An idiot created a thread and misspelled the word 'pickaxe' today.
Everybody who read the thread instantly noticed that he he'd misspelled 'pickaxe' when they read his headline. Most of them called him a faggot, and ridiculed him for being a fucking idiot.
What's so weird about it is he copied and pasted an actual legitimate news story about a pickaxe being used by somebody, and of course the legitimate news article spelled the word 'pickaxe' correctly.
Not surprisingly, when OP created his thread, he wasn't paying attention, and he spelled it 'picaxe'.
The incessant copying and pasting of news in Zig Forums has recently become monotonous, with the handful of faggots who created the threads making continual mistakes left and right.
it has started to make the entire 'news' section of Zig Forums seem pointless, and has led to redundancy that's become nauseating. Every day it's Trump this, Trump that, Trump, Trump, Trump, and nobody gives a flying fuck.
Earlier today, one of the few idiots who creates threads in Zig Forums copied and pasted a boring story, but when he was copying the story, he inadvertently grabbed advertisement content from the original source website, and pasted it into his idiotic Zig Forums bullshit thread.
Pickax is a correct way of spelling it. The American spelling for the English "axe" is "ax". Not clicking that link, so no idea if that's how he spelled it.