Sign of the end times. Yes, the technology has been available for years, but people are becoming more acceptable to it and are willing to take the implants.
Thousands of people in Sweden are embedding microchips under their skin to replace ID cards
And so the end begins
It had to be sweden huh?
it was either gonna be them or california
You know what would really make their lives easier? Not living in Sweden.
Nordic countries are perhaps the best example of how socialism, even when "successful", turns people into passive selfish infants. Absolute herd animals incapable of thinking for themselves. Truly tragic.
Common Filth called this out, he was able to see this shit 6 years ago.
How winnie the pooh depressing
Personally I don't care about cybernetic implants, and I hate conspiracy theories with a passion. I think it's a bad parady of what the Bible is actually saying. Consider that it speaks of a mark on the hand or forehead, needed to buy or sell, and that this is from a vision of the apostle John in his latter days.
The mark is symbolic, it represents our actions and thoughts like the Tefillin
I think that the mark represents any way that Satan forces people to sin in order to exchange currency, such as lewd advertising, prostitution, bribes, using God's name in vain (In God We Trust), cheating, lies, pride, usury, debauchery, etc.
There will come a day when buying bread will become impossible without sinning,
"so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark"
Guard your hearts at all times, do not borrow above what you are able to repay, and avoid temptation.
What an absolutely horrifying future…. and absolutely plausible too.
My thoughts exactly. It's a pretty amazing film although I wonder what the creator's intent was.
I'm sure this new media technology would be used to lure people into Christianity rather than shoving more atheist SJW garbage down everyone's throats at all times.
What I find truly disturbing is children are going to be implanted.
You know, was actually thinking of something like this.
Some sort of net wrapped around the brain, and you can super immersive audio+video AR/VR and augmented brain power.
Kinda scary, but the possibilities are endless.
Just wait until this causes cancer. I guarantee something nasty is going to happen after these chips have a leak or otherwise.
For more than privacy reasons, this is a bad idea
I actually fear the future. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's going to be awful. Even Jesus expressed fear before going to the cross. I'm not excited about the end-times and I think Christian's who are are being naive and blithely optimistic.
If we're talking about MOTB, I doubt it will be RFID.
I think it will be something like this vid.
Remember, it must be on the hand or forehead. I don't think its practical to implant an RFID on your forehead.
Also refusing the MOTB removes you from the monetary system according to Rev 13:17.
Yeah okay.
Implanting RFID always seemed stupid to me when we can just use an ID card or dongle or mobile pay. The only savings you get is not having to reach into your pocket or grab the thing around your neck before you swipe.
Yeah, the mark will definitely be transhuman augmentation to a point where you consciousness merges with AI, which is why its irreversible. Although since all this stuff is developing rapidly, I wouldn't think it's more than a few years away.
So the Swedes are just saying fug it and putting the devil's microchip in themselves without an Antichrist to even egg them on?
I don't get this technology fetishism. This is coming from a computer prgrammer who is was fascinated with anything electronic or mechanical since childhood, but there is a clear line between using technology as a tool, and subjecting yourself to be made a tool. What are people even getting out of it? Is having to swipe your wallet really that much of an inconvenience that people are willing to put some strange parts directly under their skin?
You know those awful pop-ups and constant ads trying to sell you crap you don't need nor want? Now you can have it anywhere you go, blasted straight into your eye.
thanks for the warning, hitler.
i'd rather eat woodpulp and shit actual bricks then get chipped.
Sweden was talking about having RFID chips be mandatory for securing bank accounts and authorizing purchases about 3-4 years ago.
You already carry a device that tracks all your movement and biographical data, records and catalogues everything you say and do for perusal by the alphabet agencies, and can be used as a payment authorizer. The social engineering we've undergone to get to 100% smartphone utilization is honestly more insidious than sticking a tracker chip in someone. Beside we all know the real reason the Swedes want these chips is so they can be identified after a grenade attack.
Good for them, for they will be able to buy goods in the marketplace.
Please, people, remember this: Revelations is a statement of what WILL happen, not a roadmap to stop the apocalypse.
You have my interests
… or not being able to have it stolen by thugs with knives.
You're defending pagan devices of Saturn worship.
Itll just get stolen by hackers and malcontents
I'm Swedish and can concur.
I don't think this is the Mark but it's surely a terrible sign of the times
Hmm, this doesn't seem like a good idea. You'd think there'd be some self-awareness here.
Not outside Silicon Valley, probably have hippies screaming about cancer due to inorganics exposure. That is to say, probably too cucked for it to work there without a fair amount of effort. Sweden's perfect though.
A mark is a visible thing. The forehead and back of the hand are traditionally the smooth parts of your skin least likely to be covered. A mark on the back of your hand or forehead would be immediately visible to all, not something you'd need a scanner for. It's an open sign of allegiance.
To exist (((forever))) without gods presence in some network.
anti-christian or heretical, since Christianity is directly authorized by Christ Judaism, Mormonism, Protestantism, Catholicism, and islam are all technically heretical off-shoots.
I'd venture to say it's getting people ready for it.
Perhaps they saw too much resistance in Canada.
They just haven't internalized the necessity of the 2nd coming.
Many are gnostics and actually have faith in men.
The Order of Thelema have their HQ in Göteborg.
Stay the winnie the pooh out of Freemasonry
This doesn't mean we should be celebrating the apocalypse, one of the effects of living as Christians (and why the bible tells us to resist sin and the world) is to resist the ((new world order)). It won't help anyone to think "Oh, Jesus will solve this, so i don't have to do anything, i can sit back and watch my family become transwomen or lesbians, and allow the government to rob me of all my privacy and crumbs of freedom.
This ignorance is of terms and conditions from smart phones is why we have soo much surveillance in websites now.
Trust me. The alternative of letting humanity run it's course is a much bleaker prospect.
I've looked into vaccines, flouridated water, and the spherical model.
I'm an accountable woke mofo.
We're not here to bring the new kingdom in some vain revolution that's likely to be co-opted by the CIA.
We're here to earn our spots in the new kingdom.
Trust me. The alternative of letting humanity run it's course is a much bleaker prospect.
I've looked into vaccines, flouridated water, and the spherical model.
I'm an accountable woke mofo.
We're not here to bring the new kingdom in some vain revolution that's likely to be co-opted by the CIA.
We're here to earn our spots in the new kingdom.
The alternative to that alternative, is celebrate the hastening of souls being lost that could have been saved. Not something to relish.
maybe. Not so sure it's the great heinous sin that the beast will command every man and woman partake of, but whatevs
> Well howdy there my fellow (((communists))) and (((catholics)))
Stopped reading.
Just as the Mark of God is the proper worship of God, the mark of the satan is that worship of the devil.
Good luck getting raptured
I saw them pushing in Canada something about a chip on your brain that makes you "a better person". LOL
Don't give them credit, they'll start to think they're actually leftists.
so the only legit christian organization is Orthodoxy, or did you somehow retcon baptists into the 1st century?
christian server
discord gg/Xw4V7Jb