Listen Zig Forums hear me out i have long fought the pagans and i have come on to a revelation, The new name we have for them must be
Or a similair variant

I have been making threads on Zig Forums explaining the Babylonian roots of paganism to the Heathens, and it caused great commotion Reaching far on bump limit

Beware lots of salt in that thread

Now the reason why we call them this name is to weaponize our information, just like their memes of Christianity is not European memes has reached far sucess

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Other urls found in this thread:


This really didn't need it's own thread. If pointing out the logical absurdities of polytheism doesn't work just remind that Odin gets eaten by a wolf or ask them why they aren't offering sacrifices to the gods like ancestors did.

(((Babylonian Odinists)))

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OP, this is as embarrassing than the Zeitgeist or Easter/Ishtar nonsense.

Im older than you bud, we need to fight these pagan larps using their own ethno centrism against them ( Not that ethno centrism is bad ) Seeing as Paganism is not European -> (They left Christianity for their ethno centrism)

There are more labels you can use against them

Try these terms

(Seing planet worship in especially saturn is deeply jewish and Semitic)

Begone lefty pol

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Thanks, I shall look into this.
From a cursory glance it looks like bullshit, so I encourage you to take it as gospel again.

Coming here to talk about pagan stuff and how wrong you are is one of the most fun things I have on this site.


Reminder that all of the """Pagans""" on shitchan's pol are Juniors-Seniors in high school that like to larp as Occultist Wehrmacht techno-Vikings while just being atheists. You can't turn someone away from a "religion" that they don't actually believe in.

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Are you the guy in pic related?

If so i am amazed that there are still some hardcore Christians in Sweden.

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I'm talking more of the fact that ypu made 2 threads for this.

Why does your pic throw the faith it is trying to defend under the bus? Why does it blasphemously equate the blessed sacrament with Aten without any evidence whatsoever? Because paten sounds like aten? Because it's a disk. That's on the level of people who think bishops are dagon worshippers because they wear funny hats. You can't just come at these guys guns blazing with no coherence to your argument and then stoop to the sinful level of those who mock it.
"A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it" -Proverbs 29:11.
"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." -1 Peter 3:15-16
Weaponizing this connection as a meme is a fine idea, but A). but it's going to sound hypocritical coming from a worshipper of the God of Israel no matter what; they hate abrahamics, not babylonian pagans, and B). you seriously need to cut the tenuous zeitgeist connections and come at this from the perspective of a schollar, which means you need a lot more research presented in a much more cognizant fashion. God bless you in your efforts and repent of your blasphemy.

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Europe is named after a Semitic princess, Europa.

The Latin alphabet ultimately comes from a Semitic writing system.

If they want to purge their culture of all Semitic influences, why do they keep using the word "Europe" and writing in Latin script?

Bonus round: did you know that Greek columns were taken from the Semitic Egyptians and are modelled after papyrus reeds?

Also the biggest Philosemite Zionist in history was Julian the Apostate, the first neopagan lol

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Christian symbolism being ebin bagan :DDD is a Jehovah's Witness meme.

I don't think the Egyptians were Semitic. The Babylonians, on the other hand, absolutely were.

Yoyre right. The Egyptians spoke an Afro-Asiatic language one step removed from Semitic languages (Semitic is another subform of Afro-Asiaitic).

You sir have been epic today, winning the internet for Christ. I have joined the shilling fray, we must get the Zig Forumsacks to apostatize from their modernist heresy. Deus Vult!

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This is some (((Anderson))) tier shit in here.

Checked, yeah, just about as basic as your typical Zig Forumslack the amount of responses such bait receives should tell you stated IQ numbers for 4chan's Zig Forums are vastly overblown.

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Keep it up OP, if you need reinforcements give us a shoutout either on discord or IRC.

Honestly, I feel like a lot of these threads and these efforts are based around a desperate attempt to prove the "European-ness" of Christianity. I just don't see the point. Christianity is the religion for every race. Races have the right to exist separately, but they have no right to reject God in favor of worshiping demons just because of muh tradition. If convincing Zig Forumsacks to convert to Christianity requires convincing them that it is inherently White, then that means we also need to convince Black nationalists that it is inherently Black, and Asian nationalists that it is inherently Asian etc. Which is of course is very silly. The fact is that Christianity originated from a people that no longer exist, and who mostly rejected it, that is the original Israelities. The Jews today have rejected the God of Moses and are not recognizable as the people of Moses. Christianity is not the religion of any particular race. White Europeans have been a big part of its spread, but are starting to reject it. The same fate that befell the Israelites due to their faithlessness can also befall Whites.

All true, but their headspace is so crammed with shit that it's at least not doing any harm

This 100%. Trying to tie race with religion is retarded because religion is spiritual and race is completely material. Even in the Mosaic Law told the Israelites to treat converted gentiles the same way they were to treat fellow Israelites.

I am banned, Unban me / !Valdemar

But modern pagans are not old pagans.
Many old pagans tried, in their blindness, to understand and follow moral truths and quickly embraced Jesus because it answered the questions while their old religion was just an imperfect answer.

Modern pagans are nietzschean degenerates. Rejecting morality, accepting evil in the world and in their nature, embracing the will of power that is just the unlimited desires of their degenerate heart.
They are animals and barbarians also for the standards of ancient pagans.
It's an entirely new and made up form of paganism, built on misconceptions, racial suprematism and imaginary history.

yeah okay faggot

why do (((shitstains))) have such a special, venomous hatred for traditional, indigenous European religions? you are more tolerant of kikes and moslems than white people that worship their old gods

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btw the irony of this is that you accuse European religions of coming from Iraq- meanwhile your religion was founded by an ethnic jew, and the jews originated in southern Iraq. pathetic!

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Don't you have a chopped down tree to go cry about?

>Pagans more than happy to support (((the abortion industry))) to save the white race the post.

Very good pagan goyim, keep feeding us dead babies so we can get rich off the dead baby matter. Rememba, its to secure the existence of your people

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I'm against abortion for healthy white babies but if the baby is non-white or retarded or something then there is literally nothing wrong with it. Anything that results in the death of non-whites is good, including nipping them in the bud prior to birth. Planned Parenthood should hook up Laqueesha with a free bucket of chicken for a job well done.

Your only argument is "jews make money off of the niglet's corpse" and my response would be that they already have essentially infinite money so it doesn't really matter. The problem is that there are non-whites in our lands so less of them is always good.

And you're wrong to say I support abortion, per se, because I oppose it overall. The ideal situation would be no abortion for whites, and mandatory post-birth abortion for non-whites, but I would prefer no abortion to abortion that includes a large number of healthy white babies. It's less about the babies than it is about feminism, I'm very against feminism and thottery.

What? Anyone who is not a sumarian by default can't be semitic, that is to say of sumaria. The babylonians are of babylon not sumaria.
Also this OP is a larper trying to water down the usage of the word "babylonian" as to not have it associated with the (((fake jews))) in (((israel/babylon))).

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we have a bunch of slack jawed faggots that sweep in from reddit, there's even a crosslink to reddit in the catalogue up at the moment. You point it out and you're too mean apparently.

When it comes to modern paganism its spiritually dead and bears no fruit for its people, considering the only remnants of its history were recorded by Christian monks in the monasteries that sweeped over europe.

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Motherwinnie, one of the Godliest men I know is black. He has 8 children he provides for, and is raising them in a church that properly fosters masculinity for his sons.

I know I'm absolutely wasting my time, since you must have shit in your brain if you believe in a made up version of long dead religions. Still for the sake of truth I will explain it.

Yes, Christianity was not born inside the geographical borders of Europe.
To be honest there was no Europe back in those days: there was the Roman Empire, from today's France to the Middle East and Christianity was born in this Empire.
Most of today core Europe was a land of barbarians who was absolutely not part of the roman civilization, the entire mediterranean region however was part of it, including North Africa and Israel.

What we call Europe today, as a cultural entity, as a civilization, was born during the middle age as a synonim of western Christendom. Germany, Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltic joined this civilization when they were converted to Christianity, before it they were outside. There was no pan-Europa before Christianity.

You say Christianity is not European because it was from outside the borders of Europe, not only this make no sense because there was no Europe, it makes no sense because Christianity has been for hundreds of years the faith of the European people.
Christianity is not from Europe, but it is of Europe.
You can live in reality where you follow what your ancestors actually followed, or you can live in a lie following your own abstract theories about what is or isn't European. Your choice.

Christianity is the faith of the european people.
The only faith all european people shared.

You can pick reality and follow the faith Europeans actually practiced, or you can live in your abstract theories.

where the fucc did I say that? we need the jews to be exterminated off the face of the planet down to the last crib for our people to survive
jews want non-whites to survive to adulthood to potentially miscegenate with white people, not to have their pitiful existence stuffed out before it becomes a threat
yes, better than muh dead kike on a stick

(((/shitstain/))) in a nutshell

I'm not saying there is a pan-European culture, because there isn't, I'm saying that there is an umbrella of similar subraces that are indigenous to various lands in Europe who all happen to be superior to any races from outside Europe (Europe being a geographical region surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean/Black Seas, and the Caucasus/Ural mountains. It is the survival of these European races that matters, not your kike religion.
It shouldn't have been. The Romans should have crucified every christian and burned every bible.

European people shouldn't all share the same religion, there should be different pantheons for every ethnic group- Hellenistic, Germanic, etc. and Druids etc. Religion should be an expression of the racial soul, like language, not something forced on a people from the outside. Especially not flagellant monotheism that teaches us that we're born evil and deserve to suffer because some slut ate a fruit so we have to beg for forgiveness constantly and follow a long list of arbitrary rules.

You know what European Christians don't do?
Circumcise their boys.

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Just got back from a college lecture about how paganism is pro diversity, feminist and anti authoritarian. Wierd that ultra neo nazis identify with the religion.


How's the weather in anywhere but Europe?

You do realize only illiterate country people (that's what pagan meant) believed in those gods in the late roman empire?
Paganism is unift for a civilization, in Rome nobody believed anymore, in northern Europe the same would have happened if they civilized. Hell, it's happening even today in South Korea, as soon as they became modern.
Christianity spread in the Empire because traditional religion was diying, if it wasn't Christianity it would have been another eastern religion like Manicheism, Sol invictus or Mithraism.
Paganism was unable to fulfill the answer for meaning of a developed culture.

How can such a thing have any claim of truth.
An expression of race, something like language, is merely a cultural construction. Like literature or art.
These are human creation, not spiritual truths.
Apparently you just want a tailored lie that suit your ideas of race. Be honest with yourself, as good as it sound, that thing can't be anything else than a creation of men.

You seem remarkably badly catechised. I wonder if they taught the doctrine of original sin.
Man do not deserve to suffer, that's the point of Jesus coming.
Also, you should make a bit of introspection if you think man is born good or without big flaws, the point of Christianity is not to fall in despair because we are flawed. The point is admitting it and working on overcoming ourselves, through the help of God.

Secular Europe gave jews power.
Christianity is so much a tool of the jews that it's the thing that kept them from ruining Europe from more than a thousand of years.
Your historically narrative is dishonest self-delusion. You should question your assumption in light of history.

Over here, in this part of Europe, the only pagans are ultranationalists and liberal newagers.
Some of these pagans worship Jesus as well, because…weird syncretism.

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Pretty nice out, actually.

That's the joke.
t. Billions of Christian Americans

Two people post.
One gets butthurt.
Who will it be? Let's find out.

How is christianity any different?
Which board thinks that all jews should be killed? Is it the christian Zig Forums, or is it the secular Zig Forums? The christian perspective is that the jews, like all non-christians, all lost sheep that need to be converted. Christianity is not compatible with genocide, even if it's a good genocide against a problem population. The present political situation is going to require the completion of errands that are most unchristian. Whenever the jews are force-converted, like they were in Spain, they will either assimilate into their host population genetically (thus contaminating the race), or they will simply lie and become crypto-jews. The only way to solve the jewish problem is to wipe their race out completely, and christianity would never condone such a thing.

How did christianity keep the jews from ruining Europe? They were given the unique ability to get rich off of usury while christians (and thus whites) were forbidden from doing so. That's not keeping them down, it's giving them a special status above commoners which allowed them to enrich themselves.What about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 'Paradisus ludaeorum' (paradise of the jews)? They were free from persecution, worked as tax collectors, and had immense political power. The Commonwealth was the breeding ground of ashkenazic jewry for centuries. Pagan Babylonia burned the first kike temple, Pagan Rome burned the second. The Pagan ancient Greeks hated the Jews, so did the Romans, so did the Zoroastrian Persians. Then there was the Third Reich that was actively trying to completely change christianity by removing all of the harmful elements, and eventually phasing it out completely. The only gentiles that have ever loved jews are modern christians, who think we have to fight wars for israel to instigate the rapture or whatever doomsday cult nonsense they believe.

Christianity is derived from judaism and there had to be a debate in early christianity whether all christians should have their dicks cut off or not. Christianity believes that the creator of the universe first spoke to the jews and called them his chosen people and that they had to cut off their dicks as a symbol of the pact between him and them, and that this is all canon. Yes, you can say that later on, circumcision was replaced by baptism and that the jews are no longer chosen, but the old testament (which is completely jewish and was written in hebrew) is still considered canonical and christians are encouraged to read it.

Do you understand how GE's work? Also most the class was about christianity to be honest.

Except genocide doesn't work.

The Isrealites tried to genocide the Canaanites, instead it only gave the Canaanites grounds to breed their wickedness inside the holy land. Thus subverting good people to their wicked false gods.

The Catholics tried to genocide the Cathars but their memory lives on in >>>/christ/

Hitler tried to genocide the jews, but that only increased their power ten-fold! Making them who they are today.

Utilizing genocide and violence will not stop the jooish menace. It will only harden their resolve. Their persecution complex is so grand that gullible people take pity on them. Only through the truth will people and good Godfearing joos turn away (repent) from their sinful ways.

Its through human vice (((they)) are allowed to thrive. As Codreanu once said

Once we get rid of their main power grips over humanity (through intrest finance, pornography, and Hollywood) than we will be truly free from their wicked grasps. If we stoop to their level of genocide like what they do in Palestine without first getting rid of the things that give them power (again intrest finance, pornography, and Hollywood) the master race will be no different from God's chosen people thus restarting the cycle of struggle all over again.

If yee wipipo truly want to make a difference, than stop enabling the kikes through violence, as all wars are (((Banker's))) wars. Become the example for us to follow instead of turing into the people you claim to hate.

Remember, Paganon, the Jewish state of Isreal would never be if the Eternal Anglo was never caught in their financial traps to begin with.

If America had no "freedom of religion" clause, Jew York wouldn't be the meme we loath today.>>658500

Not if the job is done. If every single jew on planet Earth were wiped out, down to the last crib, there wouldn't be jews anymore. No more jewish problem. Basically, there's a difference between a genocide, and a genocide attempt.
The holocaust is a hoax, unfortunately. Watch the films, "One Third of the Holocaust", "Auschwitz: Why the Gas Chambers Are A Myth", and "Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil" by denierbud.
The jews already completely controlled most western countries at that point. Britain, France and America through the banking system; Russia through the Bolsheviks. Hitler and his nationalist allies were the last ones to truly challenge their power, and if he won the war, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Again, only if individuals survive. The job is not done until the last ethnic jew is hunted down.
The jews will never convert because being a jew is genetic. They cannot be cured, only put down like the sick beasts they are. Converting them, even if it were possible and effectively disarmed their jewishness, would result in them assimilating into the genome of their host nation, which is unacceptable.
This is the one thing I agree with you on. I like how freedom of religion gives me the freedom to not be christian, but I don't like it giving freedom to kikes and moslems. Many founding fathers like Benjamin Franklin warned against the jews, and only a fringe minority gave allowing moslems into America any consideration. It was so strongly implied that America was only for whites that they didn't think they had to make it a rule.

Daily reminder what pagans want is a folk civil religion nobody really believe in. Sorta like Shintoism.
They are all atheists who build their own fake religions.

Go away Varg, nobody cares about your retarded fertility cult.
Your own ancestors would behead you for being the atheist LARPer you are.

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but the jews involve the planet Saturn, not Jupiter.
that would be kronos, who frankly should be with the devil in the lowest shithole in hell.
worst god, bar none.
even loki is a nicer person.

Hey bro, I at first wasn't so convinced by OPs idea about European paganism originating from Babylonian semites, but your post about the the extreme influence of certain Semitic cultures on modern Europe got me interested. Here's my contribution, maybe it helps in the "world was originally monotheist before degenerating to polytheism" theory:

While the Ancient Greeks came out with a more developed and influential civilization in the end, when they were still in the early developmental stage, they relied heavily on trade with the more advanced (at the time) Phoenicians, the Semites you refer to. The Phoenicians had established themselves as merchant travelers who navigated and voyaged across the entire Ancient World, trading and collaborating with other societies they'd visit, and as such also served as mediums for cultural exchange. So in addition to teaching the Greeks their language and other technology they themselves had developed, they could also teach the Greeks concepts and innovations they had learned from different cultures, like the Mesopotamians. For example, the idea of "debt" (interest) phoenicia.org/interest.html . More interestingly, religion and mythology. This is why many Ancient Greek false gods, demigods, cultic practises, temples/idols, and even purely barbaric rituals like human sacrifice, have their roots in Near East religions like that of the Mesopotamians, read more here phoenicia.org/greek.html . On the other hand, while they communicated and traded with other societies including that of the Phoenicians, the Ancient and Biblical Jews were weary not to allow syncretism to change or influence their religious traditions, whether they came from Semitic societies or not. So in a sense, you could say the Babylonian odinist Crypto jews really do have the more semitic religion here.

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topkek stick-kike

Just for your tireless effort user.
But you really should take a break.

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watcha doin' there rabbi

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Stop resurrecting this stupid, pointless thread.

I sage this thread just to say, "you're right."

t. copypasta scripture faith member.