Cartel raiding a rival mechanic shop

So, they certainly won the engagement by all means, but what went wrong and what went right? And how would you defend against this kind of attack?
Whatever enemy they were facing, they weren't able to counter anything of the attacker, which makes them lucky.
They should have while the supressive fire is still ongoing, have their spiclets dismount and immediately go into the compound as staying in their vehicles for this long could have spelled disaster for them were the enemy to be in better shape.
To defend against this kind of attack would be intelligence, a guy standing somewhere on the streets which go toward the compound with means to communicate that there is a bunch of bandidos incoming.
I say this as you can't have armed guards standing around on the rooftops, the authorities would notice and take you on.
Those are my thoughts on that, it looked like a slaughter. If the defenders would have any means of defence the attackers would have been in serious trouble.

Attached: 2AlRDUKjc0Yi.mp4 (854x480, 9.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

By not living in el estados unidos

There is very little you could have done during this without foreknowledge.

You can't just have a guy sitting down the street 24/7. It's easily noticeable by anyone who want's to keep an eye on the place, not to mention these people could come from any street the building connected to. Short of having an armed detail on patrol and watching there's little you can do.

The only winning move is to not play at all.

I notice most cartel vehicles have no plates. One way to maintain discreet defensive surveillance without having to dedicate personnel would be through automated static cameras. A Raspberry Pi camera running OpenCV & OpenALPR could watch expected ingress roads, and send an alert whenever a vehicle is detected by OpenCV without a license plate detection by ALPR. Warning time depends on how far out you place them, of course, but you should be able to get them about 1 mile out as-the-crow-flies if you build a directional antenna and buy a cheap wifi dongle to plug it in to.
$30 for the camera, $35 for the raspberry pi, $25 for parts to put together an antenna. Add in the sd card and extra cables and you're paying just over $100 per ingress route in exchange for a 2 minute heads-up. Of course, in some areas there are plenty of people that drive without front plates, which may cause too many false positives to be useful.


I simply do this to them before they can do it to me. Working for cartels is guaranteed hell if you get caught. We have all seen them skinning alive people and cutting their windpipes with a knife, or cutting their limbs off and then their heart.

If you're a retard working for a cartel then your best bet is getting the fuck out of the country asap. If you are in a high position, then simply gather as many goons as possible and genocide all opposition overnight.

You recon the target for weeks before attacking. If they knew there were guards, those guards would have their brains blown off by rival marksmen. It is a waste to have patrols when the enemy can attack anytime from any place

Exactly this, but not necessarily in the operational, day-to-day sense. What I mean by this is that it seems as if these people didn't even know that they were potential targets. They need intelligence in the broadest, most general sense. KNOW YOUR ENEMY. If these folks had any idea that they were targets, they would have been armed, would've had a plan in place for an armed encounter, etc.

On the individual level, it would come down to situational awareness. The first guy that got mowed down had no idea he was about to get fucked. HE WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION to the truck with people hanging out of the back.

As for fortifications and general security:
1. I would think that every business these days should have security cameras so that at least the people inside would have a chance of escaping through an established route.
2. I would also think that every business should have at least one person armed. If it's a small business and they can't afford a dedicated security officer, then it should be a duty designated to one of the supervisors.
3. Best practice - mechanics should be inside the garage at all times. This is kind of common sense for a shop like this: any customers' vehicles parked outside could easily be involved in a collision that began in the street, and if someone were underneath the vehicle at the time, that person could be seriously injured. Thus, all vehicles being worked on should be inside the garage, and all personnel should be inside the garage. If that's not an option, they could at least install concrete barricades to direct traffic into the garage and minimize the chances of a collision from the street; in this case, barricades would have also prevented the truck from breaking open the garage door and could have kept the attackers at a greater distance.

There's a lot that could be done to prevent attacks like this, but that all hinges on the business owner ANTICIPATING it, or at the very least having a broad general security plan in place.

In regards to what was done well and what could have been improved on the attackers' end:
Their attack was exactly what it needed to be. Perhaps it was dumb luck, but it's probable that they did their recon, realized how unprepared the garage would be, and used the appropriate level of force. Having no casualties on their end, having made a hasty exit, and (presumably) avoiding law enforcement, their engagement was absolutely perfect in the only sense that matters.

By doing this, you have bought yourself crucial time. The enemy definitely can break down a proper door, but he can't do it in two seconds - he'll need to dismount the truck and apply a charge or start ramming it with the car if it's a big enough door, but in any case, you will notice a truck full of armed banditos ramming your door a good while before they have a chance to ventilate your skull. During that time, you can either flee through some estabilished route or at least grab your gun and estabilish a defense. The key is not being surprised like a deer in the headlights when the moment comes.

How to avoid this? Don't get mixed up with nigger business. Do you think you're going to be a good citizen and have a car shop and suddenly 2 cars will come unloading magazines into you? Surely not

And we have a winner. Soft targets are always vulnerable to organized and dedicated attacks, this is just the nature of soft targets. No amount of situational awareness is enough when a truckload of faggots come barreling down a public road right next to you. If they have to work in a shop that can be gated and behind locked doors, this can give you enough security and time to fight back, keep the target from being attacked in the first place. An open shop, open doors, men working in the open, this is what makes you a sitting duck. Have a shop where you have a large external gate with a big fucking fence, THEN have big heavy steel doors on the building and keep the guys inside the building. Hardening the target is the ONLY real solution when the enemy can simply fly in out of nowhere without notice and attack with firepower.

As for the attackers, they did everything right. They hit hard and fast, pushed aggressive, overwhelmed and won. Maybe they could have been hit by a guy they didn't see who grabbed a gun and defended himself, but then again they pushed hard and fast to overwhelm the enemy before he could defend himself, maximized shock.

Soft target and aggressive attack, end result was predictable.

How the fuck are the cartel so well equipped? That looks like a very new Galil with a Trijicon sight on it, that's expensive. How do they even get their hands on this?
Nothing short of landmines and a 40mm grenade launcher can protect you here.

I meant to say EOTech since it reminded me of theirs but looking closer it doesn't appear to be that either, maybe it is some generic airshit optic.
In any case they have their hands on military grade shit, how did that come to be?

Probably through the worlds most prolific gun dealer, Uncle Sam.

You send in one man as revenge, one man.

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This could have made a real difference. Since the targets were outside on the street for intents and purposes this was basically a drive by. If there had been some guys waiting to ambush in that cramped bay filled with cars… I was nervous just watching somebody else have to clear it.

Spotters fucking anywhere.

One shooter on the roof, or one shooter on the opposite side of the street.

A small wooden fence so they can't just run in.

Not having half your team "hanging out" for a smoke break outside the fucking building. Ever.

Why do you have to shitpost and cause negativity with the first fucking reply. Do you think you're any better being a slave of your government, getting your kids kidnapped and sent to niggers for their daily rape?

Because they are drug cartels that have like a bazillion fucking dollars in drug money and can afford anything. If you have money you can buy anything. Also, think about the business they are in; if they can export millions of tons of illegal goods to other countries, don't they ahve the connections and skills to import a few hundred or thousand machien guns?

Are you that muttanon who's IP is randomly set to Canada?

We don't have niggers here.

It's Mexico.

No you have upstanding black gentlemen who gently massage the inside of your anus with their penis against your will. Or maybe you've gone full 180 and are actually desiring the hell Europe has become

Even before niggers, muslims and shitters came to your country you guys were a mix of french, german, roman and pict.

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Note the galil was also full auto.

Presumably some military arsenal is a little light, while whomever was running that has a fatter bank account.

No one was clearing corners right, I'm pretty sure I saw some of them muzzling each other once. Also apparently one person survived.
There's not much you can do to win the fight and survive considering the constraints of being a mechanic shop in taco town. Best thing I guess is having some 13 year old beaner be recon, scouting out for suspicious shit on a bike. I don't think the guys they wasted were even armed, so I doubt this is two cartels and instead it was a chop shop that didn't pay the reigning cartel their dues.

Mate, have you seen Europe? Any sandnigger could blow himself up, stab you in the back or ram a vehicle on you out of fucking nowhere

Also note that the cameraman loaded a fresh magazine but failed to chamber the round after doing so. Isn't until he tries to finish off the guy laying in the open until he realizes that.

They successfully pulled off a surprise attack and slaughtered everyone before they could react.
They killed everyone before the vehicles came to a halt. It's a blitzkrieg attack, you attack the weak spot and eliminate the enemy before they can muster up any resistance, that's the whole strategy. They specifically selected time and place where the enemy would be few and off guard.

I meant to add there that you can't defend against it, because they by design select the way of attacking you for which you're not prepared.

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I admire the fact that they reversed into that door. Too many idiots try to go in forwards and then wreck their engine. They should maybe not have shouted their intentions though. Walking up to the driver and telling him at a normal noise level would not have given away their intentions.
When entering a room, be quick. Taking 5 seconds to move through a doorway is an invitation to anyone waiting inside to shoot at you while you are nicely contrasting yourself against the bright outside.

The opening few seconds were a bit strange. I get what they were trying to do. Use automatic fire to cause chaos and have the other fags shoot semi to pick off targets. Ideal, well done.
But if they had the guy on the far left shoot his mag in full auto bursts, then reload as the guy on the right shoots his in full auto bursts, while the guys in the middle take aimed semi shots, they could have kept up the automatic fire for a little bit longer causing more confusion and damage.

I also see noone securing their rear. Nobody is looking out if anyone is approaching on the road. Keep one guy looking along the road and into the buildings on the other side of the road. They could have been wiped out by one guy with a suppressed weapon standing in a window.
Executing guys with full auto is just a waste of ammo too.

Except we don't, they're like less than 2% of the population and only live in London.

t. a mix french, german, roman and pict plus spic, nigger, wop, chink, paki and arab.

Is Mexico a real-life version of Ancapistan?

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For a bunch of gangbangers with nice guns, they seem to be doing alright. It seems that they missed a person though, otherwise an almost perfect hit that annihilated the target in less than 20 seconds.
When you compare it to the webm where Moro insurgents tried and failed to do the same to a Filipino outpost, it’s night and day.

You do know that they often smuggle drugs inside the cars yes?

Britbong please for the love of god, stop fucking correcting memes. It’s worthless as an argument, just like that dude who is coincidentally british who went on a full-soy diet for a month just to prove the ‘Anti-SJWs’ that soy doesn’t reduce your test.
Come the think of it, your reaction somewhat mimics the americans when they first saw the mutt meme before they finally becoming immunised by it.

I agree with the point of securing the entire area and watching your six. But I also understand the idea of not doing those things, organizing and executing a single attack on the front is relatively easy with the kind of troopers they have, coordinating a two prong attack would be slow, heavy, difficult to coordinate and execute. Someone might get to the point first and not at the correct timing, someone shows up at the wrong place it may just set off the defense when they see something suspicious. One team will get into position in time to wait long enough and be strange enough to tip them off that something is wrong, not right. The advantage o the reckless, one direction assault was speed and shock, never let them know what's coming.

The other part of that is the danger of too much sloppy intel gathering, nothing sets off an enemy like a poor recce assignment who is seen. I like slow, heavy, hard hitting myself, the problem is it takes professionals who are well trained and good to begin with. Sometimes off the cuff and simple tactics are best with less than well trained men with less than great aptitude. Cartel "soldiers" are not always the best fighting men, sometimes the most willing.

I thought his shit jammed, if you're right that's even worse.

Why the fuck does stonetoss keep using that same punchline so many times, holy shit.

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Making jokes is hard

"Jokes" and "humor" are for soyboys.
You're supposed to take everything seriously 24/7.

Spotters aren't a good option. The enemy scouts the place out beforehand and specifically looks for spotters, meaning he'll kill them first, before they can warn the others. Second, it broadcasts to everyone "THIS IS A CARTEL SHOP" and you usually don't want to be this obvious when you run a crime organization. Finally, it's a waste of manpower that could be used elsewhere, where they don't sit on their ass 24/7 and watch the street (not to mention it's spic criminals we're tlaking about - do you really trust them to actually do spotting for hours rather than just whipping up their phone and watching a movie on it instead?)

A passive option like fortifying the building and not letting people out is much better - it's not obvious, it doesn't tie up any manpower, it cannot be quickly circumvented, and it will always work. It will likely also end up being cheaper in the long term, as you don't need to pay any wages to it. If the work needs to be done outside, then make them do it in some yard that's enclosed by buildings, rather than a porch facing into the street. They can just ride the cars out after the work is done and the customer is there, where you'll be putting only one man outside for like 10 minutes.

Overall, the defenders' mistake was just having no defenses whatsoever. Working outside is the most obvious mistake, but the cheap as shit gate is too – had they all been inside, the enemy could have easily just sprayed the whole thing blind before quickly ramming it in one motion, likely wasting no more than 3 seconds on it. Had the gate been at least a bit sturdier and the workers inside, they would most likely have put up an actual fight.

Spics are targeting white owned businesses in several texas cities and the police are doing jack shit about it.

Source? First time I've heard about this and I've lived here all my life.

And you think this is going to last long? Do you think white civilization was built upon a weak demeanor? Soon the lion will wake up.


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Dying civilizations won't be waking up.

nice meme monkey, in actual nature, the lion immediately responds to a threat. If he just keeps laying there he is weak and wounded.

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Yeah, liberalism is weak and cancerous not even gommie countries are this pathetic.

TBH they were pretty fucked from the get go
noguns vs paco and friends with fun guns
that alone is more than enough to ensure they were fucked, not only that, the position is open as fuck and hardly defensible, especially since any faggot in a pickup or SUV can just roll up to your front door. plus from the way it looked that shit was cramped with really no where to run if shit went hot. The only thing between them and their aggressors was some shiny rims and a tin sheet door.
I would start out by first having at the very least a 7ft tall concrete wall to put something between me and them, second I would get a fucking gun, preferably with a giggle switch, third I would tidy up a bit, it looked like jose there had some trouble squeezing through there, and the fatty that got smoked wouldn't even be able to do that, which brings us to number 4 and 5, get in shape and be ready to run like a motherfucker, and also have a way out in case faggots get the wrong idea.
The best way would be to have a sort of compound with tall concrete walls on the sides and possibly the front and back, with no less than a reinforced chain link fence (chain link would be beneficial in that you can see and shoot through it,
a or similar is advisable for anti vehicle defenses, an RPG is also suitable. Frags are also good for puckering assholes.

Attached: anti-aztec defenses.png (965x748, 12.67K)

Does white civilization even exist?
Roman law is gone, Zognald signed off its death certificate last year by signing JUST

I'm willing to bet they got the ACE from Colombia. Same place they bust of their cocaine from. Colombia has had a decades long love affair with 5.56 Galils.

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Location: Don’t permit drive by traffic, locate in a cul-de-sac preferably on a small industrial estate or a scrap yard with manned security. Even a pole barrier would buy time and any traffic would immediately become noticeable. Bonus points for a long drive way.

Guards: 24hr rent a cops in a little building next to the gate. You know? The GATE? That thing that prevents people entering unless you want? Usually associated with a fence? That. These guards are just to keep out casual's and sound the alert with their death screams. This way you know that if some one turns up on the drive way uninvited to your invite only fortress of solitude they are a problem. Make sure the guards know who pays them and don’t forget to send them a big Christmas hamper every year. To their home address.

Fortify: Don’t occupy a shed, use concrete, sand bags etc…Reinforce doors and windows etc… Make it a realistically defensible position. Then when shtf bunker down and call for backup.

Back door: Make sure that its noisy, slow and difficult to enter the site by any other means. Make sure the guards AND your men check that regularly. Pile up junk, old cars, corrugated steel sheets, barrels full of junk etc…leave a discreet exit, maybe a tunnel for nostalgia.

Doggos: A couple of big ones just wandering around with an antisocial attitude to strangers. They will help sound the alarm if the sneaky fucks try coming round the back on foot.

Numbers: WE OPERATE ON THE BUDDY SYSTEM, NO GOIN'SOLO! Everybody is armed. Everybody works in a team. Hopefully you have the manpower?

Fear: if they believe they can do this then you are pissing off the wrong people before you are ready or no body takes you cereal. Either back down and pay them off in some way or kidnap their children and feed them to dogs. Then show them the film.

Any good?

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I don't think these guys had any idea they were a target. Folks up thread are right first step is to know, or at least assume, someone is out to fuck you. I wonder how these guys were involved with the cartel?

Probably just a business that could cause some competition with a "legit" front the cartel used, so being subhuman shitskins they just blasted em to eliminate that competition.

The first guy they killed was wearing a bulletproof vest. I feel like a legit businessman wouldn't be able to get that easily in mexico.

What they doing was slicing the pie by two men team. Staying outside and peaking in as much is possible. Its fine as angle of threat is low and its stays ahead in your filed of view. Rush in is for parts room that cannot be pied (corners).

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ISIS was more pronounced version.

Hitler and strong men: Bad
Liberalism and deformed kikes: Good.

they may have had undercovers filter into the area doing just that, as well as undercovers giving them the go ahead.

What are you, a pussy? Just throw grenade in a room and be done with it.

I approve, hostages shouldn't have gotten caught in the first place.

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If you think terrorist with hostages on them would let you into the room or even allow you to pie-slice across the doorway, you're out of your fucking mind.

par for the course in mexico

What happened to us?

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Look into India's history.


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that full auto at the beginning was beautiful.




i assume they weren't planning to be attacked.

the spic backing that trick in obviously wasnt that bright, could taken the truck door off

Better than ramming head on and fucking up the engine

They failed to clear the garage, clearly a failure of either recon or operational planning (both really). They lucked out they wasn't a guy in there with a stashed AR or they would have been raped on the second entry.
The entries had much to be desired but for amateurs it's not too bad, also it's hard to tell from the footage due to the dark/bright contrast I'm assuming they have a much better view of what is inside the building than we do and they see/cover what's happening in the upper floor.
There is no point of going in with 3 trucks if everyone is hitting the same point, even assuming the others where securing street.
They pulled off a surprise attack use overwhelming firepower promptly, used supressive fire fairly enough by maintaining fire in the immediate area of danger while dismounting. They remediated quickly and effectively enough (I appreciate the fact they rammed in reverse rather than in front, but a criminal element might be more use to this than the average joe, due to ramming robberies being a thing. It might have been simply luck as doing so was the simplest from the truck position and we might be giving them too much credit) to the fact they couldn't enter the garage properly using what heavy vehicles are made for in an urban setting.
The only truly efficient way to prevent surprise attacks is to NOT be fucking surprised. Best case scenario it even act as a deterrent.
In such a scenario it would be sentries (kids or old guys payed a misery) positioned well ahead on the incoming path of the facility.
Ideally the facility should be on a one way street or even better out of access from the public traffic.

Fortifying a position to stop small arms bullets isn't exactly hard either. Sure it's Mexico they might hit you with an M2 or an ATACS but concrete (or just sand really) and scrap steel is fucking cheap. I mean isn't a cartel garage the kind of place were they turn trucks into homemade APC?
Now sure Mexican drug lord are notoriously cheap fuckers but there are videos of Russian entry teams trying to raid places and basically struggling for half a day just to get in… With APCs and power tools…
The things have inner steel shutters on barred anti-intrusion window glass. Inner bared corridors doors with armored doubled doors (2 doors on that open each way), etc… And it's made in way it's not really conspicuous from outside.
It won't stop anyone determined enough to get in but it will definitely slow down.

-ATACS +AT4-CS. I need sleep.

Nah, we just want to deliver cookies.

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It uses the kind of English that is halfway alien before me…

Well, it's from a book called Camp of the Saints. From 1970. About immigrants from Africa boarding some boats and sailing to Europe, and the Europeans being too pussified to shoot any of them. So in a way, it is very prophetic.

Dude, cartel gunmen are just cowards that can only win gunnfights against unarmed folks or in ambushes.

What if you had a weight triggered alarm set off by a car driving onto the pavement?

What if you put peanut butter on some mouse traps?

I gotta wonder if the auto repair business is that cut-throat in Mexico, or if this place was a front for more serious Cartel Ops (like maybe concealing drugs in cars for crossing border, or a Cartel "social club", etc).

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The Galil ACE is quite common among State troopers. Fuck, even the officers in Guerrero (the shittiest state of all Mexico) issues them.

Modern monstruos (narcotanks) are lighter and less armored than those because *gasp* cartels realized how fucking slow and useless were those heavy ass trucks. Pic related, a recent monstruo disabled on a recent gunfight.

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it's a mechanic shop on a normal street brah. they'd get false positives for days

I remember a long while back you giving us a rundown on the state of Mexican cartels after someone said something about the Templars. How's it today?

They use commercial car armor kits that have become ubiquitous in Mexico, so they are not always less armored. The armor is just more hidden.

I actually have a question about this. If these cartels are so well-funded, and ostensibly have ways of obtaining property in large cities, why don't they do the opposite of an armored car and just build homemade artillery batteries? They already have access to some kind of workshops (as is evidenced by the armored cars). Why don't they build spigot mortars by the dozens and just hit their targets from relative safety? I'm sure there's plenty of desert to practice in to find the ranges of any given model, so once they get through the prototyping stage for the munitions/mortar combo, they could whatever target they want.

It's perfect. You could also mount the whole assembly on a truck and just drop the sides of it whenever you wanted to fire, and then close it back up and drive off. How common are cameras in Mexico?

Attached: Spigot mortar.jpg (1280x854, 347.21K)

Why do something comparatively expensive when you can instead give a couple slumrats some surplus weapons and put a guy that's actually halfway competent in charge instead?
Cartels are a business and human resources are cheap.

They've already built armored trucks, which per unit are much more expensive. I'm talking about grabbing a single-shot 20 guage shotgun, filing off the sights, and throwing a tube over it with a bomb on the end of it.

Standardizing is easy once you find the weight of projectile you want and the amount of firing charge you need.
With easy access to the Chinese chemical market, and theft of fuel oil, it doesn't sound expensive to me. Cartels could become a force to be reckoned with if they just had some imagination and looked up WWI or WWII weapons. I can't imagine that it's impossible to buy/create single-shot shotguns in Mexico.

The Jalisco Cartel is the new big cartel, trying to seize territory everywhere. There were behind the disintegration of the Knight Templars Cartel, and all the rump gangs that once tried to control Michoacán (Viagras, Nueva Familia Michoacana, etc.) have now made an impromptu alliance to stop the Jaliscos advance, in other words, the history repeats itself 'cause that's exactly how the Familia Michoacana (forerunner group of the KT Cartel) was made to defend the state against the Zeta aggression, and it actually succeed.
In Tamaulipas the Northeastern Cartel (strongest zeta faction remaining) is still strongly encroached in Nuevo Laredo, and any attempts to reach the plaza by the Gulf's cartel have failed. In Miguel Aleman there was a big clash when the Golfos attempted to stop Norestes from using their gas stealing emplacements, but got ambushed and killed, proving that the norestes are still the strongest, most developed cartel in the region, boasting a lsrge amount of monstruos and, surprisingly, a good grasp of basic tactics.
In Sinaloa the Sinaloa cartel is engaged on a fight against their former allies the Jaliscos to control the turf and the groos within them.
And in Tijuana the Jaliscos allied themselves with the few gangs still aligned with the weakened Tijuana cartel to fight the Sinaloa Cartel.
Guerrero is just the fucking Yugoslavia of cartels.

they don't fit to their needs. even if they fight for posistions in rural areas, this is on a lower level, and both combatants are lightly armed. for them, mobility is more prized than hauling a big ass gas propane mortar, and by far this mindset has worked. I guess that the only situation they would need this is if they had to fight an actual war against the Mexican government. But using that kind of ordnance to seize a shitty cabin and a small field of poppy/weed crops is just an overkill.
Also, is right. Slumrats are cheaper.

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I realize there's a historical explanation for the name but it is funny to see this covering the pictures of 56ers

In fact the city is named in honor of Mariano Matamoros, a lieutenant of Jose Maria Morelos, one of the independence main figures.
One of the strongest Gulf cartel gangs is based there.

Why do they have to be big ass propane mortars? Why not BFC Monster cans?
Sounds pretty easy to me, ese.

We're talking about cartels with access to millions of dollars in chemistry, welding, and manufacturing equipment. They've surpassed the tribal ooga-booga give-'em-a-bang-stick level.

Okay, so load it on the back of a truck that has plywood sides.

Sounds like a solid idea to me.

Holy fuck, that is dogshit. Thanks for that, jappo. Never gonna read it now.

Cameras, a guy sitting in a protected room, explosives rigged at key points, guy in camera room can trigger the explosives and blow up the attackers when they come.

Problem solved.

Idk if there's any Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players here but my winning strategy in Danger Zone is always to spot the enemy first and take them by surprise and at the right range or lure them into a tunnel which has breaching charges set. Always they are taken by surprise and lose. Any head-on gun battle is about 50/50 always but if I catch my enemy off guard he's pretty well guaranteed fucked even if I'm not the best aim.

All that can be applied to life. Never be taken by surprise; but always take your enemies by surprise. That is a strategy to win battle after battle.

A lot of you guys are suggesting btw that a proper door will buy time but a proper combination of explosives and a door means you can blow the faggots who are all trying to take down your door up.

The key is not letting the vehicle get right next to the place you're going to be standing. For that you need a good double fence that can't be rammed through by a truck.

Attached: bi fold gates.jpg (760x600, 294.91K)

Are you smoking crack again Rob? All you need is a fence. Compounds all over the world successfully defend against this kind of attack everyday and none of them do it with explosives. Why would you want to blow up your own property?

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