now the left will declare a "state of emergency" on anything and everything to bypass the senate, which John Roberts will then certainly support.
Trump is the stupidest mother fucker in the history of time, I mean fucking D.U.M.B. Assuming such a thing happened as a "state of gun emergency," what would happen?
The Orange Moron and us
it's a fucking fence for about 6 miles.
local politicians have the right to prevent it from being built
meanwhile amnesty was snuck into the bill
I just want to see dumb assholes like you run over.
I was gone for the week, what did Trump do to make plastic face Pelosi say this?
He's declaring a state of emergency after the deal to build it anyway as a "fuck you" to the terms of the deal.
So if the state of emergency has done nothing and it will be blocked then I guess we don't have to worry about them doing the same trick to take the guns faggot.
The bill stated the money put in for the fence couldn't be used to deport coyotes. The money for the emergency certainly can.
There will be no civil war.
Civil war entails the worst kind of violence, zero mercy and total extermination. You think Boomer cucks are capable of that? The average white person is like 55 years old.
You think faggot millenials or generation Fortnite are capable of that? They're terrified of even owning a fucking gun.
Civil war requires organization. How can a population whose only political organization consisted of walking into a fucking booth and pulling a lever for 40 years do anything?
So.. What youz be telling me is something significant has occurred and you really dont want people to be talking about it?
We've been dreaming of the day we get to play IRL Fallout for years, faggot. You can cower up and die, make sure to leave your ammunition for those of us who will actually use it.
You're implying there will not be any outside forces galvanizing, training, and arming the youth here to fight for their agenda.
Shut up Millennial
If you let your enemy kill you, you win!
The courts would issue an injunction, retard. Just like they're going to issue an injunction here. The difference is the President CAN use the emergency funds, where as the President CAN'T legally take property away from citizens. Are you really that retarded? Nancy is just being stupid, as always. Yes they can always try but shit wouldn't fly, and if it did fly well I guess it's time to water the Tree of Liberty.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late
With long arrears to make good,
When the Burgers began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy-willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Burgers began to hate.
Their voices were even and low,
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show,
When the Burgers began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught by the State.
No man spoke it aloud,
When the Burgers began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred,
It will not swiftly abate,
Through the chill years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Burgers began to hate.
Oh my god, I just got bingo. The world would literally improve if you died tomorrow.
Eat shit, I want to see this shitty country burn down.
This is you (((OP)))
it's not 2014, fuck off back to the you little queer
What a cuck.
Why don't you stop IP hopping, cock sucker?
worthless 4cuck newfaggots
the minute ZOGbots show up in your driveway, you'll shit your pants and cry out an apology to them.
Nothing wrong with offing chekist fucks, especially if you've got fireworks. It'll be a festive of blood and gore for the whole neighborhood to see.
It's hilarious to see some cocksucker that came from the 3rd exodus calling others "4cuck newfaggots." You have literal shit for brains (((OP)))
If the Democrats were willing to declare a state of emergency to ban guns, they would have done so under past Democratic presidents, this is all bluster. With that being said, Trump is a retard who can't even build a border fence without getting fucked in the ass and compromising away his entire country. Typical cuckservative shit.
Trump is a kike stooge faggot, but don't blame him for the left doing things the left were going to do anyway.
Trump is a fucking dumbass, but don't even pretend like gun rights will last if we don't defend our borders and deport the 30+ million illegals in the country.
Thanks Zig Forums =
Even without orange nigger. Zig Forums became a joke. 8/pol/ turn the board into larping hugbox. There no free political Discussion anymore. It’s now just mostly White we wuz Kang. People taking Varg seriously probably done far more long term damage to Zig Forums than trump did. Half of Zig Forums unironically believes Vikings were peaceful, never had tattoos or alcohol until Christians gave it to them. Not to mention Varg aV welfare queen that advocates against gun ownership because people can’t fight the government. Varg was never a prepper or survivalist. He just a welfare collector playing Vikings in the woods. And no spreading his wife bad genes isn’t helping white people.
Who do you think you're fooling (((OP)))
You seem mad, op.
Even by your own word, half of Zig Forums agrees with you. Total control and conformation is very semitic.
follow your leader
btw, I find the tremendous amount of 4cuck newfaggots to be absolutely disgusting. Sad this place has fallen so far.
Yes? Unless you think faggots here arent itching to scream Moldy Labia.
Lol so much for slow boil.
See what fucking happens.
Ignore OP honeypot rage bait style threads. Hide the thread. Ignore the thread. Bo said he is doing some pretty intense banning of ips and vpns.
4cuck kiddie thinks he's tough, but he didn't even live through Gamergate.
Shit is about to get really bad, really fast. Don't do anything stupid and go innawoods, not even kidding. I'm moving to Alaska.
Hardly rage bait, (((OP))) is so low effort in his shilling that it's laughable
Friendly reminder that fat Jewish fuck Mark is Butt buddies withw the Zig Forums admins. Mark as much of MAGApege and Varg fanboys as he a Nintendo fanboy. Early today mark was leaving furry/trap shit up on /v/ while banning people making fun of Zig Forums one of those gaming journalist threads.
Hitler always been the weakest part of nationalist socialism. If anything Hitler was proto-trump. The Holocaust didn’t happen. Which means Hitler invaded white lands and kill millions of white people. Hitler set the stage for capitalistic globalism and communism. In hindsight Hitler sounded like a jewish plot to me.
Trump isn't stupid (well, for a politician I suppose), this is a normalfag view. Vid related. One of the main problems with democratic systems is that the average citizen doesn't have the time or even interest to really research what they're voting for. And those that do will never be privy to the same information that politicians are.
I would agree if your filename wasn't what is supposedly (SUPPOSEDLY, because I don't have a smartphone and cannot verify) a smartphone filename.
Is gore allowed on this board? The fact that I don't know anymore is really telling of how "free" Zig Forums is.
It's either rampant shitposting or carpet-permabanning.
That's a blatant non-sequitur. How exactly did you come to that conclusion, that these two statements are logically connected somehow?
You're not a 5th grade graduate, right?
Why must you shove words into other peoples' mouths? That's clearly not what he said. You could have argued that capitalistic globalism (meaning, "the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis") existed way the fuck before Hitler, but of course you went the monkey shit-flinging route, filthy mongrel.
The other user is a retard, but you don't help by making shitty posts.
Trump has been a major disappointment yeah.
Now I just hope the dems do some really stupid shit and americans rise up.
t. spergook
Nigger he's declaring a state of an emergency to build it you willfully ignorant dumbass.
Too little too late.
The leather club is unironically ten boards up m8.
The """wall""" (actually just a shitty fence) is only allowed to be built in the Rio Grande valley, and even then, it will only be built in certain sections of the Rio Grande valley, not all of it. $1.4 billion for a shitty fence in some areas of a single part of Texas, with none of it being payed by Mexico. It's going to be about 6 miles long, over a billion dollarydoos well spent.
Almost half billion is also going to "muh humanitarian" aid for spics on the other side of the border too.
Hitler has Israeli support and worked with them to deport Jews to Israel. He likely did work with Jews and was funded in part by Jews. It's hard to deny his part in the collapse of the West but you can never know if it was intentional or he got manipulated. And it matters very little which is true ultimately.
Globalism has happened before and it collapsed. When every part of a chain relies on another it eventually falls apart some where and civilization takes a huge hit. Empires will fall because of it, borders will be redrawn and globalism will fade into nationalism only to rise again after.
It's sad when people believe politicians. They're lucky they got a fence at all.
Why do I hate mutts?
Your precious "hwhites" kill each other all the fucking time. Go back to breed with niggers, you fucktard.
The Electric fuckin Boogaloo would happen you braindead nig, and I fail to see how it'd be a bad thing.
A "state of gun emergency' would be the best thing that they could ever do for gun owners.
The big problem is, has been, and will continue to be the issue of WHEN. When do you say they've gone too far, put your money where your mouth is, and actually use the guns for their intended purpose? Is it when they pass a labyrinthine import restriction? A state-level magazine limit? A new storage requirement? Red flag laws? When you only have one chance before your life as you know it is over for good, what are you going to spend that on?
It's almost impossible to think of a piece of legislation that would actually cause enough people to do something at the same time to turn it from isolated radicals to a genuine force with legitimacy. Even when the AWB was implemented nothing happened.
But declaring a "gun emergency" would essentially be a declaration of civil war.
There's records of him working with pro-israel groups to help deport Jews. It's one of the best myth breakers of the holocaust. He wanted rid of them and used the best avenues to nuke them all at once
The Israelis were fighting against the British army during WW2, Germany were unironic good goys.
This is dumb as shit, it's the brits who helped fucking make Israel.
Well you say that, but how did Zionist Jews from Europe end up in Palestine instead of madagascar?
I don't know how the kikes turned that piece of toilet paper they call a declaration into tangible action. It was a political fuck off message when it was signed I think someone forgot the memo.
They were preparing for it a long time, evidently, and even then, the amount of jews in Israel before the brits give the official edict is very low since the area WAS majorily arab.
Because they got monetary and equipment support from ALL over the globe per the US + Brit world order as well as the USSR, even Germany was forced to help them, all that K98 that the jews didn't mind to use.
No it's not, that's a meme invented by Zig Forums. America and the UN created Israel, the US funded and supplied zionist rebellions and insurrections against the British and threatened us with economic sanctions unless we handed it over, once we handed it over under pressure they instantly formed Israel and made it an independent country.
Stop listening to this Zig Forums meme.
Appeasing leftists never works. They were going to play dirty for the rest of forever regardless of anything Don did. That's just the way the game works now. The next Demoshit president we get will proceed to fight as dirty as they can for the destruction of white america. They've never played fair for decades a century? now and they aren't going to start now regardless of whatever the fuck Zion Don does or doesn't do.
Don't worry though, the republicans will ALWAYS continue to fight fair indefinately. Always.
Tbh I know soldiers that where there, they despised the kikes, said they were absolute vermin and deserved every round fired at them when they started blowing shit up. The way I heard it, they said the kikes were busy dispossessing the locals violently if necessary and they took it out on the soldiers when the administration stepped in. We were forced out and alot of our biggest regrets was not shoot all the jews and leaving them in some Palestinian hills before we left.
Hindsight's a bitch, ain't it?
We'll when you're forced out by paid insurrection and weakening state at home thanks to some massive war loans it doesn't matter that we knew it at the time because we were hamstrung.
I know your post is bait but I genuinely agree with that part
Should've killed them anyway. Damn what the rest of your government thought.
As if demoshits need a precedent to twist the law to their own ends. Remember Obama and his fucking decrees.
Jews are Arabs mate.
Everything that when wrong during Germany war Efforts can Be traces back to Hitler. Hitler at most was just a glorified mascot. Hitler didn’t create national socialism. He sponge off national socialism.
Why are you telling me this? What part of my post warranted this? Fucking hell, this happens all the fucking time.
No, faggot, Caesarism. We'll worship a man, not a nation or state.
Caesarism is gay and has a lifespan limited to that of the leader.
So what is it?
That's 200 years more than any system.
Stop fucking denial in reality, the brits are the ones who give Palestine to the jews and outright support them.
Who cares what the soldiers think, what matters is the politicians think, and they are zionist.
Tbh to this day, Hortler's role in Barbarossa was still debated, last time I talk to a kraut, they said most of the success were him, most of the blunders were his generals, despite the fact Hortler was fucking sick most of time during the war.
Also, Hortler sounds funny as fuck.
I'm gonna call him Abdul Hortler from now on.
Nobody but the lowest retards dispute that the Moscow assault wasnt the brainchild of the generals and not Hitler and the state, sperggook.
Blitzkrieg was also influenced by dear Führer.
Shtf after Moscow and Stalingrad and the failure of the state to locate traitor like canaris and stauffenberg from the get go. Nothing really worked strategically after that.
coming from some chinkmutt halfbreed is quite ironic.
But I'm talking about Barbarossa, not Moscow assault.
You mean the failure of Hortler too since Hortler is the head of state?
But it's you who first said Hortler?
Yes, Hitler was too kind a man. Should have gutted one or two of those loser nobles when they disobeyed him.
Stalingrad was the consequence of the failure at moscow. So much wasted for nothing, as expected.
You put abdul in front of Hitler so I just remind you of your subhuman shitskin status.
People live to 200 in Vietnam?
At least this kraut admits Hortler's failures.
Nope, but people do live to 100 now.
What I meant is that monarchy usually lasts 02 centuries, based from the first 02-03 good monarchs, then they become corrupted and get deposed, and a new monarch line arises and gives another 200 years.
No such thing for democracy though, it gets corrupted then just gets even more corrupted.
He failed in the end, but we had someone who truly loved us. I cant imagine the mournful fate of the half chink population in charlieland.
Oh please, we have plenty of good leaders in our history.
Hell, Vietnam could have been Japan level if we modernized back in the 19th century, in the same timeframe as Japan.
Yet you didnt. Im specifically referring to you stinking, gambling addicted southern gooks.
Funny because southern viets have always been more modernized/richer than northern viets, if you don't count the party leaders anyway.
I dont recall charlieland started out from the southern part of the modern map, and the last gook dynasty that was based there didnt waste the weapons they bought from us when the French came. But thats alright. You and your kind are like the Kurds. Disgusting loudmouthed cockroaches.
And? Country expanded.
Our last dynasty was a very corrupted one.
I don't see it.
That's real funny, the same I can say about you.
Why are you subhumans here then? Living in countries and continent of cockroaches? Get your shitty blood kin back home and stop sucking our lifeblood.
Fucking swarthy sucky sucky charlies.
Calm down, I'm not in your country, nor Europe.
About my people, if I ever become president, I will summon them back. Most vietnamese do come back either ways because it's getting increasingly difficult to live in islamized Europe.
You? Sperggook? President? Will you sob like a bitch on TV when the amerishits announce no more gibs me dats? Like last time? But this time, the mutts even pretend you dont exist anymore.
Maybe Im getting too harsh here. I just met one loud mouthed gook today that just reminded me of YOU. And of course we gave it the stink eye and the treatment an insolent shitskin deserve. Every other yellow pfrson wasnt like this particular half chink gook like you though.
Stop the impotent projection and fix your country, kraut.
And we learned since the war that americans cannot be trusted either ways since they purposely gimp the ARVN.
Said the loud mouthed, ignorant, low IQ descendant of a literal shitskin gib me dats puppet state.
And before that a loser monarchy of the same blood and culture.