Epic based gook meme

all the alt-right Trumptards are buttmad that Zognald screwed them, so now they're on to another "epic meme." Let's elect a Chinese communists. Yeah, that'll probably work out as well as Zognald.

truly, a county with a people this fucking stupid cannot retain its inherent rights.
btw, I hate the car non-argument. Here based gook says guns are an awesome privilege and should be regulated just like cars, except vehicular transportation isn't a privilege, it's a basic fucking necessity.

Attached: based gook.jpeg (602x383, 52.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you implying guns are not a basic necessity? I want to vote for this gook somehow just to crash your country, mutt.

It's scary how little libtards know about how automobiles are (not) regulated. I guess that's to be expected though: They don't protect themselves and don't know anything about guns so it's natural that if they don't drive themselves they don't know anything about cars.

Where are all these threads about this random zipperhead coming from? Why are you trying to backhandedly raise awareness about him?

Attached: 2bornot2b.gif.png (100x100, 18.99K)

This is the premier litmus test that a person has no fucking idea how driver licenses or firearms rights work.

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Prediction: the "yanggang" crowd will be 10 times more annoying than Bernie bros before the nomination and after when he is crushed be the Democrat establishment

Hes not wrong. Guns are for LARPing manchildren.

Fuck off, faggot.

Not to mention he's factually wrong. The only thing that kills more people than cars is cancer.


so Zig Forums?

extremely weapons-related thread. of course, this single tweet by some irrelevant chink without even triple digits likes spells the doom for all of society and gun rights.
this reads like leftypol desperately trying pose as Zig Forums, get the fuck out of here

Attached: a fucking JACKED frog.jpg (499x523, 29.72K)

He fails to understand that cars fall under the ninth amendment, and Drivers Licenses are unconstitutional.

Literally who

How many guns would you buy with $1000 a month for free?

/tv/ and MGTOW circle jerking over yang cause he a neet. Not even kidding. MGTOW e-celebs like that review sex dolls like sandman are calling him a hero.

Factually completely incorrect.

He seems like a solid candidate, anything that cripples america so it's too weak to do what israel tells it to is great.

I'm just supporting him (for now) because everything else about the 2020 election is boring as fuck. Some of his policies are also interesting, even if they're never going to happen.

What will the US think of next? Maybe elect Kim Jong-un as the next president?

>for Yang's plan to work he'll have to direct MORE THAN HALF of the ENTIRE FEDERAL BUDGET to it

Attached: goddamn.png (500x513, 135.81K)

This is the face of muttmerica now. Our poolish kike bitch doesnt look half as bad at this point.

It's all the same shit.

Every politician that fucks their shit up more is a step closer to ending this mess.

The trick is getting them to fuck it up so hard and fast that we don't have time to suffer from it.

Attached: 1521244293-2.jpg (768x1024, 51.67K)

Yang might very well do that.

2020 Races
>Boomer RINO (No.1~6) I'll do so much for the economy
This is what you get for not voting Jeb! This is what happens when you don't clap to Jeb! Apologising now won't help you anymore; you're not getting your guac.

Attached: Jeb_c0-171-3906-2447_s561x327.jpg (561x327, 23.27K)

An asian winnig would be funny, but I'm more curious what would be the reaction if an actual jew from israel became the president.

Can non-Americans even become president? I thought you had to be born there.

Most are born in America, but Israel makes it very easy to obtain "dual citizenship" if you can prove you're Jewish enough (and not black).

Ah right, a lot of American Jews will go to Israel for university since there's some sort of special fund set up guaranteeing anyone who can prove their Jewish ancestry gets like $1,000/year for college or something along those lines.

Good god Jeb looks like absolute shit, what happened to him in the past 3 years?

Low energy.

He's gotten a lot worse; this is him about a month or two back with his Latina goblin wife. His parents grounded him for not winning the election and now they're taking away his supply of baby foreskins and other jew potions. I do feel for the guy since he was probably in a rough spot having lost his father recently, but his father was a terrible man and so is Jeb!

Attached: images.jpg (739x415, 26.33K)

Welp, look like his bro inhereted all the good gones.

I want to crash it too

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There literally isn't a single reason for americans to own any guns because

it gets better, user. The average household income is 13,239 pesos ($843) a month in Mexico. Meaning you'll have all of Mexico (and not just Mexico, practically anywhere that isn't western Europe or Canada) charge the US immigration office at the speed of light, obtain US citizenship in any way necessary (not like demoshits would make it hard), and then go back to their native shithole, collecting US handouts every month and laughing, as they get to live a comfortable life in their country without needing to even touch work. A $1000 per month a lot of money nearly anywhere in the world. Hell, even in my country, it's more than half the average monthly wage.

This must be the most blatant bullshit promise ever made. This is the kind of shit that should be called out as populism, but of course journos ran that word to the ground.

I think it's time we treat cars more like guns.

Forgot to renew your registration?
10 years in federal fuck me in the ass prison.

Bought your teenage child a car as a going away to college gift?
Straw man purchase. 10 years in federal fuck me in the ass prison.

Found a mint condition 57 Chevy in your grandfather's barn after he passed away?
It's on the ban list. Surrender it for destruction or spend 10 years in federal fuck me in the ass prison.

you should know that none of the advocates for him on Zig Forums are genuine


I will destroyed everything my family and me has ever built to elect yang. 1000! a month is to good to pass up!!! Thats 12000 a year!!!
I hope he gets fucked like bernie



I used to dislike your kind, but I'm on board now. Accelerationism is the only way.

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Driver's licenses and vehicle registration are meaningless for driving, it's all about tracking and controlling the population 1984 style. "Identification."
The last time you took a driving test was when you were 15. 30 years later, you're still alive. The vehicle regulations are fucking retarded. Just set an age before which you can't own a car.


Despite all the cuckery, I think Trump is gonna win again tbh.

Next year is gonna be a bloodbath tho.

Trump has all the advantages and he fucks it all up.


Vehicle related deaths are far more common than gun related deaths. Aren't chinks were supposed to be good with numbers?

It would definitely be funny to see how it would affect America's relations with Asian countries.

They're also terrible drivers.

Trump is the best president since Gerald Ford and there is no better alternative on the American political landscape. None of the pathetic "critics" of Trump can ever suggest a viable alternative, so their "criticism" is in practical terms essentially shilling for Hillary.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

He should considering hes the best choice. The only thing Yang makes any sense on is the real danger of automation and how it will put millions of Americans out of work, other than that hes a basic bitch democrat. Same with these outsiders like Tulsi Gabbard or if you really dont like (((them))) Ilhan Omar. All these assholes are open borders gun grabbing democrats who just happen to have one take each that overlaps with the alt right crowd.

If Biden runs, he will be the dem nomination and all others will be screwed over. If he doesnt, then Elizabeth Warren or Harris will be the one (probably harris since shes brown and a lady) Both of which are calling for illegal immigrants to be able to vote right now.

Its going to be funny watching the bernie bro crowd realize they are just useful idiot cucks for the Dem party and the fallout of AOC losing her mind.

deflecting doesn't make you correct

Nothing new, Bernie did the same shit with free college. This and the "Green New Deal" will serve as a way to get young faggots to the polls to vote democrat. It kind of worked last time at least in my area. The Bernouts bitched to high heaven, but still went out and voted for Hillary.

Attached: Throwing a bomb out of a car.mp4 (398x224, 198.69K)

I hope mutts elect trumpkike again and collapse muttmerica already.

Yang is an operation of the enemy. A presently embarassing and ridiculous one, with the man likely intended to hamfistedly start us on the explicit road to incremental communism, this time through ridiculous unfeasible welfare programs first (THOUSANDBUX) and Cheka murder squadrons later. He's explicitly stated that the Chinese social credit system should be emulated back in November of last year. A new wave of FDR style restrictions of public freedom in the name of deceptive causes is all but inevitable. (((They))) seem to really not care for these three alleged leaks from a 200% Jewish shilling op relating the explicit plan to shill for Yang, among other things. It seems highly unlikely that these are a limited hangout or attempted dialectic game, because they're dated to the past three days and take the wind out of their sails from the outset.

Beside that, the fourth image- whether it's from nonposting observers here or direct from 4kike, I don't care, I didn't do the crossposting to make it and it's presently useful- lays out that this is a multi-layered op with multiple shilling players through the existence & participation of one Carl Reilly and Radial Media LLC. Kikes, Shanghai masked commie shits, and no doubt every other miscreant under the sun are probably connected to this cretin in the same way as Trump and his circle is composed & penetrated through and through by filthy dumb Israeli dual loyalist scum. I'll also note the 'muh muttmerica' posters are suddenly active to the extreme after this information breaks, in line with the planned large scale deracination blitzes described, though for different targets than here.

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I don't see how that's a problems.
Don't you have 2nd ammendment, and guns?

The JewSA might as well go full commie at this point anyway.
Communism is better than what the mutts have now anyway. That's how pathetic they are.

It's baffling how political discourse in america doesn't look like in Switzerland where it's
instead it's

Observe these parties across multiple threads new and old. One uses a Polish VPN, the other American, another German, and one British; all are bound to be either starving, shameful Indians or other south Asians, or the most repulsive and idiotic form of pollution posting Jew imaginable, thinly cloaked by this boards' predeliction to ironic chauvinistic banter. It was always an open sore, waiting to be infected.

All spout defeatism and 'muh mutts' in inversion of the old 'muh yuropoors' ops that have long gone out of fashion. If one were to look closely, they are almost undoubtedly in every active thread that does not purely involve weapons and thus offers them no purchase at this moment in time. Observe and be aware. This will probably go on for a while yet.

They've also been spotted pulling their faggotry on /v/, /animu/ & /monster/ among other boards.

But Zig Forums told me hating amerimutts was cool.

If you believe those documents you are retarded and congratulations. You are proof of how much of a brain dead hugbox 8/pol/ became.

>no you cant POSSIBLY hate a rat race that officially supported communism and still does and killed your war veterans and occupies your country to this very day!!!
You deserve to burn in hell.


Anyone who posts about yang is from cuckchan and should go back.

I will believe it when I see it, mutt.
My people have done enough for the ungrateful subhumans.

That was a forgery. Large parts of it were copied verbatim from "The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" written by a French Lawyer about how Napoleon III was going to take over the world.

The "Zionist conspiracy" was a hoax that keeps getting brought up whenever someone needs to shift blame for shit going wrong. Jews are frequently targeted because they have historically been few in number and work in businesses that handle or make a lot of money. Stop being jealous of their perceived success and try building yourself up instead of tearing others down.

Attached: Cobra Shiggy Adventures.jpg (960x720, 60.5K)

wew lad, next you're gonna tell me all the shit about enslaving the dirty goyim lower than cattle isn't real either.

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Is this the kike that sperged out on Zig Forums before?

No, but it does take away mindless labors of the contemporary industries. For the best tbh, wagecucking is the death of man.
But if automation goes the way of the kikes, then it is gg forever.

Is the conclusion of a Swiss show trial with private stenographers, a dual Goyish-Gentilic named judge with explicit communist sympathies, and dozens of Jewish witnesses flown in from the world over to provide false testimony. The trial was then dismissed as an abortion of justice in Switzerland itself as the Jewish media screeched aloud the world over at how they'd been vindicated.

A handful of passages were identified as similar; Wikipedia's three citations are one that talks about loans, and two references to Vishnu. That's it. Dialogue in Hell is a Dialogue in Hell, a narrative piece, while

Those similar enough to be judged as lifted were lifted only because the most likely transcriber and codifier of the Protocols, who were observed by Maurice Joly, the 'French lawyer' you reference and a bastard Freemason, were advisors to the French government and Emperor of the time, a Mr. Adolphe Cremieux. He himself put the Protocols into print from Moses Montefiore's dictation, who had received the oral Protocols himself from Nathan Rothschild.

That is to say, the 'plagiarism' was a matter of convergence, not intent, with the tidy numbers of 'a loan of 5%' and multiples of 20 years, and two instances of Vishnu and his 'hundred hands' in an era where British colonialism and Schopenhauer had freshly introduced exotic and intriguing ideas from the southeast. Either of these are vastly more likely to be coincidence or the mischief of God than proof of the dubious official narrative.

It is entirely real and keyholes far too well with thousands of years of Jewish misdeeds both when they are a murderous underclass or a clique of murderous tyrants to be denied.

Jews are targeted for being vampiric antihuman bastards who at their very best in the examples of Benjamin Freedman, David Cole, and Bobby Fischer are the most absolute turncoats in all of history, esteemed only because they are turncoats of turncoats, of traitors and befoulers and exploiters who yearn for a world that is theirs and theirs alone, two thousand slaves beneath the feet of each of their number in the era of the Masshiach.

Kikes are objects, not people; you are not jealous of them, you despise them as the surrogate bodies of their god, bad pottery to be smashed to get at the filch worm crowned 'YHWH' behind them.

Not a man on Earth can be truly free while the scions of Abraham breathe in unlife to deprive and deprave the enslaved masses the world over.

What's most ridiculous about this car """""argument""""" is that no country, besides maybe some muslim ones, use vehicle licensing laws to keep psychopaths out of the driver's seat. They are ONLY there to keep out the incompetant and the irresponsible. Any ex-con without a serious traffic charge can walk straight from prison to the RTA and have his license sorted out without any trouble.
Since the Religion of Peace has demonstrated that vehicles are much better mass-killing machines than machine guns for most people, shouldn't we be applying the same regulations to driving as we do to shooting?

Either there are chinese shills on this website, or shilling for China is a popular trolling method here. It would not surprize me one bit if the "Yang Gang" are nothing more than the chinese shills shilling for their fellow insect.

All me.
My hub of operations is on /tv/, however.

Why do you do this?

I can't control it, it was a failed experiment at creating an artificial shitpost-based lifeform.

Please stop.
