Facebook has permanently banned Infowars for using language that is derogatory towards Muslims, transgender people and immigrants in a shocking intensification of Big Tech’s censorship purge.

Facebook announced in a blog post that the four main Infowars pages were “unpublished for repeated violations of Community Standards and accumulating too many strikes.”

“More content from the same Pages has been reported to us — upon review, we have taken it down for glorifying violence, which violates our graphic violence policy, and using dehumanizing language to describe people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants, which violates our hate speech policies,” states the post.

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Youtube next

I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, considering Facebook is in the bandwagon of regressive websites.

It's a good thing because these social media giants are brekaing themselves up. InfoWars will not disappear, it will simply find a competitor outlet to bolster.

Regardless of whether Jones speaks the truth, is a disinformation shill, or just crazy this makes it look like (((higher authorities))) want to hide what he has to say and give him legitimacy (correctly or otherwise). The best way to deal with a crazy person is to let him convince others he is crazy on his own rather than attempting to hide it.

Remember to always report anti-white hate speech. Make sure those strikes hit both ways.

ALex Jones is an entertainer who makes tons off dumb fucks who think he is a legitimate news source. Fools


The internet will probably declare digital war on Facebook.

Are you new?

What is he wrong about?


why would you bother? just ignore, and move on

and yet if you report things that go against the community 'guidelines' ie call for violence against people, nudoty, some of it child, and death threats, they do nothing.
I have a "leftist" troll account where I subtly red pill people, and I report a lot of shit, seriously a lot of call for violence against whites conservatives, ect., TONS of nudity, some where of questionable age, and tons of more illegal shot.
but that's all fine since it was a liberal posting it.

"Hey guise, I know! Let's nerf one of our big money makers while we're suffering profit and stock loss all while we're getting negative publicity for nerfing and spying on our big money makers".

*soon to be


fat, lazy, sedentary slob, who's
going to lose MILLIONS of dollars
in the civil litigation filed by the
families of the Sandy Hook victims

He doesn't stand a chance

He doesn't have a leg to stand on

ANY qualified attorney would
advise him to settle out of court
because it's better to lose most
of the money, rather than losing
all of the money.

Screengrab and send to the right outlet. Never stop doing it. Build a collection and whenever the tides are turning, dump it onto them.

mediocre homo detected

the ironic part:

Alex Jones appeals to people who want to be perceived as being 'more knowledgeable than others', 97% of which are males who consider themselves to be of a higher intellect than the average person….

Meanwhile, anybody with a brain stem instantly recognizes how stupid and erroneous all of Alex Jones' content is.

It's really not rocket science….

it proves that Alex Jones demographically targets disenfranchised, low self-esteem, inadequate, non achievers, who all want to overcompensate for their shortcomings


back in 1947, the government's hadn't yet figured out the most effective way to deal with leaked secrets….

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I always filed Alex under mostly edgy content. I worry about people who think everything he says is legit. I think they may be kicking him off to legally guard their asses when the lawsuit he's going to get comes due.

I always thought he kind of knew some of the shit he shouted was bs.


back then, they didn't have the experience required to 'think tank' a strategy for controlling the public's knowledge and perception, in the event of a secret being leaked….

Like the Roswell crash….

Attached: RoswellDailyRecordJuly8_1947.jpg (1000x529, 261.02K)

In July 1947, they were caught off guard by the Roswell crash

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Their knee jerk reaction was to deny the story, which worked at first, because the public was also inexperienced in matters like this


and while their story of a weather balloon sufficed for most, the 'cover up' game had begun, in it's most rudimentary form

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As time went by, they tried covering stories up before they happened, with fake 'official investigations' to make it appear that they were looking into it

But the results were always the same:

Weather balloons, swamp gas, airplanes, mass hallucinations

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This technique actually led to more people distrusting the government

The more they tried to cover things up, the more obvious it became


This 'official investigation that led nowhere' technique was not limited to UFOs

and it continued to create even more speculation by the public that their 'official investigations' were lies

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then they got smart about it

Let me tl;dr this: Conspiracy theorists make everything that differs from the official story look retarded either knowingly or unknowingly through association with their ever stranger stories.

You posted the thumbnail. Also when Alex started reporting on pizzagate (for the second time after the threats and his lying about his initial report on it being fake) his wife got his kids taken away and his current legal troubles started shortly thereafter. He then said pizzagate was fake but certain people sought to punish him for resistance. I think alot of the shit he says is either fake or misreported to make the true conspiracies look fake, but he was determined to get the truth out on pizzagate. Got to go. Thanks for the info.


Instead of trying to 'cover things up' they simply flooded the background media with ridiculous nonsense

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they began oversaturating the subculture with the most ridiculous bullshit possible

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it was genius, because everybody saw this shit as they stood in line at the grocery store….

And we all became so sick of it

Soon, any legitimate UFO story would be overlooked as 'just more bullshit'

We reached a point where we wouldn't have cared anymore, even if it WERE real

We were simply sick of hearing about it

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These days, thanks to YouTube, every idiotic uneducated 'mom and pop' in middle America has their own 'conspiracy channel'

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and by jumping on the conspiracy bandwagon, these 'truth seeking idiots' are unwittingly muddying up the water, and unknowingly becoming part of the government's way of dealing with the release of tell secrets…

These people discredit the work done by legitimate investigators


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T R U S T M E :

they don't need to 'create false flag 'youre, because there is no shortage of mentally unstable idiots…..

by buying into that bullshit, you're simply furthering the government's REAL conspiracy:

making people sick and tired of hearing your stupid conspiracy theories

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autocorrect typo:

My bad…..

they don't need to 'create false flags', because there is no shortage of mentally unstable idiots

Alex Jones is merely a humble water filter salesman.

there is no shortage of mentally unstable idiots

idiots like Alex

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I actually think he may be an NSA asset, a tool to spread nonsense, helping guarantee that society will disregard ALL conspiracy theories, including the legitimate ones

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One Thing's For Sure:

His loyal fans are NOT as smart as they think….

And they already had an existing need to try and become part of something, where they could 'finally belong', and collectively mask their own disenfranchisement, while pointing fingers at others, blaming everybody and ANYBODY else for their own lack of integration into society

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Give him enough rope

InfoWars is so careful about being non-racist

….which, of course, only further alienates them from society, and makes the average person disregard any 'conspiracy theories' even that much quicker….

Which works perfectly for a government intent on keeping the masses distracted

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Any qualified attorney would advise Alex Jones to settle out of court, for a reduced financial amount, because when he is found financially liable for the emotional duress caused by his continued harassment, he stands to lose so much money that only an idiot would pass up the opportunity to pay a portion of that amount instead of losing all of it…

ALSO: he's a fat slob


OK, I'll pile in..

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And miss out on that taller soapbox and amplified victimhood status?
You must not know Alex very well.
(((They))) do.

I believe you might have gotten things mixed around somehow.

If you care to remember, it was actually George W bush equated Saddam Hussein to Adolf Hitler

And of course, Saddam Hussein was a CIA operative…. Just like the CIA always does, we topple regimes in foreign countries, put up puppet governments like the Shah of Iran, and 20 years later we point our fingers at them and compare them to Hitler…

But this time it was different comma because it wasn't really about Saddam Hussein or Iraq in general, but rather it was part of the Reaganesque Republican New World Order multiple decade strategy towards eliminating the United States Constitution as we knew it with the Patriot Act…

This wasn't a 'conspiracy', because that's simply business as usual for these people….

That's the way they do things

I'm not an Obama supporter, but only an idiot would try to compare Obama to George Bush, because the last time I checked Obama wasn't on watch when we faked the 9/11 attacks and used it as a justification to engage in war crimes, invading innocent Nations and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children, blaming them for weapons of mass destruction while in all actuality every American accepted the fact that we were punishing them for the 9/11 attacks, even though they had nothing to do with it….

By comparison, whatever improprieties were performed by the Obama Administration paled next to the Bush Administration….

But only a fucking idiot believes that any sitting president or his administration are the ones in control of matters like this, because THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE IS WHO MAKES THE RULES, and if any particular president doesn't play along, they have ways of dealing with them… See Dulles Plaza in Dallas Texas if you are confused)

Their website, their rules. Everyone knows (((what))) Faceberg is so why is it so shocking? I deleted my profile years ago and anyone who continued to be on their kiked site before getting oy vey shut down has no sympathy from me.

lol @ the schizo affective perception that 'they KNOW Alex Jones'…..

hahahaha !!

Do you have any idea how psychotic that just sounded?…

HINT: apparently it's you who doesn't seem to know what really makes that fat lazy sack of shit 'tick'…

(And because of the nature of the Civil liability inherent in this unique litigation, his insurance company is not going to pay a penny of it, and every single last penny is coming out of his pocket)

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Oh, but I do!

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Oops! Wrong pic!

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Nationalize it.

…anybody who actually believes that Alex Jones is a man of principal, who cares more about 'spreading the conspiratorial truth' to a faceless ocean of gullible idiots than he cares about his bank account is guilty of their own personal conspiracy of stupidity…


Based upon the code of civil law, mr. Jones is absolutely liable for loss and damages, in this case the damage is being undue emotional duress caused by his continual harassment of innocent families, after the loss of their children….

In a civil courtroom, only six jurors are required, unlike the 12 jurors in a criminal courtroom….

Anybody on that jury will take into consideration the unimaginable grief and anguish the families were going through after having their children murdered….

And then they're going to look at the fat sedentary greedy fuck face Alex Jones sitting in the courtroom, and they're going to listen to the families and testify to the added emotional duress and anguish caused by Mr. Jones, as he continually harassed them and defamed them, broadcasting to the world how they were all liars, and how their children were never murdered…

His idiotic, delusional claims that all of these families are 'crisis actors' publicly minimized and ridiculed their loss and suffering, multiplying their existing grief over the tragedy…

He doesn't stand a chance…..

Like I said, he's going to lose a SHITLOAD OF MONEY…..

If he has 50 million dollars, a jury will award the families 500 million dollars in Damages…

This Landmark case is going to bankrupt Mr. Jones… It will take every penny that he has to his name, and any money he makes in the future will have to go to paying the damages awarded by the jury…..

We could be paying for this for the rest of his life…. Which is fair, because he deserves it.

Any attorney will advise him to settle out of court before it has a chance to reach the jury

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LOL !!!

hahaha nice

The Truth Shall Set You Free.

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-if Alex Jones is telling the truth about false flags and crisis actors, then he's certainly going to have an opportunity to prove his case in the courtroom

-the ONLY way we could possibly have a ruling in his favor would be by proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that none of the children actually died, and the parents were all crisis actors

-if he's incapable of proving his point in the courtroom, (which he is not capable of doing) then he's going to be found civilly liable

-so if he has a leg to stand on, you better believe he's going to be forced to stand on it in the courtroom

and you will all see that he what be doing jack shit in that courtroom, other than looking like a fool, and losing every single penny he has in the bank

(realizing this, eventually before it reaches the jury stage, he's going to instruct his attorney to reach an out-of-court settlement with the plaintiffs)

At that point, the false flag crisis actor nonsense is going to be neatly tucked away into a coffin and buried six feet under, just like all of those poor first graders who were murdered by a lunatic who acted out of mental instability and being triggered by a multitude of other similar events typed on TV news…..

(Society is literally disintegrating as we speak, and there is an entire generation of Elliot Rodger type idiots, angry because they're too stupid to figure out how to get any pussy, and they're willing to lash out at innocent people, blaming the world for their own inadequacies and failures)

The government doesn't need to create complicated strategies of false flag sequences… The world is already full of idiots who repeat behavior that see on the news

I'm the first one to tell you that the government (the dept of defense & our intelligence agencies) are NOT in the business of telling us what they're really up to….

That's not what they do…

In fact, we don't want them to

It would be detrimental

And I'm the first one to tell you that this absolute power has led them to absolute corruption

The Kennedy assassination wasn't the beginning of their smoke and mirrors by any means, and Tim Osman's mujahideen 9/11 involvement wasn't the end of it.


the children at Sandy Hook DID die
and I know what it's like to have a family member be murdered. My brother was murdered in a robbery.

If you've never experienced anything like this, consider yourself lucky, because it bends your mind, it distorts reality, it turns everything inside out and upside down, and you literally feel like your mind and your body have been poisoned, and the world seems unfamiliar.

It's torturous……………

If somebody murdered your child or somebody else in your family, and then some fat pompous fuckface made a bunch of money through advertising on broadcasts where he publicly proclaimed to the world that you were an actor, and your family member never died, and you are a liar, and you should be despised ?…..


you'd understand what these unfortunate families went through

And that's exactly what the six jury members in the civil litigation are going to consider when they come to the 'damages' part of the hearing…

The family's loss was insurmountable compared to any loss caused by Alex Jones….

but the DAMAGES ?………..
the PUNITIVE (punishment) DAMAGES??……..

The sky's the limit…..

A jury awarded a little old lady 300 million dollars when she spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee in her lap…..

Imagine what's possible in this case… Every single penny Alex Jones has to his name will be awarded to the family, PLUS SOME…..

And that's exactly what he deserves…

Shit story tbh

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He's fucked

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I bet he was banned for all the times he called leftists goblins

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I bet even though he has money, he ends up primarily fucking prostitutes instead of having girlfriends, and if he did have a girlfriend, she'd be fat and ugly



here's his fat ugly wife

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Fat Pigboy's Fat Pigwife looks like Roseanne Barr

Damn, I'm good!

It's hilarious that he, being a big fat slob with hypertension, hawks alleged 'health and fitness' bullshit on his broadcasts…..

It reminds me of Philip Fairbanks at the Goldwater, trying to sell his bullshit herbal Health supplements, claiming that they improve your health, while he is one of the unhealthiest people I've ever seen, with biceps and smaller than my eight year old son's wrists…


Alex Jones is nothing more than a mad conspiracy theorist or the identity of Bill Hicks.

Either way, the theory of "controlled opposition" is valid because he doesn't discuss the JQ and this news is too coordinated. Cuckpol is flooded with this (((news))) as well.


This just in: he's banned from YouTube too. Oh how the internet used to be free…

I honestly don't give a rats ass about Alex Jones but the fact that the entire internet banned this dude is pretty surreal. I mean we're talking about the internet here. The frontier free for all where every school shooter could have his or her own website about making pipe bombs. You'd think that after the Snowden leaks our youth would be pushing for an ever more free and unregulated web but I guess the half shaven blue haired dude's feelings are more important.

The internet? Pfft watch your TV goyim

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Except alot of people has long forgotten how to make their own website.

Because back before the internet became mainstream, you actually needed to know how to code your own site. Nowadays, plenty of people just do a pre-made one hosted on a server ran by google.

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proofs of gtfo, Satan

if you think that, you should stick to those sites.

You ruined a perfectly good meme with your faggoty little watermark you typical Zig Forums animal.

This is merely the beginning…

Satan Spoke Truth. Deal with it.

What "faggotty little watermark"?
You're acting like the gay frog you have always been, and you're doing it on Zig Forums. Memes evolve. Gay frogs like you don't. You're too busy clutching onto both the past and your other gay frog brethren.


Hitler dubs is right, ya know.
Nice reaction video too. I especially enjoyed the end. You don't have to like Alex Jones to dislike the hammering of yet another nail into the coffin of Freeze Peach.

I've been running around for the past couple hours, buying art materials for a canvas the judge has commissioned me to paint….

Jumped in here
Just to take a gander

Lol @ frog

fave book does not allow screenshots anymore, but I have been archiving the pages, just need a way to do these "people" moat are pro AntiFa, and have posted things that will get them in some trouble, like calling for the attack and killing of people.

Its time we permanently ban facebook

fucking douchebag

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I'd personally love to see the entire internet be shut down

It has very, very little benefit for 90% of it's users

and a massive amount of detriment


CIA has a bunch of guys paid to push crazy theories in fringe circles, it doesn't really take much effort and poisoning the well is very effective.

if all of you were suddenly
separated from the internet
you would be lost, miserable


for a short amount of time
maybe a couple months….

but you'd eventually turn
around and realize in
retrospect that you were
actually happier than you
could ever remember being
in your life……………………


hate speech? no
repetitive? yes. tired of hearing about their pending lawsuits

Also like any band, the lead (jones) will always be to the extreme. Most of his other hosts are level headed. David Knight was who I mostly listened to.

The reason is probably because Disney owns Fox now and Facekike wants to send a message to their share holders about the kind of Kosher content they want to see from them from now on