Your quoting is backwards, but:
Iceland paid all it's debts. Other countries have too, and China is pretending it has debt.
I'm talking about class discrimination. You are exaggerating if an employee can't sue their employer for legitimate concerns, like workplace harassment, while in the USA you can sue for nearly everything, and still be a hillbilly.
Several things. A woman cry falsely accuse someone of rape, and never even got touched, even camera footage, and the police will convict you. Too many stories like that.
You know that meme of yelling rape "if you don't do this for me," it's real in Japan.
I'm unsure what you mean by this. If you support the above, is that a Western value?
Do you think women shouldn't be able to come back to work, and be a productive member of society? Is that Western?
Are we talking about puritan values, where woman had no rights, even if they were being abused by their husbands?
I just explained why:
That, and raping. See above. Ignoring a problem is worse than stopping it.
I have to apologize for your ignorance, of the many abuses in power prefectures have to deal with all the time with what the Senate arbitrarily decides.
I am sure the problems in Hokaido are exactly the same as in Okinawa.
Kinda like Puerto Rico and Alaska.
That's my major point, assuming we can ignore the horrible government. If can't have kids, why live in the middle of sinking archipelago?!? Do I have future here, or migrate for better pastures?
Note, I am for families, children, and industry! I want to be as successful as my husband and share my love and values with my family. If I can do it in my profession, I'll do it!
Have you worked 14+ hours 5 days every month? At a rate I can make [double-]overtime in most other civil countries?
I can go on about this, and how in the big tsunami hit just 2 years ago, the local Yakuza were the only ones donating their time and resources to help, and the government basically just made a statement.
Weird that the "thugs" are making the difference needed there, and the government whistling like nothing happened.
So, because I was born in hell, I should continue living in hell, to "maintain […] decency and shared societal values," that come from teaching and caring for others.
Weird, that mothers seem to take on that role, more often, than fathers.
It's like, the species called "homo sapiens" evolved to tribal, make bonds, and form relationships, to ward off dangers in nature, and provide better means than what an isolationist could.
Degeneracy, whatever that is, is relative to what society views is taboo.
In some countries circumcising newborns or ear piercing is a proper thing.
Do I have to conform to what those members say, or what my medical peer reviewed assessment says about what's more healthy for newborns to grow up as?