Catholics YES!
Catholics YES!
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I saw the exact same thread on Zig Forums on halfchan
As far as i am concerned, those were the words of the gay dude. The Vatican can't confirm what the Pope said because the Pope talks stuff in private for a reason.
Also God doesn't make you a sinner.
Yeah but there were and still are gays with wives and kids. Some of them put God above their sexual desires. (I don't know much about lesbians)
Boy will they be surprised when they find out that everyone was handed challenges in their life and that they were all expected to overcome them.
stop questioning news from websites like
I do not support the the current Pope despite being a Catholic myself given his recent rhetoric. Sure the Pope can forgive people of their sins but he shouldn't be telling people that their choices aren't sinful. This whole "progressive" Pope thing is getting ridiculous and does nothing to unite Catholics. It is quite obvious that we are very divided on many issues because there are people who claim to be Catholics despite supporting abortion and gay marriage. TFP Student Action seems to be the only Catholic organisation exposing all these supposed Catholics namely in Catholic universities. Although I don't like to call people "not true Catholics" I have to admit that it is hard to not say given that they go against the very teachings of the Church and the Bible itself.
And when did he start telling people that?
Gonna need a source
Relax man, it's just a prank. Pope Francis was just messing around. He really didn't mean it.
Frankie is on his way out. He's just smearing chocolate pudding on the wall as he makes his way to the door.
Keep doing the work of the enemy, by letting them lie right to your face, laughing all the way home.
Its the same faggot who said Francis said hell didn't exist? Post source pls.
It's AP regurgitating shit from an old satircal blog as actual fact as they often do with other subjects too. Other leftist newspapers just parrot AP for views, but then even other secular media site call out obvious hoax lines.
And actual Catholics know it's false:
Who cares what two fags claim to be? They have no power over other Baptist Churches. Bergoglio is the literal head of your church and he has papal infallibility. Keep spamming those same two images though.
It's now canon. Pope is infallible for you guys.
mfw even if orth
Private sayings don't count, assuming that he said this in the first place.
I think it would be good for you to learn what papal infallibility means, because that's the part non-Catholics often get wrong and proceed to claim that their faulty understanding is what Catholics believe:
You guys realize that was a joke right? Yoi have to be cary high IQ to understand him.
It must be a terrible thing for those who hate the Pope but also hate sodomites. Will you believe the sodomites word simply because he claimed the Pope said it or will you disbelieve the sodomite because he's a sodomite and, thus, excuse the Pope for saying something you can use as personal ammunition.
The mental gymnastics must be extremely trying and difficult.
He does a lot of b*llsh*t and i don't like him. This case in particular can't be 100% classified as "the pope said gays=the good guys"
Guess what friend? None of this changes my opinion about either one.