JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A 10-year-old girl has bled to death after undergoing female genital mutilation in Somalia, an activist said, a rare confirmed death in the country with the world’s highest rate of the practice.
The girl died in a hospital on Monday, two days after her mother took her to a traditional circumciser in a remote village outside Dhusamareb town in central Galmudug state, Hawa Aden Mohamed with the Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development said in a statement.
“The circumciser is suspected to cut an important vein in the course of the operation,” Mohamed said.
About 98 percent of women and girls in the Horn of Africa nation undergo female genital mutilation, according to the United Nations. While Somalia’s constitution prohibits the practice, Mohamed said no laws have been enacted to ensure that those who perform the circumcisions are punished.
Lawmakers are “afraid of losing their political clout among the all-powerful conservative traditional and religious groups bent at retaining the practice,” she said.
Health workers have warned against the risks of the practice which in most cases the external genitalia is removed and the vagina is sewn almost closed.
Despite campaigns in Somalia against the practice it is “clouded in secrecy, so reducing it has been a massive challenge,” said Brendan Wynne with the New York-based Donor Direct Action, which connects women’s activists worldwide.
Over 200 million women and girls in 30 countries across three continents have experienced genital mutilation, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said earlier this year, calling it a “gross violation of the human rights of women and girls.”
The U.N. Population Fund projects that the estimated 3.9 million girls subjected to genital cutting every year will rise to 4.6 million by 2030 due to expected population growth unless urgent action is taken.
10-year-old Somali girl dies after her mother mutilates her genitals
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Reproduction should be a privilege.
And no value was lost…
The world needs less niggers.
Meanwhile, in America, over a hundred baby boys die every year in consequence of circumcision.
The lucky ones.
lmao these fucking jews i tell you what
Too bad nobody could convince your parents before your whore mother spread her legs and your piece of shit spineless father emptied his tiny testicles into her.
That way, I wouldn't have to read your bullshit anymore.
Just neck yourself and you won't have to read any bullshit by anyone ever again. Easy.
Apparently, reproduction already is a privilege, just like getting laid as a privilege…
A privilege that you don't deserve
That's the only explanation for your inability to convince even the ugliest fattest woman to climb into bed with you, let alone to invest her life into your miserable little video game-playing existence
You are really out of testosteron, aren't you, Jewnieguy?
Lol@ you not being able to spell testosterone
found the jew
fact: being Jewish increases your chance of being born with a much larger penis than a white guy
fact: being jewish increases your chances of getting pussy
…..and you're living proof
well, before you get your hopes up, allow me to clarify…
I'M living proof of the bigger penis and history of fucking hundreds of white girls….
and you're living proof that white guys have tiny penises and can't get any pussy….
Dammit! I forgot to turn down the opacity on the smoke! But I'm not Neptune, so pleeze don't hate. I'm no demi-god of image manipulation.
It will all run much smoother after I delete a few private files out of my picsart account, and then you can feel free to have access to it if you want.
You don't have to stay in that account if you don't want to. You can jump into my account to use content, and then log out and back into your own account if you want
It's actually got a shit ton of pretty damn good shit tons… Lol
I'm in a really strange mood today
Earlier, Wendy and I were waiting for word on a business deal, and it finally went through, and I should be elated right now, and although I'm not particularly down in the dumps or depressed, I'm simply not elated….
I'm just in a strange mood
I've got another splitting God damn headache
And I just feel kind of off today
I wonder if you have the external perspective required to understand how ironic it is that you misspelled the word 'testosterone'
Tonight would probably be the perfect night to mosquitoes with a sledgehammer all night long in a virtual setting…….
And although I'm about to go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, (one of the only ones I actually enjoy, because a lot of my friends are there) when I get out of the meeting I'm definitely going to be in the mood to make people miserable………
Stop posting any time, blogposting nigger
Thank you very much for your suggestion, and I will be sure to take that into consideration whenever I have some free time from my busy blogging schedule.
Have your image board posting people get in touch with my blogging people, and we'll try to make something happen
Did you know eric and dylan were gay and thats why they were bullied? Columbine is a tragic love story come to an end.
Why do you still have a 'reaction folder'? What are you, a kid?
I wonder what people who have the need to put the word nigger in their post are compensating for
The same as when people post anime reaction images
true. In fact, they french kissed deeply and passionately before committing suicide.
Dylans mom even said in an nbc interview that she allowed the production team on elephant to use dylans diaries in an effort to show a rounded picture where her son wasnt just depicted as a monster.
Go watch mde and jack off to anime kids
Many gay public relations experts thought it best to downplay Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's possible homosexuality. "We have to take a very cautious approach," Ben Stilp of Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation told Boston's Bay Windows. "Ultimately the kind of story that could get out there is that gay and lesbian youth in high school can be confused and prone to violence." Fearing violence, the local sheriff reportedly told staffers at Equity Colorado to "lay low" and not respond to rumors.
"The two homosexual boys came to school Tuesday in fatigues, pipe bombs strapped to their chests and shotguns… under their long black coats…. with one thing on their minds– to kill students who refused to accept their perversions,"
See I can green text too, now go jack off to your cartoon kids
Timothy Lastinger, a fellow student who witnessed the two boys' suicide told KUSA News that, "they finally stopped shooting, and they walked up to each other and put their arms around each other. They started kissing each other, with their tongues, the way you would kiss a girl. They were crying like women, and they told each other 'I love you' and they committed suicide right in front of me."
This is why elephant came out almost 2 decades later. They had to wait on society to become more open to the concept of homosexuality. The movie was by no means a justification, it was to give much needed perspective on the situation. It was to show how negativity perpetuates negativity.
Have you ever asked yourself why you have reaction images? Dont you realize you are following a herd? Are you not an individual?
Honestly someone needs to create a video breaking down their love and pain.
asshole!!! I'm in an NA Meeting, and you just made me bust out laughing
I always introduce myself at MA Meetings by saying, "I'm Andrew, and I'm a dick…… ted to drugs!"
Can we foster some more negativity up in here?
Be back in an hour
PRO-TIP: Circumcision is haram and any (((muslim))) who says eitherwise is a damned munafiqeen faggot.
Boii, I think he was being satirical -.-
Why are you disrespecting your fellow junkies as they get their 5 mins in the spotlight to tell war stories?
Sure, im down
found the muslims
inb4 typofags: otherwise'
ITT 8ch anons line up to get their vaginas sewed shut.
Triggered schlomo?
parents are monster
children should be stolen from parents and given to SUPREME PEDOS, pedos would care about child and have fun with them
and niggers africans should be removed. nigger holocaust needed
are you a cuck?
real men rape women
.>Somali girl dies after her mother mutilates her genitals
This. We should all react as niggers like the based tumblrinas we are
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
…during my Narcotics Anonymous Meeting, there was a lot of laughter and joking around…
…and it put me in a much better mood than I was in when I went to the meeting…
…and I decided that I'm going to spend this evening behaving in a more amicable mood…
…and there's a good chance I probably won't torture you guys all night long…
…in fact, I'm going to be hard to pick out of the crowd tonight….
For no particular reason at all
on a fluke
truly fucked up shit
bumping for genital mutilation
These savages are incapable of empathy, yet expect it from others or else islamophobia! Double standard bullshit. Incinerate that shithole country and extract any resources of actual value.
The motjer was just trying to help!!!
*words about a tragic event*
And therefore, that event + i exist = push my agenda
what agenda might that be?
How's that gene targeting superbug coming along? Better be ready soon.
who'd want a wife with no pussy lips or clit?
we need to import more of these people to our countries.
as if feminists weren't bad enough on their own.