what is the down low on this guy? I honestly kinda like some of what he's said but I'm just getting into the e-community.
Yankee Marshal
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He's a whiny, fat, fudd faggot with stupid opinions and should shoot himself.
what about James Yeager
Neck yourself.
good for you.
Try hard coward that looks like that one FtM tranny pornstar
Yankee Marshal is a suburbanite faggot who very rarely has good points that should be ignored due to his dumbassery on almost all possible topics. Also had a bitchfit when his wife's son decided he liked semi-automatic more than revolvers.
Internet tough guy who shit himself and ran to hide in a ditch while his buddies got shot at on the job, mainly because the one driving didn't know how to drive stick.
He was the one left-wing media propped up as a murderous psychopath when he told people to vote from the rooftops and shoot people while marching on DC.
Also he runs a training course or some shit, nobody cares about that anymore since his entire existence is a complete joke.
You sound like a faggot.
a faggot who's only a few shades shy of red.
The fuck mate
The only good thing Yeager has ever done is the after action report he wrote on his ditch diving adventure.
Go to planned parenthood and ask them to perform a 217th trimester abortion on you, you fucking oxygen thief.
that's because you are a faggot.
sage negated, stupidass.
Go away, Czechoslovakia. You don't have the bantz to shitpost on the level of 'straya cunts.
how did those no-gun queers ever get to mod this board? Fucking backwards ass gookchan.
Back to 4um with you
Good talk, greater Austria. Let me know when you decide to start thinking outside of the realm of Youtube diktat.
wow, you're so sophisticated, bragging about your gookchan imageboard creds.
lol mouth-breathing loser.
sage negated
keep showing me how "epic" you are.
What a stupid nigger. Check this faggot out, gents. He doesn't roast anonymous posters based on their flags (which may or may not be legitimate), he actually thinks he's responding to people posting without VPN protection. What a queer. And no amount of proxies can cover up your cocksuckery.
And check my dubs while you're at it, you genetic dud.
lol triggered.
No, I definitely have a VPN. Stay mad, 4cuck.
as if this shithole is more free
sperg on, dudder.
At least you're admitting what you are and where you came from.
you really are a moron.
Aw man bro you didn't post another facebook frog pic with your retarded, stupid-ass, dumbfuck shitpost? Lame bro, like totes weak brah.
lol triggered
You unironically need to go back
it's pottery
Why would they give him glasses? What the fuck does he need to see? He can't even fucking read. What the fuck does this potato do that requires eyesight? I did't know you needed eyes to shit your pants and eat applesauce all day.
They're one and the same.
Yankee Marshall is liberal so you have to wonder if you can trust him. Hard to say if he is just a gun loving liberal or if he has built a reputation as an e-celeb to play the long game in an attempt to tear the shooting sports apart from within. Overall he sometimes posts worthwhile tidbits here and there, sometimes makes a decent point, but a lot of the time he's entertaining and angering people by being a Youtube personality more than a gun guy. He's a typical liberal, loves attention and making waves, so he does. I din't follow the guy because its mostly entertainment/shock value.
Yeager probably has a lot of valuable information he could offer, but he blows his feet off with both barrels. His ambition has ruined him in many ways, the hardline stance he took to get attention got him into trouble, got his license revoked and some horseshit. That's not good. But the whole incident where he kept telling trainees to throw their guns on the ground "to teach you to drop the gun and not value it too much and not hold onto it when the cops arrive" but was probably more of a stunt to set him apart from all the rest of the trainers ended him for good. Someone tossed a loaded gun on the ground, as he was ordered to do, then the gun went off and hit someone's truck, very dangerous. This safety breach was pretty much the end, his attention seeking stunts to gain more viewers and rise up in the shooting sports community finally just got him turned away. He'll never live that whole truck thing down, his push to rise faster than by doing it the old fashioned way of slow and steady permanently damaged him.
Both men are great speakers, but Yankee is more of a jerkoff entertainer, Yeager has the ability to put real information into words and decent videos when he tried. With a different strategy Yeager could have probably built a slow but steady reputation and had the presentation skills to be quite useful.
He a faggot. But a faggot who admits he wrong sometimes. He like Ian but admits he gay. Yankee marshal use to be Islam defending atheist. He at least later admits you can’t be gay and defend Islam. I can’t reapect him for that along with trash the NRA and trump.
TYM is a fat liberal faggot and should off himself.
You should off yourself too.
I highly doubt he's 55 years old user.
To be fair, and this is a "broken clock is right twice a day" situation, he called out Iraqveteran1488 and his bitchboy when they supported the NRA in pushing for the bumpstock ban.
He is a retarded faggot but he uses his faggotry in sometimes spectacular ways.
Go watch big bang theory, grandpa.
This is what gets me. Unrelated but sort of related, something tells me if Karl the Cuck didn't leech of Ian the Faggot's success he'd do the exact same fucking thing. Starting up e-drama for clicks.
Which is extra funny if rumors are true. According to rumors the only reason he stops white knighting Islam is because a Muslim punch in the nose while he was wearing gay pride shit. He was trying to get selfies with a Muslim to stick it to conservatives and Christians. If this is true. I can’t feel sorry for him. Literal gay atheists like Yankee marshal and fag running charlie hebdo shilled for Muslim immigration. They deserve to taste what they voted for.
How the fuck do you know what a FTM pornstar look like?
Wasn't that half the point of the 'Bolt Actions are Obsolete' video?
Based and redpilled, muslims in USA are against fags, AIPAC, and israel.
So they're the true conservatives of american values (^:
Muslims are fucking incestual gays.
Same for jews and christians tbh. Semitic/desert religion/race is like that.
Fucking kill them all, cancer of the world.
Pretty much what said.
However, some of the mudslimes ways of running society can be used. A good beheading here and there is a good way of getting whiny libs cunts to shut up (or at least whine less). Also stoning the gays and kikes and having women know their place in life.
The way the muslim runs society is basically how society was run back then.
Until equality sips in.
And even then those muslim society are shit compared to classical/medieval societies.
People following the personal cult of perhaps the most evil man in history, False Prophet Mohammed, are not based or redpilled. They fell for the charisma of a man who basically is no different than Ron L. Hubbard and used it to murder innocent people, steal their things and women just to satisfy himself. Its an obviously fake religion by an obvious fraud of a founder. You can't be more delusional than a Muslim, who is about as delusional as a Scientologist.
This guy has it right, traditional conservative Europe had all the good conservative things we want and need. The answer is "get rid of false prophet Mohammed's delusional cult and reinstate real classical western values" not "Hurr durr Muslims still are somewhat conservative and traditional, let's get rid of our superior traditional culture for a vastly, vastly inferior one imported from hateful foreign lands".
Yeager's problem, in addition to his hardon for 9mm Glawks, is now insufferable he is. What few valuable contributions he has to make are buried behind so many layers of tacticool arrogance and LARPing, it becomes almost impossible to actually receive that information because of the garbage way in which it's presented.
Yanka Marshall is a faggot contrarian
just like 8/k/ tbh
Yeah but we're cool faggots, like Freddie Mercury. Sodomite Marshall is a gay faggot that no one likes.
WTF I like trannies now?
James Yeager looking like Buck angle has been a meme forever
pretty much
he screams "I HAVE A MICROPENIS," and his testosterone supplement videos are beyond cringe.
only thing worse than 9mm shills are 9mm glock shills, deliver me.
I'd love to attend a Ditch Bitch class and ask him where the nearest ditch is in the middle of his lecture.