Dyneema armor questions

How heavy would you want sheets of dyneema to be if you were integrating it into clothing? As thick/heavy as you could get it while still being flexible? Would you want multiple sheets in front of each other for increased resistance, and if so, how many could you use before it stops increasing resistance or becomes impractical? Would having them glued to trauma pads/having trauma pads behind them somewhere have the same rib saving effect as in a normal armored vest?
Considering getting some 5oz/yard tailored into my jacket, is this too thick or is it just fine?

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Why use faggy, brand named, UHMWPE string when you could just use monolithic blocks of the stuff instead?

Attached: UHMWPE body armour.jpg (640x424, 57.55K)

For an all out combat uniform this would be nice, assuming they could be shaped into more than just rectangles, but for no profile armor sheets would be the only option if you wanted it to be flexible and not look like you came out roblox.
PS: is there actually non-brand name dyneema you can buy online not from alibaba currently?

Haha, no. China's still one of the few countries that doesn't give a shit about patents and IP law in general.


Most armored clothing that's commercially available is still made from Kevlar and you'll find a lot more info available on how to DIY that. If you're hellbent on using dyneema then you'll have to dig in the technical research yourself.

Why not just buy UHMWPE armor 'plates' off AliExpress?


Yeah good luck sewing it into a vest then, even using a sewing machine takes a fuckload of time to stitch it in since you have to manually arrange each holes by yourself.

Wait a sec, how the hell will you wash it then? I thought that washing kevlar is bad for the fabric.

>Why not just buy UHMWPE' 'armour' 'plates off Aliexpress?

You're needlessly over-complicating things. Just buy quality chainmail and wear whatever clothes you want on top of it.

Hmmm gee i wonder what happens when said chainmail gets broken up by high-velocity projectiles? Really gets that noggin joggin. Also you’re missing the point of OP, as much of a faggot he is.

I've been thinking about getting something like this, but I don't know if it'd be any good.

It's a nice jacket, it doesn't cover all the important parts though.


Surely your dick is worth at least $250 to you?

You could wear a thin summer shirt over chainmail and nobody would notice.
It will stop arrows and knives. If you want to stop bullets then buy a vest

Zig Forums no longer stays up to date in infantry technologies. Thats why it is a shitposting board now.

Go away, Spergkike.


Not even THAT kraut tbh. But stay mad, mutt.

Anyway, hard armor segment of the industry is always so shady. You rarely find an up to date test, and it is usually from consumers.

Chink listings give the thickness as 6mm. Strongly doubt unless it's kevlar with a thin layer of UHMWPE. Looks maybe half or three quarter inch thick for 3A protection

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Have a life guard with flashy uniforms and live ammunition.

Attached: lss_parade.jpg (720x480, 137.76K)

Or alternatively make a System in which no worker of your nation would raise a hand on you, and then invade the countries opposing you.

Those don't really deal with rooftop snipers

Just make sure you become a martyr for your people, make it better for the enemy for you to be alive than to taste the wrath of those who would come after you.

Do you think there's a model that comes with bayonet lugs?

Attached: Hip thrusting like 'FUCK YEAH!'.gif (362x198, 535.29K)

Invest in a popemobile. Alternatively. you can be a real trend setter and go for the Taiwanese faceless goon aesthetic. a "be the man the hivemind wants you to be" sorta thing. I'd vote for ya.

Attached: taiwanese unit.jpg (640x429, 145.33K)

Good for protecting against high-velocity debris, but i don’t think any sane person would aim for the D though.

Why bother with a chainmail then?

They can’t shoot you if they don’t know where you are, ergo being a NEET that paid attention to his online footprint will pay huge dividends. Also has there been any sniper assassination recently? I’m guessing that Mossad will be the one that has 70 years worth of experience on that topic.

Why not modify one of those water squirter flowers for pepper spray and attach it?

Attached: jumbo-flower-water-squirter-12004945-0-1395670222000.jpg (1000x1000, 72.8K)

I don't know much about washing armor, but I'm assuming that dyneema isn't the same as kevlar, and people use 0.51oz/yard sheets of this stuff to make tents for mountaineering, which I would say is probably a lot more rigourous than washing it. I actually never washed the jacket I want to put it in, since its never gotten major filth on it before

I'm not just looking for stab resistance, I'm looking for resistance to most/all pistol calibres and rifle calibres as a bonus if its at all possible.

I'm primarily looking at this stuff ripstopbytheroll.com/products/5-0-oz-dyneema-composite-fabric-hybrid-ct9hk-18-wov-6 although according to the sales it doesn't appear to be all that popular, which I'm wondering if its because the people buying aren't buying for armor purposes or if they are and they're buying the lighter stuff because it has better ballistic performance

wash your fucking clothes you mongrel, its got all your sweat since you bought it on it you fucking disgusting neet
if you dont keep up with hygiene, even/especially when shtf/total war, you WILL die a slow death by disease. Even if you get hit and know how to patch the wound, your filthy clothes will get it infected and you die.

jacket is dry-clean only? its no good for long term innawoods or shtf. You need clothes you can maintain, everything from sewing rips back up, buttons back on, to cleaning it.

How do you intend to use it? Daily concealed wear? Innawoods? Showing off at the range? IIIa vest is the goto for wearing, or at least trauma plate, though they have less coverage. IIIa armor is really easy to make/get nowadays and if not nigger rigged is very light and flexible. Innawoods/SHTF loadout? Level III+ is the best choice, with UHMWPE being the lightest, as well as buoyantalso comes with padding by default, albeit expensive, going heavier is retarded. Mall ninja or other poseur - level IV with hexagons drawn over, bonus gayness points for rainbow reflective surface.

There also are more specialized options for daily wear like bulletproof clothes but you'll have to do your research. Probably not worth it over basic vest.

There's also Angel Armor that make rifle rated plates for daily wear but the full package is still not very concealable, even if lightweight, so it's probably not worth it either.

If you're poorfag and can't use rifle plates concealable level IIIA is still pretty good, it'll protect you from pistol rounds, shrapnel and occasionally even rifle rounds, as level IIIa helmets did on several occasions against 7.62x39 from longer ranges. These helmets are sturdier than the armor, though, so if rifles are a threat at least double up on these soft plates, this might save your ass.

We need a better body armor classification, though. Something in between III and IIIa, like doubled IIIa being able to stop more threats, even rounds like 7.62x25 and probably 5.7 and 22tcm, as well as better shock absorption, and III- that can only stop 7.62x39, maybe even from 50-100m or so, or stop low energy intermediate rifle rounds only, which would be very useful in helmets, as higher energy ones could probably knock you out or snap the neck anyway, while more predictable protection would be a great addition.. Basically, fill in the gap between rifle and pistol rounds instead of separating these two groups like retarded gun controllers.

Why wouldn't you try to aim for the crotch area? If the rounds go low, then enemy will be incapacitated, if they hit on mark, then the same thing happens, if they go over, then they will hit torso, which may either incapacitate the enemy or do fuck all due to body armor.

You aim with the intent to hit your mark not planing to miss.
Secondly life isn't a video game if you have time to carefully aim at a dudes nuts then you probably didn't actually need to shoot him and if you did then you should have just put two in his chest and not taken the risk on some dumb trick shot.

Gay. Having said that though, if you set up the pepper-spray thing alongside the dick bayonet then you should be able to make it jizz pepper-spray inside the wound. Which would actually be kind of funny.

The chest is a bigger target, making it easier to hit, and even if you do miss your intended point you stand a decent chance of the shot landing on the lower stomach, arms, or on a lucky headshot. It's also easier for a soldier to just line up his sights on the largest chunk of the enemy he can see no that does not mean that Burger infantrymen have a large number of soldiers who get shot in the ass/gut.

Case in point

I can that guess you are the type of person who never changes their bedsheets, are you not?
Either way, it's surprising to see at how disgusting some anons can be here. Hygiene is another aspect of innawood that is often overlooked, and yet there are people like OP who had never cleaned their own fucking clothes.

Why not have it spray the AIDS as well while you're on it.
Jizz can be used for sustenance after all especially for future slaves

I don't particularly want to handle a vial of HIV, and spraying pepper spray directly into an open wound sounds funnier and would have its effect almost immediately rather than in 20 odd years time.

Average human ejaculation has about 5 calories in it. Unless it's a particularly fat slave that you want to slim down they would need to be sucking dick pretty much constantly
So the slave would need to be sucking dick all day every day for a month to get one days caloric intake. That's before you consider the time you'd need to give them the appropriate supplements to make sure they don't just go full malnutrition. I could see it working as a punishment for the more annoying feminists, but not practical for anything else.

It is because it has to be dry cleaned, its made of wool. I'll have it done soon, but its probably not what I would take intothewoods.

Guilty as charged

Daily wear, thats the ballsiest video I've ever seen.
I can't imagine this is true with sheets, maybe with blocks
As in a different armor thats heavier or dyneema thats heavier? I still want to know what the best weight/yard to use if I'm going to get some

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UHMWPE plates do have additional padding and a slick fabric around the edges to make it easier to insert into the carrier. These are rifle plates and are even thicker than steel ones.
As in carrying level IV plates unless you are facing 90% of fire in 308 ap from close distance is retarded, and this doesn't really ever happen. I've not heard of a case of someone using a medium machine gun with AP ammo for room defense, so room clearing is out of question, while in other situations you're either too far or the plate covers too little to matter or suggest hauling additional 5kgs on yourself.

You aren't getting reliable rifle protection from any soft armor, i was talking about hard armor plates that you buy for money from competent people making them.


As for daily wear, basic option is either get yourself a light IIIa vest with good coverage, there are plenty of options, search for some bulletproof clothing or, if concealment is not a requirement, look into that angel armor, it seems to be pretty good for being more wearable, lighter and smaller than UHMWPE.

you're disappointment, user

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Is it strong enough to prevent the jaws from getting blown off?

hey check it out, a new friend

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You bring a very reasonable argument brit, i guess i went as raunchy as possible but ending up falling flat on my face. Still, it is a good tactic for pepper-spraying would be slaves before abducting them.

That looks cool, but abit too big for the head. Care to elaborate more on that helent?

cyberpunk corporate police force/10
Would wear to hostile acquisitions.

And best of all - it has built in ventilation fans on top so you don't get hot in there.

Probably, but I'm not sure because different parts of the helmet have different bulletproof ratings.
You should check out DemolitionRanch' video about it… there aren't many intentionally shooting at these things because they are quite expensive… the airsoft model is $500+, and the ballistic one I believe is several thousands of shekels.

As says, there is quite some schway stuff that adds to the volume, but the helmet weighs only 2Kg.

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Reminds me of these guys

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What does this do that a IIIa helmet with Crye chops doesnt? Or better yet, a IIIa helmet with full IIIa visor?

This one makes you look like a retard(badass) and cuts off your peripheral vision(protects your eyes).

But a iiia visor does everything you listed better and has no sacrifice except maybe a weird cheek weld.
Has Zig Forums stoop to the level of airshitters?

Figures a kraut wouldn't know anything about war. The number one thing is intimidation, not pure efficiency. A normal helmet makes you look like a fag. while the ronin makes you look like a cyberpunk ninja. Who would want to fight a cyberpunk ninja? No one. When your enemy surrenders every time, why does it matter how "good" your equipment is?

Who wants to be a gay mall ninja when you could be a tacticool centurion

Attached: cent.jpg (1024x981, 321.46K)

I know you are attempting to be funny, mutt. But I hope Zogbots do end up adopting this piece of shit.

Attached: Centurion.jpg (2437x3260, 3.97M)


That's cool as shit.


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I know that they provide no tactical benefit, but why don't we see body armour with this level of craftmanship anymore? No, not the metallurgy, but the attention to detail and the artistry on the metalwork.

Attached: Vendel and Saxon helmets.jpg (845x584, 121.61K)

Today's ceremonial uniforms are less flashy than what the average infantryman wore during the Napoleonic wars. You'd have to reverse this two century old trend and then by the 2200s you'd actually see the kind of armour you want.

Attached: US_Army_new_pinks_and_greens_uniform.jpg (1200x618, 140.36K)

Why do mutts have shit tier aesthetic and always look so repulsive?

Our WW2 uniforms didn't surrender

Nice one, shitskin.

Because ugliness is the new normal in the west.




What, exactly, is the woman on the right wearing? What sort of mental defective would it take to design and sign off on a uniform like that? It looks like the sort of thing canteen staff would wear to protect their clothes from splashes. If she's fat/pregnant enough to need something like that then what the hell is she doing in uniform in the first place?

The mulatto hordes always need more bodies. A more consensual type of goblin horde, tbh

Because it's a waste of effort going into something that should be function first and foremost.
Combat isn't a fancy outfit parade. Nobody's gonna care anyway.

I'm not suggesting that soldiers play dress up with complicated outfits that get in way of their job. I'm saying that there's no reason not to make these things beautiful in a way that doesn't impact on performance.


UHMW (ex dyneema, spectra) is a jelly looking thing that works by having thousands of layers of it, where each layer has a strong static attraction to the next layer (van der waals) so when a bullet hits the layers slide but the attraction between them spreads the impact energy out. That's why it mostly comes in plate and you'll rarely see a weave of it.

Aramids (ex rusar, kevlar) are actual strands that work by looming them into strong fibers, which are then woven tightly against one another. When a bullet hits the strength of the fiber itself keeps it from penetrating, and the weave spreads out the energy. Only a dozen or so layers are enough to stop most civilian arms, but there's no attraction between the layers without some kind of glue.

Ceramics work by being extremely brittle and hard, when a bullet strikes them the ceramic shatters and the cracks/fault lines during the shattering are what spread the impact force over a larger area. This is why its good to have small ceramic plates, because it can only be used once. Ceramics often need a backing of steel, so when they shatter they don't fly all over the place.

But muh baste quote from gookjima's gay fiction!!!

Because it costs more
t. goberment

A bummer, but unless they were cast or made in some way that doesn't take time, the time spent making things ornate could be spent on making more of the item

there's a fair number of pieces are either cast or stamped at the moment. You could work a suitable design into those at the construction phase.

Partially bc of functionality meme, and partially bc we're fielding 15-100x more people in an infantry force these days.

Come again?