Have been thinking about buying an M1 Garand or some sort of American rifle. Is it worth it? If so, what's a price range I should be looking for?
M1Garand and American Rifles
You can get Garand for
Are there cheaper alternatives or is it worth it for it's iconic status?
BM59s which are Italian Garands with detachable mags chambered in .308 are an option I guess. Expect ~$800 pricing. M1 carbines however are fucking everywhere and a post-war universal can be had for around $600. They were the AR-15 of the 50s. Ammo is expensive, but super easy to reload due to it being a straight wall case.
Just got a late serial number (1956) for 850 in great condition I like it but I love the M1 M14 platforms. If it's a WWII if you don't care you can get one between 700-900.
Oops, meant to say If it's a WWII serial people will want a premium.
AR-15 or AR-10, keep in mind the AR-10 lacks the total parts compatibility of the AR-15 but they are the most practical for serious use and far more accurate than the M1 platform. If you want a more practical M1 design get an M1A scout that gives you an 18" barrel which doesn't compromise too much velocity and you have 20 rounds of .308, but its heavier and the cheapest I've seen was from PSA for 1200.
If you love the M1 though, you can only get one from CMP if you've done a Rifle Program like appleseed or you can buy one from a shop between 700-1600>, as was stated above WWII serials are premo shit because some people don't realize that serial number doesn't mean combat and there is no real difference in design from the later and earlier rifles apart from a few obscure models that aren't worth mentioning. IF YOU BUY ONE BE SURE TO FIELD STRIP IT IN THE STORE, there are a ton of badly pitted receivers out there (a little pitting isn't too bad in some places but you should know what you're buying). The important areas are Also be warned that M1s without adding a ported gas block can run the risk of bending the op rod if you want to shoot modern hunting loads, research what ammo you're shooting but remember that $40 part can save you a $300 repair. It's the only semi auto in 30-06 that is worth owning.
seriously? like, to what ratio are M1 carbines more available than WWII battle rifles?
What about .30-06 veprs?
Aren't magazines something like $50 each though?
$35 on gunmagwarehouse, I think an M1A is the better version especially for availability.
Maybe, I've never encountered one in the wild and most semi auto 30-06s I've seen look too much like traditional hunting rifles to get me erect. OP was talking specifically about American guns though.
But Zig Forums told me that everything american is automatically bad and must be destroyed.
What about .30-06 AR-10s?
Yeah, long-term M1A is a better choice over BM59 as it will have a lot more parts and magazine support for a lot longer period of time, and they're not that far off in price from each other. When a serviceable kludge like the BM59 was possible I think it's kind of silly we didn't just do that and use up war surplus Garands instead of putting an entirely new rifle into production, but that's military contracting.
Make sure to buy second hand to deprive them of profit.
Cucked again by syruperior Canadian cock.
Don't believe the commies, we have some good shit.
Parts and mag availability wouldn't be too great and I've heard too many reliability issues to recommend them, but I can't say from personal experience with 30-06 AR designs.
The BM59 would have made a lot more sense than developing the M14 but the Army for all their rhetoric has never been capable of reducing costs.
From what I remember I thought the backlash was overblown but it was hard to find good write ups on it, not sure what to believe.
True but the M1 Garand came out of American factories, even if its designer designer fled a cucked nation. ARs are definitely more American.
The mini 14 is a 556 semiautomatic modeled after the Garand. comes with a fancy stainless steel option so you can carry in the tub. It's spring operated, come with an aesthetic wooden stock, is semiauto BUT LOOKS LIKE A BOLT ACTION so as to confuse nogunz, and is undeniably the best rifle for defending the homestead.
I bought my first rifle EVER this weekend from PSA and it's an AR10 that they have on sale for $300 off the normal $900, very excited
They seem to have the best prices for sure, although I've heard Pmags have compatibility issues. I think I'll end up buying or building one from them this year.
Well you can actually find carbines on the open market for one thing. They were also made in greater numbers than the garand if memory serves. One point of advice though is to stay far far away from the modern reproducitons. They are all total garbage.
I dunno, parts are more common, but you have to deal with kikefield and their price saving cast receivers. I would rather get a James river armory or go all the way for a Fulton personally.
I have never seen a Mini-14 go for less than $850. And they're still the shittiest major market five-five-sixer.
The only advantage it has is being able to go under AWB radars. The magazine price kills it, and they're not exactly known for accuracy or reliability. If they took standard AR mags by some miracle I'd get one. Also it wasn't based on the Garand at all.
If SAI were really that bad they would have more of a record than just supporting one bill, if they do something else then I can see a pattern but they're blaming the ((Illinois Firearms Manufacturers Association)) for misrepresentation and since to my knowledge and research SAI or its Officers have not advocated or supported gun control. Ruger and S&W sold out to the 1999 AWB which I find to be way worse but that's me.
As to your point about cast receivers I've not seen any issues resulting from casting from anyone I know who has abused them but I'll admit forging is definitely superior. If cost is no issue Fulton Armory is where I'd go to.
$600 user, not $700
ok so what's a better alternative? sincere question. I like the Mini14 aesthetics, the fact that it's not gas op, the 'under the radar' aspect, the common ammo aspect, the semiauto (obvi) but I'm open to alternatives.
Did you misreply or are you retarded? sincere question
I've heard that the barrels ruger's been using since about '95 have better accuracy, look for a newer serial number
Misreply, my bad. Was referring to .
The Mini14 is the lowest cost rifle with those aesthetics don't pay more than 750 for one though, sure it won't be as accurate as an AR but Its not inaccurate. I prefer the m14 function and style more but they won't be as well priced with the exception of mags.
What? It is gas operated, what the hell are you talking about? It uses a short stroke piston system, with the op rod interfacing directly with the fixed gas block, bypassing the need for a gas tube. As people said above, it has nothing in common with the M1/Carbine/M14, but it's still a gas action.
I'm retarded, no bully
Wasn't that manufacturers lobby staffed by four guys and half of them were Springfield employees? You don't just oopsie woopise and back a bill that awful and one sidedly beneficial to just yourself. Ruger and Smith&Wesson get off the hook for the AWB fuckery because the bastards in charge of those decisions are ether long retired or actually dead. Springfield on the other hand tried to sweep it under the rug and pinned it on a couple of scapegoats while hoping people would forget about it.
And don't forget that the bill was also supported by Rock River Arms, TFB and TTAG.
Why though? Aren't they gun media outlets? What do they have to benefit from manipulating the actual gun market?
They're limousine liberals and trust fund kiddies. The kinds of types who will have their cake and eat it too, stealing rights from you to make their own privileges more special. I will say it's not the entire staff on either site that is anti-gun, but both were pushing articles in support of that law. TTAG is also just generally a mediocre source who's been caught reporting things that were wrong or false on several occasions, which is ironic given their name.
I think the greater problem is that "journalists" are just intellectual prostitutes, they don't write anything independent, they write what they are told to write. There is little to no "independent media" because those who get exposure and are pushed are controlled, or given very little leash to run on. They control the narratives, so they control the narrators. If you say "I came here to write the truth' they would never let you in in the first place. They are like all others in the industry, they report what they are told to report, make advertisements int he guise of positive reviews, their primary goal is money and views, then doing as whats needed to please those in power to keep money and exposure coming, hopefully enough to move up the ranks in a purely political system of trading favors.
If you don't play politics then you have no place anywhere in the modern world. Its corrupt bottom to top, don't play don't show up.
You're certainly correct in your insight, but these guys are worth special mention because even in their personal content they're often outspokenly against the kinds of people you see on Zig Forums. See James, Nathaniel, Alex - hell, most TFBTV videos in general are some cross between marketing and thinly veiled bragging about how they're rich faggots who deserve to have things you can't.
I still think James' Mini-14 shilling video is one of the funniest gun videos I've ever watched. Not a single thing he says in it is honest, he has this like 6x fucking optic and keeps missing the target completely at less than 20 yards, and there are multiple malfunctions with the rifle. He just keeps on trucking and calling it the best rifle ever made. It's fucking great.
Maybe you're right, like I said I've never seen anything that goes over those connections just assertions on online forums. Unlike Ruger or S&W, SAI has been putting money towards earning back trust (they ended business with Dicks) though I wouldn't hold it against anyone who doesn't want to buy their guns though.
Except the only thing S&W ever did was the shitty internal lock and that's been removed from all their guns, and Ruger's gun rights problems were all due to ol' Bill. Now that Bill is dead Ruger's business tactics have seemed just fine (their all-cast parts obsession notwithstanding), and S&W has been actively encouraging ownership of guns and carry culture. Springfield on the other hand has increasing prices, decreasing quality, and on more than one occasion has been caught doing underhanded shit. The whole reason the Springfield name still exists is because a guy bought it out of bankruptcy in the hopes of securing a monopoly. You've made your shilling way too obvious at this point, dude.
Don't buy Springfield for all I care just stop making excuses for Ruger and S&W.
Don't spout your mouth off about shit you're willfully ignorant about and then act all passive-aggressive about it while playing damage control for your overpriced pet brand. It makes you look childish. No excuses were made in my post. I called Bill Ruger a kike, which he was, and mentioned the absolute worst design decision in the history of pistols, which is no longer a problem and hasn't been for years. Facts aren't excuses, you hypocrite.
Nothing passive aggressive about calling you out for hypocrisy. There's always people like you out there willing to call people ignorant but fumble when it comes to sourcing your BS.
t. springshit employee
I see your point, in that those specific channels are cringey. I never watch or read their material…. because they seemed to me like a worthless "top ten numbered list" style view grabbing or "here's my personal opinion e-blog' type garbage. The little I've seen of their work I can get the feeling of what you are talking about, "my toys" and the rest. I'd waste more time looking into them, but I think I already said I'd be wasting time watching too much of their stuff.
Divide and conquer, carve out exemptions and privileges to gain support from one group, then betray the people you carved the exceptions out for because now they are standing alone. Good rich and upper class people stand in the right place, many rich people who don't care are always willing to sell their mother down the river for a favor or because they think there will be a "compromise" (in our case, we give and they take everything). I'm getting the feeling now and then that even the bad rich are getting the feeling that one day they are going to be loaded up on the same train as the rest of us and might wise up a little. Maybe.
et al
As for the other issue in this thread being beaten upon, at some point you can't hold grudges against everybody for eternity. At some point you won't have any friends left, or in this case, gun manufacturers. If we blackball every single company when they get on the wrong side of gun control we risk eventually excluding almost every company, sometimes because of something done 30 years ago. At this rate all the gun controllers will have to do is get each company to bow once to gun control and you'll never buy another new gun ever again, because they are all on the blacklist for eternity!
I think the way these things should go is like professional wrestlers getting fired, nobody is ever truly blackballed or blacklisted. They get fired, they get put in the doghouse, they get into a shitload of trouble and lose a shitload of money, but one day the heat dies down and they get hired again if they are worthy. Springfield and the others in the recent betrayal are definitely in the doghouse at best, people should avoid their products. I'm not even a Ruger guy, but I'll give them a pass at some point, its been a long time since Bill did his shit, its been a while since S&W was cooperating. Make sure that you let them know that you always remember, that nobody forgot the time they stepped over the line, but to demand everyone boycott them forever is, at some point, just plain ridiculous.
Agreed, gun companies need to be held to account when they step out of line but there should be room for forgiveness. Ruger and S&W seem to have learned from past mistakes if only for shekels. Springfield should definitely be in the dog house.
To get back on topic though, getting an M1 Garand is the best and most affordable compared to the M14 and the unrelated but similar Mini-14 of the above assuming you don't mind a later serial number that isn't a war relic.
Reminder that all american "guns" are communist guns.