I read the OT for the first time and it is basically like a script for everything that has and will happen.
I am not saying it is by divine guidance or if there is a group of people forcing the script to be true but it is true regardless.
It's important we read and discuss this to be prepared
Jews are scattered throughout Europe following the Roman invasion and destruction of the temple
Countries around the world that host Jews are becoming more inhospitable due to economic conditions, degeneracy and no population controls. This is causing more jews to "return" to Israel around the world.
History speaks for itself. Two world wars and countless fighting to create the new Israeli state. It has burdened the world for centuries and killed millions of gentiles.
The temple will be rebuilt and will signal the events to come.
(Zechariah 12:3)
Israel is now the center of data farms and technological innovation. Google and Facebook (both owned by Jews) have the largest data farms and send data through Israel. They are building an AI that processes and analyzes all this data we produce for them and will protect them with military strategies and technologies that we cannot compete with.
The temple is rebuilt in the bodies of Christians and that means Christians expect that the nations will be gathered against them.
I am not making an opinion on what is correct but I am just pointing out the differences. What does not make sense is that the events prophesised at the rebuilding of the temple has not happened… How do we explain this if they are rebuilt in us? The world did not turn against Christians but was ruled by them at that point
Grayson Russell
What could go wrong ? On a serious note, stop concerning yourself with the "end times". They were predicted to happen over and over again throughout the centuries. Let God do what He does and stop concerning yourself with "when" and "wow look how it all unfolds right now". Be attentive, come to the one true Catholic Church, receive the Sacraments and pray. That's all you need to concern yourself about.
If that worries you, then you need to be better prepared.
Jaxson Bennett
Wait and read more until you make another thread.
Chase Sanders
Just be the ever vigilant and the ever-watchful servant.
Isaiah Adams
Owen Martinez
It's pretty clear that God uses past events to foreshadow future ones, but let's remember prophecy only makes sense in hindsight.
That said, I've long thought that if biblical history we're a cycle, then right now we'd be very close to the judges (pastors/priests) of the tribes (congregations) and their complete fall from God to the point that none of them knew anything about him. And we know that after this time of spiritual division and chaos comes a King of Men, elected to rule, but who is surpassed by God's chosen King. This to me resembles the Antichrist being dethroned by Jesus. That said, the forecast for this era ain't good, but it'll get better.
There are a lot of signs of the end times. Don't worry about it though; it's part of God's plan. Worry instead about spreading the gospel and doing God's work while you're still here.
Ayden Ward
God's plan also involves hellfire. It makes sense to sorry about things that are in God's plan because we have to deal with them accordingly. There will be tribulation. It won't be easy and the rapture is not biblical.
Mason Reed
Agreed except for Wat
Jonathan Hill
Usually when people say this they mean the pre-trib rapture. I can tell because he says there will be tribulation, and this is true. Except those days be cut short, there should no flesh be saved.
Daniel Miller
Yes of course I mean the pre-trib rapture. That's an insidious lie for the easy-believism crowd.
Luke Price
Is this documentary accurate?
Christopher Jenkins
Jacob Harris
Fairly accurate, I would say. I haven't seen it in a long while, so I may have forgotten about any specific problems it might have had. But the basic idea is sound.
It shows how the hyperdispensational crowd elevates the "Jews" to supreme status as God's elect by bloodline, and for this reason they have to make the rapture pre-trib, any way they can, so that the "chosen people" can then go through it.
Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:6-10 clearly shows that the new covenant is with us and Israel concurrently. Romans 11 shows how the wicked are cut off from Israel, and so all Israel shall be saved.
Romans 11:7
Galatians 3 and 4 shows how all things are inherited through the line of Jesus Christ, the only one who is worthy to inherit the promises.
And how the seed to whom these things pertained was Christ Jesus. See Genesis 22:17 (KJV), notice how the seed is a singular person ("thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies"). 1 Peter 2:9-10 and Galatians 6:16 speak further about our exact titles and role. There are plenty of other parallels between OT and NT passages as well, like Hosea 1:10 with Romans 9:24-27 for instance.
Mason Wilson
Anything from Steven Anderson is accurate.
Gavin Cook
This tbh, Marching to Zion is another masterpiece of his
Benjamin Morales
Except his entire doctrine
Brayden Phillips
Anything from the Holy Spirit is accurate, not some man
Noah Reyes
They're going to blow up the dome of the rock and make it look like Christian fundamentalists did it.