Who was Adam?

Can we ever truly know what the progenitor of the human race looked like, or are such details lost to time?

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Get behind me, Satan!

I'm sure through the course of eternity, you'll eventually meet him. Or you could just choose to go and say hello.

My list isn't long, but I'm definitely going to pay the Baptist a visit once or twice.

Not that guy, and maybe my brain is off from exhaustion, but how is that mormon?

They've used images like that one to represent the first couple. Just search "Mormon Adam and Eve," and that picture will be one of the first results. They look like they've stepped out of a modern beauty magazine than any place in the Bible.

The name Adam means to blush red.

I don't believe their appearances are specifically mentioned in the Bible, likely for good reason as to not have a WE WUZ before it became a thing.

I'd imagine they would look distinctly different from any of the races today, if one could mix all the races of man, and the dead men in the likes of homo naledi, australopithecus, and erectus you'd be in a closer ballpark to what Adam and Eve might have resembled.

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The only appearance mentioned is in his name. Whatever he was, he had rosy cheeks.

Taken it further back than a lot of people I've met. Does that apply to specific forms, or just in general?

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I say in general, mostly my opinion comes from a small seminar I watched perhaps half a year ago unedited by I believe Dr. Todd Wood on hominids and he had an interesting theory on a clear separation of humanity and ape was due to facial structure and lengths. Australopithecus made the cut in the more "human" group, pretty interesting stuff.

This meaning a difference between man and ape, just not as broad of a line most people would like to acknowledge.

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Yeah, but critters like afarensis and africanus and all of paranthropus didn't make the cut in those. Only one that was considered related was sediba, and even then he's kinda wondering if something went wrong.

Do you strictly adhere to his conclusions, or just base your ideas upon his?

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You're right, it's a system in infancy and always subject to improvement.

I'm still in the process of self-educating on early history of man and other concepts, so I'd say i'm just basing my ideas on his and what I can get a hold of for myself. When it comes to subjects like the history of Genesis, I've noticed thus far that it's best to sit back and listen to what everyone has to say until you can bring more than enough to the table. Bought "faith reason and earth history 3rd edition" for that reason, pretty good read.

If i'm not mistaken, you're the same user that makes these genesis threads right?

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Well that's always good, gotta keep informed in these rather confusing times.

Interesting, may look into it. Now if I had to recommend something, it'd be Lucy to Language, mainly for giving a more objective look at the fossils themselves and their history. A bit cumbersome due to its size (actually shows life-sized photos of the skulls) and slightly dated (last update was in '06) but well worth it.

Nah, haven't really been around much til that Eddy thread popped up.

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It means red
As in red clay

t. talmudic jew

It is common belief among Fathers that First Adam looked like Second Adam. And we know how Second Adam looks like.

man -haadam
ground - haadamah
Blush have nothing to do with Adam.

Second Adam is pic related.
The color relates to the color of human skin.

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Would adam be in heaven or hell?
He had literally 1 job: just be himself and obey God. He winnie the poohed up so bad every living human being after him was stained with original sin.

Look up the Harrowing of Hell.

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Adam committed but one sin. And he repented for it his whole life. To say otherwise is to be one of Encratites

Shem and Seth were honored among men, and Adam above every living being in the creation.
Wisdom protected the first-formed father of the world, when he alone had been created; she delivered him from his transgression

I used to somewhat accept the idea of evolution, but then I picture jesus talking to apes on judgement day.
kinda stupid, huh?
adam looked like we do. trust me.

Adam was probably more handsome than anyone on this board.

A man was swallowed by a gigantic fish/whale, a donkey was able to speak like a man, and a human witnesses a vision of four-headed four winged angels and flying eldritch wheels. Very little would suprise me.

To be fair, it seems he was dead, and resurrected when it barfed him out at his destination.

Whoooo was he?

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