I spread the gospel to /islam/

I told them about Jesus.

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eh, no…You just shitposted in /islma/
granted, that shitty board doesnt deserve any better, but this isnt preaching.

remember the golden rule user

They already know about Jesus. You didn't help at all OP.

"For many deceivers have gone out into the world, refusing to confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist." - 2 John 1:7

That doesn't mean what you think it means. That verse is about those that deny Jesus came in the flesh. Muslims don't deny that Jesus came in the flesh. In fact, they revere him as one of God's most blessed prophets.

Your lack of understanding in the Quran and the Bible is flabbergasting. Ill pray for you user

Jesus must be so proud of you even though you forgot his commands.

Boy, are you new. Explains all the abhorrent posts the last couple days.

actually hes not completely wrong it has a double meaning, you have have to keep in mind who Jesus is for John that is the Word of God who is God, whoever denies this is antichrist. (John 1:1, John 1:14-15, John 1:29:30, 1 John 4:3)

>god, no capital g
You sure done well in pissing off the people on their board.

What did you even think when you started spamming you doofus ? For the same reason we don't want muslims, fedoras, Zig Forums fags etc. to spam our board we don't spam their boards. Because a seed is planted by subtle evangelization, not like westboro street "preaching" style telling people their stuff is false in the most stupid manner in their own realm rather than starting a talk and showing them their errors one by one. The only thing you've shown is that you have no respect - even if you may have had the best intentions.


This does nothing to convince them of the truthfulness of the Christian faith or the falsity of Islam. More likely you have caused their hearts to harden even further, and thus you have made their conversion even less likely.

You are a mouthpiece of Satan.


The Jesus of the Koran and who Christians profess are two different people with different life details

Good Advice

I'm sure your shitposts saved many souls, OP.

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Do unto others …

NOW THAT'S winnie the pooh BASED

I don't agree with OP's methods, but accusing him of being a mouthpiece of Satan is too much, man. Repent.

If he has two brain cells to rub together he knows his approach will convert no one, anger people, and turn them further away from Christ and towards hell. If the shoe fits..

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/islam/ knows more about Jesus than you cracker eaters ever will.

Go away, shill.