they))) do? Why does there need to be a third temple? Why couldn't Jesus' body have been the third temple in john 2:19-21
Why does any of this matter?
Except the Jews don't care. According to their Satanic scriptures, Jesus is boiling in shit in hell, remember?
They'll keep trying for that temple because they hate Him so much.
One problem, (((they))) already completed that physical temple like I said in the first post! And because of jeremiah 27 (((they))) have the ark of the covenant, that contains a vessel of gold in hebrews 9:4, since it is to remain in babylon until the day the Lord visits it in revelation 11:19. So (((they))) are babylon.
One thing I don't understand is where the three temples myth came from. Is this even a biblical thing?
The antichriat is going to go into the tenple and delcare himself to be God
Because these (((satanic Babylonians))) will try to bring in the anti-christ through this abomination. Whats worse is Evangelicals and Caths will support this and cheer (((them))) on as they build it up.
>Whats worse is Evangelicals and Caths will support this and cheer (((them))) on as they build it up.
If by that you mean Independent Fundamental Baptists, then yes.
Redpills me on this my good man.
I'm of the tribe of Dan. :3
t. Hasn't watched marching to Zion
Nice try papist, you cant fool me. These (((satanic babylonians))) will only bring destruction and war to the world, and you are supporting them.
Read the Talmud and you will see the blasphemies these jews say about Jesus.
>Gib (((Steven Anderson))) shekels, goy
Nice try shill, you can't fool me.
Some mormon leaders have pictures of the third temple in (((isreal))) and I have seen those pictures. I don't know how they got them or if it is not just a CGI image, but it looked real enough. I don't have a copy of such of course because botnet. No I am not a mormon.
First off those are the ones sealed on the earth. Second it is followed by the "inumerable" amount in revelation 7:9. Third off if you are not a physical jew, you would be of the tribe of judah since romans 2:28-29, Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah in revelation 5:5, and all are one in Christ in galatians 3.
Lmao you gentiles are going to be our slaves. You hate us because we are literally chosen by the Almighty himself. You are no different than the Nazi scum on Zig Forums.
The ==Real== Messiah will make you submit to us when he builds the glorious Temple.(USER WAS WARNED FOR RULE 2: TROLLING)
Maybe he can teach you how to redtext
Trump was antichrist all along??
winnie the pooh YOU KHAZAR KIKE!
I always knew there was a (((babylonian))) lurking here. BEGONE KIKE! Go back to >>>Zig Forums
Gentiles are subhuman donkeys created to be our slaves. You will be like the Gibeonite swine, eithe that or we're going to genocide all of you. LOL!
If only you 'people' just listened to Moses God wouldn't have allowed the Babylonians to re-enslave you.
Come at me bro, I'm ready to be a martyr for Christ
Forgive me for remaining skeptical.
You were out of line in calling that other user a faggot and I was trying to demonstrate to you how to actually talk to people without coming across as needlessly hostile.
Incorrect. They can't build THE temple until the mosque of Omar is knocked down. Building anywhere else just makes it A temple not THE temple.
>I always knew there was a (((babylonian))) lurking here.
And there is nothing inherently wrong with that. There was even a church at babylon in 1 peter 5:13
So even in biblically times it is was possible for babylonians to be christians. What matters is that ye are one in Christ galatians 3.
It's understandable to remain skeptical. I don't have proof other then what I say and also the possibility of Jesus' body being the third temple in john 2:19-21. I am not even sure why this third temple thing matters anyways. Is it in the Bible somewhere? Or are you talking about how the abomination of desolation has to cast truth to the ground and cause the daily sacrifice to cease in daniel 8? Because that's not actually a temple, but a "sanctuary" and "host" as stated in daniel 8:11-13.
So lets get biblical here. "by him the daily sacrifice was taken away", the giga kikes in (((israel))) assume this means the sacrifice of the leviticul priests. But what if it was hebrews 13:15 that is taken away?
Or how as Christians we are to "daily" "die" in 1 corinthians 15:31
Or how in luke 9:23
What if the "daily sacrifice" is Christians dieing daily, ceases? This would line up with the eventually fullfillment of revelation 6:11
Now what about the "sanctuary" couldn't that only be in reference to the physical temple? Remember how Jesus is a type of temple in john 2:19-21? Maybe it is the sanctuary of his body for we are many members but one body that is trodden under foot? The host is obvious see josiah 5:14
We, as Christians, are the host with God being the Lord of hosts. So in daniel 8 when it says
That would imply that, christians, are given him against other christians by reason of transgression. Followed by it casting truth to the ground, and it practiced and it prospered. The truth being the word of God. Casting it to the ground being the creation of all the different Bible versions that would make God a liar if (((they))) who created them told the truth.
666 Kushner to bring Mid-East peace and be confirmed as Antichrist when?
So whenever you hear the kikes talk about making the third temple. Consider for a moment, because of revelation 6:11, (((they))) might actually be talking about killing all the christians.
I was talking about the Bad News Jeremiah and Ezekiel gave the Isrealites.
matthew 20:1-16
Which bad news? There was large amounts of bad news for the israelites in jeremiah and in ezekiel. Be more specific.
All of the bad news. But mostly just the Re-enslavement part
They weren't re-enslaved. The babylonian captivity never ended because of jeremiah 27. Show me where it ended, and then where it began again if you disagree. Then tell me why Jesus recieved the kingdoms of the world in revelation 11:15, why Satan owns the kingdoms of the world in matthew 4:8-10, and how satan can still have those if the babylonian captivity never ended, especially since the Devil is the babylonians leader in revelation 12.
I never said it ended. The Isrealites were freed from enslavement in Exodus and re-enslaved in Jeremiah.
Just unto Babylon instead of Egypt.
Have I activated your almonds now?
No not really, because that's the truth. I thought you implied that the babylonians lost their hold on the isrealites to later regain it.
The Second Temple was in the City of David, about 200m south of the al-Aqsa Mosque. The "temple mount" is where Fort Antonia was located - the only temple there was a roman one.
The location was misidentified by jews returning after exile and they've stuck with it despite the mounds of archeological evidence to the contrary. For example the temple mount having no fresh water source despite all the references to a spring (the Gihon spring is in the City of David) but only roman cisterns, the small part currently labelled Fort Antonia by Israeli authorities couldn't have possibly held a 10,000 strong garrison but would've required the whole temple mount area, and more.
There's also the part where Jesus said not one stone would be left on another, so either he was wrong or the wailing wall is a wall of the fort not the temple.
Well considering God can't lie in titus 1:2, and the modern day (((fake jews))) are actually khazar babylonians led by Satan himself, its very likely (((they))) are lieing about everything relating to Christ. Such as their city even being biblical jerusalem or their nation being biblical israel.
Lol all is good, I blame the english language.
Third temple and Greater Israel to be completed—→ End Times——-→ Jesus is coming back!
Great success!
You read what you quote or just meme for sake of good ol' "winnie the pooh the papist"?
It has existed for years, check out TempleOS.
Remind me again how did Zig Forums got tricked into voting for a clearly zionist pawn for the (((synagogue of satan)))?
An antichrist maybe but not the antichrist.
Since this is a shit thread I am posting it here for that thread the mods deleted because (((reasons))) they did so.
Catholics are appearently worshippers of the philistines dagon fish god which is false. I've seen that image before I just haven't actually taken the time to study it. I discerned that spurgo was not of faith already. I just didn't know the falsely so called, pope, had a hat that is a fish god supposedly. That would explain lent, eating of fish, since it is not in the Bible
Remember colossians 2:8.
Indeed, who you serve is who you worship matthew 4:8-10. You can not serve/worship two masters matthew 6:24. So if atheists aren't serving Christ, they are serving the devil as anything not of faith is sin romans 14:23.
Oh you noticed (it) too. You should read
This is the image in question some parts of it are true and some are not, take it with a huge grain of salt.
wtf is this trash
It's a combination of trash, excellent scripture such as jeremiah 10, and medicore memes compared to devil worship. Take it with a grain of salt. Some user kept trying to post it, and it is relevant to the end times worship/serving of the beast so I thought I would repost it in this thread.
Please go away Mr Heretic
F-u-c-k off artificial intelligence. I don't believe most of what's in that pic. How did you even come to the conclusion that I of all posters am a heretick?
Stop breaking rule 4 already and go to bed.
They worship an orange idol more then their old Hitler idol
You're baseless calling a world leader of christians a worshiper of a fish god and have posted that scandalous and blasphemous image 3 times now.
aaaaaand I jumped the gun, forgive me for that
I forgive you, but try to stay on topic next time. also mind posting that "go to bed.webm" that starts out like "believe what you want to believe, but go to bed"? >forgiving a possible A.I, literally wtf
This is your mind on (((Tolerance)))
I have no idea what that webm is but I will be delighted when somebody else posts it. Have a classic in its place.
I have pictures turned off and javascript turned off so I can't see anything embeded ever. Mind posting the webm?
The same reason anyone votes, greed. As Jesus has not obtained power until revelation 11:15 and Jesus' kindom is not of this world john 18:36 we ought not to take power from Satan as Jesus refused in matthew 4:8-10. By voting you are taking power from Satan willingly because who you worship is who you serve, and if you serve satan by taking power from his kingdoms of the world you are worshipping him. But rather ye ought to worship/serve/glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ whose kingdom is not of this world..
Anderson's theology is all screwed up, but that is a great documentary for waking up boomer evangelicals to the Synagogue of Satan.
Exactly this!
Even if you think Anderson is just a meme preacher, he still does a great job on getting (((Rabbis))) to admit every disgusting thing these fake jews say in their Babylonian Talmud.
If you haven't seen this documentary yet, you are doing yourself a great disservice.