Sup Streloks, wanted to let you know that NuggetFest is coming up soon on April 19-22nd near Stover, MO. Tickets are available on the website for $20 and its $25 at the door. Proceeds go to a portaslunger, dumpster, and pig roast. Looking to be over 100 people this year, hope yall can make it.
Nuggetfest/meetup thread
Get out and never come back.
dont worry chances are cuckchan niggers dont even have guns in the first place
Even then I wouldn't trust them to not fuck everything up or act like turbospergs.
Zig Forums meetups never ever turn out well.
OP should fuck off.
Have either of you ever been to a meet? Theres a reason they keep happening.
What kind of fucking autist would go to one of these?
Your godawful pic tells enough.
Cuckchan and feds.
Who the fuck?
That's actually me, tho
Hell even state specific meets are fun. I've driven across the country to go to them. Nevada, Pennsylvania, Missouri, a fun time indeed.
Your kind is not welcome here. Leave.
Why even come here if you shun your peers?
Because cuckchan faggots like you need to be reminded that you do not belong here.
I came here in the first exodus from 4chan all those years ago. I just kept pace with Creep after going out to Arkadia. I know this place and wouldn't suggest it if it wasnt worth going. Now tell me, have you ever been to a meet?
No you aren't. Also, I've never been to a meet and never will go to one. I would sooner jerk off using carolina reaper concentrate as lube than go to one of your shitty cuckchan meets.
Lots of misplaced anger, Strelok. What's got you so upset?
Stop being a nigger. OPERATORchan should be more your speed, it's full of tryhard fags like you.
The fact that your sorry ass is still here.
You piss off too, faggot.
It's a shame, brothers should not eschew their own. Nuggetfest is beyond being solely a 4chan thing. That's why I'm here, telling you about it. I know for a fact that there are other Zig Forums guys that come out as well. I'm not saying that we adopt 4chan ways as our own, but in the regard of making real connections with real, decent people, a board name is trivial. I only go on Zig Forums and some of my best friends who I met through Zig Forums go on 4.
Sperg out all you want, there are seldom few people who go to a meet and dont end up enjoying it thoroughly. Every single person I've encountered that has been against them, has never gone. Of course the good thing about meets is that they filter out that kind of chaff.
Don't you want to get some free semen brownies?
Diaz hotos es brofist hora!
You seem pretty against like-minded people meeting and having fun :^)
You're a fucking faggot for encouraging cuckchan cancer to seep here instead of telling OP to go fuck himself.
God bless British Columbia.
What are you? A fag?
I've always wanted to go but never do because of autism. What do you actually do at these things? I don't have that many guns, just rifle and pistol, and they're not meme guns so I feel like nobody would really care. Sounds like the kind of thing where a small circle of friends has a lot of fun laughing at their in jokes while I stand around with other losers desperately trying to pretend I care about whatever autistic bullshit they're talking about. God just typing this out is giving me the willies from the thought of the sheer awkwardness.
Daily reminder that the last attempted BRITBONG meeting was a spectacular display of social anxiety. :^)
It's called alcohol, it helps
holy fuck i think i'ts for the best then lmao
Anybody near northern kentucky/southern ohio that wants to meet up this weekend? holy fugg i'm bored
caveats being that i wouldn't be able to bring funs, so it'd just basically be a chat, and that i'm 18
can bring some cheap cigarillos & shit tasting homebrew if more than 1 person
Same deal here, but I'm in central TX. Let me know if anyone's interested. I won't bring cigarillos though.
lmfao fuck off BattleJesus you fucking faggot you mock 8ch every time it's brought up at least be honest with us here.
keep your 4channel PC trap fucking cancer out of the 8s. You're literally unwelcome here.
Meetups are fine, but what you offer, while might be fun, is a disgrace to the gun community at large. dildo cannons? Goat sacrifices? it's /cringe/ as hell.
Clean up your act.
Man you guys are either some salty cynical mother fuckers or anti gun Jews. Can’t tell
No, I just don’t want to go see all the fat unwashed autists that show up, and listen to them repeat the same dozen old unfunny memes ad nauseum. Doesn’t mean I hate anime. Now kill yourself.
>>>Zig Forums
Must suck being desperate enough to meet up with other Zig Forumsommandos. None of my friends know about chan culture. I just provide the ammo and they provide the beer after
Not sure I'm a fan of prison time tbh lad.
ITT: Retards completely fail to understand the whole point of anonymity and so they meet with each other to circlejerk. Also reminder that these retards, retards from this very board, have their own honeypot and facebook groups where they post recycled "memes" and make shitty ''le cheeky breeky stalker xd" jokes and have links that direct them here. Oh, and they also shill their shitty cheap chink-made patches.
tell me about the ayyy lmao emoji mask, where do you get them
I am genuinely surprised that nobody has slaughtered you all yet. Anyone could go to the meeting location 2 - 3 hours before the specified time, set up in the perfect location, wait for you shitheads to show up and kill you all while you're busy circlejerking and eating. Looking at this picture I only see 4, maybe 5 people who aren't weak numales or literal women. And judging by the fact that all of them were stupid enough to meet up, I doubt they could ever be a threat.
God I wish I was a burger. I could shoot you all and the cops would have no idea who did it because you meet up in the middle of nowhere and decide the meeting location in an anonymous site. I could single-handedly save Zig Forums from shitheads like you and never have to worry about consequences.
$20 says this is the same person, another $20 says he has crippling social anxiety, and $10 says this is muttspammer
Guess I’ll kill myself.
yeah cool ebin meme pictures very impressive
wanna show us your fursuit next?
Neck yourself, faggot.
You, OP, and this shitty cuckchan meet shit does not beling here.
Nobody on Zig Forums meets up. Period.
Yup, it sucks to not be lucky enough to have friends who share your interests. One really bad thing about it is when you try and make some friends and people shit on you for it.
You would get caught very easily, I think. There's a lot of obvious ways you would get caught, but instead let's just consider: How many times in recent history has there been a massive shooting spree with no perp identified?
Jihad yourself at your next meeting, in the meantime unplug your router.
Stay on 4ch were you and your ilk belong.
I cant find em anymore fam
Wait what? Take your meds fag.
This shitty thread is still here.
Why is our BO such a lazy faggot?
Wew lad
Your paranoia is hurting only yourself.
This thread seems to be full of faggots who dont like to go outside. Neck yourselves for not wanting to meet other people like you, you shitty unwashed kikes.
Why don't you guys even go when you have guns and people who like guns? Fucking yanks don't deserve guns if they're going to be all paranoid; just keep your balaclava on at all times and cover your plates as soon as you get on private property.
Speaking of meet ups is anyone going to kalashbash in central texas?
Nice try, cuckchan fedkikes.
Come on even i'm not that bad.
Gee. It sure would be a shame if someone reported to the FBI about a group of "armed terrorists" meeting up.
You are the worst kind of traitor and a D&C kike. Gas yourself.
It's like you don't want some comedy.
Feds arrest cuckchanners, trannies, soyboys, and other feds only to see how awkward and embarrassing the entire situation is and promptly sweep it under the rug.
Everyone here, except for fags like you and OP of course, would be in stiches at laughing so hard.
I thought 4cuck liked dank memes.
Don't you want go see them get dabbed on?
Probably not a good idea to upload pictures of your tacticool kit on Faceberg.
Whoooops, did I do that?
How clumsy of me haha. :P
There's already a thread for networking, but hope y'all can have a blast.
Thanks fam
Lmao good one
Shit, 513 here, there's a bunch of folks that'd be down for that.
I'm open all this weekend if you or said guys are up for it
IP changed, I'm the guy you responded to
Oh yeah, they'd definitely be down. Shit, are you ok with joining a honeypot?
extremely reluctantly, but yes.
[email protected]