what would you do if you found a relatively rust-free glock 19 that you found in a dumpster, Zig Forums?
hypothetically you could restore it to working condition and sell it for cash or just use it for personal use.
What if it was connected to a crime?
What would you do if you found a relatively rust-free glock 19 that you found in a dumpster, Zig Forums?
Hypothetically I'd remove all the parts. Destroy the frame and use the parts on PF940c frame
Destroy gripframe, barrel, and firing pin.
Acquire replacements.
If you somehow found it before the police or someone else did then it's likely it would never have been found.
Why the gripframe?
Presuming I wanted to keep it, I'd replace the extractor, polish the breech face and either recrown or replace the barrel.
If the slide was rusted, somehow, I'd use 0000 steel wool and 3 in 1 oil to remove it, then have the slide refinished.
bump please respond
I'd probably get AIDS
He's probably going to say "muh fingerprints/dead skin cells"
Do people actually say that?
well gee bill i dunno, why the fuck should i drink water and breathe air
Keep it.
Who the fuck is gonna know unless you squeal like a pig, OP?
There's a reason it's in the dumpster.
dreaming now banned.
I'd throw it back in the trash.
Leave it in the dumpster. If you like Glocks, you're literally a nigger. Only niggers like Glocks. Fight me.
It has the serial # of the gun. The barrel and the firing pin can also uniquely id the gun to forensics, if they get the ball and the casing. Replacing all three makes it effectively another gun as far as the cops are concerned.
Guess I'd become a musician or something :^)
I'd clean it up and make some glockamole.
Can I fight you with my Glock?
Sure thing, nigger. I'll have something better.
Polygonal rifled barrels shit all over forensics.
Replace the barrel and check if it's stolen.