Tokyo medical university cut women's exam scores to curb numbers

A Tokyo medical school systematically cut women applicant’s entrance exam scores for years to keep them out and boost the numbers of male doctors, Japanese media said on Thursday.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made creating a society “where women can shine” a priority, but women still face an uphill battle in employment and hurdles returning to work after having children, despite Japan’s falling birthrate.

The exam score alterations were discovered in an internal investigation of a graft allegation that emerged this spring over entrance procedures for Tokyo Medical University, the Yomiuri Shimbun daily said.

From 2011, it said, the university began cutting the scores of female applicants to keep the number of women students at about 30 percent, after the number of successful women entrants jumped in 2010.

The paper quoted university sources as saying the action was prompted by a “strong sense at the school” that many women quit medicine after graduating to get married and have children.

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Other urls found in this thread: winnie the pooh

Damn that is really fucked up.
on one side, Totally fucked up and dishonest.
on the other side, (and I doubt they are telling the truth) it would be really annoying if women went to learn how to be doctors and then just LOLIQUIT got married to have babies and then leave the hospital understaffed. I hope that's just some fucked up lie to be honest. Even if that did happen, It's not like all the male doctors never get married right? even if they didn't get married, just because more female doctors exist doesn't mean that the male doctors stopped existing just because the female doctors got married, they didn't implode and cease to exist so the only people to blame for understaffing would be the people who choose where and how the doctors and distributed where needed the most.

This smells like a horseload of bullshit
I'm a guy and I had lots of similar shit like this happen to me before.

You need 2 or 3 women to equal a single male doctor. Marriage is only a single factor. Men work harder overall.

I'm honestly, shocked, and terrified.
For those that don't understand the repercussions:
-Thousands of medical practitioners that graduated from TMU can be considered illegitimate practitioners, and hospitals will now be forced to re-review every employ they have ever hired, which will lead to more investigations and arrests.
-Since TMU can now be considered an illegitimate accrediting Uni, TU faculty and alumni can also be considered illegitimate, and liable for billions in false accreditation charges, leaving many professions and industries in chaos, having to reassess their work forces.
-Assuming all of TU was just as corrupt, now people will wonder if State sponsored Unis are scams, leaving the entire Education->High Paying job image in shambles, and the government, truly in chaos, having sponsored false accreditation for so long.

I pray for the innocent, caught in all this. And pray to Nips to leave that god forsaken country.

Happened at my grad school. We called it the M.R.S. degree, meaning they were simply there to become meet a highly educated husband

I pray for them but they SHOULD NOT LEAVE. If they leave then the globalists will fill it with "diversity". STAND YOUR GROUND. IT IS YOURS.

They should stay and Make Japan Great Again.


So it's like the opposite of what happens in Western countries? lmao

For those of you ITT and elsewhere doubting this poorly undocumented article, I cross referenced:
Original report:

I would like more sources and information than AFP.

all the men getting their degree should wait until very late game and only take a wife if she passes the same tests as the males do. That way they support a good gene pool by only having babies with women who are as intelligent and as hard working as they are. I feel bad for the men who marry an early noobie who never intended to pass the class.

You don't understand, how utterly poor they treat people there, and why many smart nips are migrating.
too many things are awful about that country & government.
insolvent debt
no militia
class system
feminist country
sexist, as you already read
police 100% conviction rate, even for false accusations
police abuse and brutality
no decentralization, all centralized control, incl. the internet
natural life hazard archipelago: in the ring of fire, prognosis to submerge after the glaciers have melted, plenty of tsunamis and earthquakes
terrible work conditions and pay
can't defend myself, no guns allowed, or swords: I am supposed to get assaulted and violated, let the police handle it

too many more to list, just easier to migrate to USA, and live freer than Nihon.

It sucked because they passed over a lot of hard working caucasian men and gave women an edge to make the classes more diverse. But when I look at where my former classmates are today, most of the women, who made up almost half of the class, aren't in the workforce. They are raising kids and spending their doctorate degree holding husband's money. Having a traditional wife and kids is great, but I feel sorry for the guys who weren't allowed into a good grad school or didn't even get to attend any grad school and therefore aren't professionals

I think many posters ITT don't understand the dynamics of Japanese culture, government abuse, and the profession, even in the medical industry.
If Japan has a birth crisis: why isn't the government ensuring women that were in the work force, come back to the work force after taking maternity leave?
USA doesn't have maternity leave, but most other civil countries do.
Who will take care of the children? The State, or the mother?
Why is the State insisting in women not be employed in professions they are most suitable like medicine and teaching, since women are scientifically proven nurturers, and males scavenging and hunting?

Denying women the ability to nurture their family, and their society, is asking to deny humanity's ability to care. You want professionals in your industry, not lobbyists who think women shouldn't work and stay at home taking care of children all day. Women are part of society too, and want to be fulfilling for their families and the neighbor. What better way to do both than be an attested professional in your country serving people?

I take this story, and read it for what it is: corruption at the highest level of government, using their universities to hype a market that is factitious at best, trying to absolve a debt most civilians are way past paying for a war they did not commit, but their extinct forefathers.
This is exactly like asking USA to pay for their war crimes, which they will never do, because their great great fore fathers colonized the Americas, and took as their own, when there were people already there.

I dunno, maybe I'm retarded, and I deserve to live where I was born into. But there's a lot of hypocrisy I read, and not a lot of self-reflection.

good one

You don't read, I suppose:
Oh hey, Americans:

You see, governments have a way to portray whatever they want, suitable for people to accept.
And if not reporting a real crime witnessed is enough to lower that %, they will do it: "it's in your best interest, if you want to be employed."

I think a 30% cut is about right.

Females are naturally better at exams but worse at the real world jobs those exams are meant to test.

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male doctors dont become stay-at-home dads

It's literally nothing. Universities in America have been handicapping white and Asian men for literally decades with the state fully supporting them.

Say what now? USA has maternity leave. What they don't have is -paid- maternity leave, which quite frankly is stupid and undeserved.

If there's paid maternity leave then women are shittier workers than men, because every once in a while they can pop a baby and the employer has to pay them for a few months while he gets nothing out of it, so everyone just hires men to get around it. Also, if the work is available to non-skilled workers and has paid maternity leave nigresses take the jobs and then start having babies non-stop so they never have to do any work but still get paid.
t. Lives somewhere where paid maternity leave is a thing

It's always better to use resources to train a man than a woman. After years of pouring societal resources into them, their baby rabies hit, they get pregnant, stay home and never return to work. What a waste of resources?

I hope Nippon doesn't become like Fronce.

Did you copypaste this comment from tumblr?

I think this poster is a shill trying to globalise and jewify japan by convincing everyone it sucks.

insolvent debt
no militia
class system
feminist country
sexist, as you already read
police 100% conviction rate, even for false accusations
police abuse and brutality
no decentralization, all centralized control, incl. the internet
natural life hazard archipelago: in the ring of fire, prognosis to submerge after the glaciers have melted, plenty of tsunamis and earthquakes
terrible work conditions and pay
can't defend myself, no guns allowed, or swords: I am supposed to get assaulted and violated, let the police handle it

The things about Japan that seem to make it an undesirable place to live are also the things that have helped maintain it as a bastion of decency and shared societal values, and kept the plague of 1st world degeneracy at bay there.

The issue is that private employers scorn a female employee that gets married and takes maternity leave, so women have stopped getting married and taking maternity leave. Most Japanese women don't want to spend their lives just being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen like their mothers. They want to work too. If they could work without being treated vengefully by their employers for also having a family, more of them would work AND have kids. As it stands, while they cant have both they choose work. The government is trying to change this but it's happening very very slowly.

The funny thing about this article is that the school has been working to prevent something that no longer happens in Japan - women quitting work to have kids. I mean, it happens, but its not very widespread. They've taken drastic measures to prevent a small problem that COULD happen.

Sick and vacation pay is "quite frankly is stupid and undeserved."
Or you keep your dying birth rates.

Have you tried living in Japan?


Your quoting is backwards, but:
Iceland paid all it's debts. Other countries have too, and China is pretending it has debt.
I'm talking about class discrimination. You are exaggerating if an employee can't sue their employer for legitimate concerns, like workplace harassment, while in the USA you can sue for nearly everything, and still be a hillbilly.
Several things. A woman cry falsely accuse someone of rape, and never even got touched, even camera footage, and the police will convict you. Too many stories like that.
You know that meme of yelling rape "if you don't do this for me," it's real in Japan.
I'm unsure what you mean by this. If you support the above, is that a Western value?
Do you think women shouldn't be able to come back to work, and be a productive member of society? Is that Western?
Are we talking about puritan values, where woman had no rights, even if they were being abused by their husbands?
I just explained why:
That, and raping. See above. Ignoring a problem is worse than stopping it.
I have to apologize for your ignorance, of the many abuses in power prefectures have to deal with all the time with what the Senate arbitrarily decides.
I am sure the problems in Hokaido are exactly the same as in Okinawa.
Kinda like Puerto Rico and Alaska.
That's my major point, assuming we can ignore the horrible government. If can't have kids, why live in the middle of sinking archipelago?!? Do I have future here, or migrate for better pastures?
Note, I am for families, children, and industry! I want to be as successful as my husband and share my love and values with my family. If I can do it in my profession, I'll do it!
Have you worked 14+ hours 5 days every month? At a rate I can make [double-]overtime in most other civil countries?
I can go on about this, and how in the big tsunami hit just 2 years ago, the local Yakuza were the only ones donating their time and resources to help, and the government basically just made a statement.
Weird that the "thugs" are making the difference needed there, and the government whistling like nothing happened.

So, because I was born in hell, I should continue living in hell, to "maintain […] decency and shared societal values," that come from teaching and caring for others.
Weird, that mothers seem to take on that role, more often, than fathers.
It's like, the species called "homo sapiens" evolved to tribal, make bonds, and form relationships, to ward off dangers in nature, and provide better means than what an isolationist could.
Degeneracy, whatever that is, is relative to what society views is taboo.
In some countries circumcising newborns or ear piercing is a proper thing.
Do I have to conform to what those members say, or what my medical peer reviewed assessment says about what's more healthy for newborns to grow up as?

A woman falsely crying accusing
5 days every week for every month

I think many people still confuse that if a problem presents itself, Japan is like "well, it can't be helped": I'll take all the beating and abuse, and ignore it away.
While in western societies, I can defend myself, go to court, and yell all I like that I've been treated wrong.
This isn't a gender issue, it's a society issue, and it needs addressing.

Western culture has something many people ITT give for granted, that's the notion of free speech. Japan will shun you if you speak taboo. Worse, the Japanese government systematically causes an "accident" if you speak too much, "because it can't be helped."

What you say is too bad… I guess everywhere really does have its own problems. And yes, you are somewhat right about the West, especially the USA. If you have a little money, you can pretty much do what you want and be pretty free about it, and people will take you seriously like any other individual in court.

It'd be a colossal tragedy to lose Japan, though. From the exterior, Japan really is the envy of the world in so many respects and exports so much elegance and sublime beauty in every aspect of its culture, food, art, and technology that anyone with any sense of refinement immediately falls in love with it forever. If I lived there, I'd think twice about leaving, but I guess sometimes the problems can be pretty severe and invisible to people living outside.

Everything you are saying, relay it to me in the Caribbean.
What's the West doing, if anything at all, for and by the Caribbean.

I used to recall that Puerto Rico was going to become the next Silicon valley, revolutionize the world.
And Trump gave candies to victims of the cyclone?

I see nothing wrong with this.

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It happens all the fucking time. I was trying to find the dozen or so articles the NHS posted JUST LAST YEAR about having to hire doctors from other parts of Europe because women kept dropping out of the workforce or only wanted to work as general practitioners or only part time. Different article, but also related:

Male doctors don't become less efficient for 4-5 months, don't have to breastfeed a baby, and don't have to take maternity leave to raise a newborn unless they fucked a meth addict or their wife died post-birth you fucking normalfaggot. Male doctors don't take 2-5 years off to raise a young child and then try to jump back into the workforce at the same paygrade as their seniors who have been working the entire fucking time and actually have real-world experience.

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I doubt it can hold a hair to US crime rates which are fudged as hell to seem lower.

Where the fuck do you niggers even get these normalfag memes from? Their mothers were also salary workers. Their grandmothers were either salary workers or they were out on a farm somewhere growing rice or chickens or fishing or some shit. The only generation who stood "barefoot in the kitchen making dinner" were fucking boomers in the US.

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Tell that to my HR manager. We were both laughing our asses off at how much of a joke it was when the government had us sign "whistleblowers rights" documents.


Japan never left the recession of the 90s, they just covered it up and called it a "shrinking economy." Gone are the days that a single income could support a family. Not that it ever existed- stay-at-home mothers were productive in non-paid-work ways in the past.


gosh i hope those poor feminists are gonna be ok.

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What the medical school did wrong was not making the passing grade for women higher

LEARN TO BE A LAWYER, DOCTOR, OR SCIENTIST, then waste your training by dropping out of the labor force with state assistance.

Just girly problems!

it's China that gets triggered by Pooh, not Japan

If I need a medical operation I want a man to do it. Women belong in the kitchen.

And even that isn't true those niggers were having fucking orgies at rock concerts in the mud high on drugs.

Well think about this if women didn't work suddenly the workforce would be cut in half and you would need to pay people more to work these jobs as now you have about half as many people to hire. If women didn't work a man could raise a family on his paycheck alone. People only started to not be able to do this when women enter the workforce.

That might work, or the government would just bring in workers from third world country like every other nation on earth does when this happens. You can actually see this in anime.

Well I hope they enjoy a resurgence in nationalism as we have observed all over in the past few years which might escalate to violent removal of said government officials as the people who originally lived in said country get increasingly fed up with this bullshit.

but DT[luna], you don't even like government!
What's wrong with state-sponsored universities again?

I didn't know NHS was in Japan?!!?

Self-defense & castle defense doctrine vs police abuse.
You choose.

So you got in a bad contract. You can't get yourself hired in another firm?
You can't unionize?

What if you want both?

You know, if this would happen, this still is true:
Unless you like fake accreditation in your work force.

Isn't this exactly what all politicians are essentially doing, with pay2play, speech fees, extra vacations, government shutdowns, and handsome retirement packages?

You are ignoring who sets the saleries of these medical practitioners, accreditable, or not.
The medical industry, is not at all like your produce industry.
And it comes to full circle, when you follow the money.

Hey, the impotent Emperor just retired this year, maybe they can finally setup a republic.
I read they lost a war, so they can't really elect the exact people they want, and they can't arm themselves for a proper "revolution."

Weapons are easy as fuck to make you got some pipe and a nail you have a gun, you have a piece of metal and a stick you got a spear, you got some pipe a jerrycan combine that and some petrol and you have a flame thrower, you got a bag of fertilizer and a rented truck now you have a building of dead ATF agents. Weapons are easy it's getting people mad enough that is the hard part.


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Good luck trying to get ANY doctor to fulfill that request in this day and age

Re-read my post. This is about legality and norm, not about ability.

A robot is going to their Job many times better, and he'd still want malpractice.

to do their*

Good. winnie the pooh

t. nigger with a liberal arts degree

Thankfully Japan has been ramping up the SDF in breech of treaties because they don't give a fuck and know China will be on their doorstep by 2020 post-olympics.


Based and red pillled