You're paying more for Maryland crab, here's why
Maryland Refuses To Hire US Citizens: Whine About "No H-2B Spics To Crab For Us 4 Minimum Wage!"
Good fuck you cunts I hope you go out of fucking business so White people can get jobs again.
I already experienced this in Texas you can't get a job as a white American citizen because the fast foods and local businesses are run by illegals and also Muslims with visas
Wowowow wait a minute!! You're saying that things get more expensive if we can't import brown slaves to do all the processing!?
Now THAT'S the real crime. No like the sanctioned globalist slave-trade. That's A-okay.
What is this? The goddamn middle ages?
Innovate, you lazy fucks, or remove yourself from the free market.
How hard can it be to have something lightly pulverize crab shell then use either flotation or grid method to separate the difference?
Did you bother at all to read user? There's more here at play than the visa thing, crab populations are down which drive up prices as well as amounts but I guess what it boils down to for you is this.
What about all the guts and shit (literal shit, it does taste good though), along with other organs that come out of it? Plus the meat is inside cavities of cartilage. Human hands are needed at some point for filtering, and it's easy to just have them quickly shuck it.
Over fishing is a bitch. Because the only way to fix it is to simply stop. Just a hard fucking stop for years.
The other thing is, thanks to inflation and stagnant, sometimes decreasing wages and other bullshit, a man who made minimum wage in 1994 made more than. Amn who makes 15hr today.
It's like how people don't realize the vast majority of HVAC workers are window lickers that would have trouble memorizing the cash register at a McDicks. They're just paid a lot because they work around hazardous chemicals and do a job no one wants to do.
disheartening news!
Efficiency and low prices kill economies.
Efficiency and low prices cause low wages.
Low wages cause a poorer populace which require efficiency and low prices and thus the cycle flows.
Efficiency and low prices pull money out of the consumer's hands and out of the economy and stuff them into billionaires pockets.
inb4 force wage increases solves this
retard alert. Iron-sulphate.
I want to shoot these business owners and their families in the head.
But the truth is 95% of Americans desire cheap garbage from China made my chink commy slaves for $1.00 / hour.
Americans want cheap food produced by wetback illegals.
If I started to kill those responsible, it would be 95% of our fucking country.
if you killed the CEO,s CFO's, board of directors, major stock share holders, there would be 300 million Americans waiting in line to take their place and exploit their friends, neighbors, families to generate profits.
We have no one to blame but our own greedy selves.
See the thing about Baltimore is the crabs
You and I will never see eye to eye on this. When the US gov allowed the fed to take us off of the gold standard they claimed the dollar was fiat in nature. Not tied to anything. But it is. The dollar is tied to labor, it is tied to Americans attitudes about their life quality and the value of the dollar is tied to how the rest of the world perceives us. When you destroy the American middle class you destroy confidence in the dollar. When the world sees this what happens to the value of the dollar?
basic labor is the foundation of a nation. The amount that you are willing to pay for basic labor shows if you actually give a shit, or if you just view other people as tools to get what you want. This is what every billionaire capitalist and politician in washington believes. They believe people are just meat bags, and they think they should receive wages that reflect this.
Out of curiosity and so I can bump this crab thread, what do you think should be done about it instead?
buy propane
workers getting overtime
not more money
these kikes can't even get their story straight
I missed oneā¦
No shit, nigger, it's called Obama's inflation. I watched prices go up 50% in 10 years.
People used to pay a dollar for bread, and I'm not even that old. Now it's nearly 5 bucks.
Wow its like if you just hired locally and followed the law you wouldn't be here complaining about how you can't bend the rules anymore.
Get fucked you parasites I hope your innards rot inside the bellows of your precious crabs.
produce a product people are not willing to pay enough to make a product, then it means that the product is not viable so they should either increase efficiency through machinery or start a different business. Maybe most people don't like that disgusting crab mush.
trips of make your own bread
If everyone have their own gardens in their backyard and stop buying the foods from the shops then the food prices will skyrocket. the niggers will be too poor to afford even with food stamps.
LOBSTER SHILLS trying to slide the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
yeah, that's not because of "obama's inflation" you stupid redneck trump lover.
in case you haven't noticed, the human population has grown to an unsustainable level and the price of basic grains, rice, etc. has skyrocketed because of this.
you're complaining about the price of bread, imagine what it's like in a poor country where you used to pay 25% of your income of a few dollars a month towards rice, and now it takes up 75% of your income.
Absolutely disgusting.
this tbh
here comes
the crab!
hit by le shit
You forgot the part where the old faggots that have been doing it for twenty years actively keep out younger people to keep the prices of their work up because nobody will fucking hire a second guy to handle the millions of fucking units that break in the summer.
Well go tell that to the niggers and the chinks user because everyone else on the fucking planet is apparently having trouble supporting their welfare programs because not enough people are entering the workforce.
False. The globe is warming. Why are they basing this shit on lies? Humans are causing the Earth to warm at a rapid pace and cold weather will cease to exist soon.
Oh no. Shit fish with crab juice production is going down.