Hold on a moment, now.
Come on, now. I'm using the word d i s c o r d in its proper context, not referencing the dubious chat client. This is LearningKampffy tier.
It's little different than the original movement. Scattered, reamalgamated, scattered again, so on, before beginning a meteoric and irrepressible ascent defying the expectations of those who thought they could control or snuff it.
Destroy capitalist-colonialist interests in Asia and create a belt of friendly/puppet states in accord with nationalist Nichiren and the Ten Crown Cords ideal, forming up the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. In other words, kick the Jews off yonder flips and gooks. And grab the juicy resources available.
One; those resources are plausible to be found in Manchuria, but weren't, and will be unknown and difficult to prospect in Siberia and likely impossible during wartime, even assuming the Japanese could push beyond the coasts that are her duty to hold. And in the postwar that is, furthermore, assuming that a more or less intact Russia will not emerge from these timeline modifications, with port leasing and economic concessions granted to Japan, but nothing as drastic as the 70/70 line or similar theoretic divisions of Eurasia.
Two; those resources are in the hands of the inevitable enemy, who will open that frontline on their own terms if the Sino-Japs don't. They will be inevitably levied against the Axis, and against Japan and the Axis Chinese in particular. There is no choice but to go south to deny the enemy and ensure pressure is taken off of the Europeans, in accord with the long war and its needs.
Japan, even with China providing manpower and materiel, simply can't 'pincer hard' in the sense of pushing far west. What she can do, will do, is seize Vladivostok and other useful coastline areas, push up onto the Trans-Siberian Railway where possible, and tie down large numbers of troops in Siberia and more importantly fight & kill them, so that not only do no slightly more than token Sib troops head West as in OTL, but troops may have to come out of the European reserve to prevent a collapse in the East.
Again, assuming they can be prospected. Though, there will be not insubstantial Soviet materiel reserves to seize and exploit, so it isn't a loss or a wash. But you get those as soon as you carve up the limited developed areas. Trying to press a general advance North/West is a poor idea; better to engage in limited maneuver warfare and catch some Ruskie & northeast Asian pockets to imprison and integrate.
Insofar as the surface vessels are not needed to confront and whittle down the tremendous US navy, yes.
Britain's parliamentary stooges won't wage anything; they're tidily out and in exile to Canada by '47 or so, if they even last that long. America, on the other hand, will try to hunker down, fortress up, and justify continued hostilities with the (not insubstantial) degree of fighting capability available to her. Western and southern Africa will probably become the primary (only?) site of her incessant, subversive Pyrrhically destructive warfare.
Full Vietnam mode, but with even less enthused Americans (under an even more openly Sovietized 'social democratic' government, with the dirty Trotskyists that would go on to become Neoconservatives never bothering with that be-our-own-opposition ruse and being joined by Stalinist expats) and horrific, savage General Buttnaked tier Bantu & mulatto revolutionary troops versus Europeans, some token Asian forces, and maybe some reasonably disciplined neo-Askari type formations not unlike the colored Rhodesian troops.