The Yugoslav Wars

Could the Serbs realistically have done anything to avoid defeat?

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Soros planned the Yugoslaw war for Trepčka mines in Kosovo. He invested 10 milion USD caused conflict and then subverted Srbija (current PM degenerate) for maximum insult.
There are 100 billions of gold there.
It is not about fucking politics.
It is about money.
The fucking snake must die
Next war will be war when every traitor of Europe dies.

Yes, immigrate to america en masse and create ASPAC to combat AIPAC.

Maybe set more realistic territorial goals and quit while they were ahead.

Serbs essentially achieved their aims in 1991-1995 war. The Serbs controlled all Serb inhabited areas in Bosnia, controlled Vukovar, controlled Serbian Krajina and most areas of slavonia that had a serb minority and had nearly cut istrian and slavonian croatia off from the dalmatian coast as well as besieged Dubrovnik.
It was with massive western intervention, operation storm, the dayton accord, the Kosovo shit show, the insurgency in the presovo valley, and the Ohrid agreement that really shit on Serbia as a regional power and on south slavs in general.

this guy gets it.

There are more Albanians here than Serbs.
Also the jews supported Serbia. Israel covertly supplied the Bosnian Serb paramilitaries and does not recognize Kosovo. Serbia used to have a lot of jews even after Jasenovac.

I want to personally take a rod and impale Soros in the ass, all the way to the mouth, and leave him impaled like that 10 meters high in the air. However, I won't, because Serbs deserve their revenge more than us. He caused more damage to them.

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Not staring a maniacal genocidal war to murder all other ethnicities in former Yugoslavia maybe? They were pretty much begging for NATO to assrape them.

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Becoming a poor third world country shun by the rest of human society on earth?

Yeah, they did.

They crawled back and sucked EU dick in the end though, like a hoe who's missing her pimp.


Show me where a bad Serb touched you, Safet?

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I agree, having an economic group in Europe that was neither controlled by Russia, germany-shapped US-Israeli puppet or USA directly, was asking for trouble.
Never forget Central European Initiative aka Heksagonale.

Fuck me, you guys really got cucked after ww2. There is nothing wrong with genociding mudslims, if anything we should do it far more often.

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I find it depressingly funny how someone from a nation know for being cucks is being less cucked than that German.

not falling for the srebrenica false flag

Mehmet, please read:

sage negated, cuckold.

Back to cuckchan, faggot.

Yeah, they clearly should had cease their "greater serbia" autism and just let the Croats to secede.

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Found the albanimal.

"Greater Serbia" is BBC editing of a translation in an age before google translate. The gentleman said "Great Serbia", literally the same thing the US president has been saying for several years. The addition of the er is to change the phrase from a generic patriotic statement into some kind of expansionist imperialistic evil statement. Ironically considering BBC and The Times created the incorrect translation the idea at the time was to grant more independence to the various Serbian provinces from the central government, kind of like Great Britain. For posterity according to Google Translate, Great Serbia is Велика Србија and Greater Serbia is Већа Србија which you will find said nowhere in Serbian history. Wikipedia finally had to edit it when people pointed out the differences, but they still kept the article title as GreatER
Whereas the 2005 version says
The Serbs never prevented actual secession, the only people against secession were the Yugoslav authorities which happened to be in Belgrade at the time, and they were multinational. See the fact that the Serbs didn't fire a single bullet at the Slovenians or Macedonians or Montenegrin who peacefully separated.

Serbs only fought against Croat and Muslim separatists. Why is that? The reason why Serbs fought them is because they saw Serb homes and churches firebombed by those separatists, who behaved like terrorists more than like genuine separatist movements like all of the others.

I expect a Hungarian to know more about this than a fucking creatura on the other side of the ocean, so get your shit in gear or make like a tree and leaf.

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Wait, you are a leaf. Nevermind…

No one is asking you to suck serbian cocks, but there's a big difference between hating a nationality and outright and telling lies about well known history. You're trying to trick fellow Zig Forumsommandos, that is what I'm objecting to.

Why didn't you post:

The Yugoslav forces had like twice the casualties and less wounded because some wounded didn't get care, the vast majority surrendered outright to avoid shooting Slovenian civilians. A few trigger happy guys firing back at the rebels does not an "Ebul Imperialist Serb Killbot" make. I can't imagine western troops in a western breakaway province acting any better if they got fired on by the rebels, a few guys fired back, most surrendered, later went home.

I was actually going to post that but that would be Slovenes firing on Serbs and not the other way around.

kek,where do you think you are?

Forget it,he can't hear you over his self-fellating ,the resident mongol here is so far up his own ass he can qualify as a möbius strip.

You can actually hear his rectal prolapse every time somebody mentions anything Serbia related,so you can expect some pretty funny history revisionism from him.

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Oh wow a real serb. I learned about you from GTA and youtube videos! leaf educational system is common core since 1980

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Did you know we eat babies and come pre programmed for murder, also 2pac is alive in Serbia ?

sage for offtopic

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That's a pretty neat trick user.

there are actually surveys where a majority in literally every former yugoslav state (except croatia of course) said they would rather be part of Yugoslavia than "independent" and whored out to the EU. (ignore kosovo, the fucking shqips are not native)