Bike Lock Hero beats the case!

A former East Bay college philosophy professor who was charged with four counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon, causing great bodily injury, has taken a deal resulting in three years of probation for an attack at a Berkeley protest last year, court records reveal.

Eric Clanton had been linked by police to violent assaults with a metal bike lock during a “free speech” rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017. Before his arrest, Clanton had been “outed” online, on the website 4chan, as someone who used a bike lock to strike a man in the head. The assault was captured in a video clip (below) that drew widespread attention and anger after it was posted on YouTube.

Wednesday, Clanton was supposed to have had his preliminary hearing, where a judge decides whether there’s enough evidence in a case for it to move ahead to trial. Instead, there was no hearing, and information about Clanton’s plea deal became available online.

According to Alameda County Superior Court records, Clanton entered a “no contest” plea Wednesday to one misdemeanor battery charge. The felony charges against him were dismissed, and an allegation that he had caused serious bodily injury was stricken. A misdemeanor charge that Clanton wore a mask during the commission of the crime also was dropped.

Clanton’s three years of probation begin Wednesday and last through Aug. 8, 2021.

Police said, previously, that Clanton attacked at least three people with a metal U-lock during the April 15 rally in and around Civic Center Park. Court papers later revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head, according to authorities. One person received a head laceration that required five staples to fix. Another was uninjured but had a piece of a helmet broken off. A third was struck across the neck and back, police wrote.

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Yes to more rioting in the streets. Can't have a proper civil war when they never get to start fighting.

I wonder what would have happened if the roles were reversed.
If a "nazi" hit a "communist" with a bike lock in the head I wonder how that would have played out.

There's a fucking video of the crime.
He basically admitted to it.
There's a fucking video of the crime and he admitted to it.
There's a fucking video of him committing the crime while wearing a mask.
He did this to six other people. He admitted to it.

Much worse. To progressives 'wrongthink' is a far greater crime then unprovoked violence.
Funny stuff.

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Well on the bright side this opens him up to getting beaten to death on the street like he deserves.

It happened in a communist state. The only bright side is this technically opens up the door for civil suits against him.

Sounds to me like clanton could use a bike lock to the face and by all accounts its a slap on the wrist as a result.

Look who's winning

Fuck Trump supporters

They getting a taste of their own deplorable violence

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If you live near him, keep a mask on your person and put it on whenever you are around him. ;>)
Don't *do* anything to him, just put the mask on. Just to see if he objects.

Yeah, the deplorable violence like burning Berkeley! Fucking Trump supporters, violent dogs, all of 'em.

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Lol @ how, when trying to point a finger at a certain point I'll party, all you succeeded in doing was proving the 'false flag' theories are bullshit.

Nice work, dumbass

By the way, he didn't 'beat the case'. The preliminary hearing you mentioned is actually called a probable cause hearing, and he was given a plea bargain, meaning he was convicted.

Having his attorney plea nolo contendere is NOT pleading 'not guilty', and simply means the District Attorney's Office had offered a plea deal, reducing the charges in exchange for a guilty plea, where the defendant doesn't contest the charges.

Probation isn't 'beating a case'.

When you are on probation, you have been found guilty, and the 'bargain' part of the plea bargain is where they allow you to serve your prison sentence out in the real world.

The defendant has been found guilty, and he is technically property of the state. He does not own his own life anymore. If he makes one mistake while out on probation, it will violate the terms of his release back into society, and the remainder of his sentence will be served Behind Bars.

In America, a whopping 98% of all criminal cases are settled on plea bargains….

This is business as usual

Oops… retard

The joys of plea bargaining

Unlike you we can give it out AND we can take it.

So, you wake up in the morning, and start copying and pasting pre-existing news articles from the internet?…


You don't even pay attention to the stories, because you're simply focused on copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting…..

It's become an incessant obsessive compulsive behavior for you, and has long since begun to interfere with the quality of your life…..

At first, it filled an empty void in your life, and you finally felt like you had some 'purpose'. It replaced the empty chasm in your soul and the lack of appointments on your schedule calendar.

Suddenly, you felt like you were 'important', like people were 'relying' on you, and you were finally making a 'contribution'…

But that wasn't true. Not at all. You had become the opposite of 'important', actually becoming superfluous. Nobody has ever 'relied on your copying and pasting' to supply them with the same exact news they can find anywhere else. Your 'contribution' has become nothing more than a mindless OCD behavior, where you have lost your objectivity, and no longer even fully read the articles before copying and pasting them.

You're not providing a service to anybody, because we don't care about your stupid copied and pasted stories.

And you are doing yourself a great disservice, because the best years of your life are being flushed down the toilet, while you sit cooped up in your stinky little computer chair, gazing at the screen of your monitor, feverishly copying and pasting, copying and pasting, copying and pasting while the world passes you by.

When was the last time you went to go see your therapist?

Don't you think that you should call and get scheduled for a counseling session? Perhaps a qualified psychologist could help you restructure your life and get you back on track again…

There was no need for a plea bargain; they had him dead to rights, on video. This was clear bias from the state.

Fuck it, if the state will not do their job let the feds open a terrorism investigation. If the feds will not take it's open season on college professors.

I know Dr. Andy!

What can I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What did your shrink say about your constant trolling to get attention and a reaction from anons.

I bet you spend a lot more time trolling the net than I do posting here

But then, I kinda like eccentric mental people

Say, what ever happened to /killcen/?

I think he may be he Zig Forums mod now

He's whacked out enuff

haha, andy, you copy pasted this in numerous posts

you adorable!!!

Look what's happening to James Fields, he was run down by a mob of armed communists and he's facing murder charges because a land whale had a heart attack within 10 feet of his car.

He will be dead within 2 years. Calling it now.

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You misspelled self-defense.

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so.. I can beat at least seven lefties with deadly weapon, and get away with slap on the wrist? noice

Too bad you won't

Pick one

Hope his victim sues.

t. cianigger

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Daily reminder that leftists are subhuman vermin that shouldn't have any rights.

Why is Zig Forums here and not on reddit? Noone wants them around, and they have nothing in common with the rest of us. They're Marxists that don't give a shit about free speech or truth, and they have the full backing of the establishment. They're just r/politics, and should go back there. The human trash should go back to their brethren.


read that as Eric Clapton, probably because I wish I was in a timeline where this retardation didn't exist

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Attack on site. Why not? Clearly the state wants to defend an act of violence why shouldn't this guy get a good couple of beatings with blunt objects. What's the point considering he will be protected. I knew if my skull was cracked with a bike lock, my life wouldn't be the same, only to see my attacker walk free.

This pussy bullshit that these cuckservatives have about letting themselves get attacked on camera only to prosecute, what's the point if the states against you?

This man should be Bludgeoned on site.

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That's right they need to get their shit kicked in

I have to admit I'm new, and I'm even newer to all this proudboy antifa business but they sucker-punch a guy then his boyfriend pepper sprays him while he's down, and the antifa faggots are bragging about this behavior? Wow just fucking wow.

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*sucker punch then run away

lol the sucker punch.. much brave very impress.

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Someone please explain to me how Zig Forums somehow managed to become the lesser of two evils? Zig Forums hasn't been this unreadable since the pajeetposting days

You people really don't have souls or honor.

Will someone remind when 8ch got taken over my leftists, commies and SJWs? Please? It's been reaching insane levels in the past few days.

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They've been doing this nonstop since roughly December 2015, and it's been worse than this.
Though you're right it's been more noticeable than usual lately.
The shills are probably gearing up for their faggot blue wave.


having fun playing with yourself?

You talk like a subversive faggot.

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Go back to r/politics, faggot.

u mad?

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