Here’s why millions of millennials are not homeowners

Homeownership eludes millions of millennials.
A new report by the Urban Institute, a policy research group, tries to explain why.
There is a whole host of reasons, including personal preferences and economic disadvantages, that explain why the homeownership rate for the largest generation in U.S. history is lower than that of their parents and grandparents.
"In my generation, I’m a baby boomer, you bought a home as quickly as you could," said Laurie Goodman of the Urban Institute. "You didn’t take a vacation for years to save for the down payment on your first home."

Other urls found in this thread:

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Cost of House: $24,800
Minimum Wage: 1.60

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Cost of House: $378,500
Minimum Wage: 7.25

Proportional Difference
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Cost of House: 24,800 is 06.55% (07%) of 378,500 (15.25x)
Minimum Wage: ..1.60 is 22.07% (21%) of 7.25… (04.50x)

Proportionally, the average cost of a house vs minimum wage in 1968 is three times greater than the average cost of a house vs minimum wage in 2018, suggesting that the average Millennial has to work three times harder for the same economic outcome than a Boomer had to.

Since 1968 is the height of Minimum Wage, it has historically been much worse than this.

If the 2018 Minimum Wage was $11.50, like in some states, making the 1968 Minimum Wage 14% of today's, the value of a Millennials working hour would still only be 2/3 of what a Boomer's was in 1968.

Here is what either the 2018 'Cost of House' or 2018 'Minimum Wage' should be to have scaled equally with the other over the past 50 years:
Cost of House: $112,500
Minimum Wage: $24.42

Get a (((home loan))), goy!

Lol I'm 28 and own a house in the bay area. I didn't go to college. I got my GED at 18 and started working in the security industry. I got my guard card at 18 and at 21 I got licenced to be an armed guard. When I started out in security I worked at the Moscone center in SF then went on to work at the Chinese consulate for a while. Mind you I was homeless at the time, had been since 13 and I was living on a roof near my work. Now I work as a security officer at the courthouse next to city hall. I put the down payment on a house at 26. The reason people struggle is bad decisions.

Wow, good job being a cuck

though g/j testing if Johnny Nutsack is still here or not lol

And yet, somehow, people managed to live in houses before 1968. They've also managed to live in houses since 1968.
Seems to me that the majority of millennials are just lazy fucks.
There are still $30K and $50K houses out there. The problem with you little shits is that you grew up in Mommy & Daddy's McMansion and think you're entitled to 3,500 sq ft right out of the gate, like you shouldn't have to buy a dump and have to put a roof on it and side it to try and make a buck like everyone else.

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One issue they fail to address is how millennials refuse to leave crowded, expensive property markets in cities. The boomers in the previous decades bought properties in affordable suburban areas or just moved into small towns. They didn't try to live some sort of Hollywood prescribed hip urban culture where you have to live somewhere you can see 'insert famous landmark' from your bedroom window, and some gourmet soy coffee house within walking distance.

For all that millennials claim they are in the digital age where they can work anywhere outside an office; and that they are woke in not being a consumerist zombie, they sure don't live up to those claims.

Cannibalise your family goy

Lot of trades and manual jobs pay very well, you just have to travel and work in shitty remote locations, something a lot of people won't do.

A home has always been 250k or more, never knew different. Mortgage system is complicated stupid also, growing up noone ever explains it. Etymology of Mor is death, mortality, morgue, mordor, moors, etc.
Homes built 40 years ago still cost 200k and are going to the stupid refugees who are supposed to be poor, getting donated clothes and foodbank aid, wtf?
Also people of a nation of said people should have no cost homes out of the gate, because that is how a tribe thrives. Fuck civnat

Millennials think having a phone and internet are more important than owning a home

There, I solved the mystery. I guarantee you most of them that don't own a home likely do have internet and/or a phone line. Millenials are fiscal failures because they never learned priorities from their retarded boomer parents or in school

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don't forget jews running a godless civilisation too


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Yes, who would have thought that depressing people’s wages, and opening their job markets to global competition via 3rd world immigration would make them less likely to have kids and own houses?

Millennials have to work more hours to make the same amount of money their parents did, so it’s no surprise that they’re choosing something with a fraction of the time/cost investment required over having kids.

in many places people spend more on pets than kids, its not a budget thing, millennials just have shit priorities

Bullshit. Almost nobody spends as much time or money on their pets as a child would need. Pets require almost no time/money investment. If you think this has anything to do with why people aren’t buying homes then you’re a retard.

Boomers rode the wave of post-WWII prosperity while outsourcing jobs and transforming our economy from a manufacturing-based one to a service-based one. But muh lazy millennials they need to just take their high school diplomas and get a high-paying job at the local factory mill like their dads did

Lol don't be jealous

Nah, I love my family even though they made bad decisions.

Where I live the only places renting for less than 600 are apartments on the non-gentrified side of crack alley and college housing. Good fucking luck, my best bet is saving for a year, driving to god damn Montana, and finding a decent job before I run out of cash. Fuck finding a gf or starting a family, I don't have the time or assets for that.



Boomers grew up in a time period where those small towns had an industrial base and various ancillary services supporting that industrial base. After four or so decades of outsourcing, corporate consolidation etc those places have been completely hollowed out.

I'm not defending the Zig Forums faggots that want gay space communism to give them a huge apartment in NYC or some other bughive, but "just move to the sticks and get a house bro" doesn't work as well as it did in previous decades.

See there you go "I wanna house I cant afford it its all your fault, f off I'm not getting some job I just wanna play vidya all day and eat my parents food. Waaa I didn't ask to be born" this is why millennials get a bad name.
If you want something you have to sacrifice something, suck it up and drop the attitude maybe things will swing your way.

blowing money on bullshit like records and bubble gum.

they drink expensive coffee and eat too many avacados to afford anything besides renting with 2 others


key fucking statement. having a home loan puts you in a very powerful position of paying almost nothing for your place to live. buy low, sell high. play the jews game against them. jidf in this thread trying to reverse shill

Who needs it?
You'll inherit your parents home when they die and will have wasted less money.

I don't like living with them, but I don't like the price of land either.
I would preferably buy some cheap land and make a shitty shack there, but city regulations are a bitch.
If I had the student debt of some millennials, I would be even less eager to dump more money on these things.

That is another good point Boomers didn't have to go to collage to get a good job either so not only did they work less to get the money to buy their home but they also didn't need to saddle themselves with debt to get the job to pay for it in the first place.

Wageslavecations is now a meme.

can someone draw a kike talking to a millenial and saying "Goy, you have two choices. You can save up for beautiful house in diverse vibrant neighborhood. Or you can buy new iphone." and the millenial buying the iphone while his boomer parents weep in the background while waving small flags.

You don't need to go to college now to get a good job either.

Unless your career path requires some kind of license, college is a scam.

There's a unique mix of arrogance, naivety and spitefulness in this post that could only have come from someone hopelessly out of touch and angry with the entire world.
What's this hate doing for you? Millennials (read: young white people) are struggling to get by financially compared to previous generations who were faced with a greater abundance of wealth and opportunity but it's okay that they suffer endlessly and get replaced with foreign hordes because a tiny fraction were born well-off into their parent's opulence and they all use smartphones and are lazy and sheeeeiiiit

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A home costs two thousand times more than a phone, you know.

Are you stupid? First of all, unless your parents waited a very long time to have kids, you'll be middle aged before they bite the dust. Second, most Boomers are lazy conniving assholes who know how to work the system, so they liquefy most their assets and hide them before getting to their "golden years", and then mooch off Medicare/Medicaid until death. The neat thing about Medicaid is that in most cases the state CAN and WILL extract the value of any services used out of the estate of the deceased. So you'll never get the house.


It's a catch 22 situation, if more people lived in rural towns, those towns would have demand for more services and therefore have more jobs and services to attract more people, etc. But instead, too many people have grown to used to the idea of living within spitting distance of an ATM.

At some point the cities will collapse because of they are giant tar pits of inflation propped up by massive government spending to maintain. At that point lot of people will need to learn to homestead or die, so they might as well start learning now.

Another thing is how every techno-liberal wants to claim that the current year with the internet, self driving cars and all sorts of modern day crap; the next step is some sort of socialist utopia with UBI and the 3rd world holes will be uplifted by some sort of socialist trickle down.

If that is true, why haven't they already applied said tech by living in the sticks themselves? For example, they could connect to their work server in SF while living in Mumbai eating all the organic soy they want.

yeah shame not enough people learned that soon enough. That college has become a scam that is. Thing is the cost for getting a career that requires some kind of license is a rip off as well.

For example the cost of a average dental practice is $350k to $550k. Only 1 in 5 dental students had less than $100k as well.

That is an extreme example as well but even something like being a teacher will be coming with 10+ years of repaying the loan.

Yeah. I was going to mention that there's the human capital component as well - for roughly the same time period those towns/suburbs have seen "the best and brightest" fuck off to cities/university towns, after which few come back because they've had a taste of Big City Life™.

Yeah, the Left has completely moved to "free shit now!" as a platform. Try bringing up any of the Old Left talk about the redeeming value of work, and you'll get cries that you've been "cucked" by capital to not realise how great NEET life is. As for city life they've completely bought into the meme that city living is the future, and are in outright denial that city living is only possible through increasingly complex, increasingly fragile global trade networks.

Because they're too cultured and refined to waste their lives living around the rural rednecks, even after the socialist revolution fixes everything. Half of Zig Forums are hicklibs that have abandoned their "racist-ass redneck shitholes" for bughives like NYC, LA, London, Seattle, etc.

You are in the wrong place if you actually believe that you are getting that house when your parents die.

Colorado here.
Most available land gets filled and turned into gated communities with McMansions or McMansion-Lite where the opening cost is portrayed as 400k as if it was cheap.

I honestly just want a tinyhouse, the only issue I'd have to deal with is getting a towing car. I really don't see the appeal to having an absolutely enormous house save to spare stuff I'll never really see in rooms I'll never really use.

Has anyone had any experience with this? I got a better paying job so I'm trying to save up for a down payment perhaps.

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home and internet both per year costs thousands

I don't know why anyone sees a tiny house as a permanent solution. I'd tiny house as a temporary measure and then build a big ass living room as an extension.

Modular housing is the future. Build as you go.

everyone's missing the mark.
even if you buy a place you're still talking thousands a year in utilities and taxes.
there's no escaping them

Where the fuck is there 30k and 50k houses anywhere near where there are jobs, if there was an $80,000 in ok condition in my area I'd buy it but there's not, shit houses here are over $300k

cancelling my $25/month phobe plan and $30/month internet will let me buy a house? gee whiz I can't wait to buy a house for $55/month!!

$50/month Cox internet x 12 months = $600.
Thats one month of rent for my apartment btw

He's an idiot. He overooked the maths: the value of a 2018 dollar is 1/3 of a 1968 dollar, at the height of minimum wage, meaning a 2018 dollar is 1/4 to 1/5 the value of a 1958 and 1978 dollar. Yet he cries about "entitled" without even knowing what it means. Not only is there a value difference, the expectations of things like a cell phone and the internet, often for work purposes, adds to the burden. Just in the last 25 years the cost of school increased 300%.

So, compared to you Boomers, Millennials make ~1/3 less money after paying 3x more for school and then should be happy to pay 3x as much for a house.
Got it.

You pay more for a house because you didn't fucking build any, because manual labor is beneath you, and because you love the environment so much on account of being told to love it by some porky who wants to keep his business operational


Sounds to me like you live in a shit area for people just starting out. I couldn't afford to live in the town I was born and raised in, and I've moved around the world chasing jobs. Can't find something affordable in the area you're in? Sounds like you need to move to a new area.

Christ, you little shits are despicable. You think nobody's suffered adversity until you came along.

Where do you think you are? Do you not know kikes are consolidating their power at the expense of everyone else? Wouldn't that logically mean that, economically, things are getting worse?

Anyway you're a dumb cuck kys

archive negro

Yes, it costs more to pay someone to build a house than to build it yourself, but that has nothing to do with the artificial increase in housing costs that do not match increases in income.

user, Boomers are the ones who created the gap between income and housing costs, so you can fuck off with your retard shit.

I looked at the cost of School over 50 years.
Annual Tuition: $683
Annual Tuition: $16,537

If the cost of tuition had scaled proportionally with inflation, the cost of annual tuition would be $4,967, more than three times less than the current 2018 cost.

You are fucking stupid. I'm not even going to get into the cost of property, training, hiring Mexicans to help, material, and time. If any idiot could print out a blueprint and somehow construct a code-complient living space for an affordable cost then it would have already been done.


Well, you also have millennial tradesmen like me who's car breaks down if it travels more than 40-50 miles/day forcing you to work within a small area because cars that can travel to the next closest city (75-100 miles) are expensive. I need more money to afford a nicer car, but I need a decent car in order to earn more money since companies require you to drive your own vehicle to various locations around town, AND it has to be less than 5 years old these days (thanks, Boomers).


Yep, definitely the phone and internet, nigger.

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Good goy

Fellow Coloradofag. I'd rather invest in one of those underground steel bunkers and park your car on top of it since it's about the same price as a tiny house.

Boomer didn't need to learn any so how would they teach their kids?
Boomers could leave one job and enter another on the same fucking day.

Worse today there are kikes trying to convince people to take out huge loans on unsteady income to rent the shit out. It's always the story of some "poor" couple earning $200K a year that buys up a bunch of houses and become mega rich.
Biggest load of horse shit going around.

That would be nice. Where I live in NJ suburbia the nominal price for a shitty 1-2 bedroom apartment is $1100+/month.
I honestly don't see where one could start to save up for a down payment on a house w/o YEARS of working multiple jobs. Or even longer if you're saddled with student debt to get to a 9-5 office job.


And that house is located where? Big reason why they're not is because they want to live in places where the rent is too damn high.

These millennial themed stories are always popular on Zig Forums
Millennials never miss an opportunity to whine, complain, wallow in self pity and blaming every problem in life on muh boomers.

if you don't amass capital you're a big silly

me and my wife (then-girlfriend) combined make 120k a year before taxes. about 60k after. rent in my area was too much for a 1 bedroom in an aera thats not infested with niggers (~$2000/mo) so i decided that i should buy a small house somewhere. before you tell me to move, i have to live near my job.

we go to the bank and they approve us for a house around 300k. so i start looking at houses about half that so im able to save money. we planned on taking out a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. as it turns out i'd be paying only ~1000/mo in mortgage on a house thats about half of what we can afford. i also had about 50k saved up from odd jobs and side ventures i did while in highschool and college.
so we figure out the taxes on the property on the 180k house we found, and what're the taxes? 24k. so now we're talking 3000/mo…

unaffordable even though we're making 6 figures. we found the tax rates varied wildly, but it was either a 300k+ house with a ~10k mortgage, or a cheaper house with an insane tax rate.

either way this was completely unaffordable for us.

We start looking at tax history charts and noticed something disgusting. there is a pattern of tax rates increasing sometimes 20x in a period of 10 years. the 180k house with the 24k taxes bought the house for 200k and it had a $900 tax rate in the year 2000. it increased drastically to $2000 by 2004. then it jumped to $8000 by 2005. then it jumped to $10,000 by 2012. then $13,000 in 2013. then $16,000 in 2015. this is when they put the house on the market at 240,000 (they updated alot so this was a fair increase) the taxes jumped to $24,000 by 2016 and this is when they started dropping the price of the house below market value, because nobody could afford it with that tax rate.
this wasnt an isolated incident. i found this in MANY places in the area. so many foreclosures. so many short-sales. so many broken homes with tons of damage and the banks still expecting 300k for them.

then boomers want to open their fucking mouths and say our priorities are elsewhere? theyre lucky they can go live in florida or a rural state where they can retire. meanwhile the rest of us are left with empty neighborhoods and rental homes.

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How does your colon look and smell, BTW?

oh boy some dickhead's strawman image of the guy everyone who disagrees with him is, and a longwinded rant that I totally read all of because it seemed like a better use of my time than cleaning my toilet

Ha Ha Ha what a le ebin response there kid, oh look you even saged your own fagpost there!

Now, about you growing up and getting some fiscal responsibility there…

muh lenny alls, haha, when I was 18 I worked part time 2 months a year to pay for my college degree, that in today's world is actually equivalent to a master's degree thanks to the cost/inflation of college class credits, and then when the requirements for a master's degree weren't enough and required a doctorate? i was grandfathered in, you kids are just lazy.
With a 9-5 job I was able to afford a house, car a wife and 2.5 kids. You people these days just don't have their priorities straight, need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

You mean the places where jobs exist? Because that's why rent is high there sure I could go live in the sticks for $300 a month but I won't be able to get employment because the reason housing is so cheap there is because nobody fucking lives there.

Housing is considered "cheap" here compared to the coasts and a 1-2 bedroom apartment not located in the ghetto is $800+/month with 3 bedroom apartments being about as expensive as small houses. I work in manufacturing (though I can technically branch into technician work if I'm willing to take a $5/hour pay cut and have to drive for 6+ hours/day). The rural areas about a half hour to an hour out from the city are MORE expensive than the city because our city keeps expanding outwards. There's a few small towns where the rent isn't too damn high, but they are 3 hours away from the nearest manufacturing plant or area where I can find employment as a tradesman. It's like that for most of the Great Plains. I know of two towns where this isn't the case (one's an oil town that has previously seen workers injured in explosions, the other is next to a molasses refinery), and both of them are so small that I'd have to drive about an hour and a half to the nearest supermarket if I don't want to eat potatoes and overpriced processed food for a month at a time. The rent is too damn high EVERYWHERE.

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Yeah, there clearly isn't a problem.



Like that's gonna happen!

Oy vey goyim! Move to rural Montana and commute 600 miles to work you lazy fucks!

oh boy a story about how you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps I'll be super-sure to read all of it B=========================D

In college, taking the shuttle from the big parking lot to campus. There's this 4/10 who drove an old VW bug that I never had the balls to talk to, just watched. One day, she's talking to a friend: wants to take a summer class to be considered a junior next year. At the Uni I attended, upperclassmen paid $100+ more per class (they're more invested, and so that all the people who dropped out in their first two years had less debt). Kinda glad that I never talked to her.

Yeah those tax rate increases are because retards kept voting for bond measures thinking it was free money.

Millions of millenials are not homeowners becasue they were sheltered and did not evolve with the times. The losers are just not fit to exist in this society. Survival of the fittest is real. Some of us stayed in school, abstained from drugs and did somthing with our lives instead of just fulfilling vices. Go back to your world of anime and delusion. Nobody feels sorry for you, you had a chance and you squandered it.

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It's your fault you are not where you want to be in life

Funny you say that since Boomers are mass-panicking since they can't find millennials to take over their companies while they remain shareholders, having told the inbetween generations to fuck off/not ask them for work. There's boomer workers in their 60s/70s who can't retire because millennials "pulled up their bootstraps" and accepted the gig economy- no house, but a much freer lifestyle than being tied down to some boomer corporation that's going to collapse and leave them homeless when they can no longer work. The best part is as the Boomers die off, my wages will just go up and up in the gig economy since they won't be able to turn to your overpriced services as the norm, further crippling those of you still alive.
Feels good.

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Millenials actually think like this.

I received a full ride scholarship and it will be many years before I can even think about owning a home.
Where do you live? I can guarantee it's not a major city.

What in the FUCK, my dude?? Where the hell do you live where this happens? Because I'm single and in California and it's only around 20% for me.

This seems as good a thread as any. Does anyone know what those apartments with multiple rooms on one level, then stairs to another level that just has a bedroom with a balcony overlooking the other level is called?

That whole "progressive tax" means you get fucked up the ass between local, state, and sales tax (not to mention property taxes and other taxes) if you make more than poverty-tier wages.

A duplex?

They're also called maisonettes.

No it's one apartment, kind of like pic related

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Yeah, those are still called duplexes/maisonettes.

It is because everyone is being GENOCIDED by fucking (((vampire people))) FOR FUCKS SAKES

Isn't it nice how the "progressive tax" fucks you over harder and harder, until you actually become "rich", and then it becomes practically zero? Makes you just so acutely aware about how FAIR our country is.

Bullshit. I live in the sticks and have a job installing copper cable for $20/hr. Quit forcing yourself to live among soyfags and niggers.

You see user, if they didn't fuck you there would be no way to pay for the social security that boomers use as a (((RETIREMENT DEVICE))) and the illegals that just have to be compensated for our countries (((evil white racism))). No it's the millenials and whoever else fights back against this who is REALLY destroying the country.