Old thread hit post limit, continue discussing JC Brenton's actions.
Aussie Kebab Remover Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Other urls found in this thread:
Full video, part 1.
Has someone noticed that ALL of them were on a corner? That only made it easier for the shooter. Also, if you watch closely you can see that one guy managed to escape through a window at the left side of the room.
Any other observations?
Part 2.
Molester them!
is there only one mod here, the BO? Of course not, where the fuck is the rest of the moderation?
Zig Forums administration and moderation = stupidfuckville.
He didn't enter the rooms on the left side at all.
I'm still wondering how he smuggled those funs in from Ausland into NZ, considering both countries incredible customs enforcement. Maybe friends on the inside?
True. That poor bastard that tried to run would have lived if he had stayed there.
I bet there as someone in the bathroom or the room on the left. I guess he was too nervous.
What makes you think that he smuggled them at all? Why not buy them in country or legally import them?
This is what happens when Zig Forums and Zig Forums work together
He doesn't need to do any of that. NZ gunlaws are pretty chill. You can get a semi/shotgun for hunting purposes, and peestools if you join a pistol shooting club. Since he was is an AUS citizen I am sure the NZ laws have some sort of clause so he can apply for a license as well. And even if not: all he would need to do would be pay some bitcoin to a local for his funs who reported them stolen last year.
Germanbro knows his funz
He said he planned this for 2 years. Maybe he got what he needed over that time, slowly getting parts?
As far as I know, the BO will lose his account if he doesn't log in for a few days or weeks. I think it's 2 weeks, but I'm not sure. Anyway, if the board is suddenly up for grabs, then we will know that it was him. Maybe the glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers went full MK Ultra on him, and now they will take over this board.
Okay, thanks for the info. I guess having the police dictate who and who doesn't own firearms doesn't work as well as people thought :^)))
Zig Forums and Zig Forums never worked together. Nobody here ever did any kind of work.
It's just that some aussie posted a link to a stream on another board, and uploaded a PDF there as well.
And as it turns out, that aussie shot up a mosque.
But nobody on this site did any kind of work.
My take is that he actually did plan out the playlist for the actions. Grenadiers when he came in, fire when he burns the place, gas when he drives off. Pretty high IQ if true, but I think that he lost his edge a little when he was in the mosque, especially after he took the body hit and got grounded for a second. I think that he doesn't enter the doors to the other portion of the mosque because he has plans to hit another place and recognizes the risk of a knife or blunt weapon next to the doorway. He was definitely hoping to get out alive especially since he said that he wouldn't shoot any cops in his manifesto. He checks his 6 like 10 times so he was pretty aware of risk-management. He wasted too much time on those runners outside the building and became worried about the police response, he also wasted time because his mags fell out which he saw as a big problem since he kept talking about it. His mags dropping & weapon jamming set him back at least 1 minute total, which is pretty huge. Eventually he realizes that he has to move to wherever he was going so he leaves.
The biggest thing is this: I think he wanted to make sure everyone in the mosque was dead before burning. This is why he says that we don't get to burn it today when shooting a runner and then goes back in and executes kebab some more.
Biggest mistakes
No mag retention costs him a lot of time.
Weapon jammed and he took fucking forever to clear.
Took a hit from a guy and actually got grounded.
Insufficient ammunition? He mentions that there were so many hajis that he didn't even have time to aim, so I figure he wasn't planning to expend so much ammunition. This causes him to go back to the car for his second rifle which delays the executions, and he wasn't willing to set the fire before the place was fully clear. Maybe he would have before he took the hit, but he likely realized the legitimate danger that the unarmed males posed and he was definitely aware of those doors on his left, so he takes off. and regrets not burning the place.
He says
I think he means that there's no real chance for him to kill every last one, which he likely planned on doing before setting the place alight.
BTW: Why did he use a GPS to navigate him to the second mosque? Did he expect to be too full of adrenaline to correctly remember the route? Did he want the automatic rerouting feature in case he has to go off course? Did he have a list of possible alternative targets saved in there?
Smart man, but relying on a single GPS is never good. Keeping a backup device in the car would be good in case the one he already has mounted gets dislodged in a crash or takes a stray.
How could one avoid this? Aren't there those antomatically retracting keychain spools. He could attach one of those to the magazines, but a full mag is too heavy for that, and having a loose mag flopping around between your legs is not a good idea.
Yeah, I think so. The Australian is the only volunteer that I know of.
If that happens I hope to get it. I could clean up cuckchan threads el rapido since I am online all the time.
I think he planned the first hit, but not the second. He probably hit "nearest mosque" and was planning to go from mosque to mosque.
He says in his manifesto he targeted Christchurch specifically because a. very few if any kids used it and b. it used to be a church & got converted to a mosque
IIRC there's also a Jap vol.
In the Memefesto he claims that he deliberately picked the mosques he would attack. Page 12.
Geez, man, you try to sound like a pro, but you talk so much bullshit that I'm laughing my hats off. Like "risk management" , multiple GPS, and …..argh. Just shut your piehole, dude, it is obvious that you never had anything to do with the army, so if you're an ignorant dick, why analyze it and talk complete bs??? A real soldier, which this idiot wasn't, would never harm civilians. It is a shame that a civilized white person got down to their level….
Get better mag retention, the friction retention didn't work out so well so just bite the bullet and get active retention. While slower than a reload with friction retention it is faster than picking up a mag off the floor.
Womp womp faggot. It pains me to see people being killed but they should have stayed in their home countries. The blood is on those who allowed these migrants to come in by the thousands, as much as it is on the man who pulled the trigger.
Besides, this is the best usage of a weapon in a long time. Fucking boomer.
Invaders are not civilians, they were participating in jihad.
also you don't seem to understand that many people are faced with 100% dying in their home country or 75% chance of dying by using risky illegal immigration methods to try to get into another country that can support them better. Many countries are forced by other countries to take refugees so they do not look like huge international assholes
Tell that to the nigger saxons and their bombings in ww2, retard.
Where are all these lower IQ subhumans coming from? Onkel Adi, please strike them all down to tell Himmel Himmler to do it.
Almost every single military campaign contradicts your statement
Show me plebscite, any of them, that has a result of the majority of any population wanting mass immigration like right now.
Come on, you fucking subhuman cattle.
If the chance of dying was anywhere near 1% in any coutry that shithole would have had collapsed centuries ago.
Fucking subhuman cattle. You are prime targets for folks like the NZ shooters. Don't worry, shits are imploding and you and your parasitic, coward kinds are going to get your due.
Someone's swallowing propaganda.
Implying most African and middle eastern countries have not been in collapse for at least the last 50 years… go read some statistics!
that is not accounting for the people who LEAVE their countries because of war, famine, and other bad shit
Did you even read what he wrote?
Hijra, technically. Advancement of the Islamic State through immigration.
That isn't a plebiscite, you stupid fucking subhuman insect.
They didn't even pretend to vote on it. Fucking worm.
Funny how the endless welfare flows to Apefrikoon haven't helped them, unlike shittons of other Asian countries.
Hilarious. Niggers are the problems here, and you keep feeding them. Not from my money anymore you don't!
They caused it themselves, these stupid fucking shitskins. And we are not responsible in places where your beloved KIKES kill arabs and displace them. Go ahead, tell me what your are going to do about the kikes in Israel destablizing entire regions and caused mudshit displacement in the first place?
Fuck you.
You're the fucking sort who probably would abloobloo about injuns being absolute fuck ups and how whitey has to pay for all their shit they constantly trash and/or maintain. That goes for all the other third world trash I had to deal with in December.
I hope to hell your pets decided to rape your asshole to the point you bleed to death from the rupturing.
Man, stop posting, you make me hate americans.
I just wanted to respond to this user from the previous thread:
Extremely easy. Signal jammers aren't complicated at all, you just have to know the signal you're jamming (and know that in most first world countries, jamming a signal is a felony carrying 15 years in prison/fines in the hundreds of thousands, so don't get caught before your big day).
Yeah, thats what I thought. Common masses lower IQ subhuman cattle scum.
We can give your whole crew a tank with image manuals and I can still take you down with a can of gasoline and a handgun.
I know most 911 authority centers rely on a land ethernet cable as their main form of communications, followed by radio/phone towers, and then in the larger cities they rely on a microwave antenna for emergency use when their other options are disabled.
It's true tbh.
I wouldn't be surprised if most Zig Forumslansman here out-operate actual cops.
I asked BO to make me a vol on at least four occasions to deal with spam like I do on Zig Forums, even providing him with a throwaway email address. He did not want any more mods, adding even more credence to OP's claim.
NZ PM said he acquired a loicense in 2017.
This mad mad aussie remover cunt
Friendly reminder that the only Indian tribes still alive are the ones who raped and murdered and genocided the other Indians out of existence BEFORE "Whitey" showed up.
So you're saying if a Maori massacred fifty whites, it would be justified because the whites shouldn't have invaded the islands first?
If it's in Maori village, and not white constructed ville yet.
true, but it's too late for that
So you'd agree Turkey can keep Istanbul? After all, they've had it for centuries longer than whites have had NZ.
IF they can keep it. All I'd gladly trade New Zealand for all of the Middle East and North Africa if that's the point you're trying to make.
Watch Full Movie Here:
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That generally goes for the plains injuns. Ones in the NW tended to either be slavers or literal bumpkins that just took it in the ass from the Haida and Tlingit from time to time.
why did it have to be the fagticool hera stock? why?
Nope, Whites have been alive there for more than centuries.
Turks deserve nothing.
Turks deserve free copper jacketed lead projectiles moving at supersonic speeds.
Oh noes you called me out, I better stop voicing my growing dissent to my MP and voting for the party that will scrap the drafting plan that's going to be enacted in a year's time. It's all ogre for Japan now!
If it's any consolation, much of the LDPs voting base is against it, the Trade Unions are against it, and even the bloody Communist party is against it. It goes against the very foundation of Japanese labour relations, and if any company wants to skimp on costs so badly, then let them suffer the repercussions. Apart from the leftist milti-culti Asahi and LDP party paper Yomiuri, there is no hardly mainstream support- all it would take to overturn the law would be to rile up the populace whom are tired of increased tax and fake economic growth. There's a lot to hate about Abe, and immigration is just one aspect.
As for "muh poor refugees", we know they're just lazy and poor, and most of them neither have the skill nor will to stay in their shitholes and rebuild what little infrastructure they have left, nor help they're countrymen out. Besides it was America and the UK (or the pollies and bankers behind them) who decided it would be a great idea to bomb some sandnigger dictators . Why would I want droves of strangers coming into my country, when I know they're ready to fuck us over, and have a history of fucking us over. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, not even Korea.
Polite sage as massively off-topic. We know what immigration does, and why Europe is in disarray, don't kid with us.
hera gripstock is way less tacticool than those gay tubey telescopic stocks, I don't think I've seen it anywhere where ""cool"" tactical ar15 0per8rs are
shut up, russia
Let's meme pic related into reality.
isnt that basically the theme of the movie "The Purge" ?
I don't think they did it as a competition though.
Link three and four are hilarious.
too kind, truly a honorary aryan.
The purge was
You're missing forest for the trees, read the headline
A tragedy, form-fitting dresses.
White man's burden, right, boomer? Maybe what happens in some nigger country isn't anyone's problem except the niggers who live there.
You're a naive fool. Jewish organizations infiltrate every facet and institution of western societies in order to undermine and control them. When a population is sufficiently pliant and brainwashed it will go along with and often actively support immigration efforts. Populations and groups who resist get kvetched into silence with white guilt and political/financial blacklisting.
It's allright, he'll do better next time.
Were. This is NZ's Port Arthur.
Until people get on boats, planes, or cars, and then go to be homeless where you are? then what?
maybe people are altruistic and would rather throw money at a problem to keep it away rather than have it on their doorstep (this is how many companies work)
Then you either turn them back or shoot them if they're resisting your rejection.
Are you fucking serious?
What do you do if an army comes knocking at your door?
If the NZders sit down and take it up the ass of course.
The guy who charged at the eternal aussie wasn't actually dead when the aussie left. But he has died now anyways.
I knew he should've put one extra in that shitskin's peanut brain. Regardless he's finally dead. Meaning that The Hammer has surpassed The Sodomite Slayer!!
Except that's not happening and never will. Real Nazis got their asses handed to them in the 1940s then got necked. The closest that a Neo-Nazi has gotten to doing anything productive is cooking meth to sell to his cousins in some dead-end backwater.
This asshole just fucked over every single NZ gun owner because the government there is going to ban guns. Consider the possibility that you've been had, that he was controlled opposition and the gun ban is all part of the plan.
In any case, this will not start an open race war, and even if it did you do not have the numbers to win. The majority of whites would oppose anything even associated with Nazism. You are not going to win the support of fellow gun owners by kicking us in the balls, you're just going to split the faction and make it harder for us to resist a trans-commie takeover.
Are you pic related?
Only the retarded fudds who would willingly give up their firearms. Everyone here lost their firearms in a tragic boating accident. As if they weren't going to ban guns, fuck off.
Of course not, that'll be in a year or two. We have to wait for the hajis to commit another terrorist attack to "avenge" their shitskin brethren. Also, no one here is a real natsoc, that is an antiquated ideology. It's the equivalent of calling someone a Jacobin. Wake the fuck up nigger before it's too late.
On the contrary, I am very opposed to the socialists that have infested not only my government, but also a lot of major companies. I am deebly goncerned about what they will do when they have enough votes to dictate policy.
Both governing and war are games of numbers. There are only a few thousand klansmen in the entire country, and a few tens of thousands of people vaguely sympathetic to some aspects of Nazism. When you compare that to a coalition of hundreds of millions united in opposition to that philosophy, it doesn't matter how good you think you are, or even if you start out an undeclared war with a surprise attack, you will lose. Badly. No one ever won a war outnumbered ten thousand to one.
Massacres that sully the image of gun owners everywhere, at least in the court of pubic opinion, is counter productive. Splitting a faction with pointlessly divisive bullshit is only going to make that faction weaker.
There was no traction for it in NZ until this happened. There's never traction for it here until something like this happens. This shit is what causes gun bans, it emboldens gun-grabbers and makes Johnny and Janey Public think there's something to their fallacious arguments.
No, it won't. And you'd know that if you got away from Zig Forums and Anglin's blog and interacted with people outside of your sphere.
Fuck off, commie scum.
pistol grips put a semiauto int to a more restricted class in nz
Are you retarded cuckold from muh constitution thread?
>being an (((accelerationist)))
I assume you're referring to
No, I haven't posted in that thread yet. We have IDs so you can do a text search for mine if you don't believe me.
I'm a monarchist capitalist. They want our guns, this doesn't change that fact, it's just an excuse to knee-jerk ban. I don't go to Zig Forums outside of this heroic event happening.
Explain your definition of victory?