Lets have an aesthetic hats and helmets thread going. Post images of aesthetic hats and helmets here.
Aesthetic hats and helmet thread
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Let’s just get this out of the way
Nothing more majestic,.
You have to try to not to look good in a kepi.
Which one do you pick boys?
Berets are peak aesthetic
It's funny but i somewhat like the autistic look of sfera helmet.
Landsknechte are Zig Forums-tier and their hats are amazing. also bärenfotze.
it looks like diapers
It does, it's head titanium diapers.
Italian sallets are the fanciest helmets, prove me wrong.You can't
Though burgonets are also pretty cool.
Good taste.
I don't know much about medieval armor, what type of helmet is pic related?
Due to that metal fin on top and vertically folding bever and visor i think it's some kind of prolonged armet, though they generally have a flatter face. If it was side folding and the holes for vision were in the lower part it'd be burgonet, they also have more shoulder support, though on this helmet it's also more than usual.
Only thing you need
Steel hats and steel skullcaps worn under the fancy hats of the modern period were a common thing.
A steel skullcap worn under the wide brimmed hats of the day makes perfect sense. Commissioning a special wide brimmed fashionable armoured hat makes a lot less sense. I love the uniforms the Royalists wore in our civil war, and just find that particular pic amusing.
It makes a shit load of sense if you are forced to show up at social events in "civilian" clothes, that have the chance of turning deadly.
Wearing armor was ok in the field, but looked down upon at gatherings of high society, so one way the people of the modern period dealt with that was commissioning armor that looked like civilian clothes.
The difference between a high culture and a low culture is that the high culture is able to hide a lot of functional things behind fashionable decoration.
Thick voluminous clothes give protection against blows from meele attacks and the leather buff coat gives cut resistance, basically a highly advance form of the same protection that the medieval gambeson gives.
The hat in combination with the hairstyle and wigs of the time is also a type of head protection.
wie verstrahlt muss man sein?
They're great, its like a modern deerstalker that isn't full retard.
Versteh ich auch nicht. Die Bärenfotze ist hässslich wie der Spieß bei Nacht.
Aber warm ist sie.
But why wear it to combat?
Why would you wear a stahlhelm in combat? M45s were infinitely superior in effectiveness. But this is an aesthetic thread so.
Some would say that berets are better used as a ceremonial hat.
Cold War steel is peak aesthetic; Kevlar helmets are aesthetically trash.
looks like close helmet.
Loving the double net on this M1C. Used by French paras in Indochina.
Slight bit of autism but the modern view that the Royalists were all well dressed lords and the Parliamentarians a group of peasants comes from part royalist propaganda and marxists/socialists self inserting as Cromwell, in reality there was equal amounts of well dressed landed gentry on both sides.
Whats some good ear pro to wear with aesthetic hats?
A pair of electronic ear plugs.
I always wanted to rub my hands through their hats.
then proceed to caress their faces and pat their cheeks
Well I don't want the power to run out when I'm removing niggers innabush. Do you know of any brands with really good baterylife?
Why don't people use the skinned-off faces of their enemies as helmet covers?
Of course, something like the civil war was never going to get through historical reinterpretations in one piece. Although, as a mild counterpoint, Cromwell's New Model Army was the first in English history to be issued a uniform - which would have helped cut down the outfit variety on at least one side of the battlefield. Obviously the NMA wasn't the entirety of the Parliamentarian forces, but it's a point worth mentioning.
I'm still not sure how the marxfags decided that the Parliamentarians were the scruffy underdogs though, considering that they were dramatically better funded than the Royalists.
Wishful thinking. They have a hard on for dirty peasants beating well-dressed people, even if this has nothing to do with reality, it's just a projection of their hatred of people more succesful than them and a fantasy of winning against them.
Cossack hats look so comfy
Noice, got the exact same bush hate in the brown and a camo hate taken from a fapla floppie. It's surprising how bad quality the fapla one is.
I've been honestly considering buying one, is it actually any good? Does it actually protect against cold well? Does it fit well, protect the ears? I know there are different kinds, not sure if any are worth the attention or are just some niche hipster hats
Yes and no. They sit above the ear and I wouldn't recommend them for anything colder than a typical winter.