Reminder: In a few weeks, you either have to hand them over to the ATF, or face 10 years in prison.
Challenge to Trump administration's bump-fire stocks ban rejected
Other urls found in this thread:
But these niggers can issue injunctions like it's candy on executive orders that the President CAN FUCKING DO BY LAW. The system is fucked.
And of course, you little cucks will turn in your bump-fire stocks, hypocritically shitting on "certain other states" for doing the same thing when they were asked to turn in their assault rifles.
Pathetic. A real man does what he says, and would refuse the law, but we all know you'll do what the nanny state commands.
Judges have far FAR too much power.
People complain about congress and the president, and don't get me wrong they're shitty trash too, but judges have even less accountability and can pretty much say fuck you to whatever they want and not face even a minor public outcry.
Reducing avenues for endless brown hordes to come to the US isn't a priority for the government unlike piecemeal disarmament.
Pray tell, what would a total alpha chad revolutionary, who totally isn't a cuckold himself that is projecting his own cowardice onto others, do in this situation?
The executive and legislative branches are way more ZOG than the judicial is. The supreme court has its kikes but the judicial branch has obstructed ZOG more than the (((democrats)))[50% jewish funding] and (((republicans)))[25%] combined.
Where are you now magapedes?
A Trump appointed judge protecting a Trump administration ban, no questions asked. The system works, fucking based!
Can´t you just 3D print them? They are just pieces of plastic, right? You can have them right back after you hand them over.
shouldn't she have recused herself because she was recently appointed by Trump?
Anyways, loser case, like 98% of 2nd Amend cases. Plays right into Talmudic pipul about splitting finer and finer hairs.
"ATF violated procedural requirements"
Yeah, you ain't gonna win that one, at least not for about 10yrs min. Whatever will replace the F-35 will be in service by that time.
Seriously, has anyone ever brought the 2nd Amend before the SCOTUS to get a ruling on what it means, with the help of an English teacher to "diagram" the sentence?
Can´t you just 3D print them? They are just pieces of plastic, right? You can have them right back after you hand them over.
I'm thinking you want them similar to 80%Lowers.
Its plastic, but to make it into a bump stock (like if you had to travel to your cousin's Muslim Wedding overseas where they "hate our freedoms" but spray full-auto not just from AK-47 but real light and med machineguns at weddings) you would first need to use a common hacksaw (or just blade) to saw a couple pieces of plastic off, and it would use a common AR spring (not necessarily the big buffer), or maybe two or more common springs ganged.
Speak for yourself, faggot.
If you're not planning on killing anyone who plans on enforcing firearm restrictions, then you don't belong here. Don't discuss your plans openly, don't brag about what you're going to do, when you come across those "oh yah what r u gunna do fgt?" niggers, berate them and move on. They're being paid to bait you into saying something incriminating. Remind them that they too are going to get lined up against the wall and shot on DOTR.
Why even turn them in? They aren't tracked, serialized or registered on any list at all. This is totally unenforceable.
It isn't unenforceable if they get the distributors to hand over their invoices. Of course, that would also serve to show which sellers are actually on our side if that were to happen.
That would have to be court ordered and may not be possible because of interstate commerce laws. That is in states where bump stocks were made and then sold in the same state.
You are a stupid retard mutt to honestly believe the government follows its own laws.
There is a way other than just killing any ATF agents that show up at your house not that this would be a bad thing, of course
What are they gonna do, search literally everyone's homes? Once metal 3D printing gets cheaper gun laws will become impossible to enforce.
Yes, D.C. vs Heller (2008) is why states can't ban handguns. The precedent set was that the 2nd amendment was not referring to state militias and was instead referring to individual citizens.
Every time you guys mock 4d chess it always turns out to be actual 4d chess and nothing bad happens.
You know the government is just going to ignore that, right?
Yes, but the user I was replying to asked if the supreme court ever ruled on it.
You've been saying that since Las Vegas, fuck off back to r/The_Zogald
It's funny to see Trump going from a figure the entire site rallied behind to somebody who's almost universally hated outside of Zig Forums.
I think the magakikes on this board are a probably vocal minority, either because they're shills or they take out their insecurity over their betrayal by doubling down and flooding the board. The number of non-torpedo unique IDs supporting him in a given thread are generally vastly outnumbered by everyone else.
meant Zig Forums, I got this thread mixed up with the equivalent one over there.
You don't even need 3D printing. There's no reason to even bother with bump stocks at this point, you may as well just go straight to making bottle-openers.
Yeah, with the auto sear removed.
Yeah, with no working surfaces for auto parts.
Nice Reddit maymay, you stupid fucking nogunz MAGApede.
The only people supporting him nowadays are Q-tier boomers and cuckchanners who don't know or care about the JQ.
I was referring to making entire guns from scratch, ones that are natively automatic and don't have a serial number.
The fuck are you even talking about? Are you a legit schizo?
As a CAD designer, if we ever reach the point where anyone can have a 3D printer/CNC machine in their own home capable of working metal, I'll personally take up gunsmithing if only to flood the internet with shit the ATF bans.
It was implied that a backdoor semi-auto ban is not a problem because we can totally buy automatic firearms legally anyway. Except we can't. This is apologism, and it's dishonest, and fuck you for playing dumb. People like you are why the world is fucked.
lol shills
making guns is 100x easier than you think
You're legit mental lad.
>>>Zig Forums
Making shitty pipe shotguns and unreliable trash is. 3D printed/CNC weapons are supposed to be a balance between the homemade trash that couldn't penetrate IIIA armor and a proper firearm. Gunsmithing isn't necessarily hard, but it's very time-consuming and costly to do it right, user.
Making a slam-fire shotgun with pipes is easy. Making automatics with rifled barreling and good reliability is not easy.
Isn't that what the GhostGunner is?
It's not meant for making entire guns, it's for completing 80% lowers with generic manufacturing parts.
He's pretty universally hated on Zig Forums too now days.
Commerce clause covers all commerce in the US.
The US has been dead since 1803.
He's hated everyone other than the few attempting to prevent D&C.
He did his job and overstayed his welcome.
The auto sear is still in the trigger pack you dingus
You get the majority of what you need in the kit, and usually just need to get a barrel ramp and handguard hanger. As long as the denial bar is present and the gun meets other NFA regulations, the ATF does not care about if the receiver uses SMG spec parts or Action Arms type semi-auto parts.
Tl;dr You're retarded and the bong was right
Except it fucking isn't, because that makes the parts kit illegal for import. Auto sears are counted as a fully automatic firearm by themselves, per ATF regulations. Did you forget the NFA exists?
What did you subhuman mutts say, huh?
"They will get indicted hurr durr"
Stupid fucking mutts, lol
Holy shit, look at all of these websites selling machine guns without any paperwork!
I hope a mutt listen to this leafcuck and get raided by the atf.
wot, redpill me, how can it be used for NFA builds if it has the bolt blocking bar has been welded
It can't. That's entrapment, because making that modification is "manufacturing an automatic firearm". I think the syrupnigger is ATF.
"It can't be used for NFA builds without the proper paperwork" is what they mean. There are several legal conversions of UZI using registered bolts designed to work around the blocking bar, as well as receivers which have the blocking bar completely removed which serve as the "machine gun" in the eyes of the ATF, not to mention the number of people who build these as registered short barreled rifles. See this link for more info.
This build guide shows exactly what comes in an UZI parts kit. Look at the link below and pay particular attention to the modifications the builder does to the grip assembly.
Land of the (((free))) and home of the mutts, lol.