Hand to hand combat

How do you avoid getting knocked out and throttled like this poor bastard?
If he's in your face it's had to draw your weapon, you gotta be able to create some breathing room.

Have your wife draw for you.

That requires you find a 1 in 10 million woman instead of one like the one in the video who hid in the BMW while her husband got mollywhopped

by not being around niggers
my point still stands

Why do niggers always scream WURL STAAAAH whenever a street fight occurs?

Ans the cop was an Arab

There is no way around it you need to do a boxing/Muay Thai class (I currently train once a week with the Vietnamese champion 1 on 1 for an hour) with heavy sparring every once in a while (Inb4 CTE idiots) obviously you should not be eating big shots.

Hell one on one if that guy knew basic BJJ he would have mogged this much bigger and stronger guy.

Even with training there is always the genetics advantage size and height is important. But not as important as alpha strike. Have your hands up open palm in a non-confrontational way and then sucker punch him right in the jaw. If someone isn't expecting it you can get the K.O easy.

You see how they were both up in each others face trying to out alpha each other before the dude got 0-to-death combo'd? Don't do that. You don't fight or put yourself in a position to fight unless you are either doing it for sport or your waifu/daughteru is in danger and you can't run. Throw away your ego. Let yourself get smack talked and swallow your pride and just take it like a bitch if that's what it takes to deescalate a situation. Don't get hotheaded. Run away if you have to. You impress no one with bravado if you are dead.

That aside, the video gives us some good material to derive observations from. The clearest and most obvious one is it was dark out. Some of us can't help it due to work or other obligations, but nothing good happens outdoors after 8pm so avoid being out at that time whenever possible.

Another thing of note is something I alluded to earlier, and that is being at each other's faces. Don't, unless your plan is to beat someone to the literal punch like the guy in the video. Try to deescalate an from a safe distance whenever possible. And what else do we see here? Where were both their hands at during the staredown? If for whatever reason you can back down any further pretend to be italian or something and use lot's of hand gestures when talking or whatever, but make sure you have both your hands up ready to cover your head in case people start throwing punches.

Assuming the cop was armed it wouldn't have played out differently. Even if the white dude fucked up by getting in that situation in the first place, throwing the first punch and going full savage until the other dude is immobile is exactly what you should do. Not ideal from a legal standpoing, but you do see him walk out unscathed so you be the judge. That said, he was in an "ideal" scenario wherein he acted before the cop could draw. The standard move for the cop would have been to backpedal with one arm stretched out to create space between him and the other dude. Or to just say something like "one more step and I will shoot" before he got that close, but it was Jew York so who the fuck knows.

These are some basic considerations before even being told HOW to fight. And you don't need the internet for that, you need to go out and train something.

If people ask I always tell them to go for boxing and to learn a few bloodchokes. It's the cheapest, fastest to teach you how to deal with 95% of the people that also doesn't require you to warm-up beforehand to kick effectively.

Exactly. I'm willing to bet the cop knew some basic BJJ and I'm even assuming he was carrying and knew gun retention techniques, but you get sucker punched by being a hothead, and that's how you get beaten to death.

Attached: the image I usually use tells you to just use a pipebomb if you want to win but Im on another pc atm.png (1632x1375, 317.68K)

where is the proof? anyways the guy is a dork for getting that close and not expecting a physical fight.

pull their pants down and insert your benis in their anus

No, you don't.
Watch some Youtube videos about how to draw in close proximity to an assailant. The only rule is barrel pointed at assailant and trigger pulled. You can deal with recoil, kick, etc, after the first shot, but you don't need a Weaver stance to pull a trigger.

This is where pocket revolvers can shine. Five shots of even .38 Special should take someone down from that distance. Although I have to wonder what is the truth about those supposed problems of using .357 Magnum from such a small firearm.

worldstarhiphop.com is a website that was originally meant to be for uploading videos of rap.
This lead to black people from ghettos across the US becoming the main users of the website. After the number of users exploded and it became impossible to moderate the video content, those users started uploading videos of anything happening around them. Since they were living in the ghetto, mostly violent and stupid shit happened around them.
This lead to a spiral where people would upload violent shit, it would become popular, and more people went out looking for violent shit so they could record and upload it to worldstar.
People yelling "WUUUURL STAAAAAR" in the video usually translates to "Please direct your attention towards me, for I am recording the current occurrences unfolding in front of us with the intent to distribute the gained footage to worldstarhiphop.com and allow a greater number of people to enjoy this moment. Thank you for your attention.".

How about you simply keep your distance? No matter how strong or independent your opponent is, he can't kick or punch you, if he is standing at least full two steps away. If you let them get any closer than that you deserve to get an uppercut.

What posted. It's also just a nigger meme when nigger shit stsrts happening.

I wish the US wasn't retarded.
If I called the shots, I'd have the ghettos be given a napalm shower.

But how would junkfood companies make a profit if the amount of consumers were to suddenly decrease drastically?
Also: how could you employ junkfood as a weapon? Of course a chili-cheeseburger is more effective than a cheeseburger, but is a double chili-cheeseburger worth the extra?

I'll tell you how:
1. ALWAYS have your hands out (make this a habit)
2. Be wary of your surroundings
3. Make sure you have the appropriate fighting mentality (I've known some people that will only fight when the other threw the first hit)

Seeing this video makes me suspect the aggressor was already angry and coming towards the other guy. If you ever find yourself being approached in this manner NEVER hesitate to attack.

Mentality is definitely a big portion of it. Based off of what these two said: if a situation happens and you aren't ready mentally; you could very well just freeze up and the other dude tees off on you and you're dead.
Be aware of the situation, don't be in a stupid situation being the best option obviously. Otherwise if something is heating up, don't get surprised when it gets out of control. Don't be puffing out your chest talking loudly and keeping your chin up in confidence.
Distance is a good idea like previous posters have mentioned. Knowing your own distance. Nobody stands toe to toe and punches each other out. That isn't smart and doesn't last long. Know the distance it takes for a step in and strike and be either outside that or just at it.
If you're really dead set on the idea of being stuck in a fight then you better know how to punch. Take a class, watch videos from well respected professionals, do something. Throwing a big haymaker with a wide swing where you land on your fingers or wrist is a one way trip to hating your life.
Most of this is just rambling but the best answer is don't hang out with niggers.

You don't act like a retarded pavement ape and rub your nipples against your enemy's chest for five seconds before he knocks your stupid ass out, for starters.

Paul harrel had a video on that. I believe it was the ruger lcr or sp101 video. .357 or whatever will still be more powerful than the .38/non magnum despite the massive loss in barrel length and in some cases the hollow point will still travel fast enough to expand properly. The myth of "just shoot .38 because your .357 will be just as weak in a 1-2 inch barrel" is fudd shit but recoil and blast would be the only real concerns if they're sensitive to that.

Like all cops this cop was fucking stupid. It's fucking hilarious they get always get their asses beat unless they have 12 other buddies to back them up.

Anyway, to answer your question, OP:
- always carry pepperspray attached to your waist, especially at late night
- always have a can of bearspray in your car. If this guy had one his wife could've saved him easily be just spraying every person there. Some would say a gun would be better but women are a bunch of scaredycats and absolutely horrible at aiming. Do you honestly trust her aim to not shoot you instead?
- unless you want to be the first to attack, getting close to your would-be assailant is asking for a beating. In fact you probably deserve your ass being beat just for that.
- if someone's aggressively walking towards you either run the other way to get ready to fight.
- always wear steel-toed boots if outside at night or in unknown areas.
- most importantly: don't have a faggot of a woman with you who sits in your car while watching your ass get beat. American women are fucking useless. I bet she fucked Jamale right after he was done beating her husband.

Didn't know white people were also called Jamal.

It's 2019, bud. Get on with the times.

Hard but not impossible
That's what the gun is for

Or you could avoid this whole situation by being very aware of your surroundings, chances are the poor bastard there saw him coming from a while away and wasn't prepared to fight. That or have your wife, who'd ideally be trained to at least shoot a pistol, kill the nigger off of you. Or take a very expensive class with Craig dealing with this exact thing.

i'm sure whoever made that image spent a lot of time but honestly it sucks.

all of your advice is true however. don't get into fights, period. but you should still know how to win one because you're a man, so for that it's boxing, bjj and some wrestling. basically mma.

if you really have the time and money (and a great health plan, because you WILL get fucked up the longer you train) you can augment with muay thai, judo, joerogankwando, gunkata, whatever makes your dick hard.

also master at least one takedown that agrees with your body's geometry that you can perform sleepwalking if you had to, because life is too short to not know at least one impressive awe inspiring feat of physical strength.

but it's really only boxing and submission grappling that will ever be used in any real fight.