Handcuffed and helpless, Yevgeny Makarov is held face down on a desk as more than a dozen prison officers take it in turn to beat him.
They punch the soles of his feet first, then thrash them with truncheons.
This is no frenzied, spontaneous attack. The methods are calculated to cause maximum pain.
The guards have to rest, exhausted, between beatings.
The assault took place more than a year ago at Prison Number One in Yaroslavl, 272km (169 miles) north of Moscow.
The victim's complaint was rejected at the time; an investigator concluded staff had used "appropriate" force.
Now this explosive evidence has been published by a newspaper, shocking Russians and prompting demands for justice.
VIDEO: Russian Guards Routinely Torture Prisoners
In other news, water is wet.
So prisoners get out being even more fucked up? Sounds like your average prison.
nice video OP.
Russian soldiers torture eachother. did you think they would be nice to their prisoners?
Westerners couldn't give a fuck about Russians tbh. If it happened to their own guy, they'd be losing their shit.
rightfully so, I mean it's their own country, so wtf do I care
Gets me every time
here you go……………….
VIDEO: op routinely tortures us with his inability to create a simple thread without making an embarrassing mistake.
Based BBC though, making me love the west and hate Putin's fascist dictatorship!
God's punishing them for being born in the UK
If Russian guards do this in "normal" prisons, what do you think happens in black dolphin when the cameras aren't rolling?
What the fuck? That is one wrecked whore.
Read about camp 22 in North Korea
They just work and starve the prisoners(kids too) to death and burn the bodies in blast furnaces
They also use the prisoners to clean out the radioactive sites
Must be that Wendy bitch he keeps talking about
Nigger prison is a one stop psychopath shop. Have you ever been Inside? You have no idea the kind of people that exist in those places. If society fell it wouldnt be preppers who lived it would be prison gangs. They would be armies that woupd pillage everything and war with one another
Thats propaganda you faggot. In north korean prison you can still have children, your family can visit, any born on the inside live with you and you are put to work developing the country.
Ya, KIm JON told you so himself
convicts are pussies. the main reason they are in prison is because they can't handle their shit in the real world and lack intelligence and skill.
in a post-apocalyptic world, they would be the first to die in the wild. they are zoo animals, nothing more.
In other news water is wet