‘Trump 2020 – Keep America Great’ campaign flags made in China could be hit by tariffs

"The red, white and blue banners for President Trump’s campaign for a second term that are ready-to-ship are emblazoned with the words “Keep America Great!”.

But they’re made in eastern China and soon could be hit by punitive tariffs of Mr. Trump’s own making as he deepens a trade trade dispute with Beijing.

At the Jiahao flag factory in Anhui province, women at sewing machines hem the edges of “Trump 2020” flags the size of beach towels, while others fold and bundle them for delivery.

According to manager Yao Yuanyuan, the factory has produced about 90,000 since March."


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I would hapilly pay a few cents extra for my flags knowing we are actually making america great again in terms of trade.

I will Support China because it is a Key ally.
China has done no harm to Russia.
But I have a personal and important Plee to the Chinese, my Friend.
Please do not hurt us.
We Might as well

But it still isn't great again

Its going to become great between now and when the flags arrive.

You Started it

with a 200% tariff, the $35 flags would cost you $105, and after paying your internet bill and rent, I'm pretty sure your mother will say no.

If you think that she's attractive, especially in that horrid pose and uncomfortably ridiculous & ugly outfit, you never get any pussy. It's like Barbarella meets a subprimate meets Flash Gordon meets a discount mail order bride gone miserably wrong.

news flash !!
It never was

I'm not sure what's more disturbing: her hideous face, her disgusting breast implants disaster, her stupid hair, the pathetic swimsuit, how big the crotch area is, the fur background, her stupid confused expression, the fact that a professional photographer thought that was a good photo, or the fact that you'd be so desperate that you'd actually think it was 'hot'

I figured out what's the most pathetic thing about those pictures….

the fact that you uploaded thumbnails.

You're a fucking desperate idiot

Yeah luckily a tarriff of that size is against WTO rules.

The outfit isnt great. But shes way hotter than the wife of any other 70 year old I know.

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Whites design, subhumans build.

Apparently you haven't been keeping up with the news lately…

Saying that swimsuit 'isn't great' is like saying a pile of dog shit isn't filet mignon

Her body is disgusting and her face is ridiculous looking. It's not just that her face is ugly, which it certainly is, but it's even worse than that, because the expression on her ugly face looks so retarded, like she's not even sure where she's at.

And honestly… How many 70 year olds do you actually know?

Melania Trump reminds me of somebody

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I never bother because they always get proven wrong over time.

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I think maybe you are letting your pathalogical hatred for Trump cloud your objectivity on that.
Shes a bit old for me and the outfit is weird, but its obvious shes a model who has looked after her body throughout her life and kept in good shape.

do you mean 'getting it wrong' like Donald Trump creating needless financial hardship for Americans by starting a tariff war, or 'getting it wrong' like pretending that America used to be great?

See the image I provided as an example.

Trust me I saw the image
And I've been watching mainstream media distort and create the news, always slanted, brainwashing people into believing the agenda of intelligence agencies and defense contractors since I was a teenager

and I'm old as shit……

so I'm very, very familiar with the process

it didn't just start recently

'good', like the odd tell take shape of her disgusting breast implants as she poses recumbinently?



Well thats why I dont watch the news very often.
People who watch the news and believe it end up looking silly.

The earliest one I remember is the Iraq war. People always blame the CIA for saying there was WMDs in Iraq.
But they forget that the news media took that as a fact without question. The millions of people on the streets (here in the UK) against the war hardly got any coverage.

she's not fat……

I suppose there's SOMETHING good to be said about the weasel faced idiot with gross fake tits

In Murrica, not being fat is a big achievement for a woman.
You can tell shes from eastern europe and didnt grow up on a diet of lard and burgers.

Here in America, NBC used to be owned by General Electric, and CBS was owned by Westinghouse.

General Electric and Westinghouse manufacture home electronics and washing machines, but they are also Defense Contractors, building cruise missiles and nukes…

During the first Half War, CNN broadcast live from Baghdad, or so they said. They we're actually shooting the footage from the roof of the CNN Center in Atlanta, formerly The Omni. (I lived 7 miles from it as I watched the broadcasts)

But in America, they've been brainwashing the masses ever since television news began, and with radio before that, and with newspapers the entire time.

By the way, 'NEWS' is an acronym for North, East, West & South….

I don't pay attention to the news, or TV in general. It's a 'voluntary passive thought manipulation device'….

Yes, you CAN tell she's Slavic….

just look at her stupid facial expression and her unappealing facial structure

First Gulf* War

Not 'half' war

Although it ended up being just the first half of our eventual WAR CRIMES AGAINST IRAQ

It sounds like we are on the same page on that.

I think that could be a matter of opinion.
I think her face is fine but then again I like Jap girls and I know they get a lot of criticism on here because their faces are not western looking.

the stated mission for the first gulf war was too 'restore democracy to Kuwait', when they never were a democracy… They were a monarchy

I used to also think Japanese chicks were hot, until I fucked several of them, along with Chinese and Korean chicks….

at which point I realized that they're actually yellow niggers, space monkeys, alien negroes


My bad. I inadvertently said 'baghdad' when I meant to say Saudi Arabia

The hero Zig Forums needs but doesn't deserve.

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I'm a worthless piece of shit.

I have little to no value

except the fact that I'm so god damn old

and experience has it's benefits

when I say how badly I'm embarrassed by Trump, all too often, trump supporters assume that I'm a Hillary supporter, or whatever….

Not true.

I'm an antiestablishmentarian
I hate Hillary's fucking guts
I hate Sanders
I hate ALL of them.

I would've never wasted my time voting for any of them.

I guess your just too cool for everyone.

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If Hillary would've been elected, I would be right here, bitching and insulting her just like I do trump

The only difference would be the nature of my critique

Because Hillary is NOT stupid… She's Evil… She's insane… She's maniacal… She's corrupt….

Trump's just stupid and embarrassing


I bet you wouldnt be posting pictures of Bill Clinton calling him ugly.

Funny you'd say that, because during his presidency, women seemed to think he was 'hot'…..

And I've always said he looked like W.C. Fields who's head got flattened by a pair of forceps during birth

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The alcoholism certainly didn't help any

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Anybody who doesn't believe that Trump's being blackmailed by Putin is fooling themselves

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Lol i don't even read your posts, loser.

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If Trump was a puppet of Putin he wouldnt have taken the brakes off the US oil and gas industry, causing the price of oil and gas to decline and basically crashing the Russian economy with no survivors.

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By the way, my grandmother was one of THE smartest people I've ever known, and she was actually what some people refer to as a 'witch', although that's not a term she would ever use….

anyway, she knew SO much about people, and nature, and the way things really work, as opposed to what people 'think' about the way things work….

One of the many things she taught me is to NEVER trust somebody with connected earlobes….

people with connected earlobes are cold, uncaring, emotionless, and untrustworthy

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was that your knee jerk attempt to make me aware that you exist?

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Was i talking to you? No i wasn't, but good job outing yourself as a loser to everyone, fucking idiot.

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I couldn't possibly give ANY less of a fuck what you read

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Lol I can live with that

Ummmmmm…no one wanted your input anyway soooo…bye

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egg zack lee™ why I'm shoving it down their throats

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Dude, it's pitiful that you actually believe you are ruining others days by posting. I sure those few posters that even visit this board are really flustered by your antics (lol). That was sarcasm, btw. Pro tip, try posting on a board that people actually care about lol.

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So even you admit that your posts don't cause grief to anyone, even though you try so hard. Get a life lol.

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By the way, im not surprised that you're a Fallout 4 fan

It takes very little effort on my part to keep myself entertained and occupied…..

you erroneously assume that my goal is to 'ruin other people's day'….

Video Games suck

Video Games are the equivalent of castration

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My anime has just finished downloading and now i will watch it instead of mocking to you boring losers. sayonara, losers! Pro tip, don't reply to this post or it will become apparent to everyone how butthurt you are lol.

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Sure it will, little girl….

Now run along and watch your little cartoon, Sally…. Meanwhile, the heterosexuals will continue posting

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Science Fiction: how you first alenated yourself from a healthy childhood

Fantasy Games & Movies: how you ostracized yourself from interaction with females

Video Games: how you became effeminate

Anime: the final straw, taking you into latent homosexuality

now, i can understand what you are trying to do. You are trying to portray that other guy as a faggot by photoshopping his reaction image face with other faggots. However, when you post the now photoshopped reaction pic, everyone sees you portraying yourself as a fag. Basically, try lurking for two years so you don't embarass yourself further.

This is just one of many reasons Trump ran for office

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I've never met an anime watching, video game playing adult male who was masculine, or who ever got pussy…..


So, knowing that the path of sci-fi, fantasy Hobbit bullshit, video games, and anime were going to lead you down the road to eventual homosexuality, you still continued?

see? proof! nevermind that everything trump has done has benefitted russia like starting trade wars with allies and letting russia know where airstrikes will happen so america can bomb an empty base for show and weakening nato lining up with russias goals. nope, no fishy business here just a mere (((coincidence)))

Max Bergmann, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, explained exactly how Russia has benefited from interfering in the 2016 election.

“We now know the details of the Russian government’s support for Donald Trump in the 2016 election,” he explained. “A massive disinformation campaign targeting American voters, hacking Trump’s opponents and strategically releasing the information, working through American fronts to funnel money in support of Trump.”

But the president also helped Putin get a lot in return, including a weakened NATO, an undermined EU, and a newly depleted American economy — among many other things.

“As a result of Trump’s rhetoric and actions, America’s closest allies are more suspicious and distrusting of the U.S. than ever,” Bergmann explained.

Trump has helped to end sanctions, working to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of the ones previously imposed on Putin. He has also helped legitimize the Russian president, attempting to paint him in a more favorable light when talking about him in the media. Finally, Trump has helped weaken the U.S. from within — which Russia can benefit from.

“Trump has attacked U.S. institutions including law enforcement, while driving divisive politics on racial issues and eroding democratic norms,” said Bergmann. “Russia conducted an unprecedented attack on America. Normally the U.S. would be making them pay the price. Instead, Trump has rewarded Putin again and again, often at the cost of his own country’s priorities or the priorities of traditional U.S. allies.”

russia is in a massive recession right now. tf you talking about?

Putin and his mates are all oil and gas people. Hillarys plans to reduce US production of fossil fuels would have made them richer. Trump even went to Germany and offered to sell them US gas so they wouldnt be propping up the Russian economy with all the gas they buy from Russia.

Never let people tell you it's ot worth it to be a grammar nazi when most people have forgotten how to correctly spell "definitely" and "beautiful".

You niggers are so transparent. First it was "OMG Trump is going to start a war with Russia if he gets elected!". Now, it's "OMG Russians hacked our democracy why aren't we at war with Russia?!"

Somebody on cuckchan said a few years back that ZOG would try to start another world war if things ever looked like revolution in the U.S. Lo and behold, what is happening?

lol@you not realizing
who I am

*drags my nuts across your face*


You're cancer. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're anything but.


I'm cancer who never said, "Trump is going to start a war with Russia if he gets elected!" or "Russians hacked our democracy" or "why aren't we at war with Russia?!"

I never supported ANY candidate since Ross Perot

Huh. If anything, that makes me despise you even more. No balls to pick a side but still the gall to act superior. At least traitors are standing for something, even if it's the destruction of the ideals of liberty that founded my country. I can admire that conviction even if I fight to the last against it.

If you don't see the irony in this in contrast to the rest of your post, then I got some bad news for you lad.

lol @ act

Sassypants, I'm NOT 'acting'.

I am far superior

a funny thing happens
when you've been born

is a concept
you never

fuck off spastic retard

Does rich pussy taste sweeter than trailer park pussy?
If they both have a good cleaning

Which is it, user?