Looking for Polack anons

I'm interested in translating gun statistics and propaganda into Polish with the intent of distributing it into Polish online communities and raising support for more liberal(liberal meaning unrestricted, why are we letting the kikes control the language we use?), but being an ameriburger I don't speak a word of Polish.

Would any Polish anons be willing to help?

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Holohoax land is most of Europe bud.

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topcuck, hope you enjoyed paying the ransom.

Beside, kosher "nationalists" being allowed to cry holohoax on the streets, whats new? Im sure they are even more passionate when they beg for Fort Trump.

Even BRD GmbH told you to fuck off, kek.
Poolish holohoax gravy train ended already.

Righto. Filtered.

Do you think you'd be able to help, assuming you're really from Poland?

Yeah yeah, eat shit, mutt.

Oh yeah, because fully judaized and half negrified corpse of germany that started believing it has its "own" policies and is not a CIA puppet state is now here to Correct the Record™ and along with US state department and mossad find out who was the real holocaust perpetrator all along.
Is this the peak of german humor? scat obsession
Once jews move to Ukraine, we'll be bordering israel 2 and almost equally jewish shabbos goyim, all we need is more south korean immigrants in czech republic and there'll be nowhere to hide from the talmud.

Maybe we wouldn't bother you with war reparations if you didn't bother us with "Polish Death Camps" but alas, your biggest cultural achievement is a made up jewish fantasy so you want to help your greatest ally.

There aren't really forums to spread your message, but you can try bothering someone from ROMB.

Often, but not always, you twit. If anons call you out for using "liberal" despite the context, ignore them. They're clearly too retarded to be given any attention.

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lmao, cuck

Damn, the ovens in these famous Polish deathcamps are quite large.

I mean when the shitpoles cant even perform menial labors anymore…

And you can cry more for the Holohoax gibs. Not even shitlibs will give it to you :)
The holohoax narrative is getting weakened and pooland is afraid.

That's the result of antisemitism you get with mother's milk, there still isn't a comparably anti-semitic baby formula on the market (^:

When Germany occupied Poland poles asked if they can kill all Jews, to which Germans replied "no" which prompted Poles to form resistance groups.

Poland nopeing out of the V4-Israel meeting because of that one sentence said by a jew was pretty nice :D

This is what you deserve for being worthless, low IQ and kike lovers.

Big question is why was V4 meeting in Israel.

Muh baste Visegrad, thats why. Turns out slavs are worthless and willing to get fucked by kikes because they just want their own EU, nationalism be damned.


Well I thought the V4-Israel meeting was cancelled exactly because of that Polish politician getting rightfully mad to that jew…

It's not like you are any better. Germany is USA 2.0: European ZOG edition.


Ruch Obywatelski Miłośników Broni.
Citizen's Movement of Gun Enthusiasts.

Thank you. I'll do what I can, but not speaking a single word of Polish is going to hamper me severely here, I can already tell. Hopefully some of them speak English!

So upon looking at their page and forum through google translate, they look very inactive. Are they the only group you know of that is actively pushing for better gun laws over there? Any others?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA they're the cucks who go on TV saying that guns are purely for sport and they were never meant to be used in self defense. They support the old commie laws that punish the common man for using any kind of weapon in self/home defense situations; they're also vehemently against any form of carry. I haven't followed Poolish politics in years but I remember that around 4 years ago the only people who were genuinely pro-guns were Kurwin-Mekka and Grzegorz Braun. Braun started his wake up movement where they regularly go to churches and shooting ranges but I hate christcucks so I won't put up with their bullshit.

Now for you mutts. A lot of Poles are against guns for reasons vastly different than western shitlibs. All the lower class people I spoke with are mainly concerned with ghetto trash being able to get guns and shooting up their families and neighbors in drunk fits of rage. They don't want to hear about the benefits of it, that dysgenic drunks taking out their equally dysgenic families is a net positive for the nation's gene pool. We already have a lot of middle class men supporting lax gun laws and citing all the burger statistics, the effectiveness of Swiss laws and the rampant crime rates in no guns shitholes. It just never goes anywhere because there is no way to actually pass these laws. Even the cops are not supposed to use their guns, their training boils down to annual 6 rounds at the range. The few times they decide to use guns it always ends up in a fucking disaster where the criminal gets away and bystanders get hit with stray bullets. The ZOG can't allow civilians to have any edge over their golembots

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

Why do you care about poland?

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How about you actually learn polish and try to debunk what he said, mutt?
The feeling is the same in Germany too. Too many subhumans on welfare, and you just cant trust them with self governance unlike muttmerica when everyome used to live at least 200 meters from each other on average.

My parents immigrated from there, and Poland seems to be moving in the right direction as far as the attitudes of it's people go. I want to see you succeed, and I believe that you all being armed and able to protect yourselves is a major part of that.

More than likely, my efforts aren't going to amount to much, but at least I can say I tried.

I just wanted to say that I like this post a lot and I'm surprised how well it sums up my feelings and observations on the subject
polite sage for not bringing much light to the thread

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So do they support gun control or not? calling him a jew doesn't add anything to the discussion.

I'd expect as much from a kraut.

Eat shit you stupid fucking subhuman mutt.


You've got to be the first Pole I've seen in ages that doesn't flip it when controlled opposition is exposed. I'm really sick and tired of the disinfo being spread everywhere by both jewish journalists who report on anything happening in Poland in anglo news (oy vey 3rd reich and goy uprising), and the dumb as bricks patriotards who spout their delusions about how the country is allegedly so based and redpilled while in reality it's one of the most oppressive commie shitholes. Here's a token pope.

ROMB is controlled opposition. The only thing they ever wanted to achieve is making the sports license easier and cheaper to obtain and that's it. It's effective in pacifying the plebs who don't know anything about the gun laws and think that what ROMB does will lead to guns being stocked in every supermarket. Currently the police can take your application and the money, and deny you the license (of any type) without providing a valid reason for doing so. They can also withdraw the license at any time for no reason. There's only 4 types of license, that would be sports, hunting, personal protection (during work hours only, like for bodyguards) and the utterly useless one, for collectible/antique guns. Few years ago ROMB representatives were confronted on national TV by several people from minor political parties like Korwin's KNP. They spent a long time trying to avoid answering the questions about civilian self defense, typical kike dialectic and all. At some point they lost it and lashed out, that guns are tools used in sports and by ZOGbots, and that they were never meant to take human life, and they will NEVER EVER support any laws that would enable personal protection for the common man. It was on one of these late night TV debate shows, so not many people know about it (Poles work 6-2 instead of 9-5). There are some people who think that they can just get a sports license and then use these guns for defense. That's a felony and gets you around 10 years jail time on its own. There are some very strict laws about storing and transporting the guns too, you're supposed to keep them locked in a safe at home and carry them in locked cases or secure bags. ROMB doesn't want to change any of that. I don't remember the regulations on ammo, pretty irrelevant when you're not allowed to use it outside of the range anyway.

Now here's the big legal loophole that patriotards like to brag about to foreigners and claim that Poland has the best gun laws in Europe. Basically cap and ball revolvers made before 1850 or so are legal to own and shoot in the range without any permits. Yeah cool, you still can't carry them around loaded without getting in serious trouble. Forget about using them for self defense too, every single judge in the country will say that you're overstepping the boundaries of self defense and using excessive force. Changing the gun laws alone isn't enough. You'd have to change everything about self defense laws, which as it stands, require you to try running away first, then using the least force required to prevent the attacker from killing (but not maiming) you. You're also not allowed to defend property. We still have commie laws, the state assumes in all parts of civil code and even the constitution that property is irrelevant, unless you're a bank or megacorp. We literally have social justice in the constitution, in the old commie understanding of it, which means distribution/forfeiture of property among other things. It also means that life itself is protected but not your health. If you survive and spend the rest of your existence in vegetative state, that's perfectly fine.

There's one more guy who supports total freedom, that's Wojciech Cejrowski. He lives in Arizona because he couldn't stand this shit country anymore. Occasionally he comes back and makes some TV or jewtube appearances before fucking off to muttland.

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Jesus christ, and I though we had it bad here. I'm sorry.

Majority of our laws were made between 19th century and the 1980s, with only minor changes and additions after 1989. When I went to a "weapon" store (means air rifles and pepper spray), I was straight up told by the clerk that expandable batons have questionable legal status because of jewish wording and they are effectively legal to carry but illegal to use. Different courts have different opinions on it and our highest court never resolved this issue. Pepper gas has a clearer legal status. Then there are people who were sentenced to several years without parole for using folding pocket knives in self defense, even after they were sucker-punched and stomped into the ground.

All the more reason to do this, then.

Bullshit, you can carry freely on personal protection license (right now also on sporting one)

Weapon has to be concealed, unloaded and close to body tho


The fire rises :')


Any successful politics in Poland hinge on "muh russians" boogeyman so if you wanted people to have more guns just keep spamming Russian Army size and equipment compared to Polish Army, and imply that if all the "men" had weapons they'd fare much better during an occupation, unlike what happened during WWII when soviets emptied prisons and armed and encouraged every felon to keep up raping, murdering, stealing and promoting communism for the for the greater good

Is it a coincidence that 3/5th of all criminals don't want to mess with armed victims? I think not.

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You make a fine point.(This is also one of the major reasons I think Poland needs more funs, just not because of the Russkies)


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look l am drunk o fill tell you the truth
there is no big party that wants, or can even want because these are basically like artificial fucking inteligence at this fucking point where one fag says and the rest does or gets thrown out for insuburdunation. there is ZERO FUCKING CHANCE that there will be a possibility inin the next 20 years. THERE IS NO HOPE AND THERE NEVER WILL BE. even if l fucking translated fucking everything there is nowhere to put this trash that means nothing to normalfag fiucking pole, there is no point l can see that l could use to change anything. just slow stagnation and death. thats why l wont take up this job, because it is ultiamtely fucking pointless

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Can any anons spoonfeed me on the subject of Poland? What is the current status of the common people there exactly? Which way are things leaning politically?

The reason I ask is various posts/threads on Zig Forums over the years along with a lot of news coming out of Poland led me to believe that there was a bit of a social awakening going on there that leaned towards the right/counter-globalism/kikes/whatever you want to call it. However, in the last year or so I've run into numerous "anons" shilling for the jews/leftypol talking points on a few of the larger boards here. At first I thought it was just shitposting and trolling but after lurking for awhile I discovered
I guess what I'm asking is am I dealing with typical Zoomer Polacks here or have I stumbled upon a den of kikes? I have never been able to figure out this group's religion. When they do talk of religion they seem to imply they're atheists but when pressed they seem well read on Jewish/Christian religion. Aren't there still a big number of jews living in Poland these days?

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Sodomites felt empowered by State Department money and start chimping out in the streets demanding legalization of adopting toddlers for snuff films children to abuse raise like a (((normal family)))
State Department however now is busy with preparing emminent domain and evictions to make room for needy holocaust survivors as per S447 JUST, thank you Zognald, MIGA, g-dspeed!

What did he mean by this?
Do you subscribe to the theory that Poland was invented in 1918 by perfidous Albion for no reason just to keep gud Prussian bois down, and anglokikes invented "Polish" culture, history and literature overnight and made a few million random people that don't share an ethnicty speak a dead language?

They should've finished the job and do a thorough ethnic cleansing before any international body existed to stop them during the 123 years of partitions.
But no opportunity should go to waste so your ethnic replacement in annexed territory that was given back as a result of you losing the war are now oppressed minorities you need to help immediately.
No, the important ones fled to Israel or USA after communism tripped over, the more audacious ones still run courts and media though.
And it's funny to see an american talk about "big numbers of Jews" since Los Angeles alone has more jews than the entirety of Europe combined while USA as a whole has more jews than Israel.

However using that historical argument might put the spotlight on an uncomfortable fact that Allies did not support any Resistance groups against Soviet Union, only "resisting drumpf gnatzees" was rewarded with weapons and supplies.

Everything you see on Zig Forums is a lie. It's dumbshit westerners deluding themselves into belief that there's a magical white paradise that will redeem the white race, and all of this trash is based on MSM articles written by polish jews. Somehow they refuse to believe anything kike media tell them unless it's kikes blowing things out of proportion about such things as regular independence day celebrations that were held for the past century.

The truth about this shithole is that every generation is different. Boomers and gen X constantly bitch about how they miss communism because back then everyone could get a job and there were no capitalistic confusing things like multiple brands of products leading to consumer choice, or that there was no usurious banking system and nevermind the usury that happened at the state level. A lot of gen X women are also feminists who work themselves to death just to prove that they're capable and don't need no man.

Millennials are a mixed bag, some are SJWs but majority of patriotards are also millennial. I'm saying patriotards because they're the ones in absolute denial of historical mistakes and wrongdoings. A lot of them are WE WUZ idiots who post online about how Poland was the center of Atlantis-like civilization that had alien technology and shit but muthafucking western whitey destroyed everything and all evidence. Patriotards are also disgusting civ-nat cucks who claim that a christian nigger or arab who learns the language is 100% /ourguy/ while flaming pretty much all other whites in the world. It's also image board going millennials who are the unironic commies. Zig Forums here has several polish kiddies but the polish IBs were always full of commies

I don't know much about zoomers but from what I see they're just full on retarded. Illiterate, they don't even know much of spoken language and are very easily confused. They don't know foreign languages either, they communicate on the same level as your ghetto apes. I saw my younger cousins trying to communicate with fortnite dances instead of talking, it's that bad. Plus the standard shit like little girls twerking to nigger songs and singing along about how they want a nigger pimp.

This is an anti-white country. We have hundreds of thousands jews here (the low figures you see are just religious and most kikes worldwide are secular) and most people are too fucking retarded to spot them. I don't even know how many more mischlings but it must be in the millions because Eastern Europe was historically turned into dumping grounds for all the poorfag kikes while western countries were mostly inhabited by jewish elites. Poles claim to hate the jews but it's just an empty slogan, they don't even know what these jews really are. And most of those who claim to hate them happen to be retarded christcucks who don't read the bible and don't bother to study history properly. It's pretty common that they just get the talking points from jewtubers and don't do any further research. Most poles also don't know foreign languages and so they limit themselves to a narrow selection of writings that are always biased towards either WE WUZ shit or the kosher school textbook stuff.

The only reason you don't see the tranny and faggot insanity or as much virtue signalling for shitskins as in the west is just the rampant poverty. People here make 500-700€ monthly while the living costs are almost as high as in Western Europe. Property costs as much as in Berlin so people are either stuck living with their parents or co-renting with college kids in degrading conditions like 2-3 people to a single room. People don't breed because there's nowhere to raise a family. People don't take it to the streets over LGBT or some other bullshit because they're tired of living in vegetative state, being unable to afford anything outside of the basics. They're not interested in guns because they're expensive, as in both guns/ammo and the licenses + shooting range membership. We've never had a middle class, it's an entirely western phenomenon. We were feudal for much longer and then transitioned pretty much straight from feudalism to communism. Now that we're nominally capitalistic, the gap between lower and upper class remains in place and it's only getting wider. The upper class isn't interested in guns because they already have the state on their side.

I'm glad you feel that way. I'm still going to try.

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What of it?

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Remind people of the fact that USA will not help Poland in any meaningful way but they assured that ruins of Torun would keep an occupying force busy for at least few months.
Use muh russia scare to mock how disarmed Poles are.

Can you translate?

translate what?

That link gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

I want to move away from Warsaw. What would be the OK place to start a schronis/k/o in majority white place, with as little of poz as possible?
Faraway Zadupie may be a good idea, but I would prefer to live relatively close to the civilization but far enough that initial nuclear blast won't reach you and you will have time to escape somewhere.
Pruszkow? Sulejówek? Radom?

Redpills, mostly pro-gun stuff, into Polish.

Should you choose Pruszkow, contact me.

Stare kiejkuty (^:

No, I'm just a proxyfag.

Pruszkow is amazing, but it's not particularly better than Warsaw - a couple of times I was visiting it (mostly for the hospital near wkd), I liked it a lot, but I still saw a few sheboons with strollers, and heard sad stories of Pruszkow mafia.
Also real estate prices are high even relative to the Warsaw.

Are there really that many niggers in Poland?

One is too many, my burgerfriendoThey are noticeable, as are arabs and streetshitters. Each year they grow some more, just as the motherfucking Caillou, due to retarded immigration policies. Ukies are also everywhere, and are sometimes just as annoying, like white niggers (effortless immigration policies makes sure the scummest of the scum arrives). And although it is still relatively safe now, it will soon be just as in States, a fucking melting pot. The amount of XmWf where X is any color of the skin south of #FACEBD is horrifying, just as the amount of mixed race atrocities. Just today, I've seen at least 1 nigger and 5 La Luz Extinguidos just by commuting and having lunch in a cafe.

Oy vey, Poland is a democracy for everyone, except for Poles who are jew-eating racist hwite monsters.

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More farmlands for us, I guess…

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They really dislike that term, they prefer (((europeans)))

Look at .34.

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It would be absolutely horrible if some masked bandit were to toss molotov cocktails into their homes and businesses.

If you see anyone doing anything like that you'll report them to the police, right?

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Are we going to enforce our claim on the throne of Poland too after we restored the monarchy in Hungary?

That coat-of-arms is mostly just sophisticated shitposting, but if we take it seriously then the king will have to claim the following states and areas:
Mind you, I might have missed a few.

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Yes I did, the coat-of-arms of the territories that make up modern Czechia are there too.

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Sorry for bumping with personal shit, Streloks.

Hey, Pruszkówbro, I have resolved my issues, and now am actively looking for apartment. Can you please give me advice which places should I avoid? I have several kids. Reasonable commute to Waw is a must, so either Żukówka (near the railroad) or Aleja Armii Krajowej is strongly considered. I am very sorry for posting this shit here, but this is a very important question for me.

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