Not exactly sure how to do this

Hey, well i'm trying to figure things out and well… I basically can't stand what has happened to Tommy Robinson, but that I guess has triggered some stuff in myself. I guess I was born CoE which I feel is so weak, but after watching some stuff at Speakers Corner (around where I live), I want to stand for something, I want that energy that insane stuff that those Christians there have. That's what I want, I don't want to die… ugh I hate my mom and other ppl just not caring about everything else. Are there any real Christian Men even left around in this godforsaken (forgive me) country. I have no idea… the Tommy Robinson thing has got me crazy. I feel like I need to get myself right first of all. I can't stand this watered down whatever the so called nonsense Christianity that has wrecked us all. So hopefully I can get some advice here. Help me?

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Memes aside, I truly believe that the church of England is waaay too far gone the garden path to be salvageable. I would suggest that you look into Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. They are the oldest strongest Christian institutions that still exist in this insane world.

oh and the obligatory;
become Orthodox

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These are worthy of checking. I'd be careful about the red ones at the bottom, they don't use KJV only.

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Thanks, and I appreciate meme's aside. I've… well since this is anonymous I've nearly been a harlot myself and despite my not believing, i'll assume it was the grace of God that kept me from the typical garbage that goes on here. Although i'm still young and i would be very weak to resist otherwise. What church or who is it that has really stood up to this islamic pagan disgustingness that is destroying my country right now. I hate that this is what has triggered me to really reconnect with things, but yeah… after what has gone on with Tommy Robinson (a lot of the UK is going nuts right now) and watching lots of Speakers Corners videos (shout out bob the builder, amazing guy), I realize I have to stand up for what I really believe in. If Christ is the truth, I believe in the Truth, I can't take it anymore. I just need help. And I realize a lot of the community is infected with some like, forgive me, but some real gay shit, like CoE is gay beyond belief. I need help. Thanks bros and sis. I'm weak right now but I need help.

And please forgive me for not having faith for most of my life.


I'm glad that you're considering converting. The first thing I would say is that while Christianity has historically stood as a bulwark against Islam, and that there is a strong tradition of Christian political thought which helped make European civilization what it once was, I would caution you against converting solely for political reasons. A conversion should come from firm belief, not just from convenience.

As regards to the CoE, it has (with the exception of a few highly upstanding Christians) largely ceased to believe in the truths of the faith. No matter what denomination you join, there are going to be imperfections or things which annoy you. I'm Catholic myself, and certainly not content with everything the Papacy or Church does, but my faith has helped me immensely personally and I hope to play a part in healing those errors, rather than let them drive me away.

My immediate advice would be to read the Gospels, the Epistle to the Romans and then some introductory theological texts (try C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton's non-fiction works to start). Save the rest of the Bible for when you have a bit more knowledge about the faith. Also research and visit some churches in the area, looking for those that have both a real theology (avoid non-denoms and liberal mainliners) and an active community. Talk with the priests or pastors, and find where you feel at home. God bless.


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There's an Orthodox Christian debater I like a lot named Jay Dyer - I'll post a video that's relevant to what you're worried about.
If you're ashamed of things you've done in the past it's important to remember that we all fall short of God's perfection; what you need to decide now is whether or not you'll pick up your personal cross so that you can follow in Christ's footsteps.
Visit some Orthodox churches and see what real Christian traditions are all about.

Piss off

Thank you, I know there is a meme or such against Catholics, but I realize as well who was it that defended us all from the invasion, it was the Catholics. I would appreciate some reading into how to defend it against other forms of Christianity if it is indeed the true Church.

I agree with you that someone (including myself) shouldn't convert (and well technically I am supposed to be Christian myself) cause of political reasons, but I mostly feel it as a catalyst. Something is deeply wrong. The society I have been sold is a lie. I don't want to life the trash life society is telling me. If I can be a good Christian wife I'll be happy now, things are just too wrong at the moment. If I have been gifted with reason I should determine what is the truth. So much of the country is going crazy right now but they forget that all our flags are literally just crosses.

Can you recommend be a good version of the Bible brother/sister. I can't stand the ridiculous american version of Christianity aka prosperity gospel, so I want to avoid it. Well if you could recommend me an actual good translation would be appreciative. I've been reading a RSV of the Gospel of John and I have to say it is beautiful.

Would appreciate help and guidance and thanks.

It's not just memes. You suggested someone look into Catholicism right after the pope told a victim of a gay pedophile priest that God made him gay.


If you want specifically Catholic readings, this chart might be helpful. I would also recommend, that you seek out a Latin Mass parish, if there is one near you. Not everyone has this luxury, as they are few and far between, but I have the fortune of living close to an FSSP Parish, and find the Tridentine Rite a magnificent expression of divine worship. You can see some locations here:

That being said, I don't want this to turn into a denominational flame war. In this day and age, finding a solid church is enough, and I wish you luck wherever you may go.

That depends what you're looking for. The version most historically associated with the English language is the King James Version, which was historically used by most English speaking Protestant denominations (ignore those who say it's the only divinely inspired version). English-speaking Catholics used to use the Douay-Rheims version, which was a direct translation of the Latin Vulgate, although it's flow of language is admittedly not quite up to the KJV standard. If you want a more modern version (which benefit from more recent discoveries of sources and textual scholarship), the RSV is good (New Revised Standard Version alters some language to make it more politically correct, so avoid it).

Sorry, forgot the chart

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Absolute meme. The RSV implies that Joseph is the father of Jesus in Luke 2:33.

Joseph, who is called the father of Christ, not only because he was His foster-father, and was commonly supposed to be His natural father, but also because Christ had been born to him lawfully in wedlock, and of his wife Mary; and this marriage of Joseph with the Blessed Virgin was made and ordained by God for the sake of this progeny.

The New American Bible is published as part of an ongoing method to find the oldest possible source material. I think it's also one of the church's official versions.

More than futzing about word choice, pray to receive The Spirit in understanding and discernment of whatever religious text you encounter. Footnotes are nice, but there's nobody who understands The Word better than The Father himself.

My order is gospels, acts, revelation. Gospel again, with refreshed eyes. Followed by wandering through the text as you are guided. Sometimes open randomly, sometimes commit to a section.
I would also like to highlight that the apostlistic letters are good for all people, and anybody who says they're for clergy only is a gatekeeping winnie the poohstick.

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It's a little bit of rope with a knot that will never ever ever ever ever have the effect it is constantly depicted as.

Would you fall over and break your table and scramble away if I took a little bit of twine and flogged you with it?
Especially if you're at your job site so to speak?

You never got hit by a rope and yelled at with a passion, innit?
Trust me: it hurts and it scares you.

t. never played Castlevania
You know not the power of whipping.

Yes, the current pope is not the greatest. The Catholic Church, however, will always be.

Tommy is a great guy. To bad he gets along with transgenders and gays.
Saying there should be free speech because "that`s what living in a capitalist Christian country is like" is downright heresy.

You know, on one hand he does a great job exposing muslims but on the other he pushes the gay agenda (probably unwillingly).
Overall a great guy.

If you live on England, get used to become a sect or something like that. It wouldn`t surprise me if they painted all churches in rainbow colors. Keep the faith and stop being a p*ssy. Always think of the Christians in ancient Rome. You have it better than they do. You are to become a father/mother and you will have to be able to educate your children accordingly. Stay strong, study hard and take your red pills.

You can't stand the fact that a guy who broke the law, is in contempt of court possible causing a mistrial leading to numerous child rapists walking free got punished?

Are you dumb?

He does! Sorry I guess I haven't done enough research into him. That's very disappointing I have to say.

That's sad, I see what you mean. Sorry about it then, bros and sis forgive me. It was just a trigger for me to sort of realize that this country is being ravaged right now. Lord I need help. I can't stand the men in this country. I need something real and strong.

Is this an acceptable position to hold. I love many of the older popes. I don't get how some of the modern popes have become sainted and seem to be sucking up to Islam which is absolutely disgusting. Please help.


It is. You don't have to love him or be blindly obedient to him, but you must revere him and respect him. Disrespect of the Pope can easily turn into disrespect of the Papacy as a whole.
Just know that we have had much worse Popes than Francis.


I assume you're responding to my reply here
It is my opinion that the current pope is not the best pope. However, men I greatly respect hold the position that he is indeed a great pope. The situation is awfully muddled because of some dishonest media (and some dishonest memelords), but you should know that the Catholic Church has had numerous bad popes, many good popes, and a lot in between. A bad pope does not and can not ruin the 2000 year old Church of the One True God. Christ promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church, not that all her popes would be glorious…

As I understand it, the canonization process was "modernized" and basically expedited in the last century, which has led to many saints being canonized within a few years of their death, whereas it oftentimes used to take hundreds of years to canonize saints previously.
How are they sucking up to Islam? They are extending an olive branch to a very old enemy of the Church. They are seeking avenues of dialogue and peace, not advocating people to become Muslims.

dont be sad he is a degenerate zionist jew who doesnt care if england becomes 50% brown as long as the brown people are not muslim but you can not say the same thing about israel sadly because he thinks that should stay jewish

OP while you're looking into Catholicism and live in London/Essex area St Helen's Bishopsgate is considered a flagship conservative CoE church. Otherwise there are still a good few conservative/biblical prot churchses dotted around a big place like London if you live in/near there.[spolier]also if u qt let's go on a date to Speaker's Corner together[/spoiler]

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Your anger is justified, brother.
We owe to ourselves, to our people and to our christian ancestors who gave us a strong faith, most of all we owe Christ. We need to fight for our nations and to rebuild a true and strong Christianity.
I am also sure all those right wing pagans or atheists who say christianity is weak and cucked will flock back to the churches if we are a good and uncompromising example of virtue.

This soy mockery of Christianity can't be allowed to lead Christians in error anymore.