What does Zig Forums think of the developments in Germany and other countries in regards to the refugee crisis and the...

What does Zig Forums think of the developments in Germany and other countries in regards to the refugee crisis and the behaviour of the 'christian' democrats?

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It has an easy solution. A Final Solution to the migrant problem.
stop bombing their countries so they wont have to legally or illegally immigrate into Europe
or dissolve the EU
you know what
do both just to be safe

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Most immigrants aren't even from countries bombed by the West.

Have them convert to Christianity if they want to stay.



It's funny how they take "love your neighbour" to mean look out for people from distant lands while shitting all over the people next door.

I believe christan democratic moderate parties are a shame and will be remembered in infamy. They are literally as guilty as the secular left.

Christian democrats built Europe 60 years ago for peace and prosperity and the modern christian democrats, together with socialists, turned it into a dystopian nightmare.

They didn't want to take in CHRISTIAN refugees from Ukraine. Hypocrites

I see this as Divine Punishment. And I am happy for this.

Yeah, converting really helps.


Divine punishment is not having a foreskin despite being a Christian.

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Are you a heretic or a you that one LARPagan? My gut is telling me the latter, forgive me if I'm wrong.

Yeah, I'm the one true believer this board has.
Don't have much time for y'all at the moment, though.


Every single one of these Christian democrat parties claims that jews are the "chosen people", I think that says enough about them.

Like all those wars *we* fought in Chad, Gambia, the Ivory Coast and Sudan and Eritrea and Pakistan and Mozambique in the past 20 years?
Also, if we are fighting against a nation then it makes no sense to take in refugees from them.
Doing this with internecine warfare is dumb. Doing it in a war against non-state actors and international militias is suicidal.

This is pointless. Even assuming it was physically possible, do you seriously think they would pay anything other than lip service to the "conversion"?

The only Christians that should hold secular power are kings and their courts. Anything else is trash.

Stop lying or parroting liars. The vast majority of migrants are not from countries that are in any kind of war, let alone ones involving Europe.

So all those Libyans fleeing ZOG never had their country stolen from them by America…sure bud. Yes there are "migrants" seeking better lifes in the EU. But the (((media))) alway potrays them as refugees. We stop bombing and policing their countries and let them rule themselves, the "refugee crisis" gets solved and alot less blood gets spilled.
Its an extremely easy solution that only (((Zionists))) fear.

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How many different ways do we have to say it?

Also, are you trying to pretend this wasn't part of the plan? Don't you think they aren't trying to destroy us?

Did you even look at your picture before posting it? Lybians are not even 1% of the migrants flooding into Europe

First, they are not "refugees". Don't fall in the trap of our enemies. Most of the invaders are grown up men who want to establish families and colonize Europe by marrying with the native women. Since they are polygamist, their population won't fall by much in their native country other than for the war. Obviously, if they were indeed refugees, most of them would be women, elderly and children. Libya and Syria fell so they could expand islam to the rest of the World.
Second, the West is Christian, not pharisee, not muslim, not atheist, not masonic, not pagan. There's no such thing as "Judeo-Christian" as we all very well know. The Europe we know, the Europe that colonized the World and gave birth to what we call "West" is Christian and was born Christian, and so is the Europe that gave birth to Germany.

What we have now is an islamic invasion.
This islamic invasion's goal is (again, as in the past) expansionism of islam and, AGAIN, it's sponsored by pharisees heirs, just like in the Conquista. Pharisees want Christianity to be destroyed and other people to be subjugated to them. Mohammedans want their religion to spread. It's also compatible with masonry's plans as it diversifies genetics and religions, so the host country gets easier to be controlled and their bullshit "enlightenment" is more easily spread. It's handy to social-democrats (soft subversive socialists), as they can more easily destroy a people's unity and their families, they can subvert their host countries at their will and can keep going with their pyramidesque "welfare" schemes; they can keep creating retarded problems and offering retarded solutions. It's useful to globalists because you eliminate divisions and sovereignties and can move to the next step of offering a centralized solution and a global religion.
That's some of the enemies Christianity has. Even the Chinese expansionists are happy with Christianity's elimination (although I don't think they like islam).

What should be done in the West and in Germany? We should embrace our real roots and take pride of being Christian. We should teach our kids to be proud and don't feel shame for their heritage (as our enemies want it to be).
We should start expanding Christianity the best we can, and in the right way. What kind of proselytes do we have now? Pentecostal voodoo churches? Schizos who think they can grow to be greater than God? Material prosperity churches? We should retake what is ours and actively try to expand to save souls. The most traditional a church is, the better. Catholics are the most critical variable here, since it seems Catholicism has given up of spreading Christianity long time ago, I don't know about Lutherans.

Would the CDU fight for what I proposed? Would they stand for Christians, so Christians may be able to defend themselves and fight back?

The reason islam is so effective right now is the emasculation and decay of the natives. The natives don't give a winnie the pooh about morals other than "progressive (im)morality"; don't care about their traditions and their nations, don't care about family values; their women are terrible gatekeepers and, as is their nature, will betray what they see as weak for the strongest. What looks the strongest is, now, the invaders. They have a stronger religion, since the native one got weakened by masons, pharisees and marxists; and, to aggravate things, contrary to the heirs of Rome, the invaders aren't monogamist. Contrary to the natives, they didn't give up family values, morals, religion and having large families.

First, just like Jesus instructed, we should try our best to convert our own people to be (prideful and real) Christians. We also should actively protect serious (non voodoo) Christians in Middle East and Africa. Then, we should try our best to convert mohammedans to Christianity, then send them back to their lands to convert their own people and give them instructions to build in their land a better place.
We shouldn't be ashamed to ally with "non-kosher" dictators in other regions and we should start repealing "secularism" in our own countries. Because this is masonic cancer that weakens and opens us to marxists and pharisees.

Will the CDU do that? They won't, right?

Slightly outside of politics, about Roman Catholicism.. This pope's weak. In politics, he works based on (bad) memes. So meme out to him despair and that they are no refugees, but invaders trying to convert the West to islam. I don't know, send letters after letters. If we don't pressure the pope, he's gonna keep playing stupid in politics. Perhaps he's indeed an anti-pope, but first we must pressure him to save Christianity and wait for action.
In the other side, we have protestant churches (most of them Lutheran, I guess), pressure them too to save Germany from islam and repeal the idea of "refugees" pointing out almost all of them are men and they are islamic expansionists.

Back to politics, point fingers to social-democrats the most as you can. CDU? Call them social-democrats too, say they are doing their (allegedly) adversary job. Meme the "scissors strategy" the most as you can. Can religious leaders do the same? If you can meme this to happen, then Europe can be saved, as could be Germany. Have your people look at them as the same, have alternatives to grow and destabilize your political establishment, because that was your political establishment who ruined Germany and Europe in the first place. It must fall.

By scissors strategy, I mean each of the "adversary" parties work to the same goals and would be useless if they merged as a single party. Just like if they were, each, a piece of a scissor, they need each other to cut through what they want. They have their forced dialectics, pretend to disagree in the main aspects and limit their positioning to their goals, so the population thinks they are being represented against the adversary's ideas. It's even worse when the population lacks other options other than the two (like in the USA). There you have your statical political establishment.

Is this the case of CDU and SPD about immigration and muslims? Do they want to import more workers so welfare, as their taxes, can keep being paid? Do they want more outsider voters to keep the establishment up? Will they keep the invaders instead of mass deporting them? Will they keep calling the invaders "refugees"? Do they want EU powers to expand? Are both secularism enforcers? How many masons are there inside each party? Do they make German people slave to bankers? Do they promote national self-shame? Are they in favor of free speech?

I suppose the answers for that are bad for Christianity and for Germans. That's how I see it from outside, at least. They may disagree on the details, but their main goals are in the same direction.

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I didnt know that the european countries are in war with african shitholes like Somalia….

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Maybe if the Western (((Banking system))) hadn't robbed Somalia of all its wealth their 3rd world immigrants wouldn't have to resort to piracy or immigration to make a living.


I'm not very fond of banks, but how did they rob Somalia? If I recall correctly, Somalia was a communist country until 1990 and descended into chaos since then.

Also, how does it justify mass immigration?

Look into the history of the (((IMF))) and their dealings with Somalia and how they created the inflation crisis.

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It doesn't if anything must of those migrants should stay and try to rebuild their country, Environmentalist always excuse low iq countries of their failures and weaknesses

So what?
Will you, in empty disagreements, keep pretending you didn't understand what I said and cling to your strawman? If you're getting triggered over words instead of meanings, specially not willing to interpret your interlocutor, but, on contrary, choosing to interpret it in the worst way as possible, then you're in the wrong place, putting effort to do everything the wrong way.

Basically, this

Muslims are doing what Christians have become too weak to do.

They are not Christian because they do not do the works of Christ.

We need to encourage strength in all nations and not weakness.

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I am angry

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The West is going to hell. I'd prefer if it arrived there sooner rather than later.

This guy is right
The CDU used to be an alright party and had strong tradition, with the Center party being consistently one of the Reichs (so 1871-1945) biggest party and outspoken advocates of (Catholic) Christianity in politics.
The first generation of CDU politicans expanded upon this foundation as a party of both Catholics and Protestants, and was highly successful rebuilding Germany within a few years.
But since Lutheranism is dying since the end of World War I and with (committed) Catholics losing influence etc. the CDU is only Christian in name any longer.
Its come so far to them openly accepting Mohammedanism as "part of the german culture" etc.
Looking at France and Spain I think the reason for this development is quite clearly related to the replacement of monarchies by "democratic" republics.

Horrible, but sadly there is noone left in the party, that I know of, fighting against it.
The only party that actively tries to stop the current situation is the AfD, as most probably have heared, but it doesnt have much support and isnt a Christian party either. Although probably more so than the CDU. Honestly the only Christian party in the whole of Germany is probably the CSU, which exists only in Bavaria.

Prouldy proclaiming your faith and being prideful are VERY WELL to be distinguished. The former is what Christians do or rather should do all the time. The latter is of satan.

Repair their homeland to help millions rather than invite thousand that wouldn't integrate well. Worked with Japan after two nukes, why not Mexico?

The CSU is a joke. It's leader Horst Seehofer is a literal puppet of Merkel.

The Spanish tried that, and even though it was a perfectly humane and godly response to the Iberian invasion by the Saracens, facilitated by the (((democracts of their times))), it didn't work so well, and they are still demonized to this day.


Convert them to christianity and/or send em back

Teach and warn them of the lies and tactics the Jews use to their advantage, including the holohoax.

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Matthew 5:3-12
3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

5 “Blessed are the [c]gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.

6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

10 “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

They don't "have to", they do it because they want to live off welfare and rape white women and children.

this is why all (((shitstains))) deserve to be killed

they're still not white you fukking retard

We look up to nations in the past that were similar to ours. That's why the Greeks and Romans are looked fondly upon unlike Christian medieval nations. The nations we call our own are becoming pagan and decadent.

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Convert or go, Zig Forums

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