i'm sorry america, but a bad thing happened 8,000 miles away. it is time to turn in your firearms
I'm sorry america, but a bad thing happened 8,000 miles away. it is time to turn in your firearms
My thoughts are with the prayers.
My thoughts are with the hero.
The funny thing is they're literally doing what he wanted them to do. He said that he wants gungrabbing laws to accelerate in order to bring about a civil war
I, for one, welcome them taking the bait.
I didn't even realize NZ had such good gun laws until this.
Don't give in Kiwis. Once they're gone they won't let you have them back.
Hey NZ, don't let your country just be a joke about sheep shaggers. Let the fire rise.
Hate to be a fag like this, but do you know if there's a version that isn't letter and pillar-boxed like that?
Wasn't the Orlando shooting an ISIS member whose reasoning
literally was "faggotry is haram"?
Yep, I think they are going for the "neither muslims or whites can be trusted with guns".
I cropped it quick and sloppy
It would be a real shame if some good guy with a gun (I'm talking in a hypothetical minecraft simulation) arrives at the amphitheater kitted out in Brenton gear.
vid unrelated
What other option are they going to do or are capable of, he was really bragging about it because the media and its listeners are beyond cattle.
My thoughts are on other shit because I hate foreigners
How could LOTR even be filmed in New Zealand, considering all the restrictive weapons laws? 10,000 orcs brandishing swords and axes…
Was expecting the mussolini version. See pic related and draw correct conclusions.
Flawless logic. It worked perfectly in the U.K.
So why didn't they call for banning firearms here when muslims killed over a hundred people in France?
Weird, I can't remember which state New Zealand is in.
Oh well what does that matter? Just ban guns!
Because they did so with illegal guns IIRC.
What a shocking revelation!
TO BE FAIR those cuckolds started with that in the fucking twenties. They've been faggots for forever.
America has been at it for almost as long. There were no gun laws here before 1934.
What the, I never expected to see /monarchy/chan on Zig Forums.
Her name is Grace, peasant.
We're Americans here, the crown not only doesn't matter but like all (((government))) it needs regular removal.
Don't let the le mutt and 56'er memes fool you, the UK cucked a long, long time ago. Their entire national identity is centered around being "subjects" of a monarchy and they're governed by hardliner-leftist representatives who see them as nothing more than mass of bodies. What sets the US and the UK (as well as most of Europe) apart is their fall into ruin was just shy of a century ago, with the final nail in the coffin by the very early 1990s…the US is just now entering into the zero sum phase, a phase the UK (and most of Europe) never saw because of their cultural and national histories as subservant subjects and their national embrace of a wholly socialistic governance (save for certain nations who learned valuable lessons under the Soviets). Now, that's not to say any resistance here will be notable, between the Boomers, Millennials, and Gen-Z any rebellion will be minimal. Boomers too comfortable and cucked, Millenials and Gen-Z'ers too cucked by promises of a socialist utopia, leaving a select few to fight. Our fall won't be slow, but it also won't be quick, it'll be a steady march into economic disparity, we'll teeter on the edge, by which point it will be too pointless to even bother with anything or anyone outside a major city-center. We'll simply just fade into obscurity on the world stage, as we regress into federal fifedoms who only leave the safety of their installations and cordoned city areas in force to take what they want or in the cover of darkness to pacify a growing threat.
Hold on, wasn't the Orlando shooter a Muslim? Are gays and the Muslim community now Allies in a healing circle?
Clearly this tragedy demands reparation. Every first born western child must now be a gay muslim
The people in charge are not capable of human emotion. They can only imitate human emotion. They are not capable of empathy. They do not recognize you as a living human being and if they did, they wouldn't care. They cannot relate to you in any way and your lives are worthless to them. Examining their "reasons" is not only pointless, but counterproductive. What's worse, is that the vast majority of our fellow Americans have been taught to imitate them. Brenton did nothing wrong. His circus show trial has begun and will last quite a while. Our fellow Americans™ are not able to differentiate between this and any other TV show, yet they will use it as an opportunity to pretend to be human, as they profess to understand the origin and nature of "their" morality. They just moved him to Max Security. Send in the clowns.
corrected it for you.