Zig Forumsommando GEAR FETISH THREAD

Post Your SHTF Gear

Ammo Bandoliers, Water systems, Guns, Camo, Coats

Show it all off!

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Why would a potato peeler be part of your Zig Forums equipment?

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At first I thought this was an actual gear fetish thread. I was really confused why you were posting one on Zig Forums.

What do mean by "actual gear fetish thread"?

Fuck off

A gear fetish is the attraction to outfits or uniforms. Usually sports gear, biker gear or military gear.
It's almost exclusive to THE GAY COMMUNITY.

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Nostalgic for the good ol days of military hazing, I take it.

The same shit I wear everyday.
Why change what isn't broken?

I'm in search of some boots to buy, but I don't know what.
Do some of you have suggestion? The best would it to be buyable in europe, and wearable in cities without looking like a to be terrorist.
I was considering some Solovair, with the premium leather (not the glossy leather), but while they're totaly ok to wear everyday, they don't look too strong.

Any suggestion? I just can't wear at work hiking boots/combat boots. The best would be old fashion strong ass boots. Yeah, the joy of living in a western europe cucked country.
I have to admit that I bought some nice boots in the past, but there were logger boots, with high heels. And that's fucking unwearable, you're feeling like a ladie on heels.

Anyway, some classical strong boots suggestion?

Maybe should I stay with some basic baskets, and put some moutain hiking boots on the side, I dunno.

Honestly? I wear Panther boots by Magnum Essential Equipment almost everyday, everywhere. They're basically a modernised and improved version of Vietnam-era jungle boots, but if you keep a good polish on them and wear long pants they look decently dressy without seeming like you're trying too hard. I've even worn them to funerals. Function is more important than looks, though, and they're extremely comfortable shoes that offer you good protection and ankle support, and they're waterproof to a certain depth. The side zipper is very convenient, too. Not everybody likes high-top shoes, though.

You mean you don’t know?!
Torture device
vegetable peeler
tinder shredder
ferro-rod striker
fish de-scaler
reel for fishing line
pry tool
CQB weapon
thrown as a distraction tool
medical speculum
I mean i could go on but honestly i carry at least three with me in different areas of my body at all times. Don’t you?

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how well would these do?

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I like the M-2 atop the bigger gun.
Probably massively helps accuracy of the MG if seas calm enough.

Post SHTF gear that you actually own.

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nice try, gear profiling image recognition bot

P-Post more

somebody show me what to buy to carry AR mags on my body
I've looked at dozens of chest rigs and I don't know how to tell what's bullshit without seeing it in person which is impossible

Strelok, for the love of god, do not tell me you wanted to be captured and treated like a pup by the enemy

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Accept no substitutes

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Alice gear.

beat me to it

Attached: sweat.gif (400x225, 63.71K)

You slut
Search for phrases like "army fetish", "gear fetish" or "SWAT fetish"

Thank you

Yeah, I carry one of those..

Attached: distraction.jpg (259x194, 8.5K)

The Swedish 304 mag pouches carry five 30 rounders a piece and its ALICE compatible. I will say this though, replace the harness with a Belgian 71' or the Alice strap.

Attached: swedish back.png (1000x1000, 366.28K)

Yeah but can you use it in CQB?
Yes, yes you can

nice hat whered you get it

get some haix
t.knower and owner

Very nice

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This is the Look

that is the best



looks good

can be converted to looking semi normal for the normies



- Bullet proof vest
- Hydration Bladder
- 2 Straps one with 308 Ammo Bandolier the other Just gear
- Two Belts one to hold ranmdom shit the other to house ammo and as a gun holder
- Big military ttousers that fit gear
- Good big boots
- nice big coat
- Wrist Protection
- Feel free to add more

You can dump the coat and replace it with Ghillie suit any time

Very diverse

if anyone knows a coat like this Tell ME

Image Forgotten

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Where the hell can you find a decent Wrist guard

you are like a fucking baby. watch this

Attached: solo run 2.png (1920x1080 3.92 MB, 2.44M)

Wait, WTF?
Is that a fucking bullpub G36? My brain says NO, but my dick says YES!
Did you use a screenshot tool to take a screenshot from the video player? Usually you can just rightclick and select "take snapshot" or whatever.

Idk if they sell in europe but wolverine is a really good brand that makes all kinds of boots.

Solid choice.
These things have a long history.
Cheap, effective, built to last, made in the USA, and it just works. Both of those pouches should carry about 2 or 3 magazines for an AR-15. Best thing about it is how you can lay down comfortably with it. I've got one ready to go with 12 stripper clips for an SKS.
Only downside is no armor of course, maybe you can wear plates under the belt or something.

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Magpuls clothing line is pretty good unironically. The cost isn't worth it but there have been closeouts on a few sites because there probably discontinuing their current line or it all together

bad news guys
I had a couple drinks, saw a couple things, and bought a blackhawk commando. at least its OD and I got it for peanuts. if you can show me where to buy a Vietnam LCE I will buy one but I didn't see anything promising

Burn in hell faggots.


Yeah I have a set, pretty nice stuff. You can also attach molle/malice stuff to the pistol belt if you already have those accessories.