It's not like a kid will read a comic book and start sucking someone's dick later that afternoon…
The slippery slope takes longer than one day, and it has twists and turns along the way, which would leave the comic book reader under the belief that they were heterosexual, not realizing what lies ahead for them.
The comic book thing makes the young boys effeminate, although you might not see it on the surface.
As they get older they start playing Dungeons and Dragons, and they have a penchant for Science Fiction and Fantasy.
From Star Wars to Lord of the Rings, from The Matrix two Ready Player One, the young male doesn't realize that he is ostracizing himself from females by becoming a fucking sissy loser
The video game thing makes it even worse, because no female is interested in a guy who sits there playing video games like a little child.
And it's a catch-22, because the more he plays video games, the less girls like him, and the less girls like him, the more he plays video games…
The final straw is anime, which takes the sexually inept (asexual geek sissy) adult male's void of masculinity, and gives him permission to flush it down the toilet, as he starts to embrace homosexual imagery and effeminate transsexuality as an acceptable psychological input and outlet for his Fantastical imagination…
Since no women will have anything to do with this man at this point, it's really only a matter of time before he finally develops sexual urges….
…… And since he has no concept of how to interact with females, on a social, interpersonal, emotion, romantic or sexual level, and since he has spent all of his life interacting with other males who share his same effeminate video game anime sissy boy personality, when he finally does Express himself sexually it is invariably in a homosexual manner….
And in the back of his mind, he is waiting for an opportunity….
Until one day, an assertive, physically aggressive older homosexual male realizes what a fucking vulnerable, weak loser the videogame faggot is, and he manipulates him onto his knees and fucks him in the ass and makes him suck his dick….
And afterwards, the now fully homosexual video game faggot piece of shit sissy boy tells himself that homosexuality was his Destiny since birth…..
But that's not true…..
He wasn't born to be a homosexual….
It all started with comic books, science fiction, video games, and anime…..