Joel Osteen Church Has $90 Million Annual Budget!

Joel Osteen Church Has $90 Million Annual Budget!
Mega-pastor Joel Osteen may not know theology very well, but he sure knows how to rake in the bucks

To put it another way, Osteen is an expert at getting your down-on-their-luck relatives to hand over their money to his "ministry." The proof is in the pudding, so they say, because the Houston Chronicle is reporting that Lakewood Church's annual budget is around 90 million dollars a year. Lakewood Church's fiscal budget was revealed during the newspaper's series titled "The Preacher's Son." The series "explores the origins and spectacular growth of Houston's Lakewood Church under pastor Joel Osteen." However, the Chronicle and writer Katherine Blunt decided to run a separate piece breaking down the church's budget. According to the article, here's a rough breakdown of how Lakewood Church uses that 90 million dollar budget:

- Weekly services and programs: $31.7 million

- Night of Hope events: $6.7 million

- TV ministry: $25.1 million

- General and administrative: $11.5 million

- Fundraising: $11.9 million

- Mission and outreach: $1.2 million

There are two related things that I find sad, albeit not surprising, about how Osteen and company spend their many millions. Most of that big pile of money is spent on furthering Osteen's brand while a tiny fraction of it is spent on evangelizing the lost. And by a tiny fraction, I mean just a bit over 1 percent. With 90 million dollars at their disposal, it's disgusting that a church that professes to believe and teach the Bible only manages to give 1.2 million dollars to missions and outreach. Before ascending back to heaven, Jesus' final earthly command to his disciples was to go and preach the gospel and make more disciples. Lakewood Church's budget proves that Osteen's priorities are not Jesus' priorities. When looking at the budget, and while that measly 1.2 million dollars for missions and outreach is staring at you, it's nigh unto impossible to deny that Osteen is more concerned about Osteen than he is about seeing lost souls saved. As the Houston Chronicle pointed out in another article,

To be clear, when the Houston Chronicle refers to Osteen's "message," they're not talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ that reveals how lost sinners can be reconciled back to their Creator God by repenting of their sins and placing their faith in Jesus. No, by Osteen's "message" the Chronicle is referring to his prosperity gospel that takes advantage of hurting people. God hasn't called His people to live their best life now. He's called His people to take up their cross and follow Jesus, expecting persecution and hardship. On the final day of the Lord when Jesus returns, that's when Christians' "best life now" will begin. Lakewood Church's budget is further proof that Joel Osteen is a wolf preying on Christians. His concern is for his brand and making sure the show goes on. Pouring money into reaching lost sinners around the globe is barely a blip on Osteen's radar as evidenced by the amount of money allocated to missions. Our first parents Adam and Eve failed to run from the first false prophet named Satan in the Garden of Eden. Christians should be warning people to run from Joel Osteen, who is one of Satan's most successful false prophets.

It's a partial gospel. Because you have Christ, your life will become great. When really, the right answer is, your life is great because you have Christ. I have so many concerns - how can he do pastoral care with that many people? What about when people's lives don't become great - when they get cancer? The theology and the ecclesiology just jumble hard. Can we get him back in orthodoxy? Will he talk with anyone?


Now imagine all the homeless people that annual budget could feed


American homeless are that way by choice.

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Largely this
t. Ameri-kun

The actual article is from PJMedia, the video from Vice is of a Joel Osteen impostor and thought it was interesting

From what I've seen, things just get worse. Here's a typical story:

That's more the typical thing you hear. I'm not trying to put up judgement. I'm just saying what I've heard.

I'm not disagreeing bros, but alms for the poor is part of being a Christian when it's reasonable. Charity doesn't imply innocence on the part of the recipient, it's charitable even to show kindness to twisted and evil people.

I think we can all agree that more good would be done if these credulous people had spent five bucks on a sandwich for the local hobo/ ne'er-do-well miscreant rather than giving it to this con man

Let us pray that Joel Osteen repents of his wickedness, and his preaching of a false message of the Gospel.

If he doesn't, then may God exact a righteous judgment upon Osteen for misleading and taking advantage of people who just want to become closer to Christ.


Yeah that is a common theme. I had a nasty brush with homeless myself - I went to visit my grandparents for thanksgiving of 2016, and my Father informed me that when I would return, he would take me into the city and drop me under a bridge Because I couldn't find a full time job despite trying really hard. I spent several months couch surfing at the homes of my family - My sisters, my cousins, my aunts and uncles. That wasn't my choice.

Sorry man. You stable now?

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I'm doing amazing, actually. Once my Grandparents returned from their vacation in February, they took me in. In a single year with them I got my license and a full time job.

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Why was your dad such a jerk?

Pic related

I don't know. He wanted me to have a full time job, but I couldn't find one, since where I was living syracuse NY had like, no jobs, and the places that WERE hiring were on the other side of the city, and I had no driver's license, so I couldn't get there. My autism made the bus schedule / routes impossible to understand, so i couldn't really use them… I think he was convinced that I was just lazy or something. He claims that "it was just a warning", but it was real to me, and I was 100% afraid he'd follow through on his threats.
To be honest, I think he was sick of me being around. Everything I did he was displeased with. He wanted me to get a cell phone, and when I did, he accused me of being a fag because I got it around the time one of my best friends moved to texas I wish I could have gone with him.

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There are more jobs openings than unemployed at this point. 4% unemployment is natural churn counting students, pregnant women, and changing careers. Homelessness is the result of a life's worth of bad decisions.


>Arguing as if he put "every single homeless person" into his sentence
I am looking at yours right now.

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You want to look at the exact thing he said?

Not "some homelessness" or "most homelessness" or "sometimes homelessness", but "homelessness", meaning "ALL homelessness".

I can't speak for every one but, I'm homeless by choice.


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I live and work among the down and out, this is a story that plays out far too often for my liking. I have a buddy thats always excited to score H to help with his back pain because he cant afford a doctor to get real treatment, if they could even give it to him.

What a manlet
DYEL manlet to be specific.

Myself, all of my siblings, and multiple friends have either been or threatened with homelessness because of serious medical issues that our Boomerspawn parents are all convinced are laziness or made up.