How is Russia even military relevant in the world? Their economy is trash and their tech is horrible. It is truly an amazing thing that they are still a major player in world militarizes today. They must be the most militarist country, of size, in the world, since they have nothing but their military going for them. The resources are good, but resource based economies are not strong anymore.
Russia military
they produce their own shit. this means they can get get stuff for, basically, as cheap as they want (as long as its more then materials+production costs), instead of sending countless milions into private corporations so they can eternally research not working airplanes
aditionally, gdp doesnt really mean shit and all these big numbers dont mean anything. what is important is buying power
All their shit is produced in Russia, at prices dictated by the government, and they still have a huge amount of Soviet era gear to equip everyone but their A1 units with. In simplest terms, they get more for 1$ than you (or we) get for 1$, and there's a lot that they don't need to spend a penny for.
Gee. Maybe not spending trillions on shitty combustible aircraft or letting women sail (and crash) multi-million dollar ships helps.
They aren't spending 3 trillion dollars on a single airplane, they go for cheaper solutions and their engineers spend more time optimizing than they do being "creative". This results in very efficient R&D and tool acquisition. In terms of their military industrial complex it is a lot more streamlined, they have a single tank factory which is fed by a few materials processing plants and smelters, which are in turn fed by dedicated mines. They go from dirt to tank in the same 300 mile radius and their entire process is a lot more industrialized. In the west a single tank part has its sub-parts made in a dozen different factories milled out of solid blocks of steel which is NOT INDUSTRIALIZED it is a crafts based manufacturing, the part then gets shipped to a dozen different places so "qualified" people can screw a single screw in, or deburr it, or paint it, none of which is done in a single place.
The same effect occurs on their training schedules. The western model has a person training about how ideologically right we are, how to treat women and where the fire extinguisher is for over two thirds of the training schedule, want to guess how much of a Russian conscript is focused on those topics? They tend to do larger group exercises, which include entire armies, whereas west tends to train at a platoon or brigade level at best. Larger exercises are more cost effective, you get more bang for your buck in terms of experience.
In many areas it's ahead of ours, most of the areas that matter for warfare. For example our scramjet research stalled until we bought their research from the ukrainians in the 90s. They're ahead in all missile tech and propulsion excepting hydrogen storage, they're ahead in ordinance and warhead tech, shaped explosives, ahead in some types of armor, they have cheaper and more efficient body armor for example… And they aren't willing to settle for multirole designs.
Stockpiled slavshit.
Russia has no free press to point out when a project is crashing and burning forever so it goes unnoticed. Russian jet engines also have somewhere around half or two thirds less of a life span as western engines. Their navy is a rusted out mess they sold to Pepsi for scrap and the fact that they are investing so heavily into warcrime containers for merchant ships shows how confident they are in their ability to fight a real war. Their radar and transistor tech has always been behind and they never developed the CNC machine without smuggling some from japan in the 80s. Megafactories are also a liability, not an advantage.
They are massively ahead in electronic warfare, they prefer passive methods and are very advanced in areas like QWIPs.
You simplified something I explained in detail to the point where it made no sense, their stuff doesn't "just werk" and no one in the thread said anything close to that. I explained in detail why their training and equipment costs less, it is not because they accept a lower standard, it is not because they have different purchasing power - they have been forced to streamline and are a lot more efficient.
Megafactories are easier to defend than distributed factories, their tooling can be moved easily if they're threatened, and western countries don't distribute factories for protection that's ludicrous. The only real threat is a nuke, and if you're fighting with nukes your production power is a moot point anyway.
Their engines have a shorter midlife refit time because they have less maintenance cycles throughout their life and are used and abused far more than desk jockeys would permit in the west, it's not an issue of design or QC difference. This is a better way for them to do things for themselves, it might not work for us but it clearly works for them.
If you withdraw from the treaty, it's no longer a warcrime. At least that's the modus operandi of western governments.
While we're on the topic of naval warfare…. ever notice how Western warships have no effective ordnance to engage another warship? The torps are low range and the missiles are subsonic with a pitiable warhead, easily swatted out of the sky with CIWS by the hundreds. And since the west stole missile designs and turned them into target drones, it's clear that the west can also make supersonic anti ship missiles but chooses not to be capable of attacking warships Also Western ships have no effective defenses against foreign warships, the CIWS coverage is pathetic, there is no armor around crucial components whatsoever, and all Western ships carry their torpedo tubes and missile tubes mounted to the deck where they are vulnerable. Given the fact that Western ships can't fight other warships it stands to reason they exist purely to blow up civilian shipping, and given the size of the western navies they are clearly designed to blow up civilian shipping across the entire globe simultaneously. Even the submarines are built with a single hull and stainless goddamn steel, a design not useful for fighting enemy submarines, clearly designed to increase their raw numbers and danger to civilian shipping. The only warships with any punching power are air defense cruisers, but that's not an offensive weapon so much as a means to prevent the civilians' governments from protecting them. Don't throw stones in glass houses especially after providing sarin to sandniggers.
I'm not going to dignify the press comment with a response.
IMO that's a good thing. That way you can replace them with better ones while keeping the sexy airframe.
Okay, I'll bite. These are the issues of coming out of communism. The current American issues are the ones of going into it.
Comparing economies in dollars only works when everyone is paying it's energy (oil and gas) in dollars.
Russia is the only developed country that doesn't, de facto making the whole exercise largely pointless.
What should be compared is what the Russian military is buying in rubles and compare it to the cost of similar equipment is costing the US military to create a military PPPm ratio that could yield a decent comparison. Except we can't as detailed figures are largely classified in Russia.
What can be done is looking at the export market, and knowing that those are for profit exports (while domestic purchases may run at a loss, with the export profits covering part of that loss, the companies are state owned and are regularly on technical bankruptcy).
This tells us they can probably buy a T-90M for the price of one track of a M1A2 SEP v3.
Which suddenly makes the rubble and the Russian economy (PPPm) way way way bigger that the dumb "market conversion rate" GPD makes it appear.
It also works for commercial goods (but far less as those are transit goods import/export) which reflects on the fact that onnormal PPP weighting Russia GPD is suddenly between Japan and Germany.
It's still quite far from the US but Russia doesn't have a population anywhere close to 50% of that of the US.
US shit is MASSIVELY, MASSIVELY overpriced.
Honestly, given a choice of military procurement, I would focus on buying euroshit, including ruskies.
in addition to massive purchasing power parity variation, something like 35 percent of russian economy is grey market and barter system.
based aussie
Where does the Wagner group fit into Russia's strategy?
If a war broke out between Russia and USA (It won't, because they're both good goyim), I would bet my Germany's money on Russia winning.
You all are fucking retards, think about what you wish for first instead of going all in brainless contrarianism. You fucking leftist sympathizer scum.
Lockheeb isn't sending their best
But if the west has a problem, then logically what Russia does must be the solution!
Joke aside, I hope we never have to find out which side is better. Ideally we'll just have another century of each side annihilating illiterate shitskins clumsily wielding the equipment of the other side. Any real war would likely lead to a new hierarchy with China and India on top while Europe rebuilds regardless of which side comes out on top.
Implying the USA has.
When ussr got blasted by yet another international sanctions for the yet another pointless war in Afghanistan, even kremlin retards started to think that would be neat doing pointless wars abroad without getting blasted by sanctions. So in 1992 they send a """private""" military company of """cossacks""" to Moldova for the purpose of supporting so-called Transnistria - a literal commie mishmash of North Korea and Somalia created to fuck Moldova for life and make it completely dependent from kremlin. Sanctions didn't happen, thus """private""" military companies continued to fuck russian allies by supporting growing list of literal commie North Korea-Somalia hybrids on the ex-ussr territory. Currently they are becoming more active in the more distant places.
Private military companies are literally illegal in russia, I'm not even kidding. Two creators of the direct Wagner's group predecessor (Славянский корпус) were jailed. But in the authoritarian asian countries some people are more equal that others and simply above the law. Technically the former GRU officer Dmitry Utkin is Wagner's group leader, and it's controlled by one of the most corrupt and closest putin's buddies (((Evgeny Prigozhin))).
It literally doesn't exist?
It's an SBU invention that frame the loose GRU management system they have for neo-cossacks as something big and spooky that could explain how the mighty ukrainian army keeps getting it's ass kicked.
It stem from the Georgian war where "volunteers" companies (mostly tied to Caucasus republics own administrations) messed up some of the operational planning of the Russian high command by using the scarce roads to get into Georgia and did quite a bit of looting, which while pretty standard for the area, didn't please Moscow one bit.
Since then they have decided that while they won't quell that "cossack spirit" (of people going of to war to defend Russian interests on a personal basis… Why the fuck would they?) but that it need to at least be coordinated with the Genshtab.
So the GRU, that already had a lot of experience with it directly controlling local battalions in Chechnya, inherited the cat herding duty.
Yes, obviously our DDGs are designed to use their billion-dollar sensors and enormous AA/ASW armament to kill unprotected merchants.
Correct, it's literally impossible for subs to do any other job, they'll spontaneously explode if they try to torpedo any of those big, expensive, completely defenseless capital ships that the Russians love to build.
This. At least a state press admits its a biased mouthpiece.
Russia doesn't have 1 million dollars of unfunded liabilities per citizen.
Its a western misreading of the situation. Like calling the aor america stunt CIA pulled a "private military company". Its literally just some contract soldiers who are judged to be either high skill or desperate, sent to do jobs no one is dumb or courageous enough to do. Like an american crop dusting pilot looking squarely in the face of waiting for his two years older brother to die before he can inherit an iowa corn farm and deciding that maybe transporting cocaine and little boys so CIA can fuel another horror story is a better immediate term prospect. The tune might be different but the dance is the same, its a government controlled op kept at arms length so when theyre finally thrown into a cauldron and cooked, there can be no wailing Mothers Against War CIA controlled NGOs wailing - but in general they have less training and shittier equipment than a regular russian army unit.
They would be million dollar sensors if the buyer (congressman, general) and seller (their golf buddy at raytheon) weren't openly and boldly discussing how to defraud the retarded pseudo-serf taxpayer.
Do you mean physically large? Our largest torpedo is considered "medium armament" in Russia, and it can dive to 1200ft while the Russian subs can dive to 2000ft. It's too short ranged to get close to their surface shipping, which have tiny heat seeking torpedoes that can fuck up a Mk48's day we are just now thinking about introducing anti torpedo torpedoes and the media is making a huge deal out of it jizzing all over their keyboards
It's literally designed to hit cargo ships.
Oh and the same altitude differential that favors high fighters firing on low altitude fighters works in reverse underwater. The sub that can go deeper has more advantage, since a torpedo has to explode under a vessel to disable it. It's a genuine physical performance advantage that we can't replicate.
Lol just turn the torpedo upside-down and detonate it above the lower sub. It’s not rocket surgery.
Shit it's so simple…. how could I have missed it?!
For one their soldiers aren't faggots and winkies riding on free college tuition.
Nationalized and streamlined production, a large healthy reservist system patriotism falling out of every orifice. If america takes 500,000 casualties they will have lost half the army, the people would riot, the cost would bring the country to its knees. If Russia took 1 mil to bring down the 500k, it would be seen as necessary sacrifice.
Then why do I feel that BRIC (namely the "R" and "C") could win a non-nuclear war (really wish I didn't need to emphasize that, but that's morons for you) against USA and NATO?
Also, no one knows how to into Anglais anymore.
they can rape everyone in europe while the US is too busy playing police officer to stop
Submarines cant fire bellow a certain depth because tubes get fucked up, i think around 700ft-1000ft is the maximum depth a torpedo can be safely fired
If you want to learn something about submarine warfare play Cold Waters
Interesting mistake on my part.
What are you talking about? We don't use compressed air to launch torpedoes anymore, the tube is fully flooded by ambient water.
So getting drafted in Russian is basically prision time without a reason with rape included?
every draft is like that.
conscription is slavery
Kill yourself numale. Only anti-war fags who get drafted into worthless literally-who divisions complain about conscription. I was a paratrooper and it was top-tier. I still miss it. My buddies served in mountain-divisions and they fucking loved the operating in there too. Again, the only ones complaining are the fags who join sissy-tier cannon fodder divisions. Airdropping in the middle of the pitch-black night in a swamp with literally 80kg of equipment on me and then marching for 5 miles through mud and rocks was the most radical experience in my life.
It's not slavery but more like attempt to remove the soy out of boy by force.
But you also forget that many Russian oligarchs bribe their sons of the bitches out of conscription. Oh and their medical check ups upon duty call can be a big joke.
Theres absolutely nothing wrong with conscription. In matter of fact I support the idea of some sort of national service.
Conscription is shit if you're forced to fight for jewish interests.
It literally is. What are you thinking with, you dumb fucks? Saying it's somehow good because it "makes men" is the same as saying that prison time builds character. Fuck you and your worthless nations that deserve to die and be spit on by jews if you think that enslaving citizens is somehow a good measure and adds your shithole merit. Kill yourselves, you worthless serfs.
See, we need to invite Russia to Six Eyes; much better than Euros.
here's a (you)
I liek borschtsch))))
Sounds like you should enlist in the military. Or do you need to be forced in along with thousands of leftists and muslims learning the same skills?
you dont even have a nation to serve, just the state
No, they just didn't update the commie conscription model. We had it here too, it's remembered for the widespread bullying. My dad told me of what happened to a young officer he knew – he was very formal, all orders and protocols, so his subordinates took out a knife, put it to his neck, and forced him to scrub the whole floor with his toothbrush while he cried and begged for mercy. No real consequences as the officer was told what would happen if he squealed. Dad just shrugged and went back to selling military surplus on the black market. Common practice with veterans was using newbies as their personal servants, sending them on "missions" like "go to the city and buy me a beer, with your own money. It better be fucking cold" and similar. Very little actual military training was being done as nobody really cared too much so long as shit was in order on paper. You can see the same shit by the end of the video with the poor shit being held at gunpoint.
A nation that doesn't force certain rules on it's people will be chaotic and ultimately useless. Anyone against conscription is a sissy turbofaggot and you can't prove me otherwise
Wew lad. I would have accidentally the whole barracks where it happened with some ordinance, shot anyone who got in the way, stolen a vehicle and hauled ass out of there and left the country (if I didn't get my head split open.)
3 843 men died between 1964 and 1989 here during their mandatory conscription period, so who knows, maybe someone did go postal on his "comrades". I doubt it, though – they usually an heroed. As for ordnance… Every proper base did have a munitions depo, sure, but that depo was fucking empty most of the time. But it was guarded – conscripts guarding an empty fucking depot, writing protocols about how they guarded it, checking the fucking seal on the lock, and if anything was amiss, some higher up was gonna rip them a new asshole. Shit, higher ups bullied lower ranks all the time too – some, for example, were on the lookout for any weapons they could steal from conscripts at an uguarded moment, hid it, and then gave them a massive dressing down for "losing" their weapon.
That's what conscription was: pointless, useless bullshit where you sought to cover your ass first, make sure the papers are in order second, and maybe try to steal some shit for yourself third. Almost no military training was being done save for some basic shit – you'd probably learn more if you spent a few afternoons at the range. Most of the tasks being given were bullshit in similar vein - stuff that is useless but looks great on paper.
Seeing that russkie video seemed to fit the bill quite perfectly, so I assume that's how things still are over there.
A nation is it's people, you parasitic scum. How can one talk about nations so much, yet be so detached from them?
For you? I'd call you a bug but you're worse than that, you're your nation's jew and your arrogant obsession with sissies next to you in your army proves me best. I hope you die with everything you've ever hoped to achieve resulting in failure. You're worse than a communist and deserve an even worse treatment.
These things actually do sometimes happen here, though not even remotely as often as suicides. Both things aren't talked about, though, and the latter are probably one of the few things that can actually backfire for higher ranks that allow that if not incentivize.
nation doesnt have rules, it has traditions
now fuck off and go read something about ideology you suposedly believe in
It's a mystery…
Spending a couple tens of billions instead of half trillion on it also helps.
Ignore the ruscuck. He's a self-described marxist and most likely also turkic.
i've never seen such an obvious and blatant projection, tbh. Are all Greeks insects similar to turkroaches?
Dude, we literally bought you from turks. Where do you thing the term "slave" comes from?
You also bought people from each other, does this mean you're just a separate breed of turks, greekworm?
Citation need.
Please remind me… what country are the Altai mountains in?
Educate yourself, turkworm.
You can't be anyone else but some rapeboy slave offspring, assuming you're even remotely greek and not a jew or turk larper. You wouldn't be so fond of asslicking and autofellation otherwise.
A nation NEEDS someone to rule it and if that someone DOESN'T force certain rules on the population, it will turn into garbage within a millennium. You NEED to teach all your men how to be soldiers. Conscription is a GOOD thing.
How many centuries did the Turks spend raping the gene pool in Moscow? I think your Turk-hatred might hit closer to home than we thought, Μωάμεθ.
The jew cries as he spams you.
The jew calls your nation garbage.
Does anyone even need further proof that he's a jew?
I suppose it's a good think there weren't any altaics, niggers or even sandniggers in our greater vicinity back then.
Said the tatar accusing others about "projection".
I think I can see why you are so mad about patriotic practices like conscription now. Is because Putin is repressing your sexuality?
Boy I sure do remember the last time a group of people conquered lands and created civilization just by themselves and without a superior king to lead them and organise them.
Apparently for as long as Moscow existed.
I see where you are coming from bu you realize we only had a (((marxist))) government for the last half decade only, no?
So, now you're jumping to another golapost, judaic turkworm?
So i'm tatar now?
>we only had a (((marxist))) government for the last half decade only
Oh, but it seems you simply didn't need it. Judaism comes to you naturally.
Perhaps you don't remember the cultural origins of the west? Was your bloodline elsewhere at the time? It would explain your instinctive desire to kidnap white Christians to send them off to war.
Reminder that turks were so retarded that rather than spreading their seed here they instead took women and children back to turkey, effectively spreading greek dna into their own population rather than doing the opposite
Bitch, you bet. We've been outjewing the Jew since 800BC.
That would imply that I deflected from my original point, which always was buying rape victims of turks out of White-ish solidarity and the kindness of our hearts:
Most likely for the last 600 years.
How long would it take for Antifa soykin, innawoods Stalkers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists to rebel against their ZOG handlers should the US in CY+4 enact compulsory conscription for the purpose of spreading democracy to China or Iran following the loss.jpg of two supper carriers to hordes of suicide boats or some shit?
Well, seems like the jews are not the only ones you're outjewing, fellow white person.
You did, you can re-read it if you're dumb enough to lose it already.
But you said i was turkic before, why did you change your opinion?
Draft-dodging was punishable by death in most ancient Greek city-states, especially Sparta which you lolbergs tend to fetishize.
So you're saying that turks and greeks are now genetically similar? I thought so but wasn't sure.
If only we had that much influence, we might as well helped our Indoeuropean brothers from uncucking themselves.
Yeap. Still the same.
Inland turks are a mix of whatever shitty mongolian and shitskin tribe around
The closer you get to Greece the more similar you get, mostly due to anatolian greeks still living there after the 1920s
You? A jew is the reason of that cucking. If anything, you'd be fucking with them twice as much.
But why would you whine about muh proofs then, turkworm?
You should have considered not quoting a post with an argument. Under those circumstances, it is very difficult to come up with an argument.
Yes. Traitors and low-IQ plebs with not enough money to pay jizzya or fighting spirit to resist paying it tend to have similarities to their original ethnic background regardless of the amount of their inbreeeding. That's the funniest part. Russians are more turkic than the inbred Anatolo-mongrels calling themselves "turks" today are.
Well then, i invite everyone else on this board to treat our sperging out resident greekboys like the species they are and admit they are - roaches.
Let me make it as simple as possible. With a king ruling and organising the people you get civilization and power. Without someone to lead the people you get africa.
I can understand why it's hard for your altaic ass to grasp that but one's language is usually bond to his ethnic affiliation and deep volkish culture. That's the main reason my illiterate grandma knew every "Grim Brothers'" folktale but had not the singlest clue who Aladdin, Sinbad or Ali Baba was.
That's as sensical as saying that all countries are retards because they isolated their genetic defects in special schools.
Ah, I had it mixed up; I forgot about the famous Greek birthplace of Autocracy, and the virile Roman Empire (before it decayed into a mere Republic)
Tbf to get that you also need a native population of inherently mentally deficient people see pic here: