Andersonites this is for you. Let us suppose Pastor Anderson baptizes and saves someone who down the road realizes that they are gay, then technically according to his doctrinal statements, the gay must still be saved and going to heaven right? How come Steve never talks about this conundrum?
Curious what their reaction will be, but I can predict they will make up some reason like, "he was never saved to begin with, etc."
Wait so if you are a homosexual but never act on it, according to Anderson you are going to hell?
Pretty much. Here are his doctrinal statements.
He was never true saved
What is true saved? According to his statements it is this "Being born again by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement for salvation." He also says "We believe in the eternal security of the believer"
OSAS isn't actually OSAS for Anderson, it's OSAS until he finds out that you are in any was an unrepentant sinner in which case your faith is actually contingent on works, dead without it one might say, and you were never actually saved to begin with unless you repent. Remember, grace and faith justifies, but failure to cooperate with that grace through charity can very easily damn.
Yes, he also believes you should be executed for this.
he says people can disagree with his reprobate doctrine as its not essential
>it's doctrine in his """church"""
Do baptists even realize how flat and incoherent they are sometimes ? Either it's doctrine or it isn't. Doctrine is binding, "just my view" isn't. And they say they aren't protestants smh. They are more protestant than lutherans are.
he says it at 6:12
As Catholic I think it's great that they smack the unitarians all the way - and independent of what I think about baptists in general - but what I mean is a "legalistic" thing and it's actually very important. Which is what I said, either something is doctrine or it doesn't matter - but there's no such thing as "optional doctrine" ** and you need to make this distinction, otherwise everything becomes optional - because that's the nature of sola scriptura.
IFB don't really have an organizational "body" they don't have a capital 'C' Church, they have little clusters of tiny buildings people congregate at, and if a pastor says something you don't like you just eject that building and find a new one until you find one that says things you agree with.
Some protestant denominations try to make it look like they belong to an actual Church but IFB don't play that game, it's the wild west for them, anything goes. That's why so many non-trinitarians are hidden within their ranks.
He would claim they were never saved in the first place. He keeps a tally of people he has "saved" door-to-door, but long-term members of his church can suddenly become never-saved.
I've never met one and it's virtually unheard of. I'm telling you the truth, it's surprising. I think it must be some kind of attack on his church for being so visible, because I've never so much as seen this stuff before in my life.
How does he reconcile this? If he means that people should be saved at his church then go about starting their own IFB churches without any form of infrastructure between the churches then it sounds like a recipe for disaster, especially in as a big a country as the US. If he believes that only his church is capable of saving other people and that any other church, even if they have nearly the same beliefs, can't save people then he has a ridiculously unreasonable expectation that he'll somehow save millions of people on earth through his small church in Arizona.
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but isn't the bible very clear that sodomy rather than homosexuality is the sin?
Ephesians 4:5.
See for example Romans 1:24-2:2, 2 Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7.
How does he conclude therefore that there's only the local church that God wants everyone to join, without being universal, so they can all be saved?
This is clearly referring to homosexual lust and sodomy which of course are a sin, but so are heterosexual lust and sodomy between a man and a woman.
Yes, of course, the wages of sin is death, but a homosexual person is able to fight against their sinful nature just as much as any other person can.
This once again refers to Sodomy and general sexual deviancy.
You didn't quote the whole passage. If you did, you would realize that God gave them up to sodomite lust and that it's the judgement of God.
If God gives them up to vile affections, then the grace of God has departed from them according to Romans 1. Nobody can "fight against" sin without God's help. I can't, you can't, and if God gave them over to a reprobate mind then it's over. Time to recognize the judgement of God and the fact they are turned over to a lust that is "which is against nature" according to Romans 1:26. That's what the inspired word of God says.
It refers to sodomites, hence going "after strange flesh." The example is that they are going to eternal fire. They're the example. And it fits as well because Romans 1:32 tells us they which commit such things are worthy of death, and Leviticus already called it abomination.
Do you not believe that every human being has the capability to follow the narrow path Jesus Christ laid out. I agree that some crosses are more burdensome than others, but to say that some people are just destined to hell reeks of Calvinism.
At one point, yes. I'm not a Calvinist, it's not at birth. The passage in Romans 1 describes how it was those who first turned back on God who were given up.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
What about those who are born predisposed to go against God's word such as Psychopaths? Whilst they are genetically predisposed toward acts against God they can fight against their sinful nature with the help of God, and move toward a more holy life. Why can't those predisposed toward homosexual thoughts or actions do the same?
Because it's not an accident God gave them over to that. No one is born that way, that's another one of the world's lies. See previous posts. You can believe the world and its pet sodomites or believe the word of God.
Wow! Do you mean God is not an autist who fills a questionnaire?
Oh and I forgot to reply to this part. Sorry. The church is local, because church means assembly. It doesn't change the fact we hold to the one faith, we are all built on the foundation, which is Jesus Christ. And he is the chief corner stone of that foundation.
Universal assembly would mean we are all physically congregating in one place.
Not possible
anderson is a limited atonement hyper calvinist.
faithful word calvinist church.
I wouldn't exactly call myself OSAS, but this isn't even all that hard.
1 John 2:16-17, 19
>For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
>They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
I should expand that based beard posted comments,
>They went out from us He anticipates another objection, that the Church seemed to have produced these pests, and to have cherished them for a time in its bosom. For certainly it serves more to disturb the weak, when any one among us, professing the true faith, falls away, than when a thousand aliens conspire against us. He then confesses that they had gone out from the bosom of the Church; but he denies that they were ever of the Church. But the way of removing this objection is, to say, that the Church is always exposed to this evil, so that it is constrained to bear with many hypocrites who know not Christ, really, however much they may by the mouth profess his name.
>By saying, They went out from us, he means that they had previously occupied a place in the Church, and were counted among the number of the godly. He, however, denies that they were of them, though they had assumed the name of believers, as chaff though mixed with wheat on the same floor cannot yet be deemed wheat.
>For if they had been of us He plainly declares that those who fell away had never been members of the Church. And doubtless the seal of God, under which he keeps his own, remains sure, as Paul says, (2 Timothy 2:19.) But here arises a difficulty, for it happens that many who seemed to have embraced Christ, often fall away. To this I answer, that there are three sorts of those who profess the Gospel; there are those who feign piety, while a bad conscience reproves them within; the hypocrisy of others is more deceptive, who not only seek to disguise themselves before men, but also dazzle their own eyes, so that they seem to themselves to worship God aright; the third are those who have the living root of faith, and carry a testimony of their own adoption firmly fixed in their hearts. The two first have no stability; of the last John speaks, when he says, that it is impossible that they should be separated from the Church, for the seal which God’s Spirit engraves on their hearts cannot be obliterated; the incorruptible seed, which has struck roots, cannot be pulled up or destroyed.
>That they might be made manifest He shews that trial is useful and necessary for the Church. It hence follows, on the other hand, that there is no just cause for perturbation. Since the Church is like a threshing-floor, the chaff must be blown away that the pure wheat may remain. This is what God does, when he casts out hypocrites from the Church, for he then cleanses it from refuse and filth.
*based beard poster
It's a hack to mend criticism to salvation as an autistic on and off switch (that can only be turned on) instead of a process.