How can America continue to call itself "the most gun-free nation" while being so pro gun control? Is this just propaganda or are Americans really this retarded?
How can America continue to call itself "the most gun-free nation" while being so pro gun control? Is this just propaganda or are Americans really this retarded?
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Most of your countrymen still believe that they're free, next question.
Both, propaganda is more effective on the retarded.
oy vey.
I think they mean the Garand. Most clips only hold 5 cartridges, the Garand has 60% more. And the original Pedersen had a 10 round clip.
Pretty soon they'll make like the British and limit the use of internal magazines to only those situations where the CO deems it necessary.
Control stems from ignorant normalfags. Even so called "pro-gun" fags will support it in some form.
But the real reason is that there really isn't a first world country with gun laws as good as most of America right now.
Switzerland, Czech Republic?
A little of both. These polls work by exclusively targeting ignorant and/or strongly left-leaning demographics (i.e. boomers), using ambiguous or blatantly loaded questions to encourage anti-gun responses (question 1 is framed as "are you in favor of gun violence y/n", question 2 is unclear whether "improve gun laws" means more or less gun control) and then burying any results that go against the narrative.
A few fair polls have been conducted over the years and the results are always pro-gun.
>actually believing a (((reuters))) "poll"
No, you're the retard
Both have shittier gun laws than most of America.
Well that's good to hear. I guess i was just ignorant on how pollsters work.
Sure thing buddy.
M8, who are you kidding. The US is hopelessly fucked and is quickly becoming antigun commies.
These polls are not reflected in white and native american populations, only goblins (central americans) and orcs (nigs) with asians being split by gender, males not favoring. The invasion of further goblins increases support for gun control, enabled by international Judendom
There are over 357 million guns in America keep 99% of gun owners have just one gun while that 1% has all the rest in about 120 million households some households have more than one gun owner while the total population is 321 million plus about 30 million illegals the number of adults is about 247 million.
That means, roughly, that the number of gun owners in America hovers around 50% of he voter base. Some small percentage like 20% doesn't care about guns, while the remainder hates them. The graboids are a tiny minority, they are just bullies and 1 graboid can ruin the lives of 10 gun owners because gun owners are by and large pacifists.
By the way, starting a question with
Is a deliberate tactic. The fact that gun violence exists on a massive scale is inserted into the respondents mind as an AXIOM, as is the "fact" that gun violence is a big issue since it clearly has to be stopped.
It's like saying
You either say what the pollster wants to you say, or you look like a faggot or a babykilling gunmonster
Fuck off, faggot.
You're the retard. Notice Reuters omits any pertinent information such as; how many individuals were polled, where did the polling take place, and what is the margin of error? For all we fucking know this poll was administer to the faculty at UC Berkeley and Reuters is presenting it as nationally administered poll. The other issue is the utter fucking bullshit of the presented stats, the primary poll is a loaded question and half of the follow-on questions are either not related to gun control or a false dichotomy; they pose the question if firearms should be banned for ownership for the mentally ill…when they already fucking are under 18 U.S.C. § 922(d) and a myriad of state laws.
Still kind of gay that this happens though. I am no expert in Swiss nor Czech law, so I have to ask what happens in those countries if you use a firearm in self defense?
I agree with you that the situation is not looking good(not just gun laws, practically all aspects of our society), but that doesn't mean most of the US has shitty gun laws.
Polls are never trustable.
They interview 1000 people and say that's representative for 10.000.000 people.
Never ever trust polls.
You won't get them back, especially if a police officer likes your gun. Complaining about it or trying to sue them won't work and will just get you on the "to redflag" list in the future.
What is commiefornia, jew york, illinois, the west coast, new england, and colorado, hawaii, and soon more and more states? Everything is fucked.
Read some books, nigger., I bet you haven't even read Bernays.
Try 100 or 10.
CNN literally interviewed 130 people for their prediction that 60% of people would vote for Hillary.
I'm amazed they interview anyone at all.
Nowadays there's nothing trustable anywhere.
It's actually close to 330 million with 30 million being the low estimate of illegals, and several estimates showing a possible 60 million.
The US Constitution is literally nullified in those states. They are not Americans, they're foreign invaders, and the sooner they all die the better.
Shit, sorry for double posting, I thought that was two different threads. Fuck. I suck dicks.
Zimmerman got his gun back after his huge controversial trial. It's pretty easy unless you are in a terrible state like CA or NY.
You're right. The home of real America is Mississippi - home of the inbred, land of the terminally opoid-addicted.
Urbanite detected.
When did you first discover you were a subhuman nigger?
Sasknigger detected
Butthurt faggot whose mum is an opoid addict detected
I don't think that's realistic based on liberal voting numbers. If they had that kind of voting power republicans would never, ever win.
Liberals hold about 25% of the population, about 80 million American citizens.
Conservatives have about 35% of the population, or 100 million people.
Rest just don't vote. 45-50% of americans don't show up to vote ever.
30 million latinos, about a third of which is underage and can't really vote is realistic, because it fits right into the slot for liberals that leads to the really close races we see in every election in America.
60 million would just assure victory for liberals forever.
99 years of constant anti-arm propaganda.
What do you expect from Reuters?
Published opinion polls only tell you what the pollster wants you to think. Who gets polled, what questions are asked, how those questions are phrased, and more can seriously influence the poll results.
You should also remember that reporters and pollsters can and do throw out poll results that conflict with either the story they have already written, or what their client has asked for, respectively.
Never trust an opinion poll or anyone who presents it as proof of anything.
Shouldn’t they be working to ban high capacity assault belts before they ban clips?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is it just a vague and broad clause (((they))) can use to get you a lifetime ban from guns?
>wtf why does this kiked to shit (((poll))) show results that are the complete opposite of what they should actually be
That's a real fucking toughy.. With kikes question the likes.