Is this hell? Are the gnostics right? Suicide has started to make more sense as I grow older. When I kill myself, there are three options: 1. Nothing happens. 2. I get sent to hell. 3. I get sent to heaven.
These are better options than my current life. Besides, I'm curious what's on the other side.
I've never met a person who isn't suffering. Doesn't matter if they're religious (Christian, Buddhist, etc.) or not. Everyone feels like shit. It's not meant to be like this.
Aiden Roberts
I'm literally not suffering right now. Maybe you should work on overcoming your pride because you've got a bunch of assumptions which can easily be disproven yet you continue to put stock into them, making you a fool. You're the cause of your own suffering and no one else.
Noah Morris
If I'm the cause of my own suffering, then removing myself will also remove the suffering. So suicide is the right option then.
Lincoln Perez
No, you'll just stay in that state of suffering forever. The fact that you can't experience the joy of life is your own fault.
Matthew Clark
not true i was a depressed mess that wanted to kill myself every singe day of my life and thought there was no point in life i found god i have been happy since
Ryan Lee
So killing myself will, at worst, change nothing. At best, it will remove my suffering.
Jordan Phillips
How? How did that happen?
Blake Howard
I have nothing to lose by killing myself and everything to win.
Jayden Murphy
No, because in the grave you don't have the chance to repent so you can get yourself out of the suffering. It won't, but even if it did it would still be stupid. Just repent and you'll be fine. Someday you'll look back and laugh at yourself right now.
Dominic Rodriguez
Nah, I'm committing suicide later today. Just waiting for some equipment from amazon.
Easton Gutierrez
If you really believed this you would have done it already and wouldn't be posting on a Christian board. The Spirit in you is trying to steer you away from an awful and totally irreparable mistake. Turn away from your sins and iniquity. This may be your last chance. I'll pray for you but I'll no longer indulge you.
Ryan Miller
Ok piggy, no more pearls from me today. I'll still pray for you though
Christian Reed
There's no harm in hearing alternative viewpoints while waiting for amazon to deliver my suicide equipment. I thought there might be a Hail Mary argument to help me. So far, I haven't seen it.
Luis Robinson
Thanks, but it's too late for me. I'm just too tired of everything. Even the few good things are gone now and I don't feel like sticking around if I'm some modern-day Job.