All Chile's 34 bishops offer resignation to Pope over sex abuse scandals

should we just begome ordodox?

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Come home to the Western Rite, brother.

What on earth is that painting? Who is that man in the suit where the lines of the picture converge?

the great apostasy begins

it's time.

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t. historically illiterate

Now go read about the Arian crisis of the 4th century.

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Go read the article you plebs

Link an archive of the article you newfag

Before anyone reading this thread makes references to Q that confirms that the Pope will be having a bad time in May, it's not so straightforward.
In the short-term, it looks really bad that the child abuse scandal in Chile has gotten out of hand for the nation's 34 bishops to offer their resignations. In the long-term, this is a golden opportunity for Pope Francis to place his guys in every bishopric in Chile, whose terms are 15 years in length. If you are concerned about the direction Pope Francis has taken so far with the Catholic Church, then look no further than Chile to advance the Francis agenda long after his death or resignation.

I hope my fellow Catholic brothers in Chile manage to weather this out.

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St Athanasius frowns on your cowardice.

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Athany-kun wouldn't recognize this new organization

The Catholic Church is bearing bad fruit and has been for years. Those who doing to it are being prideful and are calling evil good. Come home man of no particular color.

I think if you come to Orthodoxy expecting traditionalism, you'll be disappointed. You should come because it's true.
We just changed to calendar to appease ecumenists. I smell something in the air.
But only the Lord knows what the future holds. And He tells us that we shall know it by its fruits, as a rule of thumb.


The Western Rite awaits BEGOME

Why are people treating this (the resignations) like a bad thing? For once the Church hierarchy is holding itself accountable for the sex abuse scandal in a completely unambiguous way, to the point where Francis himself even repented of defending these guys. The Church is finally holding itself to the standard that the rest of the Christian world has been calling for years and this sets the standard for accountability moving forward. Don't get me wrong, we're in deep caca here, and I'm not Chilean so I can't say how deep it truly runs, but the Church has been in it for years and now we're finally doing what needs to be done to fix things.

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Bad leadership is biblical, Peter denied Christ three times, all the apostles abandoned Jesus at the crucifixion, and during His earthly ministry the apostles spent most of their time bickering over who was the favorite. Nothing that wicked, sinful, earthly men can do will ever take me away from the Church Jesus Christ established and her blessed Sacraments.

you can't expect the world to love us user

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Matthew 7:3-5 -

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” - St. Athanasius

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It's always good to see reform happen in corrupt church.


As others have said, don't even bother. Most posters here are just faithless memesters looking to "win" only to feel better about themselves, while ignoring any arguments or evidence against them.

Pretty hardcore.

Don't listen to . Please do bother. I'm a weak and a self-doubting man and I need to read this kind of thing.

Evil men entering the Church isn't anything new , it's a centuries old issue, and according to any Saint worth their salt, not a worthy enough cause to abandon the True Church.

this is the real question. they didn't choose to be photographed in front of that painting accidentally…

it's Guglielmo Marconi. Marconi was the inventor of the radio. It is the place where the first radio message by the Pope (the first one on the left in the painting). I think that place is where Radio Vaticana is headquartered today, since their website has that painting in the homepage: My obvious guess then is that the paintings (yeah, there is more than one, pic related) were made to commemorate the circomustances of that building, both in the recent past and the present.
I want you to think for a moment about how you immediately thought about some grand conspiracy; maybe in your mind that guy was already some satanic jesuit infiltrating the Church for account of the zionists or something. Reflect on that, and on your prejudices towards the Church.

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Imagine if the Apostles all resigned over the Judas scandal.

Well then, I take back. I didn't consider the needs of others.

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this was the firt thing i thought too
chile will be completly overrun by amoris laetitia type bishops… shieet.

rip cath chile

t. totally not an orthodox poster

Imagine if you actually had something to say besides innuendo.

Denying priests marriage and family is perversion, perversions have consequences.

t. orthodox


1) most child abuses happen inside families
2) orthodox priests are not immune from this sort of stuff
3) for people who claim snowflake intellectual status in opposition to "the west" you sure like to accept modernist western pseudoscience like freudian psychology when it fits your agenda

But, (and this is not directed at you but at the RCC) your Church has never done anything right since 1054. You even gave us those revolting little wafers, for the last time the Last Supper was not a Passover meal!

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I was reading from that website you posted and came back to a thought that should be obvious, as Christians it is our duty to be on our guard and we can't delegate this duty to anyone else or be told to relax it, this of course goes without saying.

I don't know that your quote from St Athanasius is in context though.

Nope, it is in context, also attributed to St. Maximos the Confessor. However that one has the skulls of erring Priests and Bishops, which makes it clear.