What are Zig Forums's thoughts on this TV program, Handmaid's Tale, set in a Dystopian Christian world?
Many people talk about radical Christians despite Islamic attacks in the West. It looks like a new breed of fearmongering is coming out of the dystopian genre.
What are Zig Forums's thoughts on this TV program, Handmaid's Tale, set in a Dystopian Christian world?
I've never seen it although I understand the basics of the plot, but the uncharitable part of me thinks that we should be doing this to women anyway.
I don't any reason why we shouldn't. Many of them believe this is what Trump's America is (not will be) like. So we might as well just hasten it. I mean the main actress said in an interview once it was released something like about how it was exiting to be filing this dytopian fiction, but then it basically turned into a documentary.
The same with every other form of atheistic, left-wing self-victimising fetishization. Start fulfilling them all.
Start jailing atheists and turning women into property.
this is the person who wrote the book that the show is based on.
Yeah she gets a lot of feminist praise.
Well the first thing that came to mind is the first video's preacher is a women who is most likely married so 1 timothy 2:11-12 applies
Second the quote she quoted isn't even in the Bible and she is a liar thereof. Third that thot in the final seconds of the first video tempts God by murmuring and saying "our father that is in heaven, seriously?" which is against matthew 4:7 of testing/tempting God.
The words of Julian of Norwich, Mystic come to mind:
"The soul that would preserve its peace, when another's sin is brought to mind, must fly from it as from the pains of hell, looking to God for help against it. To consider the sins of other people will produce a thick film over the eyes of our soul, and prevent us for the time being from seeing the 'fair beauty of the Lord'– unless, that is, we look at them contrite along with the sinner, being sorry with and for him, and yearning over him for God. Without this it can only harm, disturb, and hinder the soul who considers them. I gathered all this from the revelation about compassion…This blessed friend is Jesus; it is his will and plan that we hang on to him, and hold tight always, in whatever circumstances; for whether we are filthy or clean is all the same to his love."
The second video/scene the lady preacher does not give glory to God and says "comes time to pay the piper" and anything not of faith is sin romans 14:23. The preacher outright ignores proverbs 12:10 with that hand burning scene.
The third video starts out with a protest which is against romans 13:13
The whole series seems like it is trying to stereotype christians as something that is not Christ like.
It's feminist propaganda that uses fear to justify the abusive lifestyle that women are currently in. It brainwashes the masses into thinking that traditional lifestyles are bad by having a destaurated color palette, frequent exaggerated scenes of violence, two-dimensional antagonists, and bleak ambient music. It's simple, but effective in manipulating the heads of normies.
Ask yourself this, is better for women to be abused by a single husband or be abused by several strangers from their "freedom" in the porn and prostitution industry where many of them are known to die or obtain STDs like August Ames? There's even reports of women being raped according to #MeToo, yet they want to delude themselves into thinking that a monogamous heterosexual relationship is bad? Really?
A feminist liar who doesn't know about the bible? Color me surprised. Hopefully, it'll bring converts to those who actually read the source material.
B…b ..but i thought feminist, and anti Christians were really High IQ, are you telling that they're dumb, as hell to misquote the bible, and not take time to study at least and with what verse goes where, and who's those verse's are meant for. S..s…so that means they lied!?!?
Haha, nice job, user.
It's a good show as long as you watch it with the understanding that the 'villains' are actually the heroes and that the 'heroes' are actually villains. This approach works at making lots of other entertainment tolerable too.
I've only seen part of the movie adaption years ago. The only scene I remember is one of the women was revealed to have had an abortion and all the other women kept chanting, "Whore! Whore! Whore!"
I haven't seen the TV show but I have read the book. It is amazingly lacking in plausibility. It's basically feminist paranoia about those evil, evil men, informed by deep ignorance about Christianity. It's like Atwood thinks Christianity could turn Islam any moment because those evil men are so evil and want to oppress women. The religion in the book had actually very little to do about any recognizable Christianity. Basically someone showed Atwood the passage about Abraham's concubines, and Atwood expanded that to an entire political system. This involved a lot of making things up to fill the gaps, but apparently Atwood didn't want to do research, or else didn't want her plot to be tied down by realism.
the nose knows
every time
My impression of this show is that while it's meant to evoke the fear of Christianity taken to the extreme, in reality it's sort of a hodgepodge of Islam, white sharia and a totalitarian state. If you replace the Christian element with a Muslim element, it makes a lot more sense. It's as if Germany fell to Islam, started the 4th Reich, and took complete control of everyone's lives, i.e. treating them like (((cattle))).
Don't concern yourself with propaganda
I just though exact same thing.
There's your problem. Who cares.
It's pornography mixed with propaganda so that mixed up women can get off to the idea of abusive men dominating and controlling them and become convinced that christians are all like that.
Checked and Oy Vey
She isn't Jewish, probably. Atwood is an English name, as is Killam, her mother's maiden name. And when someone speculated about her being Jewish she responded that “no, I wouldn’t have ended up in a Hitler death camp for that reason.”
Incidentally, I was practicing knots while watching this, so I decided to learn how to tie that particular knot.
They don't care enough to get it right, they just want to make us look as evil as possible.
never trust the jews
If the book is any guide, the speaker is the main character's owner's wife. She was stated to be a vocal anti-feminist who ended up miserable in the anti-feminist world she helped come pass where she isn't allowed to air her opinions or do much of anything beyond sitting at home as a childless housewife whose husband took concubines and also visits prostitutes for variety. Atwood essentially did a little revenge fantasy against the type of woman Atwood considered an enemy.
According to the book, when the husband visits a concubine for sex, the wife must be there too being cucked because Abraham. Atwood liked to make up these kinds of weird rules and customs to fill the gap left by her profound ignorance of and disinterest in the Christian culture.
really stretching IMHO
Yeah, no.
Not the dystopian genre, but out of Jewish Hollywood.
now usually i would agree with a logical and sound post like this but… the nose knows
We had this thread when it was.
And once again, i laugh my ass off remembering the description of that scene where that chick gets raped to the sound of church hymns and bible quotes, and some other cringy stuff like that.
It had the subtlety of getting hit with a shovel over the face.
My tigga
The author basically said she didn't want to put under "dystopian fiction" but under "speculative cantrememberwhat" or some weird genre i've never heard before.
Her reasoning is that this is something that MIGHT HAPPEN.
Yes, folks, out of all the bad shit that might happen in the future, an evangelical-american theocracy born out of a frikkin genophage is something we need to look out for.
*when it was announced
Something that I'm curious about is that most of feminist """"""fiction"""" they always push the "womens were property" meme and I want to ask, was ever like that?, leftist love to paint the medieval ages (or any christian dominant era) as some kind of hellish dystopia but I really doubt it was that terrible.
Leibowitz was Jewish. I hate Pharisaism with a burning passion and have no illusions about what Jews secular and religious alike are like. Just sayin'.
She isn't Jewish. She's what Jews call a "shabboys goy" or "golem," a Gentile who has been raised under Jewish influence, has internalized Pharisaism, and is a loyal servant of Jews.
Dude when I said
I was refering to america, that's why i said "burgers"
I know. I just thought it was funny you used that expression when talking about a book about a Jew with a comically Jewish surname.
My hot take on The Handmaid's Tale (warning, sexual content)
Feminism is a sadomasochistic sexual disorder. Feminists are mentally ill sexual submissives and are obsessed with being "raped" and sexually dominated by men and obsessively engage in such practices in their sexual relations and seek to provoke such dynamics in their everyday lives. They project their fetish, their paraphilia, on to the entire world simply because they derive sexual pleasure from doing so. Their sexual fantasies manifest in cultural artifacts such as The Handmaid's Tale, which is essentially a work of pornography disguised as a work of propaganda, and was likely a masturbation aid for the feminist author while writing, and most feminist readers readers as well. The feminist desires nothing more than to see a world like the one depicted in this novel and show realized, because they find the scenarios so sexually titillating. Their outward protests over how afraid they are of such a possibility merely heighten their sexual arousal. They promote feminism because they see that as the only way to provoke the realization of such a world. A feminist can never have a healthy relationship with any man. Feminists are broken, undesirable women unfit for marriage or childrearing or even day-to-day existence, and are to be ignored and discarded for that reason. They likely experienced an abusive home dynamic in childhood and are possibly incapable of ever being cured of their sadomasochism. You can have sympathy for a feminist, but never offer one your friendship or romantic interest, and avoid them in and exclude them from your life as much as possible. Whenever I hear a woman express a feminist opinion or identify herself as a feminist, I immediately completely write her off and from then on interact with her as little as possible, in most cases avoiding her presence. Nothing good can ever come from a feminist, and all works of feminist fiction such as The Handmaid's Tale are utterly worthless.
You just know that people who love this show also love to complain about the right "fearmongering".
They invent a world that looks suspiciously like Islam – and dress it up as the Christian West.
Another way of attacking Christianity, great..
Nearly nobody (except actual followers of Jesus) knows what Jesus taught, many of the world will blindly believe that some show like this could be legit.
with the pathetic birth rate currently maybe we should do this
the nerve of these people
The west (former Christendom) is ruled by entirely antichristian elites who are doing all they can to eradicate any remnant of Christianity from our civilization.
Soyboys and marxists that write movies and tv series are the cultural first line of this fight against Christianity. Hollywood, education and journalism are entirely filled with jews and marxists, it's only natural they do this kind of shit.
Of course, since the west was a Christian civilization, eradicating Christianity will also result in the death of the west, possibly by islamization.
But Christianity in Russia survived communism and is growing again, we can still make a comeback in the west.
I don't know where everybody gets this idea that Russia is the saviour of Christianity. That is so blatantly wrong when you look at every single statistic on topics relevant to the Christianity - from abortions to divorces, the Russian rates are staggering.
Furthermore, the West can collapse all it want. The Church survived the collapse of Rome, several islamic invasions, schisms and religious war. Whathever happens, the Church is built upon the Rock and will be here whatever happens to the West - waiting to inspire another great culture to flourish.
A total misunderstanding of the universal condemnation of Romans 1-3. Coerced "Christianity" is of no effect.
Where on earth is THIS found in the traditions of the Church?
This looks more like the fruits of secularism than the Church. Think you not that this could happen in America? I say to you, it already did! Look at Kent State, and look at the revolutions we have supported in North Africa!
It's about the trends. Every year hundreds of churches are being built in Russia while in the west hundreds are being destroyed.
No, never. Basically every pre industrial society had and has tasks and social roles for men and women, based on physical abilities. In other words what we call "gender segregation" today. Men and women all had their rights and duties.
Now feminist go and see that women didn't have rights in every matter and that these societies placed duties on women, so they go around and claim that women weren't considered as people.
just more KGB style frankfurter horseshite for gentile suckers to jack off to
It is unironically what the world would look like if this board's mod was ruling it.
inb4 ding dong bannu
And That's a Good Thing
mods = godly men
Oh look. another (((tv show))) slandering Christianity. That's a shocker.
They're afraid people will come back to traditional Christian lifestyle so they brainwash 24/7 with their propaganda. Tbh I no longer watch tv.
Nice try tutors dogs
There's no denying that women have had it rough in the past, and, for many women, it still goes on. Now, NONE of those women are middle-class, blue-haired or university educated, but poverty-class women without adequate protection get raped and predatored on by vile men. Mostly not in the west, but sometimes it even happens here. See, frankly, if women want to bitch and moan about "our kind" being mistreated, where is their concern about women in Kolkota or Nigeria? It's all about self-centeredness. But I digress.
It was no picnic for poverty-class men in the middle ages, either. I mean, frankly, the real enemy of the middle ages was just simply people's poverty, and feudalism wherein, regardless your gender, you were the local noble's all-but-slaves. Some got good lords. Many got assholes. Most got barely adequate. People do not appreciate just HOW GOOD they have it today.
Stories like Atwood's are more about whipping up fear of all-things Christian, conservative and male as a means to strengthen the militant feminist army than reflecting a truthful portrayal of the past. This is why there's been about 900 billion plays about and shrill screams of "but Salem!!!!!!1!!1!!1!" regarding the witch trials. It is widely accepted that it was women bitching out on other women and manipulating the nascent justice system to their own ends than it was about "evil patriarchal Christian men pronouncing most egregious judgement upon womenkind" like the feminist reflections want you to believe. But, why let the truth get in the way of a good communist-like campaign for militant feminism?
This guy knows what's up