One FBI text message in Russia probe that should alarm every American

It is no longer in dispute that Peter Strzok held animus for Donald Trump, who was a subject of his Russia probe, or that he openly discussed using the powers of his office to “stop” Trumpfrom becoming president. The only question is whether any official acts he took in the Russia collusion probe were driven by those sentiments.

For those of you with goldfish attention spans, there are just five words, among the thousands of suggestive texts Page and Strzok exchanged, that you should read.

Strzok: There’s no big there there
May 19, 2017

The date of the text long has intrigued investigators: It is two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign.

Since the text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it referred to the evidence against the Trump campaign.

This month, they finally got the chance to ask. Strzok declined to say — but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses.

The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was “there.”

So the FBI agents who helped drive the Russia collusion narrative — as well as Rosenstein’s decision to appoint Mueller — apparently knew all along that the evidence was going to lead to “nothing” and, yet, they proceeded because they thought there was still a possibility of impeachment.

Impeachment is a political outcome. The only logical conclusion, then, that congressional investigators can make is that political bias led these agents to press an investigation forward to achieve the political outcome of impeachment, even though their professional training told them it had “no big there there.”

And that, by definition, is political bias in action.

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……And what's supposed to be alarming about that text, exactly?

big if true

That would be proof that the FBI is a political secret police organization. As for what we're going to do about it, well, football season starts in about a month.

Fake news
no fbi collusion

fuck off

How are things in Washington, Agent?

Here, have a (You).

Yeah, this is really alarming

Obama's birth certificate isn't real
No one died at Sandy Hook
No one died at Las Vegas
Pulse Nightclub shooting was fake
9/11 was an inside job
the media lies all day
the alt-media are shills

this guy Peter Strzok is really CIA, and somehow his private texts got leaked so that a corrupted congress can take him apart at the same time they're all sitting around wondering how they can get facebook and twitter to censor everyone even harder than they are

read it stupid


the truth doesn't fear investigation, obviously there was something there funny how it worked out almost like it wasn't a mere (((coincidence)))

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How are things in La La Land…looney

feel my benis you weird faggots

Again: what's supposed to be alarming about that text?

this probably reminds you of a text you sent to a girl describing your genitals

The ONLY thing you said that was correct was the 9/11 thing.

There is nothing wrong with being transphobic or racist. They're both perfectly reasonable and natural responses.

I seriously doubt that

How's life? Being dickless and all that?

Nice THUMBNAIL, you fucking idiot

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No, of course the media doesn't report 'the truth' necessarily. They report the agenda of their respective ownswership, which is usually mandated by specific intelligence agencies and defense contractors….

of course…..

however, not EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. to lump every single world event into a 'conspiracy pile' illegitimizes the integrity of the real conspiracies

I'm the first one to insist that 9/11 was an inside job (because you'd have to be an idiot not to know it)

but by being a 'conspiracy nutjob', you are actually allowing yourself to be manipulated by the very people who you point a finger at


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In the beginning, they hadn't 'think tanked' the matter, and the Roswell Incident created a situation where they had to scurry to try and cover things up

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But they are NOT stupid

and they know that the average person IS

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So, instead of continuing to 'cover up' leaked info, they devised an even more effective plan:


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By flooding the background media with idiotic disinformation, they discredited any real information.

They made it where people hear a conspiracy theory, and instantly disregard it

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If you want to maintain your integrity, you must maintain skepticism….

And you must be careful not to become a parody of yourself

YES there were federal agents surrounding Sandy Hook before the shootings took place

but children WERE killed

Furthermore, Obama's birth certificate IS real

People WERE killed in Vegas

you've got to stop acting like a flat Earth fool

Based on a simple mathematical equation, you can safely assume that 85% of the conspiracy theories are disinformation

so approximately 15% of what you think you know is real



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

not everything is a conspiracy

Yet I agree completely……..

The moon landings were questionable at best

9/11 was DEFINITELY a CIA/NSA production

Bin Laden WAS definitely a CIA asset

the DOD and La Cosa Nostra offed Kennedy

the UFO deal is huge (we are alens)

and every president to hold office since world war 2 was part of the plan that had been think tanked decades earlier

The Trump situation will go the way they've intended it to go the entire time

it's NOT happenstance.
they do NOT allow things by happenstance

no matter who's in office, the events and 'political intrigue' presented on the news are just a distraction from what's really happening

but they've created a scenario where every mom and pop in Idaho has their own 'conspiracy channel' on YouTube, so nowadays, even if you hot the nail on the head, nobody cares because they're bored by it




and THATS the real conspiracy

the dumbing down of the human race (as if we weren't already dumb enough)

Meanwhile, the smoke and mirrors from Langley Virginia are simply BUSINESS AS USUAL

that's the best you've got?



no wonder you don't have a girl
you don't know how to behave like a man

so…. I guess it's safe to assume you were raised by your overbearing mother, but at some point during your early development, she abandoned her overbearing interaction and simply withdrew from intimacy, leaving you to develop the effeminate lack of personality that you demonstrate today?

fuck off reddit

A lot of salt for a low effort shitpost


I made a BOO BOO

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it was a simple observation


and the product of a broken home

lol @ you erroneously assuming that you can hide your inner psyche

You sure as fuck DIDN'T become an effeminate little bitch by being raised around your father



if a man crawls on all fours, howls at the moon, and lifts his leg to piss on trees, he was raised by wolves

if a man waddles around, going "quack quack quack" he was raised by ducks

and if a man behaves like a middle aged woman in an imageboard he was raised by his mother

it's really not rocket science

Tell me about Johnny Nippletwist! Why does he suck the cocks?

kys reddit, and respond to this post 50 more times to show how not-mad you are

Only 50 ?……..

you must not know me very well

No, Junior…. I intend on responding A LOT more than just 50 times

because I'm FURIOUS!!!

of course I'm furious

who WOULDNT be furoius?

….furious that I can't be like you

furious that I can't play video games

LIVID that I can't watch anime

ANGRY AND RESENTFUL that I get my penis sucked every night

while YOU get to go sexless

I'm so jealous of your sexually unfulfilled existence

F U R I O U S ! ! !

lol kys reddit

I'm bitter because you're so lucky. you never have girls want to be seen with you. they never climb in bed with you. they never go to movies or out to eat with you.



the videogame playing, anime watching, imageboard posting HOMOSEXUAL DREAM

of course I'm mad !!


I want girls to laugh behind my back, too

just like they do to you

I want my parents to finally stop asking me if I've met a girl I like, and to accept the fact that their son is a homosexual JUST LIKE YOUR PARENTS FINALLY DID

of course I'm 'mad'…..

you're THE MAN!!



and when I say 'faggot', I actually mean 'FAGGOT'

I don't mean 'namefag' or 'tripfag' or 'thisfag' or 'thatfag'…..

It's not a metaphor

I mean F A G G O T

as in: a homosexual

I don't stutter…….

I'm saying that YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL


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you can't hide your lack of masculinity

it's like a neon sign on top of your head

it's exactly like dealing with somebody's mother

Settle down, Johnny.
You'll give yourself an aneurysm.
If they want to suck cock or kiss scrotum it's no skin off your nose!

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you're such a success that you feel threatened by zero-effort shitposts and have nothing better to do than spam a thread responding to them

Q: what's interesting about somebody's divorced mother?

A: absolutely nothing

Yep… I'm 'threatened' hahaha


I simply enjoy telling the truth

wow I totally can't tell that's you Andy, kys btw

and the truth is:

you remind me of a bitter divorced middle aged woman

not a man

Lol @

Lel! That wasn't him though! I can do more if you would like! You're not as observant as you think you are.

'such a success' ?

exactly WHEN did I claim to be a 'success'?

I never said jack shit about success… What I said was. is a creepy Effeminate bitch

it's easy as shit to tell us apart, dipshit

he's the one that isn't acting like a lunatic

he's the same one

he's also the one who's not pointing out WHAT A FUCKING FAGGOT YOU ARE


he's the SANE* one

Shills on full defense, its going to be great to see the FBI get it's ass defunded for the bullshit they pull. Wonder if they will resort to terrorism again like during the Hollywood leak. They always loved defending those pedophiles.

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your observational skills are weak as shit, Mortimer

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take your meds

anybody who thinks any of this FBI Russia Trump Hillary whatever nonsense is 'legitimate' doesnt understand the way things really work….

have you ever seen an elementary school talent show?

where little Timmy does his 'magic act'?… and he wants you too look at his left hand, while his right hand is pulling a coin out of his pocket?

Ad hominem as always?

Off topic pilpul.

Man the FBI needs to hire better shills

A N N O U N C E M E N T :

I'm the real Neptune
and I just now entered
this thread.

the other guy calling
you faggots isn't me
that's NOT me

I actually like you guys
I admire you
in many ways
I envy you

yesterday I told you
that I'm not going to
be mean to you
that I'm going to be

…….fuck you, faggot

Jung's term for the masculine part of a woman's personality

like when you claim anime isn't gay

That didn't even make sense

no I'm serious, the guy spamming the thread is a literal crackhead

Do you even know how the ban hammer works?
The mods and BO cannot actually ban people – crackheads or not!
IPs can get b&, and both Johnny Neptune and I get many of those b& every day. We have hundreds of thousands of them at our disposal.
What are you going to do? Cry? Waaah! Cry me a river. Become a flaming reportfag? Snitch. Retreat to your safe space? Please do.