Why are Incels overwhelmingly Atheists?

Why are Incels overwhelmingly Atheists?

Arrogant 2smart4u ledditor atheism must be a turn off with the ladies.

Because if they converted they would know the importance of chastity and turn into "volcels".

They blame God for their involuntary celibacy. That, or they have such a level of entitlement/tunnel vision that they actually think to themselves "Me not being able to get laid is surely a sign that God does not exist."

-a lot of them probably spend most of their time on either 4chan or reddit, and the default for those sites has always been atheism
-porn addiction; people with it are more likely to drop religion to avoid cognitive dissonance
-same applies to pop culture addiction (vidya, animu)
-christianity and other religions enforce the idea of marriage as the norm (while making room for exceptions) , so are less likely to fall for "blackpill" ideas (marriage is inherently a scam, all women are bad)

Because of one of the primary aspects of Christianity thats a foundational concept is missing from their day to day ideology.

Instead they believe

So the ability to see that they themselves are the source of their problems…

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I'm a former incel, who has taken the Blackpill of 'I'm worthless and Ill never meet a good woman' because I'm too autistic to.

Stick your finger down your throat and spit up that Blackpill, pray to God, get therapy, etc.

I never said I doubted God's ability. I just know that I'll screw it up, like I have time and time again.

well, to be fair, those two greentexts dont really exclude eachother. All three are sort of Christian teachings (well, instead of Big-G "Gods", but thats a long talk, theres a thread on theosis next door)

You're still doubting God. You're essentially saying "I am so much of a screw up, time and time again, that even the God who breathed into life the cosmos cannot fix me." Which is honestly pretty narcissistic if you think about it: thinking that you are such a mess, that even the Lord of all creation cannot fix you.

I think there's even a psychological term/concept for this… something along the lines of deriving grandiosity from one's lowliness. That the fact that you are supposedly "so hopeless that no one could possibly help you or understand you" gives you a twisted sense of self-esteem, because being at this level of hopelessness, also ironically makes you kind've "special" and "unique" in a way.

You need to humble yourself and pray to God to help you overcome your masochistic pride, and accept the fact that God can help even you.

A thousand times this
We live in a psychotic age that tells us that chastity is shameful and unnatural and that if you aren't sleeping with people on the regular then there's something wrong with you. And outside of religious circles THIS NARRATIVE IS NEVER EVER CALLED INTO QUESTION.

Because Orthodox Christians get their lives in order and find a qt wife.

Anyone who demands gibs just for breathing is selfish and entitled.
It's just another form of Gibsmedat-itis.

Saw a hilarious thread on Zig Forums, "Where do I find a good wife? And don't say Church". Plenty of people more or less responding with what you've stated.

Nice try, orthodox.

You speak of things you know nothing about.

I speak of things that have struck a chord, whether you want to admit it or not.

You even literally just employed the "No one can possibly understand me!" trope that I referenced. It's so embedded in you and automatic you didn't even think twice about it.

I think the incels become incels due to the mental effects of atheism, nihilism etc. Once you have resigned to atheism, you've accepted death in a way Christians do not, it becomes an acceptable outcome, a relief even.

I read somewhere that the content of the unforgivable sin was a state of total hardheartedness. Perhaps going off and killing someone in the name of death itself is what the unforgivable sin looks like when acted out.

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Atheism is the more or less the result of a developed country with little to no warfare.
Change my mind

Well, and the welfare state Mammon

Atheism was kinda a common during the French revolution, even though they didn't have welfare.

I'd attribute a rise in atheism to a failing on believers to adequately explain and justify their faith to whoever they're trying to convert. Speaking as someone who was an atheist then a larpy as all get out pagan I know I didn't come to God till after I got an actually legitimate understanding of faith, the nature of what a "god" should be like if one exists, how each faith answers the "problem of pain", etc. And sadly a lot of people just don't have that. I remember when I was an atheist, whenever I asked "Whence cometh Evil?" I would roll my eyes whenever someone just said, and they always just said "Free Will" and didn't explain what that actually meant. It's now that I understand that Free Will is a part of God's word, and that he doesn't go back on it, for anything, that the free will argument makes sense.

tl;dr atheism probably comes at least somewhat out of bad arguments from believers.

Like I said - you speak of things you know nothing about.

Daddy issues

Only if you are in a secular state, atheism is more or less the result of living in vice in a state that is indifferent to religion

Care to elucidate on these "things you know nothing about"? Or are you going to continue to defensively hide behind a thought terminating cliché?

Getting laid is not the problem. They could have paid for sex. It's getting a meaningful intimate relationship with someone that's the problem.

When I was at school, they taught that it was natural and acceptable to masturbate because God was not accounted for in their preaching to children. God is still not accounted for in the actions that people promote among themselves. They preach they come from animals and yet expect us not to act like animals. They are hypocrites and fools who need prayer that their eyes may open to the truth of their folly.

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I doubt that. A lot of incels have either moral qualms or pride/self-respect issues in terms of utilizing a prostitute (that or just being either plain scared to go through with such a transaction or lacking the funds.) Most incels tend to end up in the "friendzone" which is essentially a guy giving a girl the emotionally intimate side of a relationship in th hopes it will eventually progress to having a sexual side as well. Contrast this with the "jumpzone" that some girls wind up in. I.e. giving out sex in hopes that a "No Strings Attached"/"Winnie the Pooh Buddy"/being a "jump off" setup eventually progresses to one with the emotionally intimate side as well.

In other words, incels often have no problems acquiring emotionally intimate relationships (due to their being good at being friends, while not being good at sexual escalation); it's the sexual intercourse that eludes them. Combined with modern secular culture's constant banging of the drum of "You MUST get laid or else you're not a REAL MAN!" and the problem is definitely one of getting laid.

No and no.

Alright, suit yourself. I'll be praying for you.

I understand your point. I remember a video that claimed Elliot Rogers' YouTube channel was subscribed to pickup artists.

Thanks, user. May God safeguard you too.

You don't hear about Incels that are Christian because basically we go into monk mode, embrace celibacy and then nobody notices that we exist. We come in shadows and then depart in shadows, nobody cares about us unless we make noise to be noticed, as do the incels that go down the path of retribution.

Either we go celibate, or we go on a rampage, or we self improve. Those that choose retribution will have the loudest voice.

I was an incel, but now I'm 500+ days into nofap and have basically declared a life of celibacy. I actually pity people who are so constrained by sex, as it rarely even enters my mind now. Nofap is like manna from heaven for incels, want to not care about sex? Don't touch your junk, don't get married, don't get laid. Your brain will fight you for about the first year, but it will eventually give up.

I see why Paul wrote so highly about the man that does not marry the virgin in Corinthians, the self-control is all to real.