New Denomination Straw Poll

Haven't had one in a while. Plus anymore it seems like there are only Catholics and Orthodox battling it out, with a just a few Baptists sprinkled in. Remember to be honest.

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Just bring back flags already.

this please

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I agree. The no-flag experiment has shown that denominational false-flagging and shitposting has not really stopped. If anything, I miss the days when shitposters would respond to long threads but would forget to use the same flags they used in the beginning of the thread.

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There are four times as many protestants/non-catholic Christians as there are Orthodox worldwide, yet somehow they're outnumbering all the other denominations combined here? Really makes you think.

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Why isn't the Independent Fundamental Byzantine Rite Lutheran Church Missouri Synod on the list?


Catholics have called in reinforcements.

Enjoy the fake results!

Terrible survey, if you're doing it seriously. Heretic is just anything non Catholic or Orthodox Church. It can be either a protestant (despite there being a protestant option, because they', a muslim, or a neopagan.
Terrible idea start a new one tbh.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-23 at 23.19.28.png (328x331, 101.44K)

If you can still delete it, that is, because two hours have passed. Request a mod to do it or something, a serious survey would be interesting.

The Orthodox also have heretical teachings user.

Heretics are the reason we can't have nice things.

papists are the heretics

Yeah we need a new poll

I see the Cathodox are getting tired of having to judge a post by its content. Such is the mind of the hierarchy slave.

I'm abstaining from the poll. Enjoy your false results.

I just realized

The time of the post though, it was about evening on the east side. About time the productive members of society come home and unwind. Give it a day, we might see more of our Catholic and Protestant brothers in the poll soon.

Fail, there no non-denominational option. Abstained.

It either falls on the Protestant or the generic Heretic option that destroys all the poll

There are many non-denominational churches in the United States and it's not fair to label us with Protestants as not all of us desire to protest against the Roman Catholic Church and some are even sympathetic to the sect. That said, I will politely abstain.


You could have just made it two options

There are three options:
1. Catholic
2. Orthodox
3. Protestant

Are non-denoms Catholic? No.
Are non-denoms Orthodox? No.
Then they must be Protestant. It's that simple. Lutherans and Anglicans don't protest against the RCC any more than the Orthodox do, even if they may have historically. Protesting the RCC is not the measure of "protestant".

You like redundant polls, don't you?

I come to Zig Forums just for the banter tbh.

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Excuse me what the winnie the pooh

You should include pentecostal so I can see if I'm the only one here.

And that's why they're called protestant. They came into existence from protesting the church.

Yes it is

shouldn't you be having a seizure right now

You are objectively wrong.

The Flag thread was deleted

Then why did you put Baptist into a separate category? As a non-denominational, I have nothing in common with Lutheran and Anglicans anymore than I have with RCC or Orthodox.

Protestants came out of the reformation. Baptists did not.

Oh wow. Are you serious?

Pretty much this, when you have an OP that claims all "non RCC/Orthodox" are Protestants by default yet he still gives Baptists their own category, you know the poll is gimped from the start. Plus, what is up with the "Heretic" category? GG

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Looks like the Catholics got their discord/facebook crew to vote, however when it comes to board activity they don't seem so present.

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Just delete your poll OP, I'm sorry, but it's terrible

Yeah it seems like a lot of the Baptists have been chased off. Kind of a shame I think.

Guys, the imperium of man may not be Christian but we can sure learn some valuable lessons from them.

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it's just the catholic vote-train trolling protestants


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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm really glad that most baptists probably only post this ironically, and I'm really sad that I know a few of them don't, especially given how offensive trying to give God a denominational classification is.

Cathodox majority ftw!


Anglican here, if you ain't separated from Rome in the west you ain't protestant.

The church of Rome was the first protestant sect.

Voted (Protestant)


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teeechnically, they didn't come from the Reformation, but they are a mutant form of the later, Radical Reformation, and got smashed by both catholics and lutherans.
Practically, they believe in the 5 Solas, that are synonimous and interchangeable with protestantism.

Actually I feel better this way.
It's true there is still falseflagging but at least there is less fighting for neutral posts. Previously a good post would be challenged by others only because it came from an enemy flag.