I saw a woman with a feminist T-shirt in my parish once. Afterwards, said feminism was a work of Satan, but I got mocked for saying that. I was said real feminism is about equality, but modern feminists misinterpreted that.
Nevertheless, I still think I am right.
What do you think? Is feminism the work of Satan? Or just misguided people? Why do so many Christians fall for it?
Yes, I do believe it's satanic. Sure a women is equal in the way that she is also human. And should be treated with respect and dignity.
But the bible is really clear concerning gender roles..
Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, …
1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered.
Mason Jackson
Sorry for dubbleposting btw
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Dylan Gray
Yes, and it's a sin as old as the Garden. It's also a sin that Christ came to save us from, and we need to remember that!
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Alexander Jackson
Satan aside, feminism is a warped version of Christian equality.
We are equal before God and hopefully also before the law of the land,
Feminist "equality" is equality of economic and social outcome, it's the ultimate case of servants ruling over Israel (Lamentations 5:8)
1 Timothy 2:12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.
Jaxon Allen
1 Corinthians 14:33-35 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
Leo Harris
What makes you think I'm a woman? Stop being a troll
Unironically this, it's as old as the garden from the very first sin of ignorance on eve's parts. Then worse was, Adam who didn't reign in his woman, and what's worse is he knew what would happen, and still went for it. This has been happening since day one. But come on new age feminism? Single mother households better, im sorry nobody buys it anymore.
Josiah Flores
This. The world changes OP and so do the practises and beliefs of men. Equality of gender roles is not good. Men are not meant to be penetrated by women. Likewise, men are not meant to be lead by women.
Let men love their wives and let women submit to their men.
Mason Perry
Ah sorry but I am not trolling =p Also I am not implying you are a woman.
We are not equal to God, A man and women are different.
1 Timothy 2:13 I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man; she is to remain quiet. 13For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression.…
Asher Adams
Like I've said ofcourse you have to treat women good and with respect.
1 peter 3
Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 5 For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to adorn themselves. They submitted themselves to their own husbands, 6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give way to fear.
7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
Blake Johnson
No, you're completely right. Baph*met is painted as a figure with breasts and a penis. Satanic is everything that is an inversion of Christianity. And, therefore, an inversion of natural law.
I say you talk with your priest about it.
Nathan Evans
Yes, all fair points, I thought you were talking about Christ-chan. Both men and women are equal spiritually was my point, there is a natural hierarchy to which you refer, but there is no gender in heaven.
Luke Perry
Not as a thing specifically, no. Just made by humans, and whenever people do identity politics, you end up with a lot of wackos there, be the subject about your country, your sex, your race, etc.
James James
13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
Gavin Thomas
16 To the woman he said,
“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
A woman should always be under the authority and protection of a man. First her father, and then her husband. From the cradle to the grave, she should always be under a man's thumb.
Jordan Collins
What if the woman is unmarried and her father dead?
Men, as individuals, races, classes, or sexes are only equal with respect to their dignity before God, in all other respects they are unequal, and God is the author of these differences.
Landon White
Feminism was started by the Jesuits.
Jace Taylor
So yes, without a doubt, Feminism and it's cohorts are a lie straight from the mouth of the devil himself.
The very fact they claim to want "Equality" but constantly push for gender role reversals, breakdown of tradition, destruction of family, arbitrary female quotas, etc… means they're liars and not of God.
Reminder that the bible gives paternal genealogies multiple times in the bible, it is literally patriarchy: the book. All progressives push for things contrary to the teachings of the bible.
Eli Wilson
It is the work of Satan, since it is the work of Satan to make people think women and men are equal.
That is the first lie of feminism, which then reaches the logical conclusions: since men and women are equal, any statistical difference in jobs/hobbies/whatever must be caused by OPPRESHUN and obviously must be compensated with affirmative action
Easton Phillips
Yes, first feminism is a Jewish trick. Second, the first woman desired equality was Eve; only she desired equality with God himself.
Levi Martinez
Yes. Pic related, am not reddit redpiller but damn
Genesis 12 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. 2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
Feminism is entirely about - if you forgive me the cringy term - "female supremacy" in society. They already are equal. They even have a lot of special rights and treatments, everywhere. Nowadays, literally every feminist is lieing maliciously to get ahead, to get their stupid "me me me"-ideology ahead, to provide their indeed satanic "my body my choice"-ideology and what not else.
Furthermore, none of your cheek ! You better not draw a comparison between entirely secular bullflowery which is a political agenda, with divinely revealed Truth and the Sacrifice that the Lord made for us. What an incredible audacity and display of ignorance.
Dominic Diaz
Great, another thread full of feudal LARPers or mudslimes considering women to be subhuman. I doubt that there will ever be normal thread about omen on this board
Most things are a satanic lie. Feminism is a perversion of gender roles. There would be no transexual movement without the idea that women are basically men with special privileges and protections.
Yes, feminism drives man and woman apart, and destroys femininity. It's against God's will
Robert Lee
Does that mean we should not allow women to do anything? What if they want to share ideas or create something, should we stop them or allow them? I understand the fact that most women are only interested in satanic evil things but what about the good ones, should we not use their gift of intelligence given by god?
this is a serious question not a troll. I am a relatively new christanon.
Easton Powell
And as many on this board are saying a Women should live under our thumb, does that mean women are less humans than us. Do they understand that this kind of thinking led to feminism 1 and feminism 2.
And didn't jesus break this type of thinking by talking to a Samaritan women which was considered to be below one's standard in the ancient times.
Robert Edwards
Equality is satan
Lucas Foster
You need to clarify what you mean by equality. A dog is not equal to a cat and a lion is not equal to a mouse. Women are equal to men in most things but power and responsibility are not among them. Anyone who tries to place women in places where men have naturally been will sow discord in a civilisation that will act like a cancer; similar to how the effects of abortion are not considered until a nation kills itself with an ageing population and an uneven ratio of males to females in places like China.
No. But it most certainly mean that they have different properties which must be accounted for. Properties which, if not accounted for (as is the case with modern applications of equality) are likely to yield disastrous, destructive results.
No, the kind of thinking that led to feminism was the "tabula rasa" idea: the idea that all people are really just blank slates, written onto by their culture and immediate society. Without tabula rasa, women would've continued living under men's thumbs and nobody would've questioned it. Feminism is not a "natural" backlash, it's the fruit of unnatural ideas.
Jack Powell
Is it Christian for a woman to have her hair short?
Logan Wright
There's nothing to stop except for trying to seize authority and leadership over men. They just aren't meant to be leaders, supervisors or any things like that. And rather it should be encouraged for them to do what is best, which is to be keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands. There's no reason not to be doing those things, there isn't a woman that's somehow above those things.
Only according to the world. The world tells you that being a cog in the money machine is what makes you human. But actually, this is stripping away your individual qualities and attaching a number value to you. But the word of God tells you that living according to the purpose you were made is always the best for you and everyone around you. Of course it did, because feminisim is an act of resistance and rebellion. It isn't a positive affirming movement, it is a negative reaction movement. But after destroying a life, it offers nothing for you in return.
Jose Ramirez
My guess? As long as it is feminine and wholesome, so no dyke or mohawk hairstyles.
James Cox
Indeed Christanon, a very correct answer to my query, would you mind if i ask a few more questions?
Michael Parker
Christanon, How can we say Tabula Rasa is wrong? Except the fact that it leads to formation of feminism, is their any other point in which tabula rasa could be considered wrong?
Landon Roberts
You can become convinced that the teaching of Scripture on this matter are true. Then it's just a matter of trying to help them make the best decision because you want them to succeed, unless it's your own daughter or wife there isn't much else impingent on you.
I know, it's the same. But the worst is when they are in a command position above you. Not sure what you're thinking of by projects, but living the corporate dream isn't supposed to be the purpose of life and more people just understood this, before the jews took over, anyway. Now it's all degenerate.
Freedom of association should be in place, like before the "civil rights" laws forced everyone to open their workplace to outsiders. You can't force someone to hire indiscriminately, that's unconstitutional.
Tabula rasa is like the lennon song imagine, it's just so wrong that it isn't even pretending to be true except as an ideal where you just discard reality. And a really fuɔking dumb ideal too.
John Stewart
Thanks for the answer, May GOD Bless You.
Benjamin Stewart
Gnosticism, occultism, Satanism, and Pharisaism have been obsessed with inverting gender roles and interchanging the sexes since ancient times. Things like LGBT, feminism, etc are just attempts to turn these ideas into mass movements.
Only when the ends have been scorched off as she's burning at the stake.
Sebastian Lewis
Anything that is not of the Lord is almost certainly the work of the spirit of anti-christ. Seeing as women are not to have authority over men in the Lord's eyes than feminism must be from Satan. Their is no other explanation.
Connor Ramirez
I did NOT need those feels right now. Also feminism is satanic, and female warriors aren't feminist but just women defending themselves or others.
Not by necessity, although there are people in who are tools of Satan just as there are in other movements. This is just one thats particularly susceptible to corruption like most political movements.
Well firstly because there was a legitimate problem with the mistreatment of women - indeed up until the end of the 20th Century married men could legally rape their wives in the west. Likewise the growth in technology and literacy has greatly reduced the practical differences between men and women which makes aside from making some change necessary has also led to people forgetting the more fundamental differences.
Finally because there is a rather dangerous notion of equality in most 18th Century onward political ideologies that dominates in both capitalism and socialism.
The control was social. Not everything have to be legally controlled. You know back then, when there were some sens of the large family, parish,… and the state didn't put his Nose everywhere. His (((justice))) that will finally take babies from their families for alleged "abuses". Better keep families protected from the state, this is a social affair, and a christian one, it's not his business.
Not saying there were no abuses, but these are part of human history. And this is when you try get rid of them all that you enter in an utopia and in some kind of dictatorship. The christian must be patient and thank God for his tribulations.
Yeah and that control was heavily biased towards men as it was not morally wrong and not worth punishing men who forced themselves on their wives and even worse that women who tried to separate from abusive men were treated like whores.
There were systemic and entrenched abuses not just rare aberrations. One of the downsides of an enforced (whether by the state or not) patriarchal society is that it can be very very easy for men to forget or discount the views and experiences of women particularly when it is not in their personal or direct interests. If men were capable of empathising and respecting women feminism would never have taken off.
That seems like a false dichotomy and one that has been proven false by history. Women gaining the right to actually own their property, sign contracts and not be raped at whim was achieved without dictatorship. Nor was that achieved by women patiently and quietly waiting for men to just hand this to them.
Dont throw the baby out with the bath water when it comes to womens rights.
Landon Ramirez
If men at the time were capable of throwing the Jews out of their government and their countries, feminism would have never taken off probably along side of the decline of the belief of Christ that we are seeing now in the west :^(
Charles Clark
Cant say I share that view of history and society.
Jeremiah Ward
Real literacy (i.e. readers using their ability to actually read substantial works) has declined catastrophically since the 17th century, and men and women have very different reading habits. Reading YA and Fifty Shades of Gray does not make women literary geniuses, nor does studying Women's Studies or Sociology or other BS mean they have anything to contribute to human thought. Technology has only increased the difference between men and women. Technology means that women can now legally kill people for merely being inconvenient to them. No man enjoys such a privilege. Technology has increased female power so far beyond what any man has that men have been reduced to a subservient slave caste, working their entire lives so that women can extract wealth from their bodies via the government. The difference between men and women has never been greater.
Juan Scott
Aha. They're not abusive just because you say they are.
Christopher Wilson
Do you have source and metric for this?
By literacy I meant simply the ability to read and write fluently and accurately, not understanding of the Cannon.
I would have to disagree here, technology in vastly reducing the amount of physical strength and endurance needed has meant the differences in productivity and what is mens/vs womens work have shrunk. Then you add medical technology to this and bearing children is vastly safer and less taxing. Women displacing men in the economy is something that is really only feasible in a literate and industrial/post industrial economy.
Not at all this is purely a social/moral issue rather than a technological one - even in the age of the Church Fathers it was a problem. For it being legal and accepted check out infanticide in pre colonial polynesian society for instance of this in practice.
I think this is a tad hyperbolic and akin to feminists who think that all women prior to the 20th century were cattle who were kept barefoot and pregnant. Take a look at some of the laws regarding women prior to modern times if you want to see what real legally enforced subservience is. Were men banned from parliament, higher education and required to surrender all their legal assets on marriage to their wives (as well as potentially have your parents required pay a large fee to your wife for the privilege) you might have a case to make and thats ignoring a whole bunch of other factors
The conflict perhaps might be greater but I dont think your argument regarding access to abortion demonstrates this point.
Jack Parker
And they were not free form abuse just because you say they are? I dont see the point you are trying to make unless you think I just made up the fact that abused women who tried to separate form their abusive husbands were shamed.
Ethan Mitchell
Someone isn't abused only for the simple fact that they say they are. This is the crucial failing point on which this whole premise collapses.
Christian Powell
So is it your belief that the historical reports of physical and sexual violence were all fabrications? My whole point was that the social control was male dominated and heavily favored men, this being evidenced by the fact that women who were being victims of abuse faced harsh shaming if they separated/left (and not divorce) their husbands. I dont see how this ceases to be the case because not all wives were genuinely abused.
Jace Murphy
Actually it was God dominated, and it favored men being masculine, that's all. Yeah see, this is just a narrative that's been taught. There is no reason to go back on marriage vows, those were supposed to be serious. But to get over that they had to come up with a narrative and it's built up itself to the point today where any lie must be believed. No sorry, I don't believe it, and I'm working secretly to undermine it.
They are trying to destroy Christian masculinity and godly masculine authority.
Dominic Adams
Why is having sex with unwilling women and taking their property masculine? Well youve kind of put in an an odd corner - this is essentially like the Athiests who demand proof for the Resurrection but refuse to acknowledge the Bible or any Christian source due to a perception of bias. Is there any evidence that would change your mind?
Nicholas Hernandez
The soy is strong in this one.
Connor Rogers
How so? Ive pointed out the flaws and corruption in it as well as the dangerous toxic ideology that is modern equality. Would you rather I falsify history and say out that women were not legally disadvantaged and marginalised in the past?
Tyler Rodriguez
Jose Ortiz
"My kingdom is not of this world" John 18:36
The ideal and the attitude that wants to make the world perfect is the basic of all fascist totalitarian regime. Whereas patriarchy have social control and maybe some human suffering, but never slavery, mass massacre and massive process of dehumanization. That's what we see on feminism also.
But in a traditional patriarchy the problems for women was solved by the christian vision, and the social control, by the church (for example the priest of the village), the neighbors, the other members of the parish,etc… It don't like women's rights, specifically if they are legally enforced by the state, I like when people love their wife, mother,etc… because of the social tissue and of the infused christian virtues in the society.
Again I dont see the dichotomy here just saying one want to have women enjoy some more rights or better treatment doesn't equal an attitude or desire to create a perfect world. It would be akin to me saying distributionists, the Chartists or indeed any Christian who wants a non secular society wants/ed to create a fascist totalitarian regime.
Thats simply not correct, the Caliphate of Islam and the British and particularly Spanish empires were both patriarchal societies that practiced those policies and neither of those are atheist examples from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Is this something you are deducing from your faith or is it a sourced opinion? You would be surprised by how diverse the treatment of women has been even under the Christian vision.
What about their rights generally? Even just simple things like being able to go to university.
As do I, just as I like it when people can solve the problems of sinful and criminal behavior through the same means.
Lucas Williams
Bad example because there you are not fighting for wordly matters but for the supremacy of the spiritual onto the temporal, the return to tradition (which fight for the spiritual progress) instead of some progressive material ideal. Don't you see you can give women rights and a place in society without the inference of the state ? It happens when societies are spiritually sane, but if you fight for women rights with a worldy perspective, feminism happens.
No matter what did the califate of Cordoba it is nothing compared to Hitler or Stalin. What are you talking about with spanish or british ? (only some massacre in the new world I suppose, so in a foreign land, it have nothing to do with the traditional society). And even because of the period it was not anymore a traditional society (you know there have been the renaissance).
Of course you can't do generality, but you can't also do case by case.
You have the right to be in favor of women's right but how is that a christian imperative ? Where are the verses ?
There are diverses means for a reason, the state can't fight sins only the church. That's why I defend the place of the society.
Jonathan Hill
How are the distributionists and chartists not concerned with worldly matters?
Well yeah I literally said as much in the last part of the post - potential for such things doesnt really equal those things happening though.
What do you think it would have been like if Muhammad had access to modern technology like they did? Likewise you are moving the goalposts by your logic patriarchy is meant to prevent slavery, massacre and dehumanisation the fact that two patriarchal societies of the 19th and 20th Centuries were more extreme doesn't have any bearing on that point.
Because those were patriarchal societies which practiced slavery, mass murder and dehumanisation on a global scale - kick starting the transatlantic slave trade - which you say does not happen under such societies. The British rule in India alone lead to the deaths of at least 29 million people and that number gets closer to the 50 million mark if you use the same metrics which we do with communist countries. Likewise look into the Spanish silver mining in Latin America and you will see race based gulags.
Why do you think traditional society ended in the 14th Century?
So were the Italians wrong to allow women to go to university about 500 years before other countries or where those other countries wrong for taking so long?
Then why do you not like them? Or do you mean the state forces people to be in favour of them?
In Ephesians 5 particularly towards the end half. Men have often forgotten it has more than verse 22 and 23.
Does the state have any role to play in your view or should society handle everything?
Jeremiah Gomez
I was responding to the "Christian who wants a non secular society". For the others they are talking about a social non private problem, it have no link with familial problems, that's when the state is too much concerned by what is happening to the family that there is a problem.
That's how it must be done if it can be handle by a smaller group, respecting like that the principle of subsidiarity of the church. Otherwise it's unnatural.
In a traditional society there can be no modern technology.
It didn't happened in the country themself, europeans are not responsible for this, only some families and a lot of jews. For the brits they have always been assholes. and there were not catholic anymore, apostolic yes ! I suppose… Lots of lies for this subject, I won't go there.
Little bit too early. Also there have been countries that have stayed traditional for a long time. But the renaissance is the beginning of modern logics (protestantism, profanation of church with profan style music,…)
The italy that had the stupid pope it did ?
What link with equal rights ? like the right to go to university ?
Familial matters should of course handle by the society, else it can quickly become totalitarian.
Do you think society is nowadays still a patriarchal society.