I can't think of a more fitting picture for our American friends. It's just perfectly how I picture the officers.
Spoiler the images and just list the country
I can't think of a more fitting picture for our American friends. It's just perfectly how I picture the officers.
Spoiler the images and just list the country
These pictures are exactly why I have no use for "support the troops" faggotry. Brings new meaning to the epithet "Green Nigger". Nuke us already you Euro bastards.
Maybe the Saudis will. Hopefully sooner than later.
Wait for your turn nigger, I asked the world for total nuclear genocide before you did.
But you didn't have the money to buy paper to send the request
We did, but your muslim female(male) transexual underage staff kept losing it
We dont even have nukes, do we? I'm afraid you gonna have to ask the jews or the chinks for that.
Did he look like this?
There is France. And the UK, depending on what he means by us.
I can imagine both of these countries secretly selling their nukes to fund the welfare of the aspiring migrant doctors/giving them to Israel as reparation for the 600 million gased foreskins. Then we are left with the Norks…
A rare look into the daily lives of the soldiers of the US military
Post images that represent your dream military
Imagine being such a pathetic excuse for a man your dream soldier is a jew. Unless you're trying to derail a fun thread with the digital jew.
Who? Kaz is a hapa and Jack is an American with clear western European features.
That's his nickname, his real name is John
At least we have a military.
Pic related. Is probably out on the streets of San Fran surrounded by heroin needles.
inb4 muh LARP mask
The mask is necessary in order to dehumanize the soldier.
When he's on duty, he's not HIMSELF (i.e. his civilian self), he's a war machine meant to fulfill his mission, all of his sins are not of him and so and so on.
This is incredibly useful so that soldiers can do their job without getting their morality mixed in.
Again, to feel pity for the enemy is to stab yourself.
For a real version, the russian green men back in 2014 was top aesthetics.
I think these two images together sum up the armed forces outside of combat zones.
1st one reminds of those stories about tunnel rats who would get high and go AWOL for like 2 weeks down the vietcong tunnels only to reappear with trophies taken from dead VC and no real recollection of what happened.
Why live Zig Forums?
To kill turks
A man of culture. I see
Thanks dubsman, you reminded me of our true purpose
Let's hope SHTF world will provide everyone with the chance of taking back what is rightfully theirs.
Which lands do you Hungbros want to conquer? I'm not sharing Bulgaria but you can keep all of Romania
What about this? You can also grab the rest of romania if you want to.
And build a space empire.
Un saludo revolucionario y bolivariano para ti mi hermano
Look up Hayden you faggot. And don't claim Metal gear isn't based around his character as it is.
And secondly
Fucking cuckold.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
I like you user.
Just a little tweak and the map is perfect.
Who, nigger? I never said anything about women, and Kojima himself has said numerous times that almost everything in almost all of his games is based on American movies and music and references to his own work. Snatcher was based on Blade Runner, Policenauts is a Snatcher-like with an American buddy cop movie theme, and almost everything in Metal Gear is either based on aspects of American cultural values, war movies, or in his own words, David Bowie. Almost all of the main characters in Metal Gear are modeled after characters from David Bowie music and movies.
You retarded fucking kike nigger.
There are only about 2.9 million albanians left in albania, the rest left into europe. Even kosovo, which had 2.3 million albanians at its height, has only 1.8 million now, they're leaving even that.
Whereas on the other side, Serbia has about 7 million Serbs and Bosnia about 1.5 million. Greece has about 10 million Greeks.
You guys basically outnumber them now and can easily crush them. Just get Albania to fire the first shot at Greece (or false flag it) and NATO can't intervene. Then you can just chase them into the sea…
Can't wait for NATO to crash with no survivors
Also if there's anything the 20th century has showed us, it's that Ukrainians can't take care of themselves and we should have listened to Scipio Africanus.
We could always negotiate about slovakia too…
lol by 2050 their population is projected to go under a million, and they are all spread out over Northern Epirus so wiping them out piecemeal would be fucking easy especially with modern radiological weapons. Spray an isotope with a few days half life, it takes out all their country, and in six months it's a pure nature, not a single animal with body weight above 10kg exists in it.
Populate it with some Pudus, plant giant trees, and return the Balkan Temperate Rainforest to its glory days.
For right now, until 2050, focus on fucking as many serb girls as you can. Go after teens, go after milfs, impregnate the shit out of them, they are all lonely anyway it will be good for them to have a kid to take care of. Distribute condoms with bottles of baby oil as lubricant baby oil decomposes latex.
EU a shit, Greater European Co-Prosperity Sphere for ever.
Maybe the real imperialism wasn't the land or subjugation, but the friends we made along the way
I guess more ski-resorts for us
Weird map, leaf but not without its merits.
You are having a declining population too, Kojima.
What is this supposed to mean?
He's an honourary Aryan tbh.
I'd assume that niggers are being removed and literally anything other than niggers do is being done in terms of landscaping
Wasn't meant as a slur…
>implying I have friends
I have nothing to lose, Jamal…
I don't think there are that many shqips in Kosovo. Max population in Kosovo was nearly 2 million in 1991 (with Serbs and other minorities included). Granted, shqips never liked participating in a census, but I doubt it's much higher than 2 mil.
Now in CY2019 shqips in Kosovo like to claim there are somewhere around 1.7-1.9 million of them, but here's the thing - they rode the migrant wave back in 2015. And by that I mean entire schools were suddenly empty, both parents went to Germoney and took the kids with them. They are still leaving, there are regular news reports about packed buses leaving Kosovo, long lines in front of Western embassies. Hell, some even went into other parts of Serbia just to find some or any work. Last year our local Kremlin-funded radio station Sputnik used CIA World Factbook and other euro statistics and found out that there are somewhere around 31 cellphones per 100 residents in Kosovo. Funny thing about that - Somalia has 46 and Afghanistan 62 cellphones per 100 residents. Fucking Sudan has somewhere like 70 per 100. Global average is around 100 phones per 100 people. Nearly EVERYONE has a phone today. Are albos in Kosovo poor? Yeah they are, but not that poor. All the countries around them also have 100+ phones per 100 residents. Which means there's probably 3 times less albos than claimed. Ofc most of them did not left permanently and are sending money back to keep everything from falling apart.
As for Serbia it's 7 million like you said - 6 million Serbs and 1 million others. For Bosnia it's around 1 million Serbs.
Start breeding serbros. The Turks will soon reach 90 million and we will have to kill them all
Will try, but living prospects are just so bleak…
If only we had some sort of government that takes its people's interest first and foremost and encourages native population birthrates instead of doubling down on immigration and appeasing no good thieving gypsies
here's a proper map
better to install a friendly government
We will genocide all non-whites
We can artificially turn deserts into rainforests and/or arable land industrytap.com
I almost feel sorry for the real world contradicting those dreams.
Lethal Weapon in particular.
We make a helluva team, huh?
What sound does a gay communist Turk make?
It'd be easier to ask the jews considering that they have the Samson plan up their sleeve anyway.
All it's missing is the restoration of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
I'm afraid they won't do it since they are going to need Europe inhabitable in case the US would cease to defend them and the shitskins would try to push them in the sea.
How can whites fuck up their samson plan? Monitor their country 24/7 and immediately launch missiles from submarines in the Mediterranean the moment the kikes try and launch their nukes? How do we do it? What if they launch 100+ nukes at once? Can we prepare for that? Is it possible to blow them all up before they leave Israel?
The Carpathians are one of the major natural defensive lines in Europe, therefore you really shouldn't be so spineless as to want to give them away. It's not like we couldn't suppress and slowly assimilate those tót peasants.
I know it's a quote, but don't forget that the proper name is actually Bánság. Although I think that calling the area Temesköz would be better.
Our only beautiful planet that is being cared by Mother Nature will die and become dead as Mars. I wish German didn’t discover the nuke recipe.
The Samson plan is a fluke made up to scare everyone.
I see no harm in that, rather than living in fear.
The jews's power is fear, but that fear is not real.
digits of good fortune upon thou
this thread is pic related
Could the greeks actually win something?
ur mum
This shit is so fucking annoying. Do it faggot, don't just say you will. It's why people make fun of Southerners talking about how they want a second go.
You won't, of course.
True enough but I just wanted to be more realistic. Tóts are just Hungarians larping as Czechs anyway.
I know, I just like this poem. You know times changed when even a former commie poet wrote more nationalistic poems then most of the far-righters today…
I like you
Start the war, put me in the front lines and for as long as I am still alive I will commit mass-scale warcrimes
Is… Is that a spraypainted hockey mask without breathing holes? Why not just use a fucking tinted/light-controlled face shield at that point?
Looks like they're trying to hide their faces.
its a ballistics mask, Level IIIA. They can stop most pistol calibers and save your face, but if shot you're going to break ALOT of facial bones from the back deformation.
Gay euro oppression facecondom vs the Chad pinko face smasher.
It's a sad state of affairs when I wouldn't mind having sex with that