Should I buy this used Kalashnikov USA ak-47 for $500?

I've been wanting an AK and this is right in my budget. I don't need anything fancy, I just want to plink beer bottles mostly. That said, I don't want to buy a piece of crap that's going to have awful accuracy where it can't hit the broad side of a barn and break in less than a year.

I don't have any experience with AKs, and much experience in general with semi auto rifles. I did work for a company that made rifles but it was on the AR platform. I've almost exclusively shot old bolt action Mausers growing up because that's the only thing my dad likes.

So yeah. Any advice for how I should assess the condition of this thing would be helpful. It doesn't look like it's been used very much, or if it has, its been refinished. Is this going to be about the same as a wasr (which is bottom of the barrel from what I know) or is this company better? Someone has also suggested I get a Ruger mini-14 instead for a similar price

Attached: ak4.jpg (2048x1152 1.47 MB, 1.44M)

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They all suck, bro. Just get a wasr or npap instead.


But why

Thank you for taking user's advice on /b/ and coming here instead. If you want an AK, follow the advice gave. Burger AKs do suck, save up for an Eastern European one.
Although you did say you didn't want an AR, if price is your primary limitation, just go for one. You can get decent quality ones for cheap, especially if used.
Mini-14s are gay, but for a plinker you could do worse.

If I could actually own anything more suited for war than a smoothbore Vepr-12, then with $500 the last thing I would buy is a burger ak-47 clone. I'd rather get an AR or a proper .308 rifle.

Buy an AR or save up for an arsenal or something nice. Even a waser is better as long as you make sure to check the rivets, mag well wobble and bolt carrier for peening to avoid getting a lemon.

Other than maybe the forged gen 3 PSA AKs this user is 100% correct


Get a WASR

Just save the 500 buckaroos and get yourself a PSAK47 instead

You know they're garbage, right?

Nope. In case you couldn't tell, I don't know much about AKs, which was the whole premise of this post. I literally did not know that they suck, until everyone told me that they do

So this ak looks like a flat trunnion stamped yugo kit build. Kalashnikov usa doesn't make full aks yet just receivers. The receivers are pretty good I've used them before. If it headspaces right and its 500 after taxes and fees its not a bad deal. Worst part is that you have no idea who the builder is and if it wasn't assembled right it will fall apart in your hands.

Look out for
(the little buttons on the side of the receiver)
(The circle in the rear sight block where the finish is worn off on the bottom)
(the front sight block is out of alignment with the rear sight block)

in the military or what?
also this belongs in the qtddtot thread.

Isn't that almost what a new ak costs? What are you saving, $100? Why would you risk $500 to maybe save $100?

No, buy something else for $500.

i will be getting an AR-15 instead. a wasr is just out of my price range.

Good choice, I recommend PSA for poorfags like you. Here are some tips
I'm sure you can figure the lower out.

The real question is have any of you ever bought one of these?

Attached: ak47-barreled-receiver-image-product-product-product-product-product-product-product-product-product-product[1].jpg (1000x540, 338.54K)

Bumping because I'm curious about this too

Attached: ImWPSiW.jpg (1920x1137, 240.62K)

>ultra-rich Americans have to buy them from (((merchants)))

Surely you could build an AK from scratch for less than $500 Ameros, right?

What do you mean "from scratch"

Need that video of the guy that made a mac 10 with garage door parts

Nevermind, found him. Feds finally caught up to him.
If this New Jersey garage handyman can make a mac 10 out of his job's scrap parts, I assume anyone on here can do the same and better.

Attached: 1234.png (792x188, 17.54K)

Those are parts kit builds on a new barrel and receiver but missing the fcg and furniture. Generally made of romainian parts but expect whatever parts kit was cheapest at the time of order. Assembling an ak at this stage is easier than an ar15 build and can be done in 30 minutes or less if you have all the parts on hand. It will be more expensive than if you ordered the kit barrel and receiver yourself and got with a local builder.

Attached: 20180329_232232.jpg (5312x2988, 6.09M)